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  • Continuous Tenses

  • Present Continuous

  • Perfect Tenses Информация 7 Глагол в Present Perfect

  • Perfect

  • Present Perfect

  • Past Perfect

  • Future Perfect

  • Sequence of Tenses

  • Future - in - the Past should ( would )

  • Заключительные задания

  • Text II

  • МУ для основ. разделов граматики (ан.яз). МУ для основ. разделов граматики (ан. Методические указания для обучения основным разделам грамматики английского языка (времена английского глагола в действительном и страдательном залогах)

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    НазваниеМетодические указания для обучения основным разделам грамматики английского языка (времена английского глагола в действительном и страдательном залогах)
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    Participle I (форма на - ing) смыслового глагола (to be + ... ing)

    Спряжение глагола toread в Continuous

    Утвердительная форма

    Вопросительная форма

    Отрицательная форма


    I am


    We are reading



    He is


    Am I


    Are we reading



    Is she


    I am not


    We are not reading



    We is not





    She was

    It reading


    You were




    Was she

    it reading


    Were you




    She was not

    It reading


    You were not



    I shell be



    They reading

    He will be



    Shall I



    they be reading

    Will he




    We shall


    They not be reading

    He will



    Прочитайте текст, укажите все случаи употребления Continuous Tenses.
    I was slowly walking along the street when I met Peter an old friend of mine. “What, Nick? Where are you going?" asked Peter. "I really don't know where I am walking". I replied, shaking hands with Peter. "I was reading for the seminar on philosophy for 3 hours and now I am so tired that I am simply having my rest. Will you join me?" Peter had some free time and was glad to have a talk with me and we went along the street together.
    Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную форму.
    1. The man is waiting for you. 2. The people are hurrying to the stadium to see the football match. 3. We were making an experiment in the laboratory for two hours. 4. The motor was working without troubles all the day. 5. Two boys were sitting on the bench and (were) talking.
    Употребите глагол - сказуемое в форме Present Continuous или Present Indefinite.
    1. Hallo, Peter! What (to do) you now? 2.Oh! Hallo, Nick. I (to read) a very interesting book. 3. Let's (to go) to the cinema. 4. I (to wait) for Victor near the cinema. 5. He (to have) an extra ticket. 6. We usually (to take) my sister Ann with us, but now she (to read) for a seminar. And she (not to like) the films about war.
    Дайте ответы на вопросы, используя глаголы в скобках.
    What are you (they) now

    What is she (he) going

    What were you (they) yesterday

    What was she (he) in the evening
    (to take a rest, to read a newspaper, to write a letter to the friend, to listen to the radio, to watch TV, to learn new English words, to have an English class)
    Переведите на английский язык.
    1. По вечерам я читаю газету. Вчера в 5 часов я читал газету.

    2. В воскресенье мы обычно работаем в саду. Вчера мы работали в саду после обеда.

    3. Обычно я смотрю телевизионные передачи для молодежи. Ребята сейчас смотрят пере­дачу для молодежи.

    4. У нас занятия по английскому языку всегда в аудитории 401. Сейчас аудитории 401 занятия по английскому языку у другой группы.

    5. Что вы делаете по субботам? Что вы делаете в субботу вечером?
    Perfect_Tenses__Информация_7_Глагол_в_Present_Perfect'>Perfect Tenses
    Информация 7
    Глагол в Present Perfect обозначает действие, предшествовавшее моменту речи в настоя­щем и связанного с этим моментом каким - то результатом (появление нового лица, предмета, создание новой ситуации, приобретения опыта и т. д.).

    Образуется to have + Participle II

    Утвердительная форма

    Вопросительная форма

    Отрицательная форма


    You have done it




    She has done it



    Have we done it



    Has he done it




    We have not done it



    She has not done it


    Present Perfect употребляется с обстоятельствами
    to day, this week (month, year), just, already, yet, lately, since.
    Present Perfect не употребляется с обстоятельствами точного времени в прошлом (вчера, на прошлой недели, в 1970 и т. д.).

    Present Perfect не употребляется для выражения ряда последовательных действий, сле­дующих одно за другим: Не entered the room, sat down and started working.

    Глагол Present Perfect переводится на русский язык глаголом прошедшего времени со­вершенного вида, а если действие еще не закончилось, то глаголом в настоящем времени.

    I have finished my work. Я закончил свою работу.

    I have known them since 1980. Я знаю их с 1980 года.
    I. Образуйте перфектный инфинитив следующих глаголов:

    A. Модель: to prepare - to have prepared

    (to open, to visit, to translate, to study, to produce, to look, to increase)

    B. Модель: to meet - to have met

    (to read, to write, to see, to come, to give, to go, to get, to find, to lose, to leave, to break, to bring, to make)
    II. Постройте 10 предложений в Present Perfect, используя глаголы задания I.

    Модель: Не has visited his friend. We have lost your note - book.
    III. Переведите предложения.
    1. What's the time? - Sorry, I have left my watch at home.

    2. I don't see my dictionary on the table. Who has taken it?

    3. Where are the students? They have just left for the library.

    4. Have you heard the news about the work of the expeditions? No, we haven't yet seen the members of the expedition.

    5. My sister has always helped me with my English.

    6. We have read a lot of English books.
    IV. Поставьте следующие предложения: в вопросительную форму (а), в отрицательную форму (б).
    а) 1. You have taken my note - book. 2. Your sister has passed her English examination. 3. Her brother has entered the Moscow University. 4. The teacher has just left the class - room. 5. The stu­dents have just translated the text.

    б) 1. Our dean has come from Moscow (yet). 2. We have written a letter to our friends in the GDR. 3. My friend has changed since I saw him last. 4. She has spoken the meeting today. 5.1 have done my home - work. 6. We have met them (since 1980). 7.1 have studied French (never).
    V. Постройте предложения по образцам, используя слова, данные в скобках.
    1.1 have seen him today.

    (to meet him - lately; to go to the cinema - this week; to go to the country - this month; to read many English books - this summer; to speak about him - today)

    2.1 haven't seen him since 1980.

    (to speak with my friend - since last Sunday; to go to the theatre - since last month; to ski - since last winter; to translate from Russian into English - since I left school; to dance - since summer)

    3. Have you ever been to London? I have never been to London.

    (to Now York, to Paris; to Moscow; to Vladivostok; to Odessa ...)

    4. Who has taken my book?

    (to break the glass; to leave the note - book on the table; to take my pencil; to turn on the light; to take part in the conference; to see the new film, to bring the letter)

    5. Why haven't you done it?

    (to study the material; to learn these rules; to put it in its place; to close the door; to open the window, to switch of the light; to measure the temperature; to connect the elements of the circuit)
    Past Perfect

    Информация 8:

    Глагол в Past Perfect обозначает действие, законченное к определенному моменту в про­шлом или до начала другого действия. Этот момент может быть выражен обстоятельством вре­мени с предлогом by (к) или другим действием, выраженным глаголом в Past Indefinite.
    Образуется had + Participle II

    Утвердительная форма

    Вопросительная форма

    Отрицательная форма




    She had finished

    It it by 5 o’clock




    he finished

    Had she The work

    it When we

    they came?



    We had not

    They finished it

    He by 5 o’clock



    На русский язык глагол в Past Perfect переводится глаголом прошедшего времени совер­шенного вида (сделал, закончил, пришел, принес).

    Не had finished his work by the time you came.

    Он окончил свою работу к тому времени, когда он пришел.
    I. Переведите предложения. Объясните употребление Past Perfect.
    1. You had studied English before you entered the institute. 2. They had arrived at the station by 6 o'clock. 3. Peter had passed all his entrance examinations by the end of August. 4. The teacher had given the students their homework before the bell rang. 5. Ann had translated a number of English ar­ticles on this problem before she could write a report. 6. When we came, Peter had looked through all the rules. 7. By 7 o'clock all the participants of the conference had gathered in a large hall. 8. How many pages had you read by the lesson? 9. You had finished the work by that time yesterday, hadn't you? 10. He had published a number of articles by the time he defended his thesis?
    II. Переведите синтаксический разбор следующих предложений и поставьте вопросы к выде­ленным словам.
    1. The students went home after they had finished their work.

    2. The lectures had begun by the time I entered the room.

    3. By the time we left school we had finished learning Russian literature.

    Future_Perfect'>Future Perfect

    Информация 9:
    Глагол в Future Perfect обозначает действие, которое завершится к определенному мо­менту в будущем или до начала другого действия. Этот момент может быть выражен обстоя­тельством времени с предлогом by (к) или другим действием, выраженным в форме Present In­definite.
    I (we) shall have passed all the examination by the end of August. Я (мы) сдадим все экзамены к концу августа. Не (she, they, you) will have passed the exams by the end of August. Он (она, они, вы) сдадут экзамены к концу августа.
    I. Переведите следующие предложения.
    1. We shall have solved all the problems before they come.

    2. By the end of the next century people, we hope, will have solved the problems of interplanetary travel.

    3. Scientists will have made a number of wonderful discoveries.

    4. By the time you graduate from the institute you will have acquired knowledge both in general educational subjects and in special ones.

    5. We shall have finished our work before you come.

    6. We all shall have become engineers by 2000.
    Sequence of Tenses (согласование времен)
    Информация 10:
    В английском языке в дополнительном предложении время глагола зависит от времени глагола главного предложения.

    Если сказуемое предложения стоит в прошедшем времени, то глагол придаточного пред­ложения стоит в одном из прошедших времен.

    1. Если действие придаточного предложения происходит одновременно с действием глав­ного, то сказуемое придаточного предложения стоит в Past Indefinite (Continuous) и перево­дится на русский язык глаголом в настоящем времени.

    She said (that) she worked at the plant.

    Она сказала, что работает на заводе.

    She said (that) she was writing a latter.

    Она сказала, что пишет письмо.
    2. Если действие придаточного предложения предшествовало действию главного, то гла­гол - сказуемое придаточного предложения стоит в Past Perfect и переводится на русский язык в прошедшем времени.

    She said (that) he had worked at the factory.

    Она сказала, что работает на заводе.
    3. Если действие придаточного предложения последует за действием главного, т. е. со­вершится в будущем, то сказуемое этого предложения стоит в Future - in - the Past should (would) с инфинитивом смыслового глагола без частицы to.

    Не was sure we should come.

    Он был уверен, что мы придем.

    I didn't know they would do it.

    Я не знал, что они сделают это.
    I. Переведите следующие предложения.
    1. Не said it was the very (тот самый) man he was looking for.

    2. I was sure that he would not find out about our trouble.

    3. We have not yet decided who would take part in the conference.

    4. Hellen was not sure that she would be able to come soon.

    5. Nobody knew that he had published a number of articles.

    6. The teacher said that we needed a special dictionary for this translation.
    II. Употребите глаголы в соответствующей форме в следующих предложениях.

    1. I thought that you (to arrive) at some decision. 2. He believed that a fine memory (to be) abso­lutely necessary for that work. 3. They said they (to work) 7 hours a day. 4. He promised that he (to deliver) a lecture in near future. 5. We didn't know that he (to came) late at night. 6. They decided they (to go) to Leningrad next month.

    Заключительные задания
    Переведите текст. Укажите времена глаголов. Переведите.
    Text l

    At a Library
    Today we are going to the speak about reading. We know that some of you come to a library regularly to read, to study, to draw out books for home reading. Others visit it rarely and perhaps there are some who haven't been here at all. What we need is more intensive reading. We cannot overrate the impotent of extra reading. Through reading, a person widens the scope of his knowledge, broadens his outlook upon life. Our library has an exceptionally good stock of books and the library staff is here always at your service to help and guide you in your choice of books. There are many works here that can be helpful in your school studies, and supplement your text - books.

    Just glance round you at the great number of volumes filling the shelves. You will find here books of adventure, your old friends, and the books you haven't yet read - historical novels and tales that open up panoramas of the life and history of other countries and of other times, stories and novels of the war and of the Revolution and, of course, the immortal classics. Come in your spare moments, we are waiting for you.
    Text II
    Rubber - каучук, резина to stretch - растягивать

    to rub - тереть, натирать to retract - сокращаться

    Man had known natural rubber long ago. The word «rubber» had come from its use in rubbing out the marks of a pencil.

    Nowadays, the word rubber has come to mean not a chemical substance, but a type of material can be stretched readily to at last twice its original length (в два раза больше) and which retracts rather rapidly when the strength is released. Scientists had worked out a process for making it soft enough.

    The price of natural rubber had always been high. As early as 1889 a French scientist converted a substance, which he had obtained from natural rubber, into a rubber - like compound from the simplest of hydro - carbons. No doubt, in a certain period of time their production will still have increased. By that time natural rubber will have lost much of its present importance.
    ThePassiveVoice (Страдательный залог)
    Информация I:

    Английский глагол имеет два залога: действительный (the Active Voice) и страдательный (the Passive Voice).

    Глагол в действительном залоге обозначает действие, производимое подлежащим.

    We build many new houses every year.

    Каждый год мы строим много новых домов.
    Глагол в страдательном залоге обозначает действие, которое производится над подлежащим.

    Many new houses are built every year. Каждый год строят много новых домов.
    Информация II:
    Глагол страдательного залога образуется по формуле to be +
    1   2   3   4

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