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А_2019_21.05.04_Шахтное и подземное строительство. Методические указания для самостоятельной работы студентов специальности 21. 05. 04 Foreign language

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1. What do you expect to be covered in the extract? Can you name the main materials used for centuries?
Text 1

All building materials are divided into three main groups: main building materials such as rocks and artificial stones 1, timber and metals; binding materials such as lime, gypsum and cement, secondary building materials, which are used for the interior parts of the buildings. We use main building materials for bearing structures 2. Binding materials are used for making artificial stones and for binding together masonry units 3. For interior finish of the building we use secondary materials.

Natural building materials are stone, sand, lime and timber. Cement, clay products and concrete are examples of artificial building materials.

Timber is referred to the group of the main building materials. It is the most ancient structural material. It is light, cheap and easy to work. But wood has certain disadvantages: it burns and decays 4.

Stone belongs to one of the oldest building materials used by man. It has many properties, such as mechanical strength, compactness, porosity, sound and heat insulation 5 and fire-resistance. The stones, which are usually used for masonry work are granite, sandstone and marble. Granite is very hard, strong and durable. It is used for foundations, columns, steps and for entire facades. Its colour may be gray, yellow, pink or deep red. Sandstone is comparatively easy to cut and shape. It is often used for facing rough walls and for interior decorations. Marble 6, is a crystalline stone chiefly used for decorative purposes. It takes on a high polish.

Bricks were known many thousands of years ago. They are the examples of artificial building materials. Brick is made by pressing clay into blocks and burning them to hardness. Bricks are hard and easily fastened together with the help of mortar. They are produced in a great variety for widely different purposes.


1 artificial stonesэксплуатационные преимущества

2 bearing structures – несущие конструкции

3 masonry units – элемент каменной кладки (блок, кирпич)

4 to decay – гнить; портиться

5 heat insulation – теплоизоляция

6 marble – мрамор
2. Read text 1 for the second time and answer the questions.
1. What main groups are all building materials divided into?

2. What can you say about natural building materials and artificial building materials?

3. Which group is timber referred to?

4. What is often used for facing rough walls and for decorations?

5. What is used for foundations, columns, steps and facades?
Discussion Points

1. Talk to a partner. Discuss all possible problems that can arise with wood, which belongs to naturally growing materials. Start with the passage given below.
It is known that wood is the oldest construction material and is still used for different purposes. Wood is popular since it has low weight and is easy to work. Besides that, it grows naturally and is cheap. But its usage is limited because of its disadvantages…
2. Discuss where glass and plastics are widely used. Then, read the extract given below. What haven’t you mentioned?
Glass and plastics are widely used nowadays in construction of different kinds of buildings. Glass has excellent combination of physical, chemical, and mechanical properties. The outstanding property of glass is its chemical inertness. It is used for constructing doors, walls, roofs, pipelines, etc. Plastics is the name for various derivatives of resin, cellulose, and protein. Nowadays plastics can be applied to almost every branch of building.
3. Read text 2 about metals. Fill in the gaps with appropriate words from the box.

Text 2


ferroussteelcharacteristicsCast ironaluminiumcorrosionframeworknon-ferrous

Metals are divided into (1) _____ metals and (2) _____ metals. Ferrous metals include iron, (3) _____ and its alloys. (4) _____ is the cheapest of the ferrous metals. It is chiefly used in building for compressed members of construction. Steel is used for (5) _____ of buildings, and as reinforcement in modern ferroconcrete structures. Non-ferrous metals have the following (6) _____ : high electric and heat conductivity, high (7) _____ resistance, light weight. The oldest and the best known light metal is (8) _____. It is used in lift bridges, long span roofs, dome roofs, crane jibs, and in other structures.
4. Read the sentences, make them negative and change if needed.
1. The main modern materials include iron, bricks and clay.

2. Plastics are based on the silicon basis.

3. This used to be the most important material in the 19 century.

4. The company built the house only of wood.

5. Limestone belongs to the extrusive rocks.

6. Peat is mined in our neighbourhood.

7. They have already finished the tiling in their bathroom.

8. Metals can be divided into light and heavy.


Reading Activities

1. Can you name the main method used principally for underwater crossing?
2. Read text 1 and try to retell the main points stipulated in the text.
Text 1

The world’s longest and deepest application to date is the twin-tube subway crossing of San Francisco Bay, constructed between 1966 and 1971 with a length of 3.6 miles in a maximum water depth of 135 feet. The 330-foot-long, 48-foot-wide sections were constructed of steel plate and launched by shipbuilding procedures. Each section also had temporary end bulkheads 1 and upper pockets for gravel ballast placed during sinking. After placement of the interior concrete lining at a fitting-out dock, each section was towed to the site and sunk in a trench previously dredged 2 in the mud in the bottom of the bay.

With diver guidance, the initial connection was accomplished by hydraulic-jack-powered couplers 3, similar to those that automatically join railroad cars. By relieving 4 the water pressure within the short compartment between bulkheads at the new joint, the water pressure acting on the forward end of the new section provided a huge force that pushed it into intimate contact with the previously laid tube, compressing the rubber gaskets 5 to provide a watertight seal 6. Following this, the temporary bulkheads were removed on each side of the new joint and interior concrete placed across the connection.


1 bulkheads – защитные дамбы; перемычки

2 to dredge – углублять

3 couplers – соединительные устройства; сцепляющие муфты

4 to relieve – понижать (давление)

5 gaskets – уплотнители

6 watertight seal – водонепроницаемый уплотнитель (шов)
2. Read the text again and answer the following questions.
1. What is the world’s longest and deepest application?

2. What did each section also have for gravel ballast placed during sinking?

3. What are the hydraulic-jack-powered couplers like?

4. What is normally done to provide a watertight seal?
3. Think of the possible techniques to ensure safety of underground works. Then read the abstract below to find out if you were right.
Structural design of underground works is a process that takes into account various aspects that depend on the specific nature of the works. It covers the conception stage – choice of the site, location and orientation, and shape and geometry of eventual cavities; and the calculation stage – determination of structural solutions for achieving a certain performance. A great effort is made to ensure safety of the works, and each step is taken to integrate advances in various fields, like site investigation, hydromechanical characterization, computer modelling techniques, monitoring techniques, theory of structural safety and other theories.

4. Read text 2 to identify the message of the author. After reading the text, try to put the facts in succession and summarize.
Text 2

The use of underground space for engineering systems has been increasing worldwide. Underground geoengineering is characterized by complex, uncertain geology and geomechanics that present challenges that require new techniques to be dealt with. Artificial Intelligence 1 (AI) techniques provide a means to deal with these ever more complex and large data that are generated from the design and construction of these systems.

The application 2 of Data Mining 3 (DM) techniques to deep underground engineering problems is being discussed today. Specifically, DM techniques are used in the evaluation of geomechanical properties parameters in a large underground hydroelectric scheme 4, a very deep underground research laboratory. The models developed showed good accuracy 5 with reality, and have the advantage to allow one to identify the importance of various parameters, as well as, in the case of BN classifiers, the relationship between these variables 6. The wide range of case studies shows, the importance that such AI techniques can play in future underground engineering problems. Novel studies 7 are being developed to identify new strength criteria for rock mass in order to meet the demand of the scientific rock mechanics community.


1 Artificial Intelligence искусственный интеллект

2 application – применение

3 Data Mining – разработка (поиск) данных

4 hydroelectric scheme – гидроэнергетическая система

5 accuracy – точность

6 variables – переменные величины

7 novel studies – инновационные исследования

5. Read text 2 for the second time to answer the questions.

1. What presents challenges that require new techniques today?

2. What do these two letters ‘AI’ stand for?

3. What means do AI techniques provide?

4. What is used in the evaluation of geomechanical properties parameters?

5. In your view, what makes it possible to meet the demand of the scientific rock mechanics community?
6. Match the words from column A to the words from column B to form word combinations.













Data Mining


7. Think of excavation methods, which one can be applied to reduce the explosive charge. Read the abstract below to find out the answer.
In order to reduce the explosive charge required for excavation of a section and control blasting scale, the top heading and bench tunneling method may be adopted. As most of the city tunnels are of the shallow-buried type and the surrounding rock of top heading is weak, the explosive charge required is low (or even manual excavation is possible). After blasting of the top heading, a free face that is helpful for blasting the bench will be formed, so as to reduce the vibration. For hard strata, the bench and top heading method may be reserved for smooth blasting. The cutting is placed at the bottom to increase the distance from the explosive center of the cutting.
Discussion Points

1. Discuss how technologies have influenced the use of underground space.


Reading Activities

1. What do you know about excavation industry?

2. Read text 1 and do the tasks below.
Text 1

The excavation industry is booming and this trend will continue due to the growing world population which is likely to be doubled from 6 billion in the year 2000 to 12 billion at its present growth rate by the year 2040, and also due to changes in the lifestyle, living standards and progressive outlook within countries. To meet this predicted demand, the industry must grow as internationally competitive sector, underpinned by innovations and technology.

The use of underground space in urban areas is becoming increasingly important due to scarcity of land in the densely populated areas and due to environmental concerns. Methods, techniques and equipment are available to excavate a large volume of rocks beneath the surface efficiently. This is the reason that thousands of kilometers of tunnels for transportation (rail, road and water conveyance) and large excavations, which are known as ‘caverns’, are being created for civil works, storage facilities, defense installations, hydro-electric power plants, and recreation facilities.

(by Ratan Raj Tatiya)

1. Match the words from text 1 with the translation.

1) world population

a) густо населенный

2) densely populated

b) ГЭС

3) civil works

c) мировое население

4) underground space

d) складские помещения

5) storage facilities

e) нехватка земель

6) scarcity of land

f) подземное пространство

7) hydro-electric power plant

g) строительные работы (гражданских объектов)

2. Read text 2 for the second time to answer the questions.
1. Why is the excavation industry booming?

2. Why is it important to use underground space?

3. What objects/facilities are created through excavation works?
3. Using vocabulary in the unit and a dictionary, translate the following phrases into Russian.
Конкурентоспособный сектор; поддерживать индустрию; мировое население увеличится вдвое; уровень жизни; городские районы; методы, технологии и оборудование; водоотведение; оборонительные сооружения; рекреационные зоны.
4. Read text 2 paying attention to the words in bold.
Text 2

The meaning of the word ‘excavate’ is to dislodge the rock massif 1 from its original place (in-situ). This involves two operations: digging the ground and its disposal, as a result creating openings or excavations of different sizes, shapes and configurations at the desired location. The location could be within an urban area 2 or in the countryside and even sometimes within bodies of water. It could commence at, above or below the ground level and extend in any direction: horizontal, inclined, vertically up or down.

Broadly, based on locale, the excavations 3 can be grouped into two main classes: 1. surface excavations. 2. subsurface or underground excavations. At both these locales excavations are required principally for the following two purposes: a. Excavations necessary to exploit 4 minerals (i.e. mining excavations). b. Excavations necessary to build structures including tunnels (civil excavations).

There are two locales where subsurface openings or tunnels are driven. The first category includes those tunnels or openings, which serve for passage to rails, roads, navigation, pedestrian use etc. and also for conveyance of water and that serve as sewerage 5. These tunnels, constructed for civil works and built to have a very long life, need to be very safe with regard to their stability, ventilation, illumination and risks of getting flooded etc.

The second category of tunnels or openings is for the purpose of exploring and exploiting mineral deposits 6, which are deep-laying 7, and cannot be mined by surface mining methods. These tunnels are small in size (cross section) but during the life of a mine, their lengths might extend greatly. For example, Mount Isa Mines, which is largest copper, silver and zinc producing company in Australia, owns 975 km of underground openings (tunnels, raises and shafts).

(adapted from Ratan Raj Tatiya)
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