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А_2019_21.05.04_Шахтное и подземное строительство. Методические указания для самостоятельной работы студентов специальности 21. 05. 04 Foreign language

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1 rock massifмассив горной породы

2 urban area – городская территория

3 excavations – выемка, экскавация

4 exploit– разрабатывать (месторождение)

5 sewerage – канализационная система

6 mineral deposits – месторождение полезных ископаемых

7 deep-laying – глубокозалегающий
5. Read text 2 for the second time to answer the questions.
1. What types of excavation can you name?

2. Where and why are excavations necessary?

3. What is civil excavation used for?

4. What is mining excavation used for?
6. Transform the verbs into nouns using suffixes -ion, -tion, -al.















7. Read text 2 again and find synonyms to the following words.
Displace, position, civic, rural, underground, to mine, transference, sanitary piping, increase, prospecting, lighting.
8. Translate the following sentences into Russian using the passive voice.
1. Жителям городских территорий предлагается переехать в сельские районы. 2. Недавно в Забайкальском крае обнаружено глубокозалегающее месторождение. 3. Образец был взят из массива горной породы. 4. На данный момент месторождение разрабатывается другим предприятием. 5. В жилых помещениях канализационная система используется для отвода сточных вод. 6. Для освещения тоннеля подведены специальные провода.
Discussion Points
Imagine you are in a team of engineers designing an underground hydro power plant. Discuss its advantages over the surface hydro power plant and stipulate some possible problems.

Reading Activities

1. What do you know about health and safety in construction area?

2. Explain the notion ‘safety risk management’.

3. Read text 1 and do the tasks below.
Text 1


Underground construction is in a great demand in many civil and infrastructure projects all over the world, such as metro and hydropower projects. In the last decade, tunnel construction has presented a powerful momentum for rapid economic development. However, violations of safety rules 1 occur frequently in tunnel construction, resulting in serious problems. On 6 July 2010, a tunnel collapse took place in Prague, Czech Republic, causing a 15-m-wide subsidence 2 on the ground surface. On 23 August 2012, water leakage in metro line caused chaos in Warsaw, Poland. Water flooded into the tunnel at the planned power station, causing considerable transportation problems in the already gridlocked city.

Nowadays there are many problems with regard to the cost and safety risk management in the underground construction. In general, there arises a public concern that underground construction may cause ground distortion3, which may affect the safety of surface buildings and road traffics, and lead to unacceptable damages.

The causes for most accidents are similar in nature, including poor technologies, management and performance on hazard rectification 4.

The objective causes for accidents in the tunnel engineering include adverse hydrogeological conditions, groundwater or heavy rainfall, and soft soil layers 5. Collapse 6 is the most dominant accident type in the tunnel engineering, accounting for 60% of the total accident records. For example, on 15 November 2008, a fatal tunnel collapse occurred one year after construction of Hangzhou metro, resulting in 12 lives loss.

This is the reason why governments of different countries as well as international organizations are developing various solutions. There have already been issued numerous guidelines of risk management for construction of underground works. Moreover, engineering companies develop systems intended to predict structural and environmental instability risks, which are frequently encountered in underground construction.

Still there is a strong need for the new strategies safety risk management 6 in underground construction in such aspects as the management system and policy, the legal, administrative, economic, educational and technical countermeasures.

(Adapted from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/305616651)

1 safety rules – правила техники безопасности

2 subsidence – оседание грунта

3 ground distortion – деформация грунта

4 hazard rectification – устранение опасных факторов

5 soft soil layersмягкий слой грунта

6 collapse – обрушение

7 safety risk management – меры по предотвращению угрозы производственной безопасности
4. Match the words from column A to the words from column B to form word combinations.















5. Find the English equivalents in text 1.
Растет общественная обеспокоенность; востребованный в гражданском строительстве; проект строительства гидроэлектростанции; стремительное развитие экономики; обрушение тоннеля; протечка воды; транспортный коллапс в городе; безопасность наземных сооружений; дорожное движение; строительство туннелей; неудовлетворительные технологии, уровень организации и исполнения; неблагоприятные гидрогеологические условия; грунтовые воды и сильные ливни; разрабатывать различные решения; издавать руководство; нестабильные условия окружающей среды; профилактические меры.
6. Turn two sentences into one using non-finite verb form. Translate sentences into Russian.
1. Violations of safety rules occur frequently in tunnel construction. This results in serious problems. 2. In 2010 a tunnel collapsed in Prague. That collapse caused a 15-m-wide subsidence the ground surface. 3. Collapse is the most dominant accident type in the tunnel engineering. It accounts for 60% of the total accident records. 4. Water flooded the tunnel. The tunnel was built for the power station. 5. The collapse caused considerable transportation problems in the city. The city had already been gridlocked. 6. Engineering companies develop various systems. These systems are intended to predict structural and environmental instability risks. 7. Students had a great opportunity. They visited the best laboratory. 8. He can join our construction team. I don’t mind.
7. Read text 1 again and answer the questions.
1. What are the possible consequences of the safety rules violations?

2. What are the basic reasons of accidents during tunnel engineering?

3. What measures are taken to prevent accidents in underground construction?
8. Read text 2, fill in the gaps with the appropriate words from the box.

Text 2

integral disasters nature achieved rain warming productivity ozone


Such hazards as fires, explosions, inundation, and other accidents or ___________ are often associated with the excavation activities. All these are detrimental both to the human’s health and to the ___________. Growing health-problems of the world’s citizens and global issues such as acid _________, __________ depletion, photochemical smog, acid drainage and global ___________ prove this fact.

Productivity brings excellence to the production. However, both cannot be __________ if safety is jeopardized, pollution is at its peak, workers’ health is not looked after. Thus, Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) must be considered a critical business activity on a par with production and ___________.

There is no doubt that minimizing losses of various kinds should be among top priorities. As such loss prevention strategy should be an __________ part of the procedure of running mines and tunnelling projects effectively.

(adapted from Ratan Raj Tatiya)
9. Explain the meaning of the following terms from the text in English. Find Russian equivalents.
Global issues; acid rain; ozone depletion; photochemical smog; acid drainage; global warming; production and productivity; Health, Safety and Environment (HSE); to be on a par with; loss prevention; to run a mine.

10. Match the words from column A to the words from column B to form word combinations.















Discussion Points

1. Talk to a partner. Discuss how Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) is performed in Russia.

2. Suggest some solutions for safety risk management in underground construction industry.

In this section, you will find some additional texts and articles on the topics of the corresponding units included in the manual. They can be used either as an additional classroom material for the unit, home reading, or as an extra reading activity for the advanced learners in the group.


Cement bonded composites are an important class of construction material. These products are made of hydrated cement paste that binds wood or alike particles or fibers to make precast building components. Various fibrous materials including paper and fiberglass have been used as binders.

Wood and natural fibres are composed of various soluble organic compounds like carbohydrates, glycosides and phenolics. These compounds are known to retard cement setting. Therefore, before using a wood in making cement boned composites, its compatibility with cement is assessed.

Wood-cement compatibility is the ratio of a parameter related to the property of a wood-cement composite to that of a neat cement paste. The compatibility is often expressed as a percentage value.

To determine wood-cement compatibility, methods based on different properties are used, such as, hydration characteristics, strength, interfacial bond and morphology.

Various methods are used by researchers such as the measurement of hydration characteristics of a cement-aggregate mix; the comparison of the mechanical properties of cement-aggregate mixes and the visual assessment of microstructural properties of the wood-cement mixes.

It has been found that the hydration test by measuring the change in hydration temperature with time is the most convenient method. Recently, Karade et al. have reviewed these methods of compatibility assessment and suggested a method based on the ‘maturity concept’ i.e. taking in consideration both time and temperature of cement hydration reaction.

(From https://theconstructor.org/building/types-of-building-materials-construction/699/)


At its most basic, a tunnel is a tube hollowed through soil or stone. Constructing a tunnel, however, is one of the most complex challenges in the field of civil engineering.

It is found that the first tunnel was made by the Egyptians and the Babylonians, 4000 years ago. This tunnel served the purpose of connecting two buildings in Babylon. The connection was from the royal palace to the temple. The length of this tunnel was found to be 910m, which was brick lined.

Many tunnels are considered technological masterpieces and governments have honored tunnel engineers as heroes. That’s not to say, of course, that some tunnel projects haven’t encountered major setbacks. The Tunnel Project (the ‘Big Dig’) in Boston was plagued by massive cost overruns, allegations of corruption, and a partial ceiling collapse that resulted in a fatality. But these challenges haven’t stopped engineers from dreaming up even bigger and bolder ideas, such as building a Transatlantic Tunnel to connect New York with London.

A tunnel is a horizontal passageway located underground. While erosion and other forces of nature can form tunnels, in this article we'll talk about man made tunnels – tunnels created by the process of excavation. There are many different ways to excavate a tunnel, including manual labor, explosives, rapid heating and cooling, tunneling machinery or a combination of these methods. Some structures may require excavation similar to tunnel excavation, but are not actually tunnels. Shafts, for example, are often hand-dug or dug with boring equipment. But unlike tunnels, shafts are vertical and shorter. Often, shafts are built either as part of a tunnel project to analyze the rock or soil, or in tunnel construction to provide headings, or locations, from which a tunnel can be excavated.

(From “How tunnels work” by William Harris)


Before a mine is even built it takes many years to survey lands to determine their viability of producing required minerals and rocks. The environment needs to be analysed to determine the state of health, plans need to be created to limit the impact of mining, and strategies are thought out to mitigate any impacts. Then a post-mine plan is created for re-establishing the environment. Both surface water and groundwater in the surrounding areas or within a mine needs to be protected to ensure save consumption and prevent contamination. Mining companies are environmentally responsible for their actions and planned activities.

Only once the above procedures are planned for can a company apply for the necessary permits to mine the land. This again can take many years and can become quite costly. If the company receives approval to proceed with the mining construction, further preliminary procedures need to be followed before the actual mine can be built. The designated land area needs to be prepared for the construction site. Preparation includes the removal or stripping of vegetation, rocks and mountainous terrains, and any previous buildings or structures. Any wildlife or protected plant species need to be relocated and top soils can be stored for future use. Once the land is cleared fencing is erected and new carriageways need to be built. This includes railway lines, roads and bridges. Workers camps or ‘mining towns’ need to be built to house the workers. The size will be dependent on the expected size of the mine and the number of workers needed. Sewage, water systems and sediment traps will also need to be built.

(From http://www.miningoilgasjobs.com.au/construction/all-you-need-to-know/mining)
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