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  • А_2019_21.05.04_Шахтное и подземное строительство. Методические указания для самостоятельной работы студентов специальности 21. 05. 04 Foreign language

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    TEXT 4.

    Waterproofing and ground moisture insulation – protects the building against atmospheric moisture, rainwater, surface and ground water and ground moisture. Bitumen and foils based on plastics are used for waterproofing insulations. The group of bitumens is bitumen in a form of suspensions, emulsions, paints, sealants, coatings and asphalt insulating strips. Waterproofing membranes are most commonly made of PVC and polyethylene. The category also includes protection against radon.

    Thermal insulation materials ensure thermal comfort in buildings, protects buildings against heat loss, prevents the precipitation of water vapour on the surface or inside structures, but also prevents excessive heating of building space. Thermal insulation materials can be divided into fiber – mineral, glass and basalt wool; shaped – products of diatomaceous earth and cork products of cellular plastics; loose – expanded perlite or vermiculite, cork.

    Sound insulation – is represented by the sound insulating material. It is crucial if we want to soften the sound which spreads in the building structures, or if it is necessary, to solve the audibility and intelligibility in the space. Soft fibrous material and porous materials (the same as for the thermal insulation), as well as metal siding and plastic foils, are used. Insulations against shock also belong into the sound insulation.


    TEXT 5.

    Concrete is a mixture of aggregate, cement, water and additives. The filler in concrete comprises a mixture of small and coarse aggregates (sand, gravel) and a binder is cement (type and amount depend on the nature of the concrete). Water for concrete production is divided into the mixing and treatment. Additives in concrete affect workability, properties and solidification process and hardening of concrete. Concrete is used for monolithic structures – casting of concrete directly into the formwork at the construction site, but also for the production of prefabricated elements. Like mortars, concrete is usually produced in the central concrete factories and is transported via truck mixers or truck mixers. Only in individual constructions, mixers are used.

    Concretes are classified according to the nature into simple concretes (without reinforcement), reinforced concrete (steel reinforced), pre-stressed (pre-stressed reinforcement), light (concrete spotty-coarse aggregate fraction, lightweight concrete. Lightweight concrete has porous fillers such as perlite or expanded clay, lightweight aerated concrete - the creation of pores in the mass by using additives) and special concrete (vacuum concrete, architectural, heavy, fireproof and heat resistant).

    Concrete products for construction are masonry units – blocks and ceiling elements – boards, panels, beams and fittings, as well as floor tiles, wall tiles, chimney fittings, stair treads, etc.


    TEXT 6.

    Unexpectedly rapid increases in urbanization throughout the world, especially since World War II, have brought many problems, including congestion, air pollution, loss of scarce surface area for vehicular ways, and major traffic disruption during their construction. Some cities relying principally on auto transport have even found that nearly two-thirds of their central land area is devoted to vehicular service (freeways, streets, and parking facilities), leaving only one-third of the surface space for productive or recreational use. During the past decade there has been a growing awareness that this situation could be alleviated by underground placement of a large number of facilities that do not need to be on the surface, such as rapid transit, parking, utilities, sewage and water-treatment plants, fluid storage, warehouses, and light manufacturing. The overriding deterrent, however, has been the greater cost underground. Hence planners have rarely dared to propose underground construction except where the surface alternate was widely recognized as intolerable. Underground construction in urban areas has, thus, generally been limited to situations without a viable surface alternate; as a result, additional increases in surface construction have further aggravated the problem. At the same time, the low volume of underground construction has provided insufficient incentive for the development of innovative technology.


    TEXT 7.

    The mining industry has been the primary constructor of shafts, because at many locations these are essential for access to ore, for ventilation, and for material transport. Depths of several thousand feet are common. In public-works projects, such as sewer tunnels, shafts are usually only a few hundred feet deep and because of their high cost are avoided in the design stage wherever practical. Shallower shafts find many uses, however, for penstocks and access to underground hydroplants, for dropping aqueduct tunnels beneath rivers, for missile silos, and for oil and liquefied-gas storage. Being essentially vertical tunnels, shafts involve the same problems of different types of ground and water conditions but on an aggravated scale, since vertical transport makes the operation slower, more costly, and even more congested than with horizontal tunneling. Except when there is a high horizontal geostress in rock, the loading on a shaft support is generally less than for a tunnel. Inflowing water, however, is far more dangerous during construction and generally intolerable during operation. Hence, most shafts are concrete-lined and waterproofed, and the lining installation usually follows only a short distance behind excavation. The shape is usually circular, although, before current mechanized excavation methods, mining shafts were frequently rectangular. Shafts may be sunk from the surface (or drilled in smaller sizes), or, if an existing tunnel provides access, they may be raised from below.


    TEXT 8.

    Underground geoengineering is characterized by complex, uncertain geology and geomechanics that present challenges and require new tecniques to be dealt with. Problems are mainly related to heavy overburden which causes high levels of stresses and temperatures leading to a difficult geological environment that requires complex engineering design. Special cases of the use of the deep underground are related to petroleum engineering, nuclear waste disposal, storage of products and energy, storage of CO2, geothermal energy, and these pose specific problems due to the environmental consequences they may have in case of failure.


    TEXT 9.

    Underground construction is essential in the mass transportation systems that move millions of urban commuters in cities every day. It also plays a role in protecting and securing structures against natural disasters, as well as supporting water quality with underground systems for wastewater control.

    In every corner of the globe, ambitious, multi-million dollar projects are actively underway. Innovative new technologies, equipment and tools have made it easier than ever before to take on massive jobs without disturbing life above ground. The demand for underground construction engineers is unprecedented as the current labor force begins to age out of the workplace. Areas of opportunity include several specialties, such as:

    Mining projects are happening around the world as the search for new deposits of valuable materials increases. From iron ore to copper and silver, the earth still holds unexplored pockets of opportunity, primarily in developing nations in South America and Asia. Technological advancements in mining equipment are helping companies drill ever-deeper caves, at a faster pace. Other developments in concrete and concrete admixture are also available to improve safety along with speed, thanks to advanced applications for backfilling, anchoring, and shielding.


    1. Английский язык для студентов строительных специальностей. – Learning Building Construction in English: учебное пособие / С.И. Гарагуля. – Ростов н/Д: Феникс, 2013. – 347 с.

    2. Английский язык для студентов строительных специальностей. Сост. Л.С. Воронова, А.Ю. Маевская. – СПб., 2014. – 60 с.

    3. Мюллер В. К. Англо-русский и русско-английский словарь:150000 слов и выражений. М.: Эксмо, 2009. – 1200 с.

    4. Ratan Raj Tatiya, Surface and Underground Excavations – Methods, Techniques and Equipment, 2nd Edition. / Ratan Raj Tatiya. – London, UK: Taylor & Francis Group, 2013. – 846 p.

    1. Basics of underground construction [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: https://graduatedegrees.online.njit.edu/resources/msce/msce-articles/basics-of-underground-construction/

    2. Building Construction [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: https://www.britannica.com/technology/building-construction

    3. Future trends in underground construction. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: https://www.britannica.com/technology/tunnel/Future-trends-in-underground-construction

    4. How tunnels work [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: https://science.howstuffworks.com/engineering/structural/tunnel.htm

    5. Key Techniques of underground engineering [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: https://www.springer.com/9789811030109-c2.pdf/

    6. Safety risk management of underground engineering in China:

    Progress, challenges and strategies [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: http://www.rockgeotech.org/qikan/manage/wenzhang/20160401.pdf

    6. Types of building materials. [Электронный ресурс]. Режим доступа: https://theconstructor.org/building/types-of-building-materials-construction/699/

    UNIT 1. Construction: ideas, buildings, design …………………..…


    UNIT 2. Building materials. Properties and uses in construction…....


    UNIT 3. Deep underground engineering..............................................


    UNIT 4. Underground excavation industry.........................................


    UNIT 5. Health, safety and environment.............................................


    Appendix. Additional texts for professional reading...........................


    Библиографический список...............................................................


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