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  • II. Find the sentences with the words from the vocabulary and ask questions to them. III. Read and translate the following text

  • Lesson 9 Australia /

  • Методические указания для студентов 1 курсов всех направлений и институтов астрахань 2016 Автор старший преподаватель кафедры Иностранные языки в инженернотехническом образовании

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    Lesson 8. New Zealand / НоваяЗеландия

    I. Read and translate the following words:

    descent = herkomst/opphav

    native = innfødt/innfødd

    commonly = vanlig/vanleg

    dairy = meieri

    trade = handel

    agriculture = jordbruk

    extinction = utslettelse/bli utsletta

    hunting = jakt

    weasel = røyskatt

    reserves = reservater/reservat

    pests = skadedyr

    rodent = gnager/gnagar

    endangered = truet/trua

    rude = uhøflig/uhøfleg

    nibble = småbite

    II. Find the sentences with the words from the vocabulary and ask questions to them.
    III. Read and translate the following text:

    The population of New Zealand is 4.3 million and is mostly people of European descent; the native Māori are the largest minority. The most commonly spoken language is English. Maori is also an official language. New Zealand is considered one of  the world's best places to live.
      1. Geographically Isolated

    New Zealand

    New Zealand is isolated, geographically. It is about 2000 km southeast of Australia, across the Tasman Sea, its closest neighbours are: New Caledonia, Fiji and Tonga. The capital city of New Zealand is Wellington, though most people are more familiar with Auckland, which is the largest city.
      1. Building an Economy

    Economically, New Zealand is now better off than in the 1970s and 1980s. Earlier, New Zealand exported a lot of meat and dairy products to Britain. When Britain joined the European Union in the 1970s, part of the deal was that Britain should import from the other EU countries. This was bad news economically for New Zealand.

    Many people left New Zealand to settle in Australia, so political changes were made to help the situation. Now things look better. Agriculture continues to be the main export industry in New Zealand, and in 2007 a New Zealand dairy cooperative controlled almost one-third of the international dairy trade. Other export items of New Zealand are meat, wood, fruit and fish. New Zealand also has a good wine industry.

      1. Tourism

    Tourism plays an important role in New Zealand’s economy. About two million tourists visit every year. New Zealand is marketed as a "clean, green" adventure playground, with typical destinations being nature areas such as Milford Sound and the Tongariro Alpine Crossing, while activities such as bungee jumping or whale watching are typical tourist attractions.

      1. Fragile Wildlife

    New Zealand has amazing nature and wildlife. However, the country has suffered a lot of wildlife extinctions. This is because of human activities like hunting and importing non-native animals, such as weasels, cats, goats and deer.

    Several islands are now wildlife reserves, where common pests such as possums and rodents have been removed to allow the reintroduction of endangered species.
      1. Watch Out for the Kea Parrot

    On the brighter side, the Kea Parrot of New Zealand is alive and well and is probably the rudest bird on earth! It is not afraid of humans, and nibbles at car’s tires or windshield wipers, or even people's fingers, if it gets close enough.

    IV. Ask as many questions as possible to this text.

    V. Tell what information have you known from this text.

    Additional Tasks

    What Do You Know About New Zealand?

    Find Out

    1. New Zealanders are often called Kiwis. Search the Internet and find out why.

    2. Today, Aotearoa (the land of the long white cloud) is the Maori name usually used for New Zealand. The Māori also referred to the North Island as Te Ika a Māui ("the fish of Māui") and the South Island as Te Waka a Maui (the canoe of Maui). The South island can also be called Te Wai Pounamu ("the waters of greenstone") or Te Waka o Aoraki ("the canoe of Aoraki"). Search the Internet and find the story behind one of these names.


    Tourist Advertisement

    Make a brochure or advertisement for New Zealand to lure tourists to these beautiful islands. Watch New Zealand a Dream. Base your information on what you can see in this video, or find your own information.



    Watch the YouTube video in the introduction once more, and write a letter back home or an entry in a travel blog based on what this guy experiences. Find a suitable title and time span.
    Lesson 9 Australia / Австралия
    I. Read and translate the following words:













    II. Find the sentences with the words from the vocabulary and ask questions to them.
    III. Read and translate the following text:
    1   2   3   4   5   6   7

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