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  • II. Vocabulary practice exercises 1. Find synonyms to the following words and word combinations. Useyour active vocabulary.

  • 2. Find antonyms to the following words and word combinations. Useyour active vocabulary.

  • 3. Insert prepositions where necessary.

  • 4. Fill in the gaps using your active vocabulary.

  • 5. Give definitions to the following words and word-combinations

  • III. Speech practice exercises 1. Agree or disagree with these statements. Give true information about yourself.

  • 2. Read these micro-dialogues. Reproduce them. Make up your own ones.

  • 3. Read and translate the text. A Student in Economics

  • I can luck through on my finals".

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    Prepare а 2-3 minutes' talk on the following topics or discuss these topics in a group of 2-3 students

    1. How do you understand "a typical family"?

    2. Advantages and disadvantages of being an only child.

    3. Problems of young families.

    4. Problems of large families.

    5. Advantages and disadvantages of living with parents or living separately.

    6. Are there any special traditions in your family?

    7. Do you keep in touch with your aunts, uncles, cousins, in-laws, grandpa­rents?

    8. Would you like your own family to be like your parents'?

    9. Do you know any interesting stories about your family's history?

    10. Do you know anything about your ancestors?


    UNIT3 I. Text. Our University

    Hello again! Now let me tell you about my university - Far Eastern State Transportation University. I am really glad to study here. It is one of the best country's higher educational institutions.

    Our University is quite large and old. It was founded in 1939 as Khabarovsk Railway Engineering Institute. In those days the institute had only 3 faculties: the Mechanical, the Railway Engineering and the Operational faculties. Since that time the institute has undergone many structural changes and grown into a large modern institution of higher learning. In 1977 it received a university sta­tus.

    The university is well known for its high standards of education and re­search. It trains competent and creative specialists for different branches of en­gineering, transportation and economy of our country.

    Our university is a large school where about 15 thousand students study currently. Most of them are full-time students, like me; there are also many part-time and extra-mural students. Besides, there are many post-graduate students, who carry out independent research work and conduct classes or deliver lec­tures as well.

    Every year about 2 thousand people are enrolled in the university. Young people who are interested in science and technology may enter the Institute of Traction and Rolling Stock, the Institute of Operation, Automation and Telecom­munication, the Institute of Transport and Civil Engineering, the Power Engineer­ing Institute, the Faculty of Natural Sciences, the Aeronautical Engineering Facul­ty. The Institute of Economics trains economists, accountants and other special­ists in finance, management and commerce. The Humanitarian Faculty prepares specialists in social service, psychology, tourism management.

    The course of training at the university lasts 5-6 years. The academic year is 9 months or 2 semesters of 4 and a half months each. Studies usually be­gin in September and end in June. Students take exams at the end of each semester. Twice a year students have vacations.

    During the first two years the students study general engineering subjects, such as higher mathematics, physics, chemistry, basics of computer engineer­ing, social sciences and the humanities. In the third year the students begin to take specialized courses. Great importance is given to practical training. Stu­dents work in well-equipped laboratories and shops, computer centres of the university and in the fourth and fifth years they work at railway and industrial en­terprises of the Khabarovsk Territory.

    More than 600 highly-qualified professors and instructors work at 50 de­partments of the university. Teaching is only part of their activity; they are in-


    volved in scientific work. Gifted students also take part in research activities un­der their tutors' guidance.

    Our university covers a large territory. On the campus there are three build­ings for classes, six hostels, sport facilities, residential houses for teachers, a cafeteria and a polyclinic for teachers and students, a club house.

    Higher education is not free now. Most of the students have to pay for their tuition. Those students, who pass their entrance examinations well, study free of charge.

    It's very interesting to study at the university. You have a chance not only to get a higher education but also to make a lot of friends and develop your special talents.

    Active vocabulary

    1. education - образование

    secondary education - среднее образование higher education - высшее образование vocational training - профессионально-техническое образование

    2. higher educational institution, institution of higher learning - высшее
    учебное заведение

    1. found (establish, set up ) a university - основать университет

    2. research - исследование, научно-исследовательская работа research activities - научная деятельность

    3. train - учить, обучать, готовить (специалистов)

    4. teach somebody - учить, обучать кого-либо

    teach something - учить чему-либо, преподавать что-либо

    7. learn - учиться, учить что-либо, узнавать (= to find out)
    learn by heart - учить наизусть

    learn by rote - зубрить

    8. study - изучать, заниматься, учиться

    study for an examination - готовиться к экзамену syn.: sit for an examination,

    read for an examination

    revise for an examination

    9. study hard -упорно, напряженно учиться

    study by fits and starts - учиться урывками, нерегулярно

    10. full-time student - студент, занимающийся на дневном отделении
    part-time student - студент, занимающийся без отрыва от производ­

    1. apply for admission - подавать заявление о приеме

    2. applicant-абитуриент

    3. get enrolled (in) = to be enrolled (in) - быть зачисленным (в)

    4. be admitted = be accepted (at) - быть принятым

    5. be expelled from = be dismissed from - быть отчисленным (из)


    1. enter the university - поступить в университет

    2. entrance exams - вступительные экзамены, entrance requirements-требования при поступлении

    3. academic year-учебный год

    4. semester = term - семестр

    5. take (have) an exam - сдавать экзамен

    1. pass an exam = get through, do well in - сдать экзамен

    2. fail in an exam - не сдать экзамен

    1. attend classes - посещать занятия miss classes - пропускать занятия

    1. fall behind - отставать от (в учебе)

    catch up with - догонять кого-либо в учебе

    1. vacation- каникулы

    2. subject- предмет, (учебная) дисциплина

    general engineering subjects - общетехнические предметы social subjects (sciences) - обществоведение (экономика, социоло­гия, психология, политическая география)

    (the) humanities - гуманитарные науки natural sciences - естественные науки

    1. gifted (talented, capable) student-талантливый (способный) студент

    2. campus - территория университета

    on the campus - на территории университета

    1. hostel = hall of residence ( Br.E.) - общежитие dormitory = dorm (Am.E.) - общежитие

    2. tuition = teaching - обучение, плата за обучение tuition fee - плата за обучение

    1. free (of charge) - бесплатно

    2. first (second, third )- year student - первокурсник (второкурсник, )

    1. graduate from university - заканчивать университет graduate - выпускник высшего учебного заведения

    1. time-table = schedule - расписание

    2. credit-зачет

    3. methods of teaching - методы преподавания

    4. classroom - аудитория

    5. lecture hall - лекционный зал

    6. well-equipped laboratory - хорошо оборудованная лаборатория

    7. course of studies - курс обучения

    8. department, chair- кафедра

    9. head (chief) of a department - зав. кафедрой

    10. dean - декан (факультета)

    11. Rector- ректор (университета)

    12. teaching staff- штат преподавателей

    13. undergraduate student - студент 1 - 5 курсов


    1. (post)-graduate student- магистрант, аспирант

    2. correspondence student = extra-mural student - студент-заочник

    3. freshman (Am.E.) - первокурсник sophomore (Am.E.) - второкурсник

    junior (Am.E.) - студент предпоследнего курса senior (Am.E.) - студент последнего курса

    50. curriculum -учебный план

    Comprehension questions

    1. What university do you study at?

    2. When was it founded?

    3. What are the oldest faculties of our university?

    4. How many students study at the university?

    5. Do only full-time students study here?

    6. What institute or faculty do you study at?

    7. How long does training last?

    8. How many semesters are there in the academic year?

    9. How often do students take exams?

    1. Do they have any vacation?

    2. What subjects do the first and second-year students study?

    12. When do students begin to take specialized lectures and practical

    1. Where do students get practical training?

    2. Can students take part in research activities?

    3. What facilities are located on the campus?

    4. Do all students pay for their education?

    II. Vocabulary practice exercises

    1. Find synonyms to the following words and word combinations. Use
    your active vocabulary.

    found a university, sit for an exam, be enrolled in the university, take an ex­am, pass an exam, gifted student, hostel, tuition, time-table, extra-mural stu­dent, graduate student, higher educational institution, train a specialist, be ex­pelled from the university

    2. Find antonyms to the following words and word combinations. Use
    your active vocabulary.

    full-time student, pass an exam, attend classes, fall behind, engineering subjects, undergraduate students, enter the university, a graduate, be enrolled in the university, study hard, final exams


    3. Insert prepositions where necessary.

    1. Our university is well-known high standards of education.

    2. The university was set nearly 70 years ago.

    3. I've managed to get entrance exams successfully.

    4. I've been enrolled the university this summer.

    5. Unfortunately my friend failed entrance exams.

    6. The academic year consists two semesters.

    7. I'm interested natural sciences.

    8. The students have the longest vacation summer.

    9. The academic year begins September and ends June.

    1. The students study general engineering subjects the first and second years.

    2. Special attention is paid practical training.

    3. Both teachers and students are involved research work.

    4. There are sports facilities the campus.

    5. I'll graduate the university five years.

    6. Those who want to enter the university must apply admission and pass entrance exams successfully.

    4. Fill in the gaps using your active vocabulary.

    1. Revising for the exam I have to learn some formulae and definitions

    2. I can't say he is a studious student, he studies

    3. He missed a lot of classes in physics and fell behind other students. He must try to

    4. Many students can't go to university free of charge, they must pay

    5. Economics, sociology, psychology are subjects.

    6. Physics, higher mathematics, strength of materials, elements of machines are subjects.

    7. If you forget the number of your classroom you should look at

    8. In American colleges and universities the students in the first year are called , and then , and

    9. The of Foreign Languages is one the oldest one at our university.

    10. The graduates of the Institute of deal with the design of buildings,
    bridges, tunnels and other structures.

    11. trains engineers who design and operate systems for generating,
    transmitting and distributing electric power.

    12. If you want to be a computer engineer you should enter

    5. Give definitions to the following words and word-combinations:

    full-time student, part-time student, applicant, academic year, semester, va­cation, campus, hall of residence, tuition fee, dean, Rector, undergraduate stu­dent, (post)graduate student, extra-mural student, curriculum.


    III. Speech practice exercises

    1. Agree or disagree with these statements. Give true information about yourself.

    1. I'm a second-year part-time student of Far Eastern State Transportation University,

    2. Our university is 100 years old.

    3. Our university is a large modern higher education institution.

    4. Our university trains specialists in medicine and pharmacology.

    5. I study at the Institute of Economics; I'm going to become a specialist in finance.

    6. I've passed my entrance exams successfully.

    7. I am not going to miss classes.

    8. I'm good at natural sciences.

    9. I don't pay tuition fee; I study free of charge.

    1. There are 10 hostels and three buildings for classes on the campus.

    2. There are a lot of well-equipped laboratories, workshops and computer centres in the university.

    3. The university curriculum is very complicated.

    4. I find it very easy to study at the university.

    5. We have vacation at the end of each semester.

    6. If you don't pass your exams you may be expelled from the university.

    2. Read these micro-dialogues. Reproduce them. Make up your own ones.

    1. - What do you think of the exams?

    • I reckon they were deadly easy.

    • May be they were easy enough for you, but they were much too hard for me.

    • Oh, come on. You've probably done better than you think.

    2. - How's your son been doing at school lately, Mr.Sanders? I hear that he
    is likely to win all the prizes in the exams this year.

    - Yes, so his teachers say. But he deserves to do so. He's always been
    so conscientious and hard-working and he's been slaving at his books every
    evening for months on end recently. He wants to go to Oxford University next
    year. May be he'll become a university lecturer himself eventually.

    3. - Vicky, what language do you study?

    • English.

    • What's the most difficult aspect of learning it?


    • Well, I'm very embarrassed when we have to speak English in front of the class. Terrible pronunciation and things like that. Also I think listening compre­hension is very difficult, because it's always difficult to keep up.

    • Yes, studying languages is much harder than studying math or history or something. Especially, if you are not gifted.

    4. - How did you do in your informatics test?
    -Oh, don't ask!

    • Oh, dear. What did you get?

    • Twenty percent. I came last. I thought I was going to do really well.

    5. - Can you help me with my math homework? We're doing algebra.

    - Believe me, I would if I could, but I don't know the first thing about alge­
    bra. Sorry.

    3. Read and translate the text.

    A Student in Economics

    (After George Mil burn)

    Charlie Wintage ran up the steps of the Administrative Building, hurried through the revolving doors and walked down the long hall to the Dean of Men's office. He was ten minutes late. Before he opened the frosted-glass door he took out a pair of amber-coloured spectacles and put them on. Then he went in and handed this summons to the secretary.

    "The Dean will see you in a moment", she said. "Please take a chair".

    Charlie sat down and gave a glance about the office. Three freshmen were waiting with him. He recognized none of them, so he picked up a week-old copy of a newspaper and started reading it. But the room was warm and he imme­diately went to sleep. The newspaper slipped down on the floor. His amber-coloured spectacles hid his eyes and no one could see that they were closed. He was awakened by a secretary shaking him.

    "Wake up and pay for your bed, old man!" one of the freshmen called and everyone laughed heartily.

    "I sort of drowsed off. It's so nice and warm here.." Charlie said apologizing to the secretary.

    The Dean of Men got up as he entered and said: "Ah, this is Charlie Win­tage, isn't it? How do you like the university by now, Wintage? Eyes troubling you?"

    "Pretty well, sir. Yes, sir, a little. I wear these spectacles."

    The secretary brought his folder and the Dean looked through it briefly.

    "Well, Wintage, I suppose you're anxious to know why I sent for you. The unpleasant truth is, Wintage, you don't seem to be doing well in your studies.


    Now, to be quite frank, Wintage, you're on the verge of flunking out. Less than a third of the semester remains, and you have an F grade in English and D grades in Psychology and Military Training. On the other hand, you have an A average in Spanish and В in Economics. Wintage, how do you account for your falling English when you are an A student in Spanish?"

    "To tell you the truth, sir, I got behind in my written works in English, and I've never been able to catch up. And I don't really have to study Spanish. My father is a railway section foreman in my hometown and he's always has a gang of Mex­icans working for him. I've been speaking Spanish ever since I was a kid."

    "How about this В in Economics? That's a fairly high grade."

    "Yes, sir. Our economics professor doesn't give exams. Instead he gives everyone а В until he calls for our term papers. And the grade you get on your term paper is your semester grade. We have to do a lot of outside reading for the term paper. But I'm counting on keeping that В in Economics".

    "That's fine, Wintage. But it appears to me that it's high time you were get­ting busy on some of the other grades too. You made an unusually high grade in your entrance exams. Graduated from high school with honours. What's the trouble, Wintage?"

    "I don't know, sir, except I work at night at a cafe".

    "How many hours do you work?"

    "Ten hours, sir. From nine till seven. The cafe stays open all night."

    'Very interesting, Wintage. But don't you suppose that it would be advisable to cut down a bit on this outside work and attend a little more closely to your studies?"

    "I couldn't work fewer hours and stay in school, sir. I pay my room rent and I've been paying out on a suit of clothes."

    "Can you arrange for a little financial support from home?"

    "No, sir. I'm afraid not. I have two brothers and two sisters at home younger than I am. It wouldn't be right for me to ask my father to send money out of what he makes."

    "I see, but all this is beside the point. We're here to discuss the state of your grades, Wintage. As you must know, any student who turns in less than half his work is automatically suspended from the university and must return to his home. Now one more bad mark and out you'll go, Wintage."

    "I'd hate to have to go back home like that. You know, there not many jobs nowadays, sir."

    "Well, unless you can alter your circumstances, I suggest that you withdraw from the university at once".

    "I believe I'll try to stick it through, sir. I'll try to remove the F and D grades and maybe I can luck through on my finals".


    1. Dean of Men - преподаватель-воспитатель, ведущий работу среди студентов-мужчин.


    2. summons - повестка

    3 on the verge of flunking out- на грани отчисления

    1. F grade - самая низкая оценка в колледже, университете. A grade - самая высокая оценка.

    2. get behind - отстать, не сделать что-то вовремя

    3. catch up - догнать

    4. high school (амер.) - средняя школа

    5. with honours - с отличием

    6. turn in - сдавать

    9. be suspended - быть исключенным

    10. I can luck through on my finals - я как-нибудь сдам свои выпускные
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