Методическое пособие для студентов iv курса очного и заочного обучения специальности 26. 05. 07 "Эксплуатация судового электрооборудования и средств автоматики"
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power plant (station) | электростанция |
lighting | осветительная |
combined | комбинированная |
emergency | аварийная |
for electric propulsion | электродвижения |
auxiliary | вспомогательная |
distribution gear (switchgear) | распределительное устройство |
primary motor | первичный двигатель |
mode of control | способ управления |
rated voltage | номинальное напряжение |
partially automated | частично автоматизированный |
accommodate | размещать |
mode of installation | способ установки |
fastening | крепление |
consumer | потребитель |
generator units | генераторные агрегаты |
exert | осуществлять, выполнять |
essential | основной, (зд.) ответственный |
coastal power supply board | щит питания с берега |
mode of operation | режим работы |
converter | преобразователь |
waterproof | водонепроницаемый |
hermetic | герметичный |
switchgears equipment | аппаратура распределительных устройств |
switching | коммутационная |
protective | защитная |
switching-protective | коммутационно-защитная |
measuring | измерительная |
control | регулировочная |
signaling | сигнальная |
knife switch | рубильник |
knife-blade-type switch | переключатель рубящего типа |
packet switch | пакетный выключатель/переключатель |
control over | контроль за |
control of | регулирование /чего-либо/ |
excitation controllers | регуляторы возбуждения |
light/audible alarm | световая/звуковая сигнализация |
network | сеть |
power mains | силовая сеть |
general lighting network | сеть основного освещения |
ship's accommodations | освещение судовых помещений |
outside | наружного освещения |
hold | трюмного освещения |
battery-powered emergency | аккумуляторного аварийного |
portable low-voltage | низковольтного переносного - |
light current installation | установка слабого тока |
engine telegraph | машинный телеграф |
rudder telegraph | рулевой телеграф |
accessories | арматура |
vanish | исчезать |
bucking transformer | понижающий трансформатор |
plug-transformer | штепсель-трансформатор |
salinometer | соленомер |
pyrometer | пирометр |
log | лаг |
radio pelorus | радиопеленгатор |
mutual protective shell | общая защитная оболочка |
guard | предохранять, защищать |
moisture | влага |
radial direction | радиальное направление |
longitudinal direction | продольное направление |
iron-clad | панцирный |
shielded | экранированный |
interference | помеха |
radio reception | радиоприем |
2. Read and translate the text.
Ship's power plant is a complex of primary mechanical motors electric generators and distribution gears with control and protection devices.
Ship's power plants are classified according to their function, kind of current, type of primary motor, voltage and mode of control.
According to their function, power plants can be subdivided into:
a) lighting power stations, having a power up to 100 kW; b) combined power stations (for power and light consumers supply) - 6000kW and more; c) emergency power stations - up to 500 kW; d) power stations for electric propulsion- up to 140.000 kW; e) auxiliary power stations for electric propulsion - up to 15.000 kW.
According to the kind of current, they are classed as power stations of direct or alternating current.
According to the type of primary motor, there distinguished: a) diesel generators, b) steam generators; c) turbine generators; d) shaft generators.
According to the voltage: the rated voltage on the electric power supply terminals should not exceed: a) at a direct current - 230 V; b) at a one-phase alternating current - 270V; c) at a three-phase alternating current - 460 V.
According to the mode of control, there recognized: a) non-automated, b) partially automated; c) automated power stations.
Distribution gears are such constructions which serve to accommodate commutating, protective, regulating, signaling apparatuses and electric measuring devices. Thus, they ensure control, protection and regulation of electric installations and power plants operation as well as measuring of electric power supply sources parametres.
Distribution gears are classified according to their function, kind of current, design, mode of installation and fastening.
According to the function, there distinguished: a) main distribution boards (switchboards), intended for control, protection and regulation of basic generator units parametres as well as for electric power distribution over its consumers; b) emergency distribution boards, performing the same function as the main ones but for emergency generating units and their consumers; c) control panels (consoles), exerting remote control and control over the generating units and essential power consumers operation; d) coastal power supply boards, intended for energy delivery from the coast or from other ships; e) switchboards, which serve to ensure power supply in a certain part of a ship. They are supplied from main or emergency distribution boards; f) separate consumers boards, exerting control over operation of essential consumers, having a complicated mode of operation; g) electric power converters boards are similar to main distribution boards but designed for electric power converters and their consumers.
According to the kind of current, there recognized switchgears of a) direct current, b) alternating one-phase and three-phase current.
According to their design, switchgears can be: proof, drop-proof, splash-proof, water-proof and watertight, explosion-proof, hermetic.
3. Answer the questions.
1. What does the notion "ship's power plant" include?
2. How are ship's power plants classified?
3. What is the classification of ship's power plants according to their function?
4. How are power plants classed according to the type of primary motor?
5. What modes of control are used for ship's power plants?
6. What do switchgears serve to? What do they ensure?
7. What are the principles of classification of switchgears?
8. How are switchgears classified according to their function?
9. What is the function of main distribution boards?
10. What is the difference between emergency distribution boards and main ones?
11. What are the functions of:
- control panels?
- coastal power supply boards?
- switchboards?
- separate consumers boards?
- electric power converters boards?
12. What currents can switchgears run on?
13. What peculiarities of switchgears' design do you know?
14. How can switchgears be installed on board ships?
4. Read and translate the text.
According to the function, switchgear equipment is subdivided into switching, protective, switching-protective, measuring, control and signaling equipment.
Switching equipment serves for electric circuits switching-in, switching-off and switching-over. Among switching equipment are: knife switches, knife-blade-type switches, packet switches and universal switches
Protective equipment is intended for protection of electric energy sources, circuits and consumers against overloads, short-circuits, voltage drop, inverse current and inverse power. Among protective equipment are fuses and relays.
Switching-protective equipment is applied for electrical installation switching-in, switching-off and protection. Automatic switches of different types refer to this kind of equipment.
Measuring equipment (ammeters, voltmeters, wattmeters, phasometers, megohmmeters and synchronoscopes) is destined for the control over the electrical installation normal operation.
Control equipment is intended for stabilization and control of the electric circuits preset parameters. It can be manual or automatic. Among manual control equipment are rheostats of different types and excitation controllers.
Signaling equipment is designed for signaling about the electric circuits state and the position of the switching equipment. It includes light and audible signaling devices.
5. Answer the questions.
1. How is switchgear equipment subdivided according to its function?
2. What does switching equipment serve for?
3. What is protective equipment intended for?
4. What is switching-protective equipment applied for?
5. What is measuring equipment destined for?
6. What is control equipment intended for?
7. What is signal equipment designed for?
6. Read and translate the text.
Ship's power network is a complex of electric cables, wires, switchgears and accessories, which serve for electric power delivery to the consumers.
According to their function, networks are divided into:
● Power mains, intended for power consumers' supply, i.e. different electric drives and powerful electric heating devices.
● General lighting network, which, in its turn, is subdivided into: a) ship's accommodations lighting network; b) engine room and boiler room lighting network; c) outside lighting network; d) hold lighting network.
● Emergency lighting network, which is supplied from the main distribution board through the emergency distribution board and usually has no switches.
● Battery-powered emergency lighting network, which is switched on automatically, when the voltage on the main or emergency distribution board vanishes.
● Portable low-voltage lighting network, which is used while examining and repairing the equipment. It is supplied through bucking transformers or, if electric power distribution is performed on normal voltage, through plug-transformers.
● Light-current installations network includes engine and rudder telegraphs networks, tachometers, salinometers, pyrometers, resistance thermometers networks as well as networks of telephone communication and alarm (fire, emergency, watch, etc.)
● Electric radio navigation equipment network comprises gyrocompass, echo sounder, log, radio pelorus etc. networks.
Electric networks are made of ship's cables and wires. The ship’s cable is one or several isolated electric conductors, having one or several mutual protective shells, which guard isolation and current-carrying conductors against mechanical and chemical effects. Marine power cables isolation is mostly rated for 700 V of direct current and 1000 V of alternating current. In accordance with the type of protection the cables are divided into: non-hermetic (which are not protected against moisture), hermetic (protected against moisture in both radial and longitudinal directions), iron-clad (protected against mechanical damage) and shielded (protected against interference during radio reception and against mechanical damage).
7. Answer the questions.
1. What is the aim of the ship's power network?
2. What is the power mains intended for?
3. What is the general lighting network subdivided into?
4. How is the emergency lighting network supplied?
5. Under what condition is the battery-powered emergency lighting network switched on?
6. What is the purpose of the portable low-voltage lighting network?
7. What does the light-current installations network include?
8. What does the electric radio navigation equipment network comprise?
9. What is the ship's cable?
10. What are the cables divided into according to the type of protection?
8. Translate into English, using the verbs in Active or Passive forms or in the Infinitive:
1. Вакуумные трубы приводят в движение эту машину.
2. Реле служит для приведения в движение механизма циферблат (dial mechanism) часов.
3. Станки (machines) на этом заводе приводятся в движение двигателями переменного тока.
То test
1. Электрик проверил электрическое оборудование перед пуском.
2. Для проверки этой гипотезы (hypothesis) ученые провели сери экспериментов.
3. Машина была дважды проверена, прежде чем ее пустили эксплуатацию.
То change
1. Чтобы изменить ситуацию к лучшему, вам следует обратить больше внимания на работу этого блока.
2. Электрический ток, который меняет и величину и направление в определенный интервал времени, называется переменным током.
3. Хотя курс судна и был изменен в последний момент, они не смогли избежать столкновения.
1. Принцип запуска этой машины трудно объяснить. Лучше я покажу.
2. Им объяснили важность соблюдения правил безопасности мореплавания.
3. Старший механик объяснил новому электрику, что в его обязанности входит ежедневный осмотр судового электрооборудования.
То show
Курсантам показали машинное отделение, в котором они будут проходить свою первую плавпрактику.
Курсантов провели в машинное отделение, чтобы показать, где они будут проходить свою первую плавпрактику.
Термометр показывает 25° ниже нуля.
9. Speak about ship’s power plants and networks.