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  • 2. Read and translate the text. D.C. GENERATORS

  • 3. Match the following English and Russian word combinations.

  • 4. Put auxiliaries into each gap. is are do does

  • 5. Put the words in the right order to ask a question.

  • 6. Answer the questions.

  • 7. Speak about d.c. generators.

  • Методическое пособие для студентов iv курса очного и заочного обучения специальности 26. 05. 07 "Эксплуатация судового электрооборудования и средств автоматики"

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    НазваниеМетодическое пособие для студентов iv курса очного и заочного обучения специальности 26. 05. 07 "Эксплуатация судового электрооборудования и средств автоматики"
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    1. Read and remember the following words and word combinations.

    separately-excited generator

    генератор независимого возбуждения

    self-excited generator

    генератор самовозбуждения

    shunt-wound generator

    генератор параллельного возбуждения

    series-wound generator

    генератор последовательного возбуждения

    compound-wound generator

    генератор смешанного возбуждения

    separate current source

    посторонний источник тока

    in shunt / in parallel


    in series


    rated armature current

    номинальный ток якоря





    delivered from

    поступает с





    rotational speed

    частота вращения

    auxiliary power

    мощность собственных нужд (электростанции)



    charge accumulative batteries

    заряжать аккумуляторные батареи

    with a reverse current

    при обратном токе



    in view of


    vary abruptly

    резко меняться






    сварочный агрегат

    voltage-control system

    система "генератор - двигатель"

    a wide-range voltage regulation

    широкое регулирование напряжения

    steering gear

    рулевое устройство





    electric propulsion plant

    гребная электрическая установка



    mains voltage

    напряжение сети

    magnetic electric system

    магнитоэлектрическая система

    transmit (transfer) the power

    передавать мощность

    collect the power

    снимать мощность



    proportionally to rated capacities

    пропорционально номинальным мощностям



    2. Read and translate the text.


    D.C. generators are provided with the armature winding and one of the two field windings. Depending on the type of the armature winding and field winding interconnection D.C. generators may be recognized as those of separate excitation, of shunt excitation, of series excitation, and of compound excitation.

    In a separately excited generator, the field winding obtains its supply from a separate current source. It is connected in series with the armature winding in a series-wound generator and in parallel - in a shunt-wound generator. A compound-wound generator has two field windings positioned on the main poles, one of them being connected in shunt, the other - in series with the armature winding. The parallel field winding concentrates the current ranging from 1 to 6% of the rated armature current. It is made from copper conductors provided with a large number of turns of relatively small section. The series field winding carries the entire armature current and hence its conductors are of large section.

    Shunt-wound generators, series-wound generators and compound- wound generators are self-excited; that is to say they don't require a separate current source for their excitation. The current supplying the windings is derived from the generator armature.

    Practically all D.C. generators installed on vessels for supplying aux­iliary power are of the self-excited type.

    Shunt-wound generators are usually used as the exciters of sep­arately excited generators and have the added feature of charging accu­mulative batteries. The latter is associated with the fact that with a re­verse current they aren't remagnetized in view of the unchangeable current direction in the field winding.

    Series-wound generators have the voltage which varies abruptly with the load and, therefore, this type of D.C. generators is not used on board ships.

    Compound-wound generators are not subject to frequent overloads and short-circuit, for the series field winding demagnetizes them. They are employed in welders as well as in some electric drives on the voltage-control system.

    Separately excited generators find application where a wide- range voltage regulation is required, that is in the electric drives of steer­ing gears, windlasses, winches etc. as well as in the electric propulsion plants as main generators and exciters.

    When putting D.C. generators in parallel operation, it is neces­sary that two conditions be met: 1) their polarity should be the same as the one in the mains to which they are connected; 2) their e.m.f. is required to be equal to the mains voltage. The device responsible for fulfilling the indicated conditions is a voltmeter of a magnetic electric system. In order to transmit the power from one generator operating in parallel to another, the excitation currents of the generator to which the power is transferred, should be increased but those of the generator from which it is collected, should be reduced. The generators are required to be loaded as uniformly and proportionally to their rated capacities as possible. If this condition is not fulfilled, the efficiency will be lower.
    3. Match the following English and Russian word combinations.

    a) to vary abruptly,tocharge accumulative batteries,to be subject to,

    frequent overloads,short-circuit, find application, to fulfill the conditions

    b) частые перегрузки, находить применение, короткое замыкание, выполнять условия, резко меняться, быть подверженным, заряжать аккумуляторные батареи.
    4. Put auxiliaries into each gap.

    is are do does

    1. . . . D.C. machines identical in construction?

    2. What parts ...a D.C. machine composed of?

    3.What ...the field windings built of?

    4. . . . the armature make up a cylindrical body?

    5.Where ...the e.m.f. induced?

    6.What ...the electromagnetic torque bring into rotation?

    7. . . . those generators of the self-excited type?

    8. . . . separately-excited generators require a separate current source?

    9. What amount of current ...the parallel field winding of a compound-wound generator concentrate?

    10. Where . . . separately-excited generators find application on board ships?

    11. How ...the generators operating in parallel required to be loaded?

    12. . . . the commutator constructed of separate copper bars?
    5. Put the words in the right order to ask a question.

    1. D.C. machines reversible are ?

    2. the frame made is of what ?

    3. assembled what the main poles? of are

    4. where the commutating poles are arranged

    5. isolated the commutating bars are from each other

    6. what kind of the brushgear element is

    7. is from consumed a drive motor mechanical energy

    8. does the field winding obtain where from its supply

    9. how many a compound-wound generator does have field windings

    10.where the current is from derived

    11. find where separately-excited generators do application on board ships

    12. the e.m.f. required is to be equal to what

    13. compound-wound generators used are in welders

    14. they be can as exciters used
    6. Answer the questions.

    1. How many armature windings and field windings are D.C. generators provided with?

    2. What types of D.C. generators depending on the way of the arma­ture winding and field winding interconnection do you know?

    3. What fact does a separately excited generator take its name from?

    4. In what way is the field winding connected with the armature wind­ing in a shunt-wound generator?

    5. In what way is the field winding connected with the armature wind­ing in a series-wound generator?

    6. How many field windings does a compound-wound generator have? How are they connected to the armature winding?

    7. What purposes are shunt-wound generators applied for?

    8. Is a series-wound type of D.C. generators employed on board ships?

    9. Where are compound-wound generators employed?

    10. What conditions should be met to put D.C. generators in parallel operation?
    7. Speak about d.c. generators.

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