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Учебник по Английскому Языку. Economy and Finance (2курс, 1 семестр). Учебник по Английскому Языку. Economy and Finance (2курс, 1 семе. Министерство экономического развития и торговли Российской Федерации Российский Государственный ТорговоЭкономический Университет

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UNIT 2 Commercial Banks

Commercial banks are businesses that trade in money. They receive and hold deposits, pay money according to customers’ instructions, lend money, etc. People use these banks for their everyday money matters.

They can open current accounts. This type of account is very popular as it enables people to keep their money in a safe place. It allows them to withdraw money at any time and it provides them with a chequebook so that they don’t have to carry a lot of cash. A current account is used for everyday transactions such as paying bills, transferring money and drawing cheques. A customer can have an overdraft on this type of account but it pays no interest.

A deposit account is used for saving money. It’s not possible to draw cheques or have an overdraft on it but it earns interest for a customer.

Another function of commercial banks is to provide credits in the form of overdrafts and loans. Using an overdraft a customer can take out more money than he has in his account up to a certain limit agreed with the bank. He has to pay the money back when requested by the bank, and he also has to pay a relatively high rent of interest when he is overdrawn. For this reason, an overdraft is not the best option for long-term borrowing.

A loan is cheaper if a large amount of money has to be borrowed over a longer period. It is usually taken out for a car or a house, and is repaid in monthly instalments along with a fixed rate of interest. A loan used to buy a house or land is called a mortgage.

Other commercial bank services include: standing order facilities, where some amount of money is transferred from one account to another at regular intervals; opening letters of credit; advising their customers on making investments, for example in gold, property or shares; providing safe facilities for their customers to lock up valuable articles such as jewellery or important documents; foreign currency and travellers’ cheques transactions; paying out cash for example from cash dispensers.
Words and expressions
deposit (n) - вклад (депозит)

tomanageadeposit- управлять вкладом (депозитом)

tolist (home, foreigndeposits) - содержать перечень вкладов в национальных и зарубежных банках

to place money on a deposit, to make a deposit - положить деньги на вклад

tousesmb.’sdepositfacilities - воспользоваться услугами кого-либо по размещению средств

lend (v) - одалживать, давать взаймы

tolendsmth. tosmb. - одалживать что-либо кому-либо

e.g. She lent the money to him. - Она дала ему денег взаймы.

current account (Br.) - текущий счет

checking account (Am.)

to open an account with a bank - открыть счет в банке

to put money on an account - положить деньги на счет

to keep, hold, have an account with a bank - иметь счет в банке

to manage , operate, service an account - вести счет (в банке)

to pay interest on an account - платить проценты по счету

to hold money on an account - хранить деньги на счете

account holder - владелец счета

enable (v) - давать кому-либо возможность или право что-либо сделать

allow (v) - позволять, разрешать

withdraw (v) - снимать, забирать

to withdraw money from an account - снять деньги со счета

to withdraw a deposit - отозвать, взять вклад из банка

chequebook (n) - чековая книжка

to provide, issue a customer with a chequebook - выдать клиенту чековую книжку

transaction (n) - сделка

to make, carry out a transaction - совершить сделку

draw a cheque - выписывать чек

overdraft (n) - превышение кредита (в банке); перерасход

overdraftfacility - право на превышение кредита

tograntanoverdraft - предоставить право превысить кредит

toobtainanoverdraft - получить право превысить кредит

to repay an overdraft - погасить задолженность

deposit account ( Br.) - депозитный (сберегательный) счет

saving account ( Am .)

loan - (n) заем, ссуда

a loan of money - денежный заем

to issue, to grant, to advance a loan – предоставить заем

to make a loan - получить заем

loan against borrower’s note - ссуда под расписку должника

instalment (n) - очередной взнос

monthly instalments - ежемесячные взносы

mortgage (n) - ипотека, закладная

mortgage loan, real estate loan - ссуда под недвижимость

realestatemortgage - закладная под недвижимость

to give a mortgage - выдавать закладную

to hold; receive; take out a mortgage on smth. - получить закладную на что-либо

toborrowonmortgage - получать ссуду под залог недвижимого имущества

to redeem a mortgage, to pay off a mortgage - выкупать закладную

standing order - постоянное поручение

property (n) - имущество; собственность

externalproperty - собственность за рубежом

domesticproperty - собственность в стране

immovable (fixed, real) property - недвижимое имущество

share (n) - акция

to issue shares - выпускать акции

to release shares at the rate - продавать акции по какой-либо цене

safe facilities - сейфовые помещения

travellerscheques - дорожные чеки

cash dispenser (n) - банкомат

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