Герундий. Министерство образования и науки российской федерации вологодский государственный технический университет
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Exercise 11. Read and translate the folowing sentences. State the type of the adverbial modifier expressed by the gerund. 1. Without giving myself time to reflect, I walked straight to the house. 2. When a little while ago, my publisher expressed a wish to reissue it (a novel), I felt that, before consenting to this, I really should read it again. 3. Sometimes Liza fell into light doze and Jim would keep very still for fear of waking her. 4. The rain poured down without ceasing. 5.That night, before going to bed, Jean sat at the small table before her open bedroom window and re-read the letter from George... 6. On the second floor he paused, knocked on the door, then without waiting for an answer, turned the handle and led Stephen in. 7. Then he said, “If you'll exuse me for a moment...” and glanced up again, before continuing to leaf through the papers. 8. You never realize that by lying back in an armchair, with the eyes closed, one can come nearer to the solution of any problem. 9. Without much searching , I found an apartment on the fifth floor. 10. Well, doubtless we'll come across that in looking through Captain Trevelyan's papers. 11. I consoled myself by thinking that it was sporting... 12. Of course he's been feeling ill for months without seeing anybody. 13. She sailed back through the typists' room without deigning to give anyone a word or a glance. 14. For fear of being delayed by Paul she had not gone up to bed. 15. I tried to put her at her ease by saying conventional things. Exercise 12. Make up sentences, using the gerund after the following verbs. stop, finish, prevent, avoid, dislike, risk, deny, remember, postpone, enjoy, fancy, imagine, forgive, excuse, suggest, keep, mind, rely, regret, it wants (needs). Exercise 13. Read and translate the following sentences. Analyse and state the function of the gerundial constructions. 1. Do you agree to our taking her up to town and putting her under the best control? 2. His breathing heavily when he greeted her was the result of running up two flights of stairs. 3. Of course I should insist on your accepting the proper professional fee. 4. She was startled by the noise of the outer door being opened. 5. "You know Sven hates your standing down at the door alone," said Minnie. 6. I can't bear the thought of the children staying there alone. 7. We knew nothing of his being a humorous writer. 8. Your being so indifferent irritates me a great deal. 9. We've got a lot of questions to settle before your leaving. 10. What annoyed me most of all was his accepting their proposal quite readily. 11. Nick was very much excited about his favourite cake getting spoiled. 12. I remember in school days he couldn't answer the teacher's questions without my prompting him. 13. Don't think she'll approve of your telling me this. 14. His having failed at the entrance examination was a great disappointment to his mother. 15. Uncle Julius insists on my coming to keep him company. Exercise 14. Read and translate the following sentences. Analyse and state the function of the gerundial constructions. 1. You don't mind my saying all this to you, Fleming. 2. Do you mean you object to my bringing Mr Hopkins here? 3. What can be the possible use of Larry's learning dead languages? 4. Jane bit her lip till the blood came, and walked back to her seat without another word, but she couldn't help the tears of rage rolling down her face. 5. "Well," he said, "I couldn't help Irene's having no money." 6. He had called there three times now without her being able to see him. 7. We were talking about professions. If you don't mind my asking, what is yours? 8. I'll feel more comfortable if I can count on your keeping an eye on him. 9. I was used to people being angry with me and made it a point of honour not to mind. 10. She was being observed, and by someone who resented her being there. 11. I hate the idea of Larry making such a mess of his life. 12. Later, in the night, I was awakened by the sound of someone moving softly about the room. 13. Do you think there is much chance of one seeing him again? 14. "Will you pay any attention if I forbid you to go?" "No, darling," I said, "none". Then she said, "That's what I imagined. In that case there doesn't seem to be much point in my forbiding it." Exercise 15. Transform the following sentences so as to use gerundial constructions. Use prepositions where necessary. Model: The thought she would leave so soon was unbearable. The thought of her leaving so soon was unbearable. 1. I boasted that my father was different; he would understand that I was an artist. 2. She took a peculiar delight in the fact that he was Peter's son. 3. He felt proud of the fact that he had been able to win a woman everybody admired. 4. She gave no sign that she heard that he had slammed the door. 5. She insisted that he should drop his voice. 6. He was clever, no one had ever denied that he was clever. 7. Presently I became aware that someone was moving softly about this room. 8. I was about to suggest that you should lunch with me. 9. For my part I have never before suspected that Kate had a deep vein of superstition in her nature. 10. I cut short his lamentations by suggesting that we should start at once. 11. I like you so much because you are such a good cook. 12. Everyone was surprised that she was there. 13. She insisted that I should apologize to her. 14. The thought that Helen was alone and was waiting for him made Dan run the block. 15. He never thought that Jean had met his people before. 16. I remember Mother reprimanded me when I spoiled her favourite fish-cake. 17. We recommended that work should start at once. 18. Thank you that you reminded me. 19. Nick suggested that we should dine at a restaurant to celebrate this little event. 20. He doesn't like when you interfere. 21. He prevents when I help him. 22. Nobody knew that they had agreed to take part in the expedition. 23. I insist that everything should be said in plain words so that there can't be any misunderstanding. 24. She dislikes when the children prompt one another and always gets very angry. 25. He wrote he would stay in Paris another week and did not explain why he was obliged to do so. 26. I can't recollect that they ever invited me to stay a weekend with them. 27. He was afraid that the news might cause excitement among the girls. 28. She disliked that he was so stubborn and would never listen to her reasons. 29. Nell denies that he is a bore. 30. Nobody objects that Peter lives with us. Exercise 16. Translate into English, using the gerund. 1. Я не люблю провожать. Я предпочитаю, чтобы провожали меня. 2. Вам не следовало бы настаивать на том, чтобы вам сказали правду. 3. То, что он пришел, меняет дело. 4. Я помню, что положила деньги в сумку. 5. Я не могу позволить себе покупать такие дорогие вещи. 6. Вы ничего не имеете против того, чтобы он зашел к вам сегодня? 7. Она продолжала говорить, не обращая внимания на наши слова. 8. Он был сердит на нас за то, что мы его побеспокоили. 9. Мысль о том, чтобы сказать ей все открыто, пугала его. 10. Мы хотели проводить ее, но она настояла на том, что пойдет одна. 11. Я не помню, чтобы он когда-либо обращался ко мне с подобной просьбой. 12. Вместо того, чтобы обдумать вопрос как следует, она сразу отказалась. 13. Что помешало вам поехать вместе с нами? 14. Услышав отдаленный крик, он остановился и прислушался. 15. Осознав свою оплошность, она рассмеялась. 16. Она никогда не уставала говорить о своих детях. Она так гордилась ими! 17. Она дала мне понять, что заметила меня, слегка кивнув головой. Exercise 17. Read and translate the following sentences. State the function of the gerunds and gerundial constructions. 1. We are very much obliged for your taking us in. 2. Adele saw him as he got out of car and started coming over to him. 3. I feared you might feel angered at me for having thrust this text upon you without warning. 4. Smoking is not allowed in this carriage. 5. I'm bound to say that people enjoyed going there. 6. They had the gift of making you feel at home. 7. Murray lowered his eyes for fear of giving himself away. 8. Deciding is acting. 9. He insisted on me helping him. 10. Seeing her again in New York had reminded her how lonely she was without Laurel. Exercise 18. Translate the sentences into English, using the gerund. 1. Я помню, что была больна в это время. 2. Она продолжала молчать, так как боялась обидеть его, если расскажет всю правду. 3. Нельзя привыкнуть к тому, что тебя оскорбляют. 4. Увидев меня, ребенок радостно улыбнулся. 5. Мать не могла не волноваться, так как детям давно пора было вернуться. 6. Она разорвала письмо на мелкие кусочки, не читая его. 7. Этот вопрос стоит обсудить. 8. Его оштрафовали за то, что он перешел улицу в неположенном месте. 9. После того, что произошло, она избегала встречаться с ним. 10. Он подумывает о том, чтобы оставить работу и переехать в деревню. 11. Мне понравилась мысль о том, чтобы провести конец недели за городом. 12. Вы не возражаете, если я зайду к вам сегодня вечером? 13. Я привыкла рано вставать, так как занятия в институте начинаются в 7.30. 14. Вы должны вовремя возвращать книги в библиотеку без напоминания. 15. Бесполезно пытаться достать билеты на этот спектакль. 16. Мы получали удовольствие, слушая, как он рассказывает о своих приключениях. 17. Видя, что я подхожу, они перестали разговаривать. 18. Она отрицала, что видела нас там. 19. Я не могу позволить себе купить такие дорогие часы. 20. Она казалась очень удивленной тем, что увидела меня там. Exercise 19. Translate the sentences into English, using the gerund. 1. Ты предпочитаешь готовить сама или обедать в институтской столовой? 2. Нельзя быстро выздороветь, не принимая лекарства регулярно. 3. Я советую вам перестать беспокоиться о ребенке. Он уже вне опасности. 4. Всем понравилась мысль отпраздновать день рождений Джона за городом. 5. Мы решили прогуляться перед тем, как лечь спать. 6. Мальчик боялся появиться дома в таком виде. Было ясно, что он заслуживает наказания. 7. Она не привыкла получать подарки и была удивлена, увидев на столе великолепные розы. 8. Вам не следовало бы настаивать на том, чтобы вам сказали об этом. 9. Из-за этого стоило вернуться домой. 10. Мы не могли не улыбнуться серьезности ребенка. 11. Помимо того, что он прекрасный актер, он еще и опытный режиссер. 12. Я не помню, чтобы он когда-либо поздравлял меня с днем рождения. 13. Почему вы отпустили пациента, не измерив ему кровяное давление? 14. Я думаю принять участие в первенстве института по шахматам. 15. Моя спутница поблагодарила меня за то, что я присмотрела за ее багажом. 16. Я очень люблю плавать и стараюсь никогда не упустить возможности искупаться. 17. После этой неприятной сцены она избегала, чтобы ее видели в обществе. 18. Вы не возражаете, если я положу вам еще порцию пирога? 19. Мы не могли даже мечтать о том, чтобы попасть на премьеру этого спектакля. 20. Она продолжала развлекать гостей, как будто ничего не случилось. Exercise 20. Use the gerund or the infinitive of the verbs in brackets. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions. 1. He was so young, so gay, he laughed so merrily at other people's jokes that no one could help (like) him. 2. Yalta is a nice town (live) ... . 3. He was on the point... (quarrel) with her. 4. I want you (help) me (pack) this suitcase. 5. I should love (go) to the party with you; I hate (go) out alone. 6. Don't forget (put) the book in the right place. 7. I forgot (put) the book on the top shelf and spent half an hour or so ... (look) for it. 8. She told me how (make) clothes (last) longer. 9. Mother says she often has occasion (complain) ... (he, come) late. 10. ... (do) the exercise you should carefully study the examples. 11. You must encourage him (start) (take) more exercise. 12. Bob was greatly ashamed ... (beat) in class by a smaller boy. 13. I looked around me, but there was no chair (sit) ... . 14. We heard ... (he, come) back today. 15. She could not bear the thought ... (he, stay) alone. 16. He pushed the door with his toe ... (put) his suitcases down. 17. I should have gone (fetch) the doctor instead ... (remain) where I was. 18. Oh, Robert, dearest, it's not a thing (joke) about. 19. His first impulse was (turn) back, but he suppressed it and walked in boldly. 20. "I'm sorry, Margaret," he said, "I'm too old (start) (play) hide-and-seek with school girls." Exercise 21. Point out gerunds and verbal nouns. Translate the sentences into Russian. 1. Oh, Robert, dearest, don't leave us! I've so loved being with you. 2. He may have noticed my goings out and comings in. 3. There's no going back now. 4. Remember at school one was always kept waiting for a beating. 5. Now and again came the clear hammering of the woodpecker or the joyless call of a crow. 6. She tried to speak lightly, but there was a lump in her throat and a tightening at her heart. 7. Upon reading this letter Shelton had once more a sense of being exploited. 8. "Oh," she cried when they were out of hearing. "I wish he would go." 9. She went quickly past him and out of the room without looking back. 10. He looked at us with a kind of cheerful cunning. 11. Well, what are your plans, Dixon? - I was thinking of going in for school teaching. 12. She arose, but before she had time to get out of the room a loud rapping began upon the front door. 13. He began tidying the cabin, putting away his clothes and straightening the bed. 14. I have only a candle to see by, so I trust you will excuse my bad writing. 15. He reached his rooms at midnight so exhausted that, without waiting to light up, he dropped into a chair. 16. He said he was looking forward to meeting you again. 17.. And the worst of it is that I shall go on doing exactly I was going to do in the first place. 18. There was the splashing of big drops on large leaves and a faint stirring and shaking in the bush. 19. She began talking to the girl behind the bar. 20. Her father took no notice of her comings and goings. Revision Exercise 1. Read and translate the following sentences. State the function of the gerunds and gerundial constructions. 1. Nobody can go on living without some belief. (Greene) 2....she did not like being plunged back into a slave state. (Stone) 3. He greeted me noisely, but I cut him short by giving him the telegram. (Snow) 4. "She cannot sleep without seeing and speaking to you once more," I said. "She does not like the thought of leaving you." (Ch. Bronte) 5. Without putting anything into words, they bade each other farewell. (Wilson) 6. I remember laughing aloud, and the laugh being carried by the wind away from me. (Du Maurier) 7. There came the sound of the door closing then being locked. (Priestley) 8. Upon awakening she dressed quickly and left the house. (Stone) 9. He felt better for having written the letter. (Cronin)10. "It's no good you hating it," said Mr. Bunting, becoming didactic. (Greenwood) 11. Do you mind giving me your name and telephone number, please? (Priestley) 12. Peter Saward only replied by staring at the paper knife and shaking his head slowly to and fro, and twisting his long legs into knots under the desk. (Murdoch) 13. Mr. Dorrit positively trembled in addressing the great man. (Dickens) 14. Unfortunately this fruitful silence was ruined by the sound of a door being banged. (Priestley) 15. He never ceased talking. (Coppard) 16. Well, it's no use my telling you a lie. (Shaw) 17. Life seemed worth fighting for. (Dreiser) 18. Petra sat through her first lesson without saying a word and without paying much attention to the lecture and the examples on the blackboard. (Heym) 19. But now a difficulty arose - hostile Indians could not break the bread of hospitality together without first making peace, and this was a simple impossibility without smoking a pipe of peace. (Twain) 20. Only the other day they had been talking about something happening, and now it had happened to him. (Snow) 21. I was torn between the fear of hurting a nice woman's feelings and the fear of being in the way. (Maugham) 22. She cursed herself for not having thought to bring a visiting card. (Murdoch) 23. It is awfully hard work doing nothing. (Wilde) 24. He was angry with me for bringing the news. (Snow) 25. He went on talking to my wife. (Hemingway) 26. She was listening hard all the time for any sound of Jan Lusiewicz descending the stairs. (Murdoch) 27. After washing his heavy stone cup and tin plate..., he stretched himself wearily on the bed. (Dreiser) 28. She enjoyed giving parties. (Stone) 29. He knew that I, or any competent man would not have denied a point so specific without being dead sure. (Snow) 30. I wish I'd never told you the truth, but it's no use denying it. (Braine) 31. He meant to begin his investigation by seeing the church. (Galsworthy) 32. But outside it kept on raining. (Hemingway) 33. They could not understand how he had so nearly succeeded in deceiving them. (Priestley) 34....in ] passing under a lamp, Graham encountered my eye. (Ch. Bronte) 35. Stephen was absorbed the greater part of the time in wishing he were not forced to stay in town yet another day. (Hardy) 36. Why was going with Joseph any different from going with Elinor? (Heym) 37. She tried, by staring into the glass, to see what the expression was on the man's face. (Murdoch) 38....little Hans nodded and smiled, and felt very proud of having a friend with such noble ideas. (Wilde) 39. "You can't: have a war," said Douglas, "without someone getting hurt." (Snow) 40. I began... by explaining the situation in the North. (Greene) 41. Being alone in your own country is worse than being alone anywhere else. (Heym) 42. At night... I would imagine him going up my stairs, knocking at my door, sleeping in my bed. (Greene) |