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Кафедра лингвистики и межкультурной коммуникации
Неличные формы глагола. Часть II: Герундий

Методические указания к практическому курсу первого иностранного языка

Факультет гуманитарный

Направление подготовки 035700.62

Профиль: «Перевод и переводоведение»

Вологда 2013

УДК 811.111(076)
Английский язык: неличные формы глагола. Часть II: Герундий. Методические указания к практическому курсу первого иностранного языка для студентов направления подготовки 035700.62 «Лингвистика» профиля «Перевод и переводоведение» – Вологда: ВоГТУ. – 2013г. – 30 с.
Методические указания предназначены для студентов-бакалавров второго курса гуманитарного факультета направления подготовки 035700.62 «Лингвистика» профиля «Перевод и переводоведение».

Утверждено редакционно-издательским советом ВоГТУ

Составитель: Попова С.А., старший преподаватель кафедры лингвистики и межкультурной коммуникации

Рецензент: Бондарь Н.Ф, доцент кафедры английского языка ВГПУ


Методические указания предназначены для студентов факультетов лингвистики и иностранных языков. МУ прошли апробацию и могут использоваться в комплекте с учебником Аракина В.Д. Практический курс английского языка. II курс.

Для изучающих английский язык наибольшие трудности представляет употребление глагольных форм, в частности, неличных форм глагола. Это происходит в результате значительных расхождений между глагольными системами русского и английского языков в целом. Двойственная природа герундия, его сходство с другими ing-формами, отсутствие прямого эквивалента герундия в русском языке представляют большую сложность для понимания и перевода. Цель данных МУ состоит в том, чтобы дать описание форм, значений и функций герундия, показать на примерах особенности этой неличной формы глагола и сформировать навыки ее употребления и перевода, а также сравнить герундий с другими неличными формами: инфинитивом и причастием. Пособие состоит из двух частей: описательной и практической. Упражнения располагаются в порядке нарастания сложности — от узнавания и понимания до трансформации, условно-речевой стадии и перевода с русского языка на английский. В конце имеется раздел обобщающих упражнений обзорного характера, которые дают возможность провести итоговый контроль полученных знаний и умений, а также оригинальные тексты с вариантами перевода.
В методических указаниях были использованы следующие источники:

  1. Аракин В.Д. Практический курс английского языка.

  2. Грызулина А.П. и др. Практикум по грамматике английского языка для заочников. Пособия для самостоятельной работы. - М.: Высшая школа, 1992.

  3. Каушанская В.Л. и др. Грамматика английского языка. - М.: Фирма «Страт», 2000.

  4. Каушанская В.Л. и др. Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка - М.: Фирма «Страт», 2000.

  5. Крылова И.П. , Гордон Е.М. Грамматика современного английского языка: Учебник для институтов и факультетов иностранных языков. - М.: Книжный дом «Университет», 1999.

  6. Рубцова М.Г. Полный курс английского языка. Учебник — самоучитель. - М.: Астрель. АСТ, 2002.

  7. Кэрролл Л. Алиса в стране чудес. Перевод. Л. Яхнина. М: «Олма-Пресс», 2002.

  8. Carroll L. Alice in Wonderland. Worldsworth Classics, 1995.


The gerund is a non-finite form of the verb which functions as a noun. It developed from a verbal noun which in course of time became verbalized preserving at the same time its nominal character. So the gerund has a double nature as it combines the features of a verb with those of a noun.

The nominal characteristics

The verbal characteristics

1. The nominal characteristics of the gerund are manifested in its syntactical functions, which are similar to those of the noun, such as

- a subject;

eg. Swimming is pleasant.

- a predicative;

eg. Reading is learning something new.

- an object;

eg.He avoids reading newapapers.

1. The verbal characteristics of the gerund are manifested in its combinability and syntactical functions, which are similar to those of the verb, such as

- a part of a compound verbal modal predicate;

eg. I can't help admiring this beautiful building.

- a part of a compound verbal aspect predicate;

eg. She began sobbing and weeping.

2. The gerund can be preceded by a preposition.

eg. I am tired of rowing.

2. The gerund of transitive verbs can take a direct object.

eg. I made progress in speakingEnglish.

3. The gerund can be preceded by a noun in the possessive case or a possessive pronoun.

eg. Do you mind mysmoking here?

The child likes his mother'sreading aloud.

3. The gerund can be modified by an adverb.

eg. She burst out cryingbitterly.

4. The verbal characteristics of the gerund are manifested in its morphological features too.

The gerund has tense distinctions, the gerund of transitive verbs has also voice distinctions. So the gerund has four forms.

The Forms of the Gerund

1. The Indefinite Gerund Active


2. The Indefinite Gerund Passive

being done

3. The Perfect Gerund Active

having done

4. The Perfect Gerund Passive

having been done

The Meanings of the Forms of the Gerund

  1. Tense Distinctions

The Indefinite Gerund denotes

- an action simultaneous with or posterior to that of the finite verb.

eg. She spent the night in writing.

I am looking forward to their coming.

- an action prior to that of the finite verb

after the verbs: to remember, to excuse, to forgive, to thank, etc and

after the prepositions: on, upon, after, without

eg. I remembergoing to the British Museum one day.

Afterturning the corner I saw him.

The Perfect Gerund denotes

- an action prior to that of the finite verb.

eg. She denies having spoken with him.

  1. Voice Distinctions

The Active Gerund denotes an action directed from the subject.

The Passive Gerund denotes an action directed to the subject.

eg. She likes neither reading aloud nor being read aloud to.


After the verbs: want, need, require, deserve and the adjective worth

the active gerund is only used though the meaning is passive.

eg. The room needs/ wants/ requires painting.

The child deserves praising. The book is worth reading.
To make the sentence negative put the negative word not before the gerund.

They reproached us for not having come to the party; they were waiting for us the whole evening.
Ways of Translating the Gerund into Russian:

  • by a noun (often with the ending -ание, - ение)

Smoking is bad for you. Курение приносит вам вред.

Dancinghadnotbegunyet. Танцы еще не начались.

  • by an infinitive

Saying is one thing and doing is another.

Сказать - это одно, а сделать — это другое.

  • by деепричастие

On seeing Bella he stopped. УвидевБэллу, оностановился.

By doing nothing we learn to do ill. Не делая ничего, мы учимся делать зло.

  • by a clause

In addition to being very interesting this book is of great use.

Кроме того, что книга очень интересная, она ещё и очень полезная.

This metal differs from that one in having a higher melting point.

Этот металл отличается от того тем, что он имеет более высокую точку плавления.
The Gerund is used after

the verbs:



















risk, etc
the phrasal verbs:
burst out

feel like

give up

go on

keep on

leave off

look like

put off, etc

the verbs with the prepositions:
of accuse smb of

dis/approve smb of

suspect smb of

complain of

speak of

inform of

hear of

think of

in persist in

succeed in

result in / from
on count on

depend on

rely on

insist on
for blame smb for

apologize for

forgive for

thank for
to agree to

object to

look forward to

prevent smb from

the word-groups with the prepositions:
of be afraid of

be aware of

be in/capable of

be fond of

be guilty of

be proud of

be sure of
in be busy in

be engaged in

be interested in
on be keen on

for be angry for

be grateful for

be sorry for

be responsible for
at be clever at

be disappointed at

be good at

be dis/pleased at

be indignant at

be surprised at

be astonished at
- be no good

be no use

can not stand

can not bear

The Functions of the Gerund

  1. the subject

eg. Smoking is a nasty habit.

It's so strange meeting you here.

It is no use explaining. (Нет смысла объяснять.)

There is no use (in) explaining.

It's not worth (while) trying.

  1. a part of the predicate

- a part of a compound verbal modal predicate

eg. I can't help admiring this beautiful building.

(Я не могу не восхищаться этим прекрасным зданием.)

- a part of a compound verbal aspect predicate

eg.She began sobbing and weeping.

- a part of a compound nominal predicate – a predicative

eg. Reading is learning something new.

  1. - an object eg. He avoids reading newspapers.

- a part of a complex object eg. Do you mind his coming?

  1. an attribute

in pre- position eg. There is a new dancing hall in the club.

in post- position the gerund is always preceded by a preposition

eg. There is no chance of escaping.

  1. an adverbial modifier of

(the gerund is always preceded by a preposition)

- time (after, before, on, upon, in, at)

eg. After leaving her umbrella in the hall she entered the room.

- purpose (for)

eg. One side of the gallery was used for dancing.

- manner (by, in)

eg. The day was spent in packing.

- attendant circumstances (without)

eg. She left the room without saying a word.

- condition (without, but for, in case of)

eg. She had no right to come without being invited.

- cause (for, for fear of, owing to)

eg. I feel better for having spent the summer abroad.

- concession (in spite of)

eg. In spite of being busy he did all he could to help her.

- exception (but, except)

eg. Nobody thought of anything but spending money.
Predicative Constructions with the Gerund
Like all the verbals the gerund can form predicative constructions in which the verbal element expressed by a gerund is in the predicate relations to the nominal element expressed by a noun or a pronoun.

The Classical Gerundial Construction

The Half-Gerundial Construction

Morphologically the constructions consist of two components:

a noun in the possessive case


a possessive pronoun

a gerund

a noun in the common case


a personal pronoun in the objective case


some other pronoun

a gerund

eg. I insist on Pete's coming.

I insist on his coming.

eg. I insist on Pete coming.

I insist on him coming.

Syntactically the components form an indivisible unit which must be treated as one part of the sentence. The constructions can be used in the function of
- the subject

eg. My explaining was of no use.
- a predicative

eg. What annoyed me most was his accepting everything.
- a complex object

eg. He insists on them coming.
- an attribute

eg. I like the idea of your coming.
- an adverbial modifier

eg. After his leaving they began to talk.

One side of the gallery was used for their dancing.

He went away without the dog following him.

I feel better for us having spent the summer abroad.

In spite of them beingbusy he did all he could to help her.

The choice between the constructions depends on

1. the speaker's attitude

In the Classical Gerundial Construction the action is stressed
eg. Do you mind my goingthere?

In the Half-Gerundial Construction the doer of the action is stressed
eg. Do you mind me going there?

2. the form of the nominal element

Some nominal components are impossible to be used in the Classical Gerundial Construction. In these cases the Half-Gerundial is only used.

The Half-Gerundial is only used when

1. the nominal element denotes a lifeless thing.

eg. I said something about the clock being slow.
2. the nominal element is modified by an attribute in post-position.

eg. Fancy a womanof tastewearing a hat like this!
3. there are two or more nominal elements.

eg. I object to Mary and John coming.
4. the nominal element is expressed by the following defining, indefinite, demonstrative, etc pronouns: all, this, that, both, each, something, etc.

eg. I insist on both of them coming.

Ways of Translating the Constructions into Russian:

  • by a clause where the nominal element becomes the subject of the clause (в именительном падеже) and the gerund – the predicate.

His having made this experiment is a known fact.

То, что он провел этот эксперимент, является известным фактом.

There is no hope of our getting a complete analysis of it within 10 days.

Нет надежды, что мы получим полный анализ в течение 10 дней.

  • by a phrase

My explaining was of no use. Моё объяснение не имело никакого смысла.

She was startled by the noise of the door being opened.

Она вздрогнула от звука открывающейся двери.

The Gerund and the Infinitive to be compared

After some verbs it is possible to use either a gerund or an infinitive. In some cases the difference between them is scarcely seen. But there are cases when it is necessary to choose either the gerund or the infinitive to make the utterance clear and careful.

The Verbs

The Gerund

The Infinitive


I proposestarting early. =

I proposeto start early.




She begancrying.
The predicate indicates an activity or process.

1. I beganto feel sick.

The predicate indicates a state or mental activity.
2. The barometer beganto fall.

The subject is lifeless.
3. It is beginingto rain.

The verb is used in the continuous form.

like / love



can't bear

would like

I preferwalking to cycling.

I don't likeinterrupting him.
In general statements, always

I preferto walk.

I don't liketo interrupt her.
In a particular case, this time


Tryknocking again if nobody hears you.

Do it as an experiment.

Tryto get here early.
Make an attemp.




He forgotpaying me.

I regretsaying that you were mistaken.
The gerund denotes a prior action, an action that has already happened.

He forgotto pay me.

I regretto say that you were mistaken.
The infinitive denotes a posterior action, an action that is supposed to happen.

go on

They went onwriting.
To continue to do something.

They went onto write.
To move on to do something else.


They stoppedtalking.
The action is over.

The gerund is used in the function of a part of a compound verbal aspect predicate.

They stoppedto talk.
To stop in order to do something.

The infinitive is used in the function of an adverbial modifier of purpose.
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