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  • as well as

  • The modern concept of the combustion was established Lavoisier in 1777. 2. Этот газ был назван ≪образующим кислоты≫. – This gas was named “acid former”.

  • Oxygen was obtained by heating various compounds of the element, particularly mercuric oxide. 4. Работа Пристли была опубликована в 1774 году. – Priestley ’ s work

  • Oxygen was discovered and described in the second half of the 18th century.

  • Joseph Priestley, an English clergyman and amateur scientist, and Carl Wilhelm Scheele, a Swedish pharmacist worked on the discovery of oxygen.

  • It was the phlogiston theory of combustion

  • It states that the combustion of a substance consists in its combination with the oxygen. 7. What does the word “oxygen” meanThe name “oxygen” mean “acid former”.

  • Англ. Move to переезжать в escape smth сбежать от

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    Задание 8.1
    move to – переезжать в …

    escape smth. – сбежать от …

    obtain – получать

    by heating – при нагревании, путем нагревания

    particularly – в частности

    find evidence – находить доказательство

    be a component of smth. – быть составной частью (компонентом) чего-либо

    although – хотя

    perform an experiment – проводить эксперимент

    even earlier – даже раньше

    appear – возникать

    until – пока не

    though – хотя

    along with – наряду с …

    in fact – в действительности, на самом деле

    on the basis of – на основе чего-либо

    as well as – так же как

    very fine experimental work – очень тонкая (прекрасная) экспериментальная работа

    modem concept – современная концепция (понятие)

    work of one’s own –работать самостоятельно

    consist in smth – состоять в чем-либо

    since – так как

    such as – например, такой как

    yield products – производить продукты

    an acidic solution – кислые растворы

    the second most abundant component – второй по распространенности компонент

    about one-fifth by volume – около 1/5 объема

    in the combined state – в смешанном состоянии

    on the average – в среднем
    Задание 8.2

    различные соединения – various compounds

    путем нагревания – by heating

    особенно – particularly

    найти доказательство – to find evidence

    составная часть атмосферы – a component of the atmosphere

    хотя – although

    опубликовать работу – to publish a work

    признавать – to recognize

    играть важную роль – to play an important role

    наряду с – along with

    на основании – on the basis of

    так же как – such as

    тонкая работа – fine work

    современное понятие – modem concept

    заключаться в – to consist in smth

    так как – since

    неметалл – non-metal

    давать продуты – to yield products

    реагировать с – to react with

    в свободном состоянии – in the free state

    встречаться в атмосфере – to occure in the atmosphere

    около 90% по весу – up 90% by weight

    чистая вода – pure water

    в среднем – on the average

    морская вода – sea water
    Задание 8.3
    1. Scheele as well as Priestley obtained oxygen by heating various compounds of the element. 2. Priestley recognized that the gas obtained by him plays an important role in combustion. 3. Priestley and Scheele remained adherent of the phlogiston theory of combustion. 4. The combustion of a substance consists in its combination with oxygen. 5. Oxygen occurs in the free state in the atmosphere.
    Задание 8.4

    a) will be discussed – будет обсуждаться

    was being studied – изучалось

    will have been taken – будет взято

    are named – называется

    had been discovered – был открыт

    will be obtained – будет получен

    have been written – написано

    were being translated – переводилось

    shall have done – будет сделано

    are used – используется

    is being done – деляется (сейчас)

    will be produced – будет произведено

    was asked – был опрошен

    are taught – кого-то учат

    will be given – будет дан

    b) 1. Oxygen was obtained by Scheele and Priestley independently. – Кислородполучили (былполучен) ШеелеиПристлинезависимодруготдруга.

    2. Oxygen was obtained by heating mercuric oxide. – Кислород получали нагреванием оксида ртути.

    3. Evidence was found that this gas is a component of the atmosphere. – Былообнаруженодоказательство, чтоэтотгазявляетсясоставнойчастьюатмосферы.

    4. The theory of phlogiston is not much spoken about at present. – О теории флогистона в настоящее время говорят мало.

    5. An important role of oxygen in combustion was discovered by Priestley. – Важная роль кислорода в горении была открыта Пристли.

    6. The name “oxygen” was derived from Greek words meaning “acid former”. – Название «кислород» произошло от греческих слов, означающих «образующий кислоты».

    7. Oxygen is found in the free state in the atmosphere. – Кислороднаходитсявсвободномсостоянииватмосфере.

    Задание 8.5

    1. Современное понятие горения было установлено Лавуазье в 1777 году. – The modern concept of the combustion was established Lavoisier in 1777.

    2. Этот газ был назван ≪образующим кислоты≫. – This gas was named “acid former”.

    3. Кислород был получен нагреванием различных соединений этого элемента, в частности, оксида ртути. – Oxygen was obtained by heating various compounds of the element, particularly mercuric oxide.

    4. Работа Пристли была опубликована в 1774 году. – Priestleys work was published in 1774.

    2. Кислород был открыт и описан во второй половине XVIII века. – Oxygen was discovered and described in the second half of the 18th century.

    3. На золото кислород не действует ни при какой температуре. – Oxygen does not affect gold at any temperature.

    Задание 8.6

    1. What famous scientists worked on the discovery of oxygen?

    Joseph Priestley, an English clergyman and amateur scientist, and Carl Wilhelm Scheele, a Swedish pharmacist worked on the discovery of oxygen.

    2. Who was the first to obtain this gas?

    Scheele was the first to obtain this gas.

    3. What was the method of obtaining oxygen?

    I was the method of heating various compounds of the element.

    4. What theory of combustion existed in Priestley’s time?

    It was the phlogiston theory of combustion.

    5. What did the French chemist Lavoisier establish?

    He established the modem concept of combustion and the fact that oxygen is an important constituent of the atmosphere.

    6. What does the modem concept of combustion state?

    It states that the combustion of a substance consists in its combination with the oxygen.

    7. What does the word “oxygen” mean?

    The name “oxygen” mean “acid former”.

    8. Where does oxygen occur and in what state?

    It occurs in the free state as the second most abundant component of the atmosphere. In the combined state it makes up 88.81% by weight of pure water, and, on the average, 85.79% of sea water. It occurs in the earth’s crust, in the form of a multitude of compounds.

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