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  • Power Sources .

  • Control Systems.

  • Robot Programming by Teaching Methods .

  • Lead-Through Programming or Teaching

  • Walk-Through Programming or Teaching

  • Off-Line Programming .

  • Н. В. Моина ю. Б. Генина т. В. Шульженко чтение английской научнотехнической литературы

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    НазваниеН. В. Моина ю. Б. Генина т. В. Шульженко чтение английской научнотехнической литературы
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    Robot Components

    Industrial robots have four major components: the mechanical unit, power source, control system, and tooling.

    Mechanical Unit. The robot's manipulative arm is the mechanical unit. This mechanical unit is also comprised of a fabricated structural frame with provisions for supporting mechanical linkage and joints, guides, actuators (linear or rotary), control valves, and sensors. The physical dimensions, design, and weight-carrying ability depend on application requirements.

    Power Sources. Energy is provided to various robot actuators and their controllers as pneumatic, hydraulic, or electrical power. The robot's drives are usually mechanical combinations powered by these types of energy, and the selection is usually based upon application requirements. For example, pneumatic power (low-pressure air) is used generally for low weight carrying robots.

    Hydraulic power transmission (high-pressure oil) is usually used for medium to high force or weight applications, or where smoother motion control can be achieved than with pneumatics. Consideration should be given to potential hazards of fires from leaks if petroleum-based oils are used.

    Electrically powered robots are the most prevalent in industry. Either AC or DC electrical power is used to supply energy to electromechanical motor-driven actuating mechanisms and their respective control systems. Motion control is much better, and in an emergency an electrically powered robot can be stopped or powered down more safely and faster than those with either pneumatic or hydraulic power.

    Control Systems.Either auxiliary computers or embedded microprocessors are used for practically all control of industrial robots today. These perform all of the required computational functions as well as interface with and control associated sensors, grippers, tooling, and other associated peripheral equipment. The control system performs the necessary sequencing and memory functions for on-line sensing, branching, and integration of other coordinate values equipment. Programming of the controllers can be done on-line or at remote off-line control stations with electronic data transfer of programs.

    Self-diagnostic capability for troubleshooting and maintenance greatly reduces robot system downtime. Some robot controllers have sufficient capacity, in terms of computational ability, memory capacity, and input-output capability to serve also as system controllers and handle many other machines and processes. Programming of robot controllers and systems has not been standardized by the robotics industry; therefore, the manufacturers use their own proprietary programming languages which require special training of personnel.

    Robot Programming by Teaching Methods. A program consists of individual command steps which state either the position or function to be performed, along with other informational data such as speed, dwell or delay times, sample input device, activate output device, execute, etc.

    When establishing a robot program, it is necessary to establish a physical or geometrical relationship between the robot and other equipment or work to be serviced by the robot. To establish these coordinate points precisely within the robot's working envelope, it is necessary to control the robot manually and physically teach the coordinate points. To do this as well as determine other functional programming information, three different teaching or programming techniques are used: lead-through, walk-through, and off-line.

    Lead-Through Programming or Teaching. This method of teaching uses a proprietary teach pendant (the robot's control is placed in a "teach" mode), which allows trained personnel physically to lead the robot through the desired sequence of events by activating the appropriate pendant button or switch. Position data and functional information are "taught" to the robot, and a new program is written. The teach pendant can be the only source by which a program is established, or it may be used in conjunction with an additional programming console and/or the robot's controller. When using this technique of teaching or programming, the person performing the teach function can be within the robot's working envelope, with operational safeguarding devices deactivated or inoperative.

    Walk-Through Programming or Teaching. A person doing the teaching has physical contact with the robot arm and actually gains control and walks the robot's arm through the desired positions within the working envelope.

    During this time, the robot's controller is scanning and storing on a fixed time basis. When the robot is later placed in the automatic mode of operation, these values and other functional information are replayed and the program run as it was taught. With the walk-through method of programming, the person doing the teaching is in a potentially hazardous position because the operational safeguarding devices are deactivated or inoperative.

    Off-Line Programming. The programming establishing the required sequence of functional and required positional steps is written on a remote computer console. Since the console is distant from the robot and its controller, the written program has to be transferred to the robot's controller and precise positional data established to achieve the actual coordinate information for the robot and other equipment. The program can be transferred directly or by cassette or floppy discs. After the program has been completely transferred to the robot's controller, either the lead-through or walk-through technique can be used for obtaining actual positional coordinate information for the robot's axes.

    When programming robots with any of the three techniques discussed above, it is generally required that the program be verified and slight modifications in positional information made. This procedure is called program touch-up and is normally carried out in the teach mode of operation. The teacher manually leads or walks the robot through the programmed steps. Again, there are potential hazards if safeguarding devices are deactivated or inoperative.
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