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  • The Hospital and Specialist Service

  • THEME: NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICE IN GREAT BRITAIN Step I I Pre-text Phonetic Exercises. Ex: 1. Work on the active vocabulary.

  • Ex: 2. Read and translate the following word combinations.

  • II. Lexical exercises. Ex: 3. Give Russian equivalents.

  • Ex: 5. Quote the sentences in which these words and word combinations are used in the text.

  • Ex: 7. Find in the text English equivalents to the following sentences.

  • Post – Text Lexical Exercises. Ex: 8. Complete the sentences.

  • Ex: 9. Fill in the blanks with the words given in brackets.

  • Grammar Exercises Ex: 10. Choose the appropriate verbs given in brackets

  • Ex: 11. Compose 4 types of questions to the Text. Ex: 12. Express your agreement or disagreement with statements given below.

  • Ex: 13. Answer the following questions.

  • Ex: 14. Comment on the text using the following phrase

  • National Health in Great Britain рус. National health service in great britain

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    The NHS was established in the United Kingdom in 1948. Medical aid became free in the country, but the population still pays money for medical service, e.g. writing out a prescription costs 2 shillings, stomatologic aid costs 10 pounds for the course of treatment. All the country is divided into 14 hospital regions, 90 provinces and 205 districts. In big towns there are some private and independent hospitals which people may use. The patient is free to choose his doctor if he/she wishes to do so. The doctor may have private patients and work in the state service at the same time.

    The NHS in Great Britain consists of 3 main parts: 1) the General Practitioner Service, 2) The Hospital and Specialist Service, and 3) Local Health Authority Service.

    A General Practitioner (a family doctor) works according to his contract with the organs of the NHS, but his work is quite independent. He himself chooses the rooms for his work, acquires medical equipments and selects his assistants. Every general practitioner has 2000-3500 persons on his list. He receives payment from the health service funds of about one pound for each patient on his list.

    A general practitioner is not a specialized doctor. He cures diseases of all kinds. Only in case of necessity he directs his patients to a hospital for the cure by specialists.

    The Hospital and Specialist Service

    In hospitals all treatment is free. Some NHS hospitals have sections in which patients may pay for private rooms. Each Hospital is staffed with consultants.

    Local Health Authority Service includes the centers of mother and child, the staff of nurses for visiting patients at home, for helping the elderly people and babies. In spite of the large prophylactic work which is carried out by the service many infectious diseases are wide-spread over the country: infectious hepatitis, measles, whooping cough, scarlet fever, etc. Flu, pneumonia and bronchitis are met more often compared with other countries. But the mortality rate from infectious diseases and TB has greatly reduced. The following illnesses serve the main reasons of death in most of the cases: 1) the diseases of the circulatory system, 2) malignant tumors, 3) pneumonia.

    Active vocabulary

    to establish устанавливать

    a prescription рецепт

    to cost стоить

    the course of treatment курс лечения

    private частный

    independent hospitals негосударственные больницы

    to choose выбирать

    to wish хотеть, желать

    the General Practitioner Service служба врачей общей практики

    The Hospital and Specialist Service больничная и специализированная служба

    Local Health Authority Service местные органы здравоохранения

    according to согласно, соответственно

    quite совершенно, полностью

    to acquire приобретать

    equipment оборудование

    need нужда, нуждаться

    attention внимание

    section отделение

    to include включать

    in spite of несмотря на

    to carry out выполнять

    wide-spread широко распространенный

    measles корь

    whooping cough коклюш

    scarlet fever скарлатина

    flu грипп

    to reduce снижаться

    malignant tumor злокачественная опухоль


    Step I

    I Pre-text Phonetic Exercises.

    Ex: 1. Work on the active vocabulary.

    a) Listen to the Teacher’s reading of active words attentively.

    b) Repeat the words after the Teacher in chorus.

    c) Read the words individually.

    Ex: 2. Read and translate the following word combinations. to establish, to include, the United Kingdom, the course of treatment, a general practitioner, to acquire medical equipments, to cure diseases, to select, in case of necessity, Local Health Authority Service, infectious hepatitis, diseases of all kinds, the main reasons of death.

    II. Lexical exercises.

    Ex: 3. Give Russian equivalents. Private patients, to choose a doctor, to direct a patient to a hospital, the staff of nurses, prophylactic work, mortality rate, the following illnesses, to visit patients at home, to pay money for smth, hospital regions.

    Ex: 4. Give English equivalents.

    Выписывать рецепт, государственная служба, работать по контракту, получать зарплату, специализированный врач, быть укомплектованным (иметь штат), оказать помощь пожилым людям, широко распространенный, по сравнению с, являться (служить) основными причинами смерти, злокачественная опухоль,

    Ex: 5. Quote the sentences in which these words and word combinations are used in the text. a prescription, independent, private, a general practitioner, to cure diseases,

    to carry out, malignant tumour.

    Ex: 6. Find in the text Russian equivalents to the following sentences.

    a) In big towns there are some private and independent hospitals which people may use

    b) The patient is free to choose his doctor if he/she wishes to do so.

    c) The doctor may have private patients and work in the state service at the same time.

    d) Each hospital is staffed with consultants.

    e) He himself chooses the rooms for his work, acquires medical equipments and selects his assistants.

    f) He receives payment from the health service funds of about one pound for each patient on his list.

    h) Flu, pneumonia and bronchitis are met more often compared with other countries.

    Ex: 7. Find in the text English equivalents to the following sentences.

    a) Население Великобритании все еще платит деньги за медицинское обслуживание.

    b) Медицинское обслуживание в Великобритании состоит из 3-х основных частей:

    служба врачей общей практики, специализированной и больничной

    служба, местных органов здравоохранения.

    c) Врач общей практики выбирает помещение для работы, приобретает

    медицинское оборудование и подбирает сотрудников.

    d) Врач общей практики лечит все виды болезней.

    e) Смертность от инфекционных болезней и туберкулеза значительно снизилась.

    f) Следующие болезни являются главной причиной смерти в большинстве

    случаев: сердечнососудистые болезни, злокачественные опухоли и пневмония.

    h) Местные органы здравоохранения включают центры матери и ребенка,

    штат медсестер.

    Post – Text Lexical Exercises.

    Ex: 8. Complete the sentences.

    1. In big towns there are some private and independent hospitals which … .

    2. … and work in the state service at the same time.

    3. A general practitioner works according to the contract with the organs of the NHS …….

    4. … he directs his patients to a hospital for the cure by specialists.

    5. Some NHS hospitals have sections in which patients … .

    6. In spite of the large prophylactic work which is carried out by the service many infectious diseases are wide-spread over the country: … .

    Ex: 9. Fill in the blanks with the words given in brackets.

    1. The patient is free (выбирать) is doctor and change to another one if he/she wishes to do so.

    2. A general practitioner works (согласно) the contract with the organs of the NHS, but his work is quite independent.

    3. He receives (зарплата) from the health service funds of about one pound for each patient on his list.

    4. Only in case of necessity he (направлять) his patients to a hospital for the

    (Лечение) by specialists.

    5. (Несмотря на) the large prophylactic work which is carried out by the service many infectious diseases are wide - spread over the country.
    Grammar Exercises

    Ex: 10. Choose the appropriate verbs given in brackets:

    1. Medical aid (to be, to become) free in the country.

    2. All the country (to divide, to separate) into 14 hospital regions.

    3. The patient is free (to select, to choose) his doctor.

    4. A general practitioner (to treat, to cure) diseases of all kinds.

    5. But the mortality rate from infectious diseases and TB has greatly (to reduce,

    to shorten).

    Ex: 11. Compose 4 types of questions to the Text.

    Ex: 12. Express your agreement or disagreement with statements given below.

    You are right. You are wrong

    That’s right. That’s wrong

    I agree with you. I disagree with you.

    I think so. I don’t think so.

    I am of the same opinion. I am afraid you are wrong.

    1. The NHS was established in the United Kingdom in 1948.

    2. The patient is not free to choose his doctor.

    3. In Great Britain the NHS consists of 3 main parts: 1) the General Practitioner Service, 2) The Hospital and Specialist Service, and 3) Local Health Authority Service.

    4. A general practitioner is a specialized doctor

    5. Some NHS hospitals have sections in which patients may pay for private rooms

    6. Local Health Authority Service includes the centers of mother and child, the staff of nurses for visiting patients at home, for helping the elderly people and babies.

    7. Flu, pneumonia and bronchitis are not met more often compared with other countries. Ex: 13. Answer the following questions.

    1. When was the NHS established in the United Kingdom?

    2. Does the population still pay money for medical service?

    3. What do they pay for?

    4. Can the patient in Great Britain choose his doctor?

    5. What are the main parts of the NHS?

    6. Does a General practitioner in Great Britain work independently?

    7. How many persons have a General practitioner on his list?

    8. Is all treatment in hospitals free? May patients have private rooms in


    9. What infectious diseases are wide-spread in Great Britain?

    10. What problems are there in the NHS today?

    Ex: 14. Comment on the text using the following phrases.

    From this text we have learnt that …

    It was interesting to know that …

    It should be mentioned that …

    Ex: 15 Prepare your reports

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