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НазваниеНовый третий сетчатый слой миометрия соединяет продольные и циркулярные мышечные волокна потенциальный слой для координации сокращений матки
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Microscopy and image analysis

Image analysis was performed as we described previously[17,18]. Bright-field images of the uterus were taken using a stereomicroscope (MZ16F, Leica). Tissue sections were examined with an epifluorescence microscope (BZ-X710, Keyence). Three-dimensional images of transparent organs were acquired using a light-sheet microscope (Lightsheet Z.1, Carl Zeiss) [17,18]. Images of the uterus were obtained using a 5×/0.16 NA objective lens, and detailed single-cell resolution images were acquired using a 20×/1.0 NA objective lens for the clearing method. Three-dimensional images were analyzed using ZEN software (Carl Zeiss)[17].


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