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1. ensuite [ɔn'swi:t]

ванная, примыкающая к спальне / номер с ванной комнатой

2. to book / to reserve

[bʊk / rɪ'zɜ:v]

I booked / reserved a room.

бронировать / резервировать
Я забронировал номер.

3. in advance [ɪn əd'vɑ:ns]

I booked the room in advance.


Я забронировал номер заранее.

4. season ['si:zn]

tourist season


туристический сезон

5. to check in at reception

[tə tʃek ɪn ət rɪ'sepʃn̩]

We checked in at reception.

зарегистрироваться в гостинице
Мы зарегистрировались в гостинице.

6. porter ['pɔ:tə]


7. tip ['tɪp]

I gave the porter a small tip.


Я дал портье небольшие чаевые.

8. chambermaid ['tʃeɪmbəmeɪd]

We had a very nice chambermaid.


У нас была хорошая горничная.

9. to work ['wɜ:k]

The shower didn’t work very well.


Душ работал не очень хорошо.

10. to put smth on smb’s bill

['pʊt smth ɒn smbɪz bɪl]

Could you put it on my bill, please?

включать в чей-либо счет
Не могли бы вы включить это в мой счет?

11. to pay the bill

[peɪ ðə bɪl]

Could I pay my bill, please?

оплатить счет
Могу я оплатить счет?

12. to order / call a taxi

['ɔ:də / kɔ:l ə 'tæksi]

Could you order / call a taxi for me to go to the airport?

заказать / вызвать такси
Не могли бы вы заказать такси до аэропорта?

13. to be fully booked [bi 'fʊli bʊkt ]

Are you fully booked next week?

быть полностью зарезервированным

У Вас все номера зарезервированы на следующую неделю?

14. to be included

[bi ɪn'klu:dɪd]

Is breakfast/dinner included?

включаться, входить
Завтрак / обед включен?

15. lift / elevator

[lɪft / 'elɪveɪtə]

Where’s the lift?

лифт (англ.) / лифт (амер.)
Где находится лифт?

16. How do I get to…?

['haʊ də 'aɪ 'ɡet tu:]

How do I get to the underground station from here?

как мне добраться до …?
Как мне добраться отсюда до метро?


  1. Answer the questions:

1. How are the hotels in Great Britain graded?

2. What is a single room?

3. What is the difference between a double room and a twin room?

4. What does full board include?

5. What must you do if you are going to visit some place during a tourist season?

6. When you arrive at a hotel what should you do first?

7. What should you give to a porter?

8. What is a chambermaid?

9. What services are available to you if you stay at a hotel?

  1. Read the statements and say whether they are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false ones:

1. A five-star hotel is the cheapest one.

2. Bed & Breakfast (B&B) hotels are also called Guest Houses.

3. A twin room is the same as the double room.

4. When you arrive at a hotel you should check in at reception.

5. A chambermaid is your personal assistant.

6. You must pay your bill before you leave the hotel.


  1. Put these sentences in a logical order:

1. I paid my bill.

2. I checked in at reception.

3. I left the hotel.

4. I went up to my room.

5. I spent the night in the hotel.

6. I had an early morning call at seven o’clock.

7. I booked a room at a hotel.

8. I went out for dinner in a local restaurant.

9. I arrived at the hotel.

10. I got up and had a shower.

11. I had breakfast.

12. I tipped the porter who carried my luggage upstairs.

  1. Match the words with their Russian equivalents:

1 to tip

a трехзвездочный отель

2 chambermaid

b давать чаевые

3 to pay the bill

c полный пансион

4 three-star hotel

d вызвать такси

5 full board

e оплатить счет

6 to call a taxi

f лифт

7 in advance

g горничная

8 lift / elevator

h заранее

  1. Give the English equivalents from the text above:

  1. Где находится лифт? ……………………………….........................................

  2. Оплатить счет ………………………................................................................

  3. Заказать такси ………………………………...................................................

  4. Все комнаты полностью зарезервированы …………………………………...

  5. Зарегистрироваться в гостинице ……………………………........................

  6. Номер на одного ……………………………………………...........................

  7. Номер с ванной комнатой ………………………………...............................

  8. Душ не работает ……………………………………………….......................

  9. Как можно добраться до ……………………………..………………..

  10. Портье ………………………………………………….................................

  1. Match the words with their English definitions:

1 chambermaid

  1. a room with private bathroom

2 a twin room

  1. includes breakfast, lunch and dinner

3 an ensuite

  1. the woman who cleans the room

4 full board

  1. the machine which takes you up or down a floor

5 lift / elevator

  1. just the room and breakfast

6 B & B

  1. a room for two people with two single beds


1. Если вы хотите посетить Лондон в разгар туристического сезона, вы должны заказать номера в отеле заранее. …………………………………...…………………

………………………………………………………………........................................ .

2. Пятизвездочные отели самые дорогие. …………………………………………....

………………………………………………………………….................................... .

3. В некоторых странах чаевые считаются обязательными. …………………..…….

........................................................................................................................................ .

4. Отели B&B очень популярны среди студентов. …….............................................

........................................................................................................................................ .
5. Комнаты с одной двуспальной кроватью традиционно занимают молодожены или супружеские пары без детей. …………………………………...…………..…....

……………………………………………………………………………………..…... .

6. Отели, где все включено, особенно востребованы русскими туристами. …….....

......................................................................................................................................... .

7. Извините, как я могу добраться до Красной Площади? ……………..………. ...……………………………………………………………………….……………..... .

8. Я поужинал в местном ресторане и попросил включить плату в счет. ......................................................................................................................................... .


  1. Interview

Work in pairs and prepare an interview with a hotel receptionist.

Student A is a university student who wants to book a room at a hotel.

Student B is a hotel receptionist.

  1. Read and reproduce the dialogues:

Hotel Check-In
Liverpool – Andrea is checking in to the Twin Palm Hotel.

Barbara Leigh is at reception.
Barbara: Good afternoon, ma’am.

Andrea: Good afternoon. I want to check in.

Barbara: Do you have a reservation?

Andrea: Yes, I do.

Barbara: What name?

Andrea: Andrea Northon.

Barbara: Just a moment… I don’t have your name on the computer.

Andrea: Try my company. That’s Underwood Engineering.

Barbara: Ah, yes. I have it here. Underwood Engineering, 276 Maple Street, Addington. Ms. Northon. A single room for 3 nights.

Andrea: That’s right.

Barbara: And the room’s reserved on your Visa card?

Andrea: Yes, it is.

Barbara: Are you paying with that card?

Andrea: Yes, I am.

Barbara: OK. I just need you to complete this registration card.

Andrea: Thank you. Uh, sorry, what’s the date today?

Barbara: June, 17th. You are in Room 1533.

San Antonio – Luke Freeman is checking to the Universal Inn.
Luke: Do you have a room for six nights?

Clerk: Do you have a reservation?

Luke: No, I don’t.

Clerk: I am sorry, sir. We are really full.

Luke: You don’t have a room, then?

Clerk: Well, we have a small room. It’s at the back, right over the kitchen…



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Eating habits in Great Britain

Answer the questions. Then talk about your answers.

  1. What do you know about traditional English food?

  2. What is your favourite cuisine?

  3. What do you think about Russian favourite dishes? Can we call them healthy?

  4. Have you ever been on a diet? What kind of diet was it?

  5. What is healthy food?

  6. Do you often buy fast-food? What is the secret of its popularity?


Read and translate the text

The traditional British breakfast is a cooked meal of bacon, eggs and sausages, preceded by cereal or fruit and followed by toast. Nowadays this large meal is served mainly in hotels and is very popular with foreign visitors. Britons may eat this http://im3-tub-ru.yandex.net/i?id=444127995-11-72&n=21

Взято с сайта http://goldsmithscafe.co.uk
big breakfast at weekends or on special occasions but they prefer a smaller, healthier meal to start a normal day.
Lunch is a light meal and is eaten at school or work at about 1 pm. Lunch takes 30 - 40 minutes. Some offices install a microwave oven for employees to use. Popular lunches are: a salad or a sandwich; a baked potato; beans on toast.
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