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  1. Запишите новую лексику

  2. Прочитайте и переведите текст (устно)

  3. the system of education – система образования

  4. elementary school – начальная школа (первые 5 классов)

  5. middle school – средняя школа (6-8 классы)

  6. high school – старшая школа (9-11 классы)

  7. K-12 – условное обозначение 12-летней системы школьного образования.

  8. public school – государственная школа (бесплатная)

  9. private school – частная школа (платная)

  10. homeschooling – домашнее образование

  11. children with special needs – дети с особыми потребностями

  12. non-traditional method – нетрадиционный метод

  13. tight schedule – напряженный график

  14. to pass a test – сдать тест (пройти тест)

  15. professional career – профессиональная карьера

  16. vocational school – профессиональное учебное заведение

  17. trade – в данном случае, рабочая профессия, ремесло, одна из профессий, которым обучают в проф. училищах.

  18. gap year – «промежуточный год», т.е. год между школой и дальнейшей учебой, который дети тратят на то, чтобы лучше понять, чем они хотят заниматься в жизни (если могут себе позволить, конечно).

  19. internship – стажировка (как правило, неоплачиваемая работа ради опыта, рекомендаций)

The US educational system is much decentralized and schools vary greatly from state to state. There are three levels of subsidizing of education: federal, state and local. They subsidize 3-5 per cent on a federal level, around 20 per cent on a state level and 70-80 per cent on a local level. There are 15,000 school districts which are different in size. A school district is governed by the Board of Education/School Board/School Council which is elected every two years by the residents of the school district. Members of school boards perform their responsibilities on a volunteer basis, that means they do not get any salaries. They are to define the policies for the administration of the school district. Teachers, in turn, decide about the program and approaches of teaching. Every resident pays a school tax to the school district he/she lives in, no matter he/she has school children or not. School education in the United States is free and parents are free to choose a school for their children. But if parents send their child to a school of another school district they have to pay the sum equivalent to the school tax directly to the school the child goes to. There are also a lot of private schools, mainly religious, and parents have to pay for them. The cost is $ 5,000 - $ 10,000 a year. There is no home education in the United States. Each invalid is supposed to attend school. School provides all the necessary conditions for them to study. The school system structure in the United States looks like this. Children start going to school at the age of five. First they go to eight-year elementary school and then to high school or if they go to five- or six-year elementary school, they then attend three- or four-year middle school, and then high school. Teenagers study at high school four years and graduate from it at the age of eighteen. Members of each grade in high school have special names:

- a ninth grader is called a Freshman,
- a tenth grader - a Sophomore,
- an eleventh grader - a Junior,
- a twelfth grader - a Senior.

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