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    Compiling, Linking and Libraries


    Вопрос 1

    GCC stands for:

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    GNU Compiler Collection

    Geneva Computation Corporation

    Great Computer Compiler

    GNU Compiler for C


    This is the correct answer


    Вопрос 2

    A good choice of compiler options for day-to-day use would be:

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    gcc -M -H -O3 -E program.c

    gcc -Wall -I /tmp/include -L /tmp/lib program.c

    gcc -O2 -Wall -pedantic program.c

    gcc -O0 -Wall -ansi program.c


    This is a standard bit of advice


    Вопрос 3

    Why might you choose to link your program statically, rather than use a shared library version?

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    The static program will use less memory

    The static program need not have an open source license, while the shared library version cannot be closed source

    The static program will not use new versions of shared libraries as they become available, and thus may avoid breakage and bugs

    The static program will load and execute more quickly


    Yes, some bugs can be avoided


    Вопрос 4

    To find the shared libraries used by /usr/bin/cp you can do (Select all answers that apply):

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    ldd /usr/bin/cp


    You can run ldd directly on the executable

    ldd $(which cp)


    You can run ldd indirectly on the executable using which

    gcc -ldd /usr/bin/cp

    find -libso /usr/bin/cp


    Вопрос 5

    Which statements are true (Select all answers that apply):

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    Use of shared libraries can cause bugs because the application may conflict with the new library version


    Unfortunately, there may be unforeseen problems and inadequate testing

    Use of shared libraries saves memory


    Only one copy of the library needs to be kept in memory if more than one application is using its contents

    Applications can load faster when using shared libraries


    If the relevant data is already in memory it need not be loaded again

    Use of shared libraries enables applications to stay up to date with new library features without being recompiled


    The application will automatically use the new features
    Test 7
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