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Linux for Developers

Week 1

Linux and the Operating System

1.Question 1

In order to install and use Linux:

You need a computer or an account in a cloud environment such as AWS, Azure or Google Cloud
2.Question 2

Which of the following are members of the Debian distribution family (Select all answers that apply)?

  • Ubuntu

Ubuntu is a member of the Debian family.

  • Linux Mint

Linux Mint is a member of the Debian family.

3.Question 3

Which of the following are Enterprise Linux Distributions (Select all answers that apply)?

  • SUSE

SUSE is an Enterprise Distribution

  • RHEL

Red Hat Enterprise Linux is an Enterprise Distribution, as its name indicates!
4.Question 4

Which of the following are important facilities Linux distributions provide?

All are correct

  • Provide updates, upgrades and bug and security fixes to end user systems in a timely and controlled fashion

  • Make sure all the different software on the system works together and is updated at once without conflicts

  • Make it easy to install Linux on a wide variety of hardware platforms

  • Form the connecting bridge between end users and upstream developers, making sure each is aware of the other's situations

5.Question 5

Select all true answers:

  • The term Linux really applies only to the core kernel, not the entire operating system.

  • Linux borrowed heavily from basic UNIX features, but is not actually an implementation of the UNIX operating system.

Graphical Environments and Interfaces

1.Question 1

In the X Window System:

The server handles matters such as display and input devices, while the client can be anywhere and is the running application.
2.Question 2

Which of the following are layers of the graphical system interface?

  • Desktop Manager

  • Display Manager

  • Window Manager

3.Question 3

If you are running a GNOME desktop manager:

You can run KDE-based applications most of the time, as long as the underlying libraries have been installed by the distribution
4.Question 4

Which of the following are Desktop Managers?

  • XFCE

  • KDE


5.Question 5

What are ways you can launch a terminal window on a graphical desktop?

  • Find the "terminal" option in the Application or Favorites menu

  • On many but not all desktops, right click anywhere on the background and click on Open Terminal

  • Hit Alt-F2 and then type in the program name (e.g., gnome-terminal, konsole, xterm etc.)

Getting Help

1.Question 1

Which chapter in man contains information about standard user commands?

  • 1

2.Question 2

Which commands get a list of all man pages named "file" (Select all answers that apply)?

  • $ whatis file

3.Question 3

Select the true statements about getting documentation on echo (Select all answers that apply).

  • help echo gives the information about the command embedded in the bash shell

  • man echo gives the information about the system utility at /usr/bin/echo or /bin/echo

4.Question 4

Which of the following are command line help utilities?

  • man

  • help

  • Info

5.Question 5

To get a short help message about a command such as ls, listing options and arguments, type

  • ls --help

Week 2

Text Editors

1.Question 1

Which of the following statements is true?

  • You can go back and forth between editors as much as you would like without a conversion process

2.Question 2

Which of the following methods can be used to produce a file with 3 lines in it? Select all answers that apply.

  • $ echo line one > myfile

$ echo line two >> myfile

$ echo line three >> myfile

  • $ echo -e 'line one\nline two\nline three ' > myfile

  • $ cat << EOF > myfile

> line one

> line two

> line three


3.Question 3

Which statement is true?

  • vi involves switching between command and insert mode by hitting the Escape key

4.Question 4

Which pair of editors has partisan advocates who tend to wage war over which is better than the other?

  • vi and emacs

5.Question 5

Which editor can always be found installed by default on virtually any Linux system?

  • vi

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