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Which of the following options for the useradd command allows root to specify the UID to be associated with the account?

  • -g

  • -u

  • -U

  • -G

 Which of the following options for the useradd command allows root to specify supplementary groups the user will be a member of?

  • -u

  • U

  • -g

  • -G

On a system that does not use UPG, the useradd command will also create a user group. For example, user bob, group bob.. True or False?

  • True

  • False

Only one set (user, group, other) of permission can be changed at once using the symbolic method.. True or False?

  • True

  • False

Which of the following are methods for setting permissions using the chmod command?. (choose two)

  • letter

  • octal

  • symbolic

  • binary

The chown command can be used to change the owner and group of a file.. True or False?

  • True

  • False

Which of the following are examples of desktop software?. (choose two)

  • Web server

  • Web browser

  • File share

  • Compiler

  • Music player

If you wanted to set up a blog, which software would be most helpful?

  • MySQL

  • Postfix

  • WordPress

  • Dovecot

  • Samba

Which of the following pieces of software deal with file sharing?. (choose three)

  • NFS

  • X-Windows

  • Netatalk

  • Samba

  • PostgreSQL

If you wanted to create and print an invoice, which software could you use?


  • Compiz

  • Firefox

  • LibreOffice

  • Evolution

Which of the following is true about graphical mode?. (choose three)

  • You have menus and tools to help you find what you are looking for

  • You access this mode by logging into a graphical display

  • After login, you are provided with a command prompt

  • After login, you are provided with a desktop

  • You cannot use your mouse

Which of the following is provided by a graphical interface that isn’t normally provided to a non graphical interface?. (choose four)

  • Desktop

  • Shell

  • Windows

  • Popups

  • Menus

A server is likely to be running in graphical mode.. True or False?

  • True

  • False

In graphical mode, you can get to a shell by running which applications?. (choose two)

  • guiterm

  • gbash

  • terminal

  • xconsole

  • xterm

Which of the following are traits of a multiuser operating system?. (choose three)

  • An administrative user gets a dedicated CPU

  • Users can protect their information from other users

  • Resources are shared between users

  • Many users can log in simultaneously with a unique account

  • Each user can only log in once per day

Which environment variable contains a list of directories that is searched for commands to execute?

  • PATH

  • EXEC

  • PS1

  • PS2
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