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Select all the applications that provide access to the Command Line Interface (CLI)?. (choose two)

  • Virtual Terminal

  • firefox

  • opera

  • Terminal window

Select the command that can report the location of a command:

  • where

  • what

  • which

A pair of single quotes ( ‘ ) will prevent the shell from interpreting any metacharacter.. True or False?

  • True

  • False

The /tmp directory is a temporary directory and will not exist on a system at all times.. True or False?

  • True

  • False

The /var directory has files that change over time.. True or False?

  • True

  • False

Which of the following commands will set the “sticky bit” on /shared ?

  • chmod 4777 /shared

  • chmod 2777 /shared

  • chmod 7777 /shared

  • chmod 1777 /shared

Embedded Systems means:

  • Companies must share their changes

  • You can view the software’s source code

  • Businesses cannot charge anything for the software, only the hardware

  • Systems designed to do a specific task on hardware optimized for only that purpose

  • Users must support the systems themselves

Linux originally only ran on:

  • Xerox copy machines

  • Specialized processor chips

  • Intel 386 PCs

  • Raspberry Pi computers

  • Macintosh

Apple’s OS X is:

(choose three)

  • A fully certified UNIX distribution

  • Tightly integrated with Apple hardware

  • Partially based on code from the FreeBSD project

  • Primarily used to manage network services

  • Derived from Linux

  • Able to natively run Windows binaries

Microsoft Windows:

(choose three)

  • Is generally backwards compatible with previous versions

  • Offers both desktop and server products

  • Has a Linux compatibility mode

  • Has a short maintenance cycle

  • Has a scripting environment called PowerShell

  • Has a new desktop version every year.

An interpreted programming language:

(choose two)

  • Requires a compilation step but no linking step

  • Is converted into machine specific instructions as the program runs

  • Tends to offer more features than compiled languages

  • Requires a linking step but no compilation step

  • Takes fewer resources to run than a compiled language

The two main families of Linux shells are:

(choose two)

  • Bourne Shell

  • Python Shell

  • Korn shell

  • Emacs

  • C Shell

In virtualization, what are the host and guest?

(choose two)

  • The host is the machine that runs the virtual machines

  • The guest is the machine that runs the virtual machines

  • The terms can be used interchangeably

  • A host is a virtual machine

  • A guest is a virtual machine

Which of the following are properties of a strong password?

(choose three)

  • Based on easy to remember items like birthdays

  • Long so that it can be reused on multiple sites

  • Includes symbols

  • At least 10 characters long

  • A mix of upper and lower case

A license where you don’t have access to the source code is called:

  • Sourceless

  • Impaired source

  • Open source

  • Closed source

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