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A copyleft provision in a software license means:

  • You must provide support for your modifications

  • You may not link against third party closed source software

  • If you redistribute the software, you must distribute the source to any changes you make

  • You must provide free copies of the software if you use it

  • You give up your copyright to the software

The Free Software Foundation believes that:

(choose two)

  • Software should be free to modify

  • People should write software with no expectation of making money

  • Software should not have copyright

  • Software should be free to share

  • No money should ever change hands

What does it mean when a work is placed in the public domain?

  • The work was done by a government agency

  • You may not use the work for commercial purposes

  • The author has died

  • The author has relinquished the copyright on the work

  • You must redistribute changes to the software

The semicolon (;) can be used to separate multiple commands to be executed in order.

True or False?

  • True

  • False

To be able to output messages to the screen, use the _______ command:

  • print

  • echo

  • display

  • type

The _______ command will print a list of the commands that you’ve previously executed.

  • list

  • eval

  • exec

  • history

HOME is an example of _________.

  • A path variable

  • A local variable

  • An environment variable

  • An alias

  • An internal command

To start searching a man page, the first key you press is:

  • /

  • f

  • s

  • !

To get help on using the info command, execute:

(choose two)

  • man info

  • info info

  • help info

  • info -q

The _____ command can be used to find any file, not just commands or man pages.

  • whatis

  • locate

  • whereis

  • apropos

The ls command without options or arguments…

  • …prompts for a directory to list.

  • …lists the contents of the current directory.

  • …lists the contents of a user’s home directory.

  • …generates an error as this command requires arguments.

The command ls -S will sort files:

  • By size, smallest to largest

  • By modification date, newest to oldest

  • By number of symlinks, largest to smallest

  • By size, largest to smallest

When using the cp command, you must provide both a source and a destination.

True or False?

  • True

  • False

Which command would list files that do not begin with a “T” or a “W”?

  • echo /etc/[!TW]*

  • echo /etc/[*TW]!

  • echo /etc/!TW

  • echo /etc/*[TW!]

Which command will show what is inside the compressed tarball with a name of foo.tar.gz?

  • tar –tf foo.tar.gz

  • tar –tzf foo.tar.gz

  • tar –xf foo.tar.gz

  • tar –lf foo.tar.gz

  • tar –tjf foo.tar.gz

By default, the zip command replaces uncompressed files with compressed files.

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