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  • Be respectful and open minded

  • Competition between differing approaches

  • Unilateral, top-down communication

  • Divide work fairly among more than one group or individual, and merge late

49) OSS project should explicitly encourage diversity with respect to (Select all answers that apply):

  • Height and weight

  • National origin and language

  • Race

  • Sex and gender identity

  • Weather

50) The majority of OSS projects carry out their discussions in English. Therefore (Select all answers that apply):

  • One should always speak as clearly as possible, and while not being dull, think about the audience and what they will be familiar with

  • Language misunderstandings are unlikely to occur

  • Misunderstandings will only occur between native and non-native English speakers

  • It is fine to often use unexplained idioms and cultural references

51) With respect to criticism, an OSS contributor and reviewer should (Select all answers that apply):

  • Demand someone else review your submission and not answer specifics in any detail

  • Not hold back, it is important to have open and forthright discussion

  • Answer thoughtfully and point out where one agrees or disagrees, where changes are accepted or not.

  • Be very careful to never say someone is wrong, as some cultures find that offensive

52) Some one on an OSS mailing list introduces a political aside and perhaps a preference during a technical discussion. Appropriate responses include (Select all correct answers):

  • Respond immediately with your own view so the issue is not unchallenged if you disagree, or to reinforce the stance if you do

  • Acknowledge the issue but briefly without putting down anyone with differing opinions. Avoid amplifying

  • Make social media posts outside the community to alert them that someone has ignorant views

  • Ignore the point and just address the technical issues as needed.

53) You propose a new way of doing something, or adding a new feature. Another contributor points out this idea was reject previously. You should (Select all answers that apply):

  • Ask whether the need for this feature has grown; the earlier discussion may have been premature

  • Study the previous discussion and see whether it applies, including whether or not differences between your ideas and the old ones were not seen

  • Ask whether or not technical abilities have evolved to the point where something that was not feasible can be done today

  • Forget about it; no one will pay attention to you if you go forward if the other contributor has more history and trust than you do

54) Both public and private repositories on GitHub are free of charge. True or False?

  • True

  • False

55) GitHub and other similar hosting providers do not offer a full GUI interface. True or False?

  • True

  • False

56) Select the correct statement. GitHub:

  • Is maintained by the GNU project (its name starts with "g" is the clue)

  • Is maintained by The Linux Foundation

  • Is a private company acquired by Microsoft in 2018

57) Sites that offer services similar to GitHub include (select all that apply):

  • Launchpad

  • Google

  • GitLab

  • The OpenStack Foundation

  • GitKraken

58) When using a GitHub public repository:

  • Anyone on the Internet can download the data, but only authorized collaborators can upload information and modifications

  • Anyone on the internet can download the data as well as upload information and make modifications

59) To use Git, you:

  • Must be using Linux

  • Be on any operating system and version that has Git installed, and almost all do

60) To use GitHub and the other sites that provide repository hosting:

  • You must work from a command line

  • You can work from either a graphical interface or a command line

  • You must work from a graphical interface

61) What is usually the default shell for Linux?

  • C Shell

  • Korn Shell

  • bash (Bourne Again SHell)

  • Thompson Shell

62) How was The Linux Foundation formed?

  • It started in 2000 as the Open Source Development Lab (OSDL), and later changed its name to The Linux Foundation

  • The Free Standards Group changed its name to The Linux Foundation

  • OSDL and the Free Standards Group merged in 2007 to form The Linux Foundation

63) What are some of the most basic Linux components that are completely rooted in UNIX? Select all answers that apply.

  • Inode-based filesystem

  • Multi-process scheduling

  • Process creation and destruction

  • Accessing hardware through device nodes

64) What are the 3 major families of Linux Distributions? Select all answers that apply.

  • Red Hat

  • Debian

  • Ubuntu

  • SUSE

  • Oracle Linux

65) In order to install and use Linux:

  • You must pay a fee to The Linux Foundation to obtain a license

  • You have to post a public notice that you intend to honor the proper licenses

  • You need a computer or an account in a cloud environment such as AWS, Azure or Google Cloud

  • You are required to notify Linus Torvalds, so he can decide if the use is appropriate

66) Which of the following are members of the Debian distribution family (Select all answers that apply)?

  • Linux Mint

  • Fedora

  • Ubuntu

  • Gentoo

67) Which of the following are Enterprise Linux Distributions (Select all answers that apply)?

  • BSD

  • RHEL

  • Solaris

  • SUSE

68) Which of the following are important facilities Linux distributions provide?

  • Make it easy to install Linux on a wide variety of hardware platforms

  • Make sure all the different software on the system works together and is updated at once without conflicts

  • Provide updates, upgrades and bug and security fixes to end user systems in a timely and controlled fashion

  • Form the connecting bridge between end users and upstream developers, making sure each is aware of the other's situations

69) Select all true answers:

  • Linux is one of the many varieties of the UNIX operating system.

  • Linux borrowed heavily from basic UNIX features, but is not actually an implementation of the UNIX operating system.

  • The development of Linux is determined by The Linux Foundation.

  • Linux is a product of the Free Software Foundation GNU project.

  • The term Linux really applies only to the core kernel, not the entire operating system.

70) What are the three basic layers on a Linux graphical interface? Select all answers that apply.

  • Mutter

  • The Window Manager


  • The Desktop Manager

  • The X Window System

71) All recent GNOME-based Linux distributions look very similar as far as starting up, logging in, and shutting down. True or False?

  • True

  • False

72) What is the easiest way to install KDE on a CentOS 7 system?

  • sudo yum groupinstall KDE

  • sudo yum install KDE

73) In the X Window System:

  • The client is always on the local system, while the server is always on a remote system.

  • The server is always on the local system, while the client is always on a remote system.

  • The server handles matters such as display and input devices, while the client can be anywhere and is the running application.

  • The client handles matters such as display and input devices, while the server can be anywhere and is the running application.

74) Which of the following are layers of the graphical system interface?

  • Desktop Manager

  • Window Manager

  • Network Manager

  • Display Manager

  • Memory Manager

75) If you are running a GNOME desktop manager:

  • You can run KDE-based applications if you pay an extra fee

  • You can run KDE-based applications if you install a compatibility wrapper

  • You can run KDE-based applications most of the time, as long as the underlying libraries have been installed by the distribution

  • You cannot run KDE-based applications

76) Which of the following are Desktop Managers?

  • KDE

  • X Window System

  • Wayland


  • XFCE

77) What are ways you can launch a terminal window on a graphical desktop?

  • Hit *Ctrl-Alt-Delete*

  • Hit Alt-F2 and then type in the program name (e.g., gnome-termina l, konsole, xterm etc.)

  • Find the "terminal" option in the Application* or *Favorites* menu

  • On many but not all desktops, right click anywhere on the background and click on Open Terminal

78) What are some of the basic command line tools that can be found on Linux that can be used to get help?

  • man pages

  • --help and help

  • info

79) You can invoke the graphical help system directly from the command by doing:

  • khelpcenter or kdehelpcenter if you are running a KDE desktop

  • gnome-help if you are running a GNOME desktop

80) Which chapter in man contains information about standard user commands?

  • 1

  • 2

  • 3

  • 7

  • 2

81) Which commands get a list of all man pages named "file" (Select all answers that apply)?

  • $ man -k file

  • $ what is file

  • $ whatis file

  • $ apropos file

82) Select the true statements about getting documentation on echo (Select all answers that apply).

  • man echo gives the information about the system utility at /usr/bin/echo or /bin/echo

  • help echo gives the information about the command embedded in the bash shell

  • help echo gives the information about the system utility at /usr/bin/echo or /bin/echo

  • man echo gives the information about the command embedded in the bash shell

83) Which of the following are command line help utilities?

  • info

  • help

  • man

  • linuxdoc

  • explain

84) To get a short help message about a command such as ls, listing options and arguments, type

  • help is

  • ls/?

  • ls-help

  • ls --help

  • ls help

85) What are some of the most common editors that can be found on any Linux distribution? Select all answers that apply.

  • Notes

  • vi

  • gedit

  • emacs

  • nano

  • kate

86) GNOME offers a graphical interface four the vi editor, called gvim, while KDE does not offer a graphical interface for the vi editor. True or False?

  • False

  • True

87) What keys does emacs use for special commands? Select all answers that apply.

  • Control (Ctrl)

  • Shift

  • Meta

  • Enter

88) Which of the following statements is true?

  • Once you have begun a file in emacs, you cannot edit it in vi without running a conversion program first to strip out embedded information in the file

  • Once you have begun a file in vi, you cannot edit it in emacs without running a conversion program first to strip out embedded information in the file

  • You can go back and forth between editors as much as you would like without a conversion process

89) Which of the following methods can be used to produce a file with 3 lines in it? Select all answers that apply.

  • $ echo line one > myfile

  • $ echo line two > myfile

  • $ echo line three > myfile

  • $ echo -e 'line one\\nline two\\nline three ' > myfile

  • $ echo line one > myfile

  • $ echo line two >> myfile

  • $ echo line three >> myfile

  • $ cat << EOF > myfile

  • \> line one

  • \> line two

  • \> line three

  • \> EOF $

90) Which statement is true?

  • vi involves switching between command and insert mode by hitting the Escape key

  • emacs involves switching between command and insert mode by hitting the Escape key

  • edit involves switching between command and insert mode by hitting the Escape key

  • nano involves switching between command and insert mode by hitting the Escape key

91) Which pair of editors has partisan advocates who tend to wage war over which is better than the other?

  • vi and emacs

  • vi and nano

  • pico and nano

  • gedit and emacs

92) Which editor can always be found installed by default on virtually any Linux system?

  • emacs

  • WordStar

  • vi

  • kwrite

  • libreoffice

93) Porting scripts from csh variants is relatively easy and straightforward. True or False?

  • True

  • False

94) Which of the following commands would add newbin, a directory in your home directory, to the PATH (Select all answers that apply)?

  • PATH=$PATH:$HOME/newbin

  • PATH=$HOME/newbin:$PATH

  • $PATH=$PATH:$HOME/newbin

  • PATH=$HOME/$newbin:$PATH

95) To make an environment variable (VAR) effective for only one command (foobar), you should do:

  • VAR=value ; ./foobar

  • VAR=value ./foobar

  • VAR=value && ./foobar

  • export VAR=value ./foobar

96) Which of the following expressions will give the correct mathematical result (7) for x = 10 (Select all answers that apply)?

  • $ echo $x - 3

  • $ echo $(expr $x-3)

  • $ echo $(expr $x - 3)

  • $ echo $(($x - 3 ))

97) Which commands will get both the normal and error outputs of prog into afile?

  • foo 2>&1 file

  • foo >> file

  • foo > file 2>&1

  • foo >& file

98) Which of the following commands has the correct syntax for specifying an alias?

  • alias doitall=make clean; make all; evince output.pdf

  • alias doitall="make clean; make all; evince output.pdf"

  • alias doitall= "make clean; make all; evince output.pdf"

99) The Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS) has always been administered by The Linux Foundation. True or False?

  • True

  • False

100) You can create a new partition by typing p. True or False?

  • True

  • False

101) For the most basic commonly used partitioning scheme, you would have:

  • 8 partitions

  • 1 partition

  • 3 partitions

  • 6 parititions

102) Which of the following pseudo-directories are empty when the system is not running (Select all answers that apply)?

  • /dev

  • /sys

  • /proc

  • /boot

  • /etc

103) Which of the following statements describes the best practice?

  • The current directory should be pretended to the path

  • The current directory should not be placed in the path

  • The current directory should be appended to the path

104) If file does not exist, which command will produce an error?

  • ln -s file file2

  • ln file file2

105) Which command will list the partition information on the first hard disk and then exit?

  • fdisk -l /dev/sda

  • fdisk -l hd1

  • fdisk /dev/sda

106) Which directory trees usually have frequently changing data, and would not be desirable on a partition that is more static? Select all answers that apply.

  • /var

  • /usr

  • /home

  • /tmp

  • /bin

107) How many versions does GRUB have?
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