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Open Source Software

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Which of the following commands, run as root, will prevent the user bob from logging in?

  • usermod -L bob

  • usermod -D bob

  • usermod -d bob

  • usermod -l bob

GIDs under 500 (or 1000) are usually reserved for what kind of groups?

  • Are not used for groups, but for user accounts

  • Administrators

  • User private groups (UPG)

  • System use

A user cannot delete a file if they do not own it.

True or False?

  • True

  • False

The chown command permits changing group ownership done by root only.

True or False?

  • True

  • False

Which of the following commands will list hidden files as well as their ownership?

  • ls -a

  • ls -z

  • ls -l

  • ls -la

Which of the following commands will set setuid for /usr/bin/program?

  • chmod 1755 /usr/bin/program

  • chmod 4755 /usr/bin/program

  • chmod 2755 /usr/bin/program

  • None of the above

Deleting a source file will break an associated hard link.

True or False?

  • True

  • False

Which of the following commands would create a hard link, link to file?

  • ln file link

  • ln -s link file

  • ln link file

  • ln -s file link

1) Which of the following are some of the major milestones in the history of open source software?

  • The Free Software Foundation

  • The Release of Microsoft Windows

  • The creation of the Linux operating system

  • The birth of Ubuntu

2) What are the three general governance models used in open source projects? Select all answers that apply.

  • Company-led

  • Benevolent dictatorship

  • Private-collective

  • Governing board

3) What are the main types of Open Source Software (OSS) licenses? Select all answers that apply.

  • Free of charge

  • Permissive

  • Proprietary

  • Educational use

  • Restrictive

4) Linux began:

  • In 1998 when IBM made a major investment

  • When UNIX was first born about 1969

  • When SCO ported Xenis to the Intel 8036 processor in 1983

  • In 1991 with an Internet post by a student in Finland

5) Which method best describes the way Android is developed?

  • Company-Led

  • Benevolent Dictatorship

  • Governing Board

6) Which method best describes the way FreeBSD is developed?

  • Benevolent Dictatorship

  • Governing Board

  • Company-Led

7) Which method best describes the way Linux kernel is developed?

  • Benevolent Dictatorship

  • Company-Led

  • Governing Board

8) What are some of the advantages of open source software development? Select all answers that apply.

  • Stronger and more secure code

  • Developers have the means to build better software

  • Potentially faster bug repairs

  • Reduced costs

9) From a business perspective, use of OSS (Select all answers that apply):

  • Lengthens time to make, but is worth it because of improved product

  • Enables use of ingredients from other sources and speeds development

  • Makes marketing more difficult because it is hard to differentiate product

  • Makes marketing easier as some ingredients are already well-known and trusted

10) OSS is (Select all answers that apply):

  • Insecure because no one is in charge of security

  • Causes security problems because developers come from different organizations and companies and do not understand each other's code

  • Can be more secure because many developers can easily see the code, look for problems, and mitigate problems when they are discovered

  • Secure or insecure depending on the quality and priorities of the project maintainers, but at least users can judge this by open discussion and code inspection

11) For school systems at any level, use of OSS (Select all answers that apply):

  • May cause problems with vendor lock-in

  • Can lower costs by letting low-cost or free software be used

  • Should be avoided, as students become confused by choices

  • Can lower costs by letting older hardware be used

12) School systems can benefit from using OSS because (Select all answers that apply):

  • Students may learn how to join projects and contribute from an early age or stage in their education

  • Students can more easily learn about how things really work as compared to using closed source operating systems and applications

  • Applications are flashier and have better integration with social media platforms than do proprietary ones

  • Making things more difficult to learn at first is giving more real world experience

  • As the world's IT infrastructure becomes more and more OSS-based, students will be better prepared to enter the work force especially as developers

13) Developers working in OSS will:

  • Will have to spend a lot of time undergoing unnecessary critical review of their code even though they know it is perfect

  • Will often find it easier to get good jobs because their work will be more open to inspection

  • Have to spend a lot of useless time cleaning uo their code since more eyeballs will see it

  • Will often find it harder to get good jobs because employers will not be sure what parts of the project were contributed by the developer candidate

14) Which of the following are examples of successful open source projects? Select all answers that apply.

  • OpenStack

  • ONAP

  • PowerPoint

  • Adobe Photoshop

  • Hyperledger Fabric

  • Kubernetes

15) The git version control system arose from needs of which project:

  • GNU

  • Apache

  • Kubernetes

  • Python

  • The Linux Kernel

16) Which of the following are OSS projects used to construct a graphical user interface (GUI)?

  • Wayland


  • Microsoft Word

  • KDE

  • X Window System

17) Which of the following are projects emanating from the Free Software Foundation?

  • glibc

  • gcc

  • gdb

  • Apache

  • bash

18) Which of the following are widespread fully OSS projects (Select all that apply):

  • Facebook

  • Google

  • Instagram

  • Abode Photoshop

  • None of the above

19) Which of the following document preparation systems are OSS projects (Select all that apply):

  • Microsoft Word

  • TeX,LaTex and related versions

  • Notepad

  • LibreOffice

  • WordStar

20) You can immediately start contributing to an open source project. No prior research, knowledge or preparation is needed. True or False?

  • True

  • False

21) Most open source projects succeed. True or False?

  • True

  • False

22) Community members with offensive behavior will not be removed from an open source project.

  • True

  • False

23) When first getting involved in an OSS project, you should (Select all answers that apply):

  • Consider what it is you would like to work on, either because it is needed by you, or it just interests you

  • Start by posting messages on the appropriate mailing lists, suggesting thing you would like to see, pointing out the weak aspects of the project, etc.

  • Start contributing code immediately and learn the workflow through doing

  • Start by helping test and report results

24) When working on an OSS project, the best strategy is to:

  • Submit changes one at a time in a sequential manner, even if the full change will not do much until the entire patch series is incorporated

  • Save up changes until you can submit multiple changes in one large patch,rather than bother maintainers often

25) When there is someone in the project community that gets abusive or just difficult to deal with, you should (Select all answers that apply):

  • Immediately respond in kind and slap them down

  • Let established community members moderate the conflict

  • Actually read what they are saying; even if phrased in a nasty manner, the points might need addressing, and you can respond to them calmly

  • Find out what their demographical characteristics are (race,gender,nationality, etc.) and use that to belittle them

26) You have worked hard on implementing a new feature for and OSS project and submitted your work. A senior maintainer liked you ideas, but ignored your implementation and substituted their own new one to the same end. You should:

  • Demand your implementation be the one used (after all,it was your idea!), but respectfully consider any less total changes or suggestions

  • If the other implementation is successful at achieving its purpose, you should accept the result gratefully (after registering you displeasure that rather than reviewing and modifying you work, it was abandoned), and contribute to improving the new implementation as needed

  • Announce you are leaving the project, it is not worth you time if your work is disrespected, and post on social media a detailed expsoe of how disputes are badly handled in the project, and warn people to stay away

27) On a project mailing list, some inserts an irrelevant politica, or philosophical comment into an otherwise technical discussion and this is at least mildly offensive to you. A good and proper response could be (Select all that apply):

  • Ignore the comment and just answer the technical issues

  • Politely ask the post to not make such comments. If they counter with more and stronger statements, ask any discussion moderators to quiet the issue offline if needed

  • Aggressively counter the comment and begin a discussion thread about the side topic to increase everyone's sensitivity to the issue

  • Write an entry on the episode on your blog and give detailed information on the offender, so people can tell them what they think about their views, and be warned not to work them on other projects.

28) Which of the following are some of the questions you have to consider when testing to ensure all pieces of a distributed development project work as expected? Select all answers that apply.

  • Does the project still compile?

  • Do changes that overlap with each other conflict?

  • Can changes that overlap with each other be applied at the same time?

  • Are there good test suites that can be used on representative workloads, to ensure things are working properly?

29) Continuous Integration (Select all answers that apply):

  • Can be costly to set up, as it requires a server and staff and training developers to use properly

  • Minimizes regression bugs, since thorough testing is done at every stage before release (i.e. continuously)

  • Speeds up the development process, as builds and tests are fully automated

  • Can put a strain on developers who have to submit changes constantly

  • Can speed development, as wrong paths can be discovered before they are pursued for a long time

30) What is the correct order of the Continuous Integration process stage?

  • Integration, Delivery and Deployment

  • Deployment, Delivery and Integration

  • Delivery, Integration and Deployment

  • Integration, Deployment and Delivery

31) Which statement is true?

  • You do not need Continuous Integration if you use a revision control system such as Git

  • You do not need a revision control system such as Git if you use Continuous Integration methods

  • Use of Continuous Integration and revision control methods are independent, but are usually employed together

32) The Linux Kernel Continuous Integration Project was initiated by:

  • The Apache Software Foundation

  • The Free Software Foundation

  • The Linux Foundation

  • Linaro

  • FIFA

33) There are many tooling suites used for Continous Integration. The most widely used one is:

  • Jenkins

  • Bamboo

  • Eclipse

  • Travis CI

  • Emacs

34) You can switch to a different license for your project at any time, without difficulty. True or False?

  • True

  • False

35) What are some considerations that go into OSS license selection (Select all answers that apply)?

  • How much you want to charge for buying software on the project

  • How the code will be used (i.e. good or evil)

  • Policy on patents

  • Should all modifications be public (restrictive vs permissive)

36) Which of the following is a "copyleft" license?

  • BSD

  • GPL

37) FUD stands for:

  • Fear,Uncertainty and Doubt

  • Elmer Fud(d)

  • Free Unsupported Development

  • Failure, Unbelievable and Damaged

  • Fitbit, USB and Dirty

38) Select the true statement:

  • If you includes OSS components in your project, you must release the full source for all components

  • OSS and Closed Source Software can co-exist in a product, but careful analysis should be done to make sure proper boundaries are respected and enforced

39) Select the true statement:

  • Use of OSS has no predetermined effect on legal costs. It can lower them, since proper license enforcement can be built-in early, or it can raise them by having more people pick at the code if attribution has been sloppy

  • Use of OSS increases legal costs as compared to closed source, as allcode must be audited carefully

40) Why is good leadership important for the success of an open source project? Select all answers that apply.

  • Moderate conflicts

  • Have an efficient workflow

  • Mentor new contributions

  • Encourage contributors to give their best work

41) An open source project cannot function without trust. True or False?

  • True

  • False

42) A benevolent dictatorship will allow subproject maintainers to make the decisions. True or False?

  • True

  • False

43) In open source projects, failure is more common than success. True or False?

  • True

  • False

44) The abbreviation BDFL stands for:

  • Better Delivery From Licensing

  • Big Data For Linux

  • Bad Drama From Litterers

  • Benevolent Dictator For Life

45) The job of a mentor includes:

  • Teaching contributors how to handle criticism, as well as how to give constructive criticism

  • Finding ways to empower people to give their maximum contribution

  • Knowing when to eject someone from a project because their work is not of high enough quality

  • Training new project contributors in how to submit their work successfully in the right form

46) If a project fails in the sense that it stops moving forward, it is likely because (Select all answers that may apply):

  • Leadership is poor

  • There are not enough developers contributing

  • It is just too hard to start a new project

  • There is insufficient interest in the wider community of developers

47) Which statements is true?

  • A project should have a clear license to begin with. It may possibly make a change later if it really needs to, but that is often non-trivial if there are quite a few contributors

  • A project can start without a clear idea of what license to follow, and it can adopt it later, as needed

  • Most open source projects fail in the sense that they stagnate and fade away. Is this bad?

  • It is not bad. Many seeds are planted and only some bloom, and it is difficult to predict which ones. It is always good to encourage a lot of new ideas and methods, and let them compete until the winners emerge.

  • It is bad. It is a waste of time and effort that could be better spent.

48) In OSS projects, collaboration is a key element. What are some ways that promote healthy collaboration among contributors? Select all answers that apply.
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