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108) What runlevel is reserved for the system halt state?

  • 0

  • 1

  • 3

  • 6

109) What is the proper order of system initialization stages on most x86-based systems?

  • init (PID 1) -> BIOS -> GRUB

  • GRUB -> BIOS -> init (PID 1)

  • BIOS -> GRUB -> init (PID 1)

110) Which files need to be in the /boot directory for the system to boot up (select all that apply)?

  • vmlinuz

  • initramfs

  • config

  • System.map

111) Using GRUB lets you (Select all correct answers):

  • Choose which Linux kernel to user for boot

  • Choose between operating systems or different Linux distributions

  • Choose various options for booting up the system

112) Select the order in which the following system initialization methods were introduced:

  • systemd -> SysVinit -> Upstart

  • SysVinit -> systemd -> Upstart

  • SysVinit -> Upstart -> systemd

113) Which runlevel is multiple user with no graphical desktop?

  • 1

  • 3

  • 5

114) You can use the sudo swapoff -a command to turn off all swap memory. True or False?

  • True

  • False

115) Threads in a process do not share any information with each other. True or False?

  • True

  • False

116) A rather complete picture of memory usage can be gotten by viewing the following pseudofile:

  • /proc/memory

  • /proc/meminfo

  • /sys/meminfo

  • /proc/cpuinfo

117) Select all true statements:

  • There is no uniform prescription for how much swap space to use.

  • Memory used directly by the Linux kernel is never swapped out.

  • Using swap space ties up system memory, but boosts performance.

  • Using swap space lets the system pretend it has more memory than it physically has.

118) Which statement(s) are correct?

  • The pthreads library enables multithreaded applications to be written just once for many different operating systems.

  • A process may contain only one thread.

  • A thread may contain many processes.

  • A process may contain many threads.

119) The OOM Killer:

  • Suspends the system until more memory becomes available

  • Tries to keep the system running by killing processes which are using more memory than can be supplied

120) Which of the following are utilities used to work with swap space?

  • swapchk

  • mkswap

  • swapon

  • swap

  • swapoff

121) It is not easy to turn off the new naming scheme and go back to using the old classic names. True or False?

  • True

  • False

122) Which networking configuration interface is newer and has extended capabilities?

  • ip

  • ifconfig

123) Using Predictable Network Interface Device Names (PNIDN) has come into use because:

  • Many computers are no longer in one location; for example, laptops are on the move, and available interfaces are subject to change

  • It makes it harder for bad actors to guess interface names

  • Hardware such as USB devices can be added and removed at runtime

  • On modern systems, the order in which network hardware is found is less predictable

124) Which command(s) will bring the network interface eth0 up and assign an address to it?

  • sudo ifconfig eth0 up

  • sudo ip addr add dev eth0

  • sudo ip addr ifconfig add add default eth0

  • sudo ifconfig up eth0

125) You can see statistics for the eth0 interface by (select all answers that apply):

  • doing sudo ifconfig eth0

  • doing sudo ip -s link show eth0

  • looking at /sys/class/net/eth0/statistics

126) What does MTU stand for?

  • Multiple Target Unleashing

  • Maximum Transfer Unit (usually 1500 bytes by default) for Ethernet packets

  • Many Transport Uploads

127) FileZilla is the dominant ftp server in use on Linux. True or False?

  • True

  • False

128) What are some of the file transfer tools available to use on Linux systems? Select all answers that apply.

  • Your browser

  • FTP

  • rsync

  • curl

  • wget

129) gnome-system-monitor is a graphical monitoring tool installed on any Linux distribution that provides the GNOME desktop. It generates statistics in real time, but you don't have the ability to save the data. True or False?

  • True

  • False

130) ksysguard is another graphical monitoring tool, which has far more extensive capabilities than gnome-system-monitor. True or False?

  • True

  • False

131) Which statement is true:

  • Command line monitoring tools such as top and vmstat are quite similar on all Linux distributions, but graphical tools vary quite a bit

  • Graphical monitoring tools are quite similar on all Linux distributions, but command line tools such as top and vmstat vary quite a bit

132) Which of the following utilities can be used to monitor I/O activity? (We encourage you to try all of them, as this is the best way to learn)

  • sar

  • iostat

  • vmstat

  • iotop

133) Which of the following utilities can be used to monitor process and system load activity? (We encourage you to try all of them as this is the best way to learn)

  • free

  • top

  • ps

  • uptime

  • df

134) Your system seems memory-starved and is slowing down. Which utilities would give you information about your memory usage?

  • vmstat

  • netstat

  • free

  • pmap

  • pstree

135) Which statement is true?

  • It is easier to monitor system activity using graphical interface tools, as they vary little from one Linux distribution to the next.

  • It is easier to monitor system activity using command line tools, since they vary little from one Linux distribution to the next.

136) Which are high level graphical system monitoring tools?

  • wireshark

  • gnome-system-monitor

  • ksysguard

  • Network Manager

137) The command that gives you information about currently loaded modules is:

  • modinfo

  • lsmod

138) Which are the 3 main types of devices connected to your system?

  • Network devices

  • Block devices

  • Character devices

  • Transfer devices

139) Devices are easily registered using only their names. True or False?

  • True

  • False

140) udev makes sure the system recognizes any new devices which are plugged in, and also when devices are removed. True or False?

  • True

  • False

141) Which command should you use to disable vboxdrv?

  • sudo disable vboxdrv

  • sudo systemctl disable vboxdrv

  • systemctl disable vboxdrv

142) Which statements are true?

  • It is impossible to unload a kernel module being used by another module

  • It is impossible to unload a kernel module being used by an application.

  • It is possible to unload a kernel module being used by an application if you use the -f option to either rmmod or modprobe -r

  • It is possible to unload a kernel module being used by another module if you use the -f option to either rmmod or modprobe -r

143) The lsmod utility shows for each loaded module (select all correct answers):

  • Which user loaded the module

  • What other modules are using it

  • When the module was loaded

  • Its size in bytes

  • How many processes depend on it

144) Udev (select all correct answers):

  • Stands for User Device

  • Is designed to control which users can use a particular device

  • Stands for Deviant User

  • Loads and unloads device drivers and other kernel modules as needed

  • Is responsible for populating the /dev directory once the system is up and running.

145) Which command will ensure the httpd service (Apache) starts at system boot?

  • sudo systemctl start httpd.service

  • sudo systemctl status httpd.service

  • sudo systemctl enable httpd.service

  • sudo systemctl init httpd.service

146) How could you ensure the httpd service (Apache) is restarted if it is already running, say to absorb a revised configuration file (select all correct answers)?

  • sudo killall httpd && sudo startall httpd

  • sudo systemctl restart httpd

  • sudo systemctl stop httpd && sudo systemctl start httpd

  • sudo restart httpd

147) What are some installation methods you can use for Linux? Select all that apply.

  • Install Linux directly on your machine from the network, CD, DVD, USB, etc

  • Use live media (CD, DVD, USB stick, etc)

  • Network-based installation

148) You cannot test what a distribution looks like using live media. You must always have Linux installed on your hardware. True or False?

  • True

  • False

149) Most Linux distributions have only one graphical interface. True or False?

  • True

  • False

150) On SUSE systems, YAST is your basic interface for all system administration. True or False?

  • True

  • False

151) What type of command is rpm?

  • Low-level command

  • High-level command

152) Which command lists the files in the package named "foobar"?

  • dpkg --list foobar

  • dpkg --listfiles foobar

  • dpkg --showfiles foobar

153) Linux distributions do not include graphical interfaces for package management. True or False?

  • True

  • False

154) What does EPEL stand for?

  • Expanded Packages for Enterprise Linux

  • Extended Packages for Enterprise Linux

  • Extra Packages for Extended Linux

  • Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux

155) Depending on Linux distribution, which commands can install the libaio package and any packages it needs to function that are not already installed (Select all answers that apply)?

  • sudo dpkg -i libaio

  • sudo zypper install libaio

  • sudo dnf install libaio

  • sudo apt-get install libaio

  • sudo yum install libaio

  • sudo rpm -Uvh libaio

156) Which command(s) can upgrade an entire system (Select all answers that apply)?

  • sudo yum update

  • zypper update

  • sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

  • dnf update

  • sudo apt-get update

157) System logging files are kept under:

  • /proc/log

  • /tmp/log

  • /var/log

  • /etc/log

158) Where would the user named student usually find their personal files?

  • /home/student

  • /usr/local/student

  • /student

  • /var/student

159) The logrotate program:

  • Erases all logging files on the system

  • Provides a a game where lumberjacks have to roll logs into the river

  • Cyclically rotates and optionally compresses log files to save space

  • Rotates the text in logfiles so they are hard to read

160) The first non-root user ID when the system is installed will be:

  • 0

  • 1000

  • 1001

  • 500

161) When creating a new account with useradd, all distributions will create a home directory by default. True or False?

  • True

  • False

162) Basic information about the characteristics of a user's account can be found in:

  • /etc/users

  • /var/users/params

  • /etc/passwd

  • /etc/permissions

163) Adding a new user to a group is done with:

  • usermod

  • chgroup

  • groupmod

  • groupadd

164) Which provides stronger security and auditing for system activity:

  • su

  • sudo

165) Differences between su and su - include (Select all answers that apply):

  • su starts a new login shell, while su - just continues the current shell but gives it super privileges

  • su preserves more information, such as current directory, path and environment variables

  • su - preserves more information, such as current directory, path and environment variables

  • su - starts a new login shell, while su just continues the current shell, but gives it super privileges

166) Which is the proper way to use sudo with echo?

  • sudo -c bash "echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches"

  • sudo bash -c "echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches"

  • sudo echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches

  • sudo echo 3 | cat - > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches

167) Which command will list all files under the current directory with a .cfg extension, and then delete them?

  • find . -name "*.cfg" -exec rm {} ';'

  • find -name "*.cfg" . -exec rm {} ';'

  • find . -exec rm {} ';' -name "*.cfg"

  • find -exec rm {} ';' -name "*.cfg" .

168) Which command will list all files and directories on the system with cfg in their name?

  • find cfg

  • locate cfg -exec ls -l {} ';'

  • ls -l $(locate cfg)

  • locate

169) Which command will find all files and directories in the system whose name ends with cfg?

  • locate -r "^cfg"

  • locate -r "cfg$"

  • locate cfg$

  • locate cfg

170) Which commands can change all occurrences within a file of the string boris to natasha (Select all answers that apply)?

  • sed -e s:boris:natasha:g file

  • sed -e s\boris\natasha\g file

  • sed -e s/boris/natasha/g file

  • sed -e s/boris:natasha/g file

171) Which command will print out all lines beginning with "X" in all files in the current directory?

  • grep $X *

  • grep "^X" *

  • grep "X$" *

172) sed stands for stream editor. True or False?

  • True

  • False

173) To combine the files test1 and test2 into the file newtest, type:

  • test1 test2 > newtest

  • cat test1 test2 > newtest

  • test1 test2 > cat

  • cat test1 test2 < newtest

174) By default, man pages are sent through the more command. True or False?

  • True

  • False

175) awk was created at Microsoft in the 1970s. True or False?

  • True

  • False

176) Which of the following commands will create a new file test1 from the command prompt?

  • test1 > cat

  • cat > test1

  • cat >> test1

  • cat < test1

177) Which of the following file manipulation utilities removes duplicate lines from a text file and replaces them with single lines?

  • sort

  • paste

  • split

  • uniq

178) By default, split breaks up a file into:

  • 3 columns

  • 1000-line segments

  • 2 columns

  • 500-line segments

179) Which command is used to combine three files into a fourth file?
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