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Вопрос 1

If there are two branches, br1 and br2, showing all differences between them can be done with:

1 / 1 балл

git diff br1 br2

git diff --show br1 br2


This will show all differences between the branches


Вопрос 2

Showing which files have changed between two branches can be done with (Select all answers that apply):

1 / 1 балл

git diff --stat br1 br2


This is more verbose than --numstat

git diff --numstat br1 br2


This is less verbose than --stat

git diff --pretty br1 br2

git diff --show br1 br2


Вопрос 3

Showing all differences between the current working tree and the last commit can be done with:

1 / 1 балл

git diff --latest

git diff

git diff --working

git diff --clean


Without a branch or commit name, diff shows relationship to the last commit on this branch


Вопрос 4

In the command git diff tag1 name2, if tag1 is a tag, name2 can be a (select all correct answers):

1 / 1 балл

another tag


git diff can diff tags, branches and commits

a previous commit identifier


git diff can diff tags, branches and commits

a branch name


git diff can diff tags, branches and commits


Вопрос 5

How can you see the differences in file1 between tag1 and tag2?

1 / 1 балл

git diff file1 tag1 tag2

git diff tag1 tag2 file1

git diff tag1 file1 tag2


This is the correct syntax



Вопрос 1

​​​​​​​Which procedure does a better job of preserving a project's history?

1 / 1 балл

git merge

git rebase


git merge preserves the full history and adds to it


Вопрос 2

Why might a merge result in problems that do not show conflicts (select all correct answers)?

1 / 1 балл

The merge may alienate a developer who was opposed to it

A merge might affect code in a very different part of the product in a non-obvious way and not receive enough testing


This answer explains itself

It may increase the cost of the product

There may be two different solutions to the same problem which interfere with other


The code might look fine, but the results are problematic


Вопрос 3

A git rebase

1 / 1 балл

is not a legal operation in a public repository

hides changes so noone can trace where they are coming from

adapts a branch to incorporate the latest changes in another branch without yet merging this branch into the other branch


This is the purpose of a rebase


Вопрос 4

How would you merge two branches (br1 and br2) into the master branch?

1 / 1 балл

git checkout master && git merge br1 br2

git checkout master && git merge br1 && git merge br2

git checkout br1 && git merge br2 && git checkout master && git merge br1


You can only merge one branch at a time


Вопрос 5

What do you do when a merge fails?

1 / 1 балл

Evaluate the conflict, see what the correct result should be and then fix

Find out who is to blame and force them to fix their errors

Abandon all changes desired and start over with a git revert


This is correct

Open-Source Software Development Methods (Course 1)


Question 1

What are the main types of Open Source Software (OSS) licenses? Select all answers that apply.

1 / 1 point

Free of charge



There are two types of open source software licenses: permissive and restrictive.

  • A permissive license, sometimes called a BSD-like license is a free software license that allows you to make any changes to the code as long as proper attribution is provided; as a contributor, you are not required to make your changes available to the original code creators. Permissive licenses are often preferred by companies. Examples of permissive licenses are MIT License, BSD licenses, Apache license, etc.

  • A restrictive license, sometimes called a "copyleft" license, allows you to freely distribute copies and modified versions of software as long as the same rights are preserved in any derivative work. It requires you to make all changes available to all recipients of your product. Examples of restrictive licenses are the GNU General Public License (GPL), Creative Commons share-alike, etc.


Educational use



There are two types of open source software licenses: permissive and restrictive.

  • A permissive license, sometimes called a BSD-like license is a free software license that allows you to make any changes to the code as long as proper attribution is provided; as a contributor, you are not required to make your changes available to the original code creators. Permissive licenses are often preferred by companies. Examples of permissive licenses are MIT License, BSD licenses, Apache license, etc.

  • A restrictive license, sometimes called a "copyleft" license, allows you to freely distribute copies and modified versions of software as long as the same rights are preserved in any derivative work. It requires you to make all changes available to all recipients of your product. Examples of restrictive licenses are the GNU General Public License (GPL), Creative Commons share-alike, etc.


Question 2

Linux began:

1 / 1 point

In 1991 with an Internet post by a student in Finland

When SCO ported Xenis to the Intel 8036 processor in 1983

In 1998 when IBM made a major investment

When UNIX was first born about 1969


In 1991, while attending the University of Helsinki, Linus Torvalds became curious about operating systems. Frustrated by the licensing of MINIX, which at the time limited it to educational use only, he began to work on his own operating system kernel, which eventually became the Linux kernel. Linus sent out a message in which he mentioned a new operating system he was developing as a hobby, and he was asking for help from fellow developers:

"I'm doing a (free) operating system (just a hobby, won't be big and professional like gnu)..."


Question 3

Which method best describes the way Android is developed?

1 / 1 point

Governing Board


Benevolent Dictatorship


A good example for the company-led governance model is Google's Android project. This is a mostly-closed development process, where one entity controls the design, the development methods and the release schedule. Contributions from external contributors may or may not be solicited. Plans, release dates, future features are usually not made public ahead of time, but, once the software is released, it becomes available, and other people can reproduce the building of it. Red Hat Enterprise Linux is another good example for this type of governance model.


Question 4

Which method best describes the way FreeBSD is developed?

1 / 1 point


Benevolent Dictatorship

Governing Board


A good example for the governing board method is the development of FreeBSD. In this model, a small group makes the decisions through some kind of democratic or voting process. However, all discussions are generally done on open mailing lists. The governing structures, the rules of organization, the degree of consensus required, etc. varies from project to project. Using this governance type tends to lead to less frequent releases, but well-debugged code. Debian is another example of project lead by a governing board.


Question 5

Which method best describes the way Linux kernel is developed?

1 / 1 point



Governing Board

Benevolent Dictatorship


A good example for the benevolent dictatorship governance model is the Linux kernel. In this model, there is a strong leader that makes the final decisions and controls the project management. This is a very successful model for some projects: Linux, lead by Linus Torvalds, is the best known example, and Wikipedia, lead by Jimmy Wales, is another one. The project quality and success depend on the leader's wisdom and management capability, especially as the project matures and scales to a larger number of contributors. The leader's role may be social and political, not necessarily structural. As the project matures, the leader or maintainer will write less code, but will be heavily involved in the review and decision making processes.

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