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  • Question 2 When working on an OSS project, the best strategy is to: 1 / 1 point

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  • 1 / 1 point

  • Question 4

  • Open Source Software

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    Working in OSS Projects


    Question 1

    When first getting involved in an OSS project, you should (Select all answers that apply):

    1 / 1 point

    Start contributing code immediately and learn the workflow through doing

    Consider what it is you would like to work on, either because it is needed by you, or it just interests you


    Scratch your itch!

    Start by posting messages on the appropriate mailing lists, suggesting things you would like to see, pointing out the weak aspects of the project, etc.

    Start by helping test and report results


    Testing is often the area with the least people power devoted to it and is greatly appreciated as a way to get familiar and contribute


    Question 2

    When working on an OSS project, the best strategy is to:

    1 / 1 point

    Save up changes until you can submit multiple changes in one large patch, rather than bother maintainers often

    Submit changes one at a time in a sequential manner, even if the full change will not do much until the entire patch series is incorporated


    Generally easier for people to digest and review and understand


    Question 3

    When there is someone in the project community that gets abusive or just difficult to deal with, you should (Select all answers that apply):

    1 / 1 point

    Let established community members moderate the conflict


    People have seen this kind of behaviour before and may know the offender

    Actually read what they are saying; even if phrased in a nasty manner, the points might need addressing, and you can respond to them calmly


    You can find pearls of wisdom almost anywhere and you can keep the tone calmer hopefully

    Immediately respond in kind and slap them down

    Find out what their demographical characteristics are (race, gender, nationality, etc.) and use that to belittle them


    Question 4

    You have worked hard on implementing a new feature for an OSS project and submitted your work. A senior maintainer liked you ideas, but ignored your implementation and substituted their own new one to the same end. You should:

    1 / 1 point

    Announce you are leaving the project, it is not worth your time if your work is disrespected, and post on social media a detailed expose of how disputes are badly handled in the project, and warn people to stay away

    If the other implementation is successful at achieving its purpose, you should accept the result gratefully (after registering your displeasure that rather than reviewing and modifying your work, it was abandoned), and contribute to improving the new implementation as needed

    Demand your implementation be the one used (after all, it was your idea!), but respectfully consider any less total changes or suggestions


    The end result is the most important thing. People will respect your humility


    Question 5

    On a project mailing list, someone inserts an irrelevant political, religious, or philosophical comment into an otherwise technical discussion and this is at least mildly offensive to you. A good and proper response could be (Select all that apply):

    1 / 1 point

    Aggressively counter the comment and begin a discussion thread about the side topic to increase everyone's sensitivity to the issue

    Ignore the comment and just answer the technical issues


    Try to keep things focussed -- the project gains greatest benefit

    Write an entry on the episode on your blog and give detailed information on the offender, so people can tell them what they think about their views, and be warned not to work with them on other projects

    Politely ask the poster to not make such comments. If they counter with more and stronger statements, ask any discussion moderators to quiet the issue offline if needed.


    If ignoring doesn't work, try to minimize the distraction and rely on experienced mentors to tamp it down.

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