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  • Question 5 Most open source projects fail in the sense that they stagnate and fade away. Is this bad 1 / 1 point

  • Open Source Software

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    OSS Licensing and Legal Issues


    Question 1

    What are some considerations that go into OSS license selection (Select all answers that apply)?

    1 / 1 point

    How much you want to charge for buying software based on the project

    Policy on patents


    Patent policy should be considered if relevant

    How the code will be used (i.e. good or evil)

    Should all modifications be public (restrictive vs permissive)


    This is a critical choice to make


    Question 2

    Which of the following is a "copyleft" license?

    1 / 1 point




    The GPL is a restrictive license


    Question 3

    FUD stands for:

    1 / 1 point

    Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt

    Elmer Fud(d)

    Free Unsupported Development

    Failure, Unbelievable and Damaged

    Fitbit, USB and Dirty


    FUD stands for Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt


    Question 4

    Select the true statement:

    1 / 1 point

    If you include OSS components in your project, you must release the full source for all components

    OSS and Closed Source Software can co-exist in a product, but careful analysis should be done to make sure proper boundaries are respected and enforced


    Experienced companies navigate this issue successfully all the time


    Question 5

    Select the true statement:

    1 / 1 point

    Use of OSS has no predetermined effect on legal costs. It can lower them, since proper license enforcement can be built-in early, or it can raise them by having more people pick at the code if attribution has been sloppy

    Use of OSS increases legal costs as compared to closed source, as all code must be audited carefully


    Legal issues arise in any context.

    Leadership vs. Control and Why Projects Fail


    Question 1

    The abbreviation BDFL stands for:

    1 / 1 point

    Bad Drama From Litterers

    Better Delivery From Licensing

    Big Data For Linux

    Benevolent Dictator For Life


    The abbreviation BDFL stands for Benevolent Dictator For Life


    Question 2

    The job of a mentor includes:

    1 / 1 point

    Training new project contributors in how to submit their work successfully in the right form


    Proper training leads to more less and more efficient work in the long run

    Knowing when to eject someone from a project because their work is not of high enough quality

    Teaching contributors how to handle criticism, as well as how to give constructive criticism


    This is a critical task for a successful project

    Finding ways to empower people to give their maximum contribution


    People's talents should be unleashed


    Question 3

    If a project fails in the sense that it stops moving forward, it is likely because (Select all answers that may apply):

    1 / 1 point

    It is just too hard to start a new project

    There is insufficient interest in the wider community of developers


    If no one cares it is hard to do much

    Leadership is poor


    This drives potential contributors away and weakens a product

    There are not enough developers contributing


    Someone has to do it


    Question 4

    Which statement is true?

    1 / 1 point

    A project can start without a clear idea of what license to follow, and it can adopt it later, as needed

    A project should have a clear license to begin with. It may possibly make a change later if it really needs to, but that is often non-trivial if there are quite a few contributors


    Many contributors want a clear sense of where there work is going and want to make sure it is not "stolen" from them without attribution or compensation.


    Question 5

    Most open source projects fail in the sense that they stagnate and fade away. Is this bad?

    1 / 1 point

    It is not bad. Many seeds are planted and only some bloom, and it is difficult to predict which ones. It is always good to encourage a lot of new ideas and methods, and let them compete until the winners emerge.

    It is bad. It is a waste of time and effort that could be better spent.


    Trying a new project is important, it is hard to tell the future

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