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  • Question 2 The majority of OSS projects carry out their discussions in English. Therefore (Select all answers that apply): 1 / 1 point

  • Correct

  • Question 4

  • Question 5

  • Open Source Software

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    Respecting and Encouraging Diversity in OSS


    Question 1

    OSS projects should explicitly encourage diversity with respect to (Select all answers that apply):

    1 / 1 point



    Racism has no place and alienates people

    Sex and gender identity


    People should feel they are valued members of the community

    National origin and language


    The more the merrier


    Height and weight


    Question 2

    The majority of OSS projects carry out their discussions in English. Therefore (Select all answers that apply):

    1 / 1 point

    It is fine to often use unexplained idioms and cultural references

    Language misunderstandings are unlikely to occur

    Misunderstandings will only occur between native and non-native English speakers

    One should always speak as clearly as possible, and while not being dull, think about the audience and what they will be familiar with


    You should always try to reach the largest audience with clarity as best you can.


    Question 3

    With respect to criticism, an OSS contributor and reviewer should (Select all answers that apply):

    1 / 1 point

    Demand someone else review your submission and not answer specifics in any detail

    Answer thoughtfully and point out where one agrees or disagrees, where changes are accepted or not.


    Take a deep breath and keep an open mind, everyone will benefit

    Not hold back, it is important to have open and forthright discussion


    If you disagree say so; if you approve, say so also.

    Be very careful to never say someone is wrong, as some cultures find that offensive


    Question 4

    Some one on an OSS mailing list introduces a political aside and perhaps a preference during a technical discussion. Appropriate responses include (Select all correct answers):

    1 / 1 point

    Ignore the point and just address the technical issues as needed.


    Often this is the best path, just concentrate on technical aspects

    Respond immediately with your own view so the issue is not unchallenged if you disagree, or to reinforce the stance if you do

    Acknowledge the issue but briefly without putting down anyone with differing opinions. Avoid amplifying


    You don't have to pretend nothing was said, just don't take the discussion off topic

    Make social media posts outside the community to alert them that someone has ignorant views


    Question 5

    You propose a new way of doing something, or adding a new feature. Another contributor points out this idea was reject previously. You should (Select all answers that apply):

    1 / 1 point

    Ask whether the need for this feature has grown; the earlier discussion may have been premature


    Things which seemed not worth the effort in the past may now be important

    Study the previous discussion and see whether it applies, including whether or not differences between your ideas and the old ones were not seen


    People sometimes make quick judgements because things seem a certain way with a cursory analysis

    Ask whether or not technical abilities have evolved to the point where something that was not feasible can be done today


    This is often the case as hardware, software and networking bandwidth improve

    Forget about it; no one will pay attention to you if you go forward if the other contributor has more history and trust than you do

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