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  • Multiple Target Unleashing

  • Maximum Transfer Unit (usually 1500 bytes by default) for Ethernet packets

  • Many Transport Uploads

127) FileZilla is the dominant ftp server in use on Linux. True or False?

  • True

  • False

128) What are some of the file transfer tools available to use on Linux systems? Select all answers that apply.

  • Your browser

  • FTP

  • rsync

  • curl

  • wget

129) gnome-system-monitor is a graphical monitoring tool installed on any Linux distribution that provides the GNOME desktop. It generates statistics in real time, but you don't have the ability to save the data. True or False?

  • True

  • False

130) ksysguard is another graphical monitoring tool, which has far more extensive capabilities than gnome-system-monitor. True or False?

  • True

  • False

131) Which statement is true:

  • Command line monitoring tools such as top and vmstat are quite similar on all Linux distributions, but graphical tools vary quite a bit

  • Graphical monitoring tools are quite similar on all Linux distributions, but command line tools such as top and vmstat vary quite a bit

132) Which of the following utilities can be used to monitor I/O activity? (We encourage you to try all of them, as this is the best way to learn)

  • sar

  • iostat

  • vmstat

  • iotop

133) Which of the following utilities can be used to monitor process and system load activity? (We encourage you to try all of them as this is the best way to learn)

  • free

  • top

  • ps

  • uptime

  • df

134) Your system seems memory-starved and is slowing down. Which utilities would give you information about your memory usage?

  • vmstat

  • netstat

  • free

  • pmap

  • pstree

135) Which statement is true?

  • It is easier to monitor system activity using graphical interface tools, as they vary little from one Linux distribution to the next.

  • It is easier to monitor system activity using command line tools, since they vary little from one Linux distribution to the next.

136) Which are high level graphical system monitoring tools?

  • wireshark

  • gnome-system-monitor

  • ksysguard

  • Network Manager

137) The command that gives you information about currently loaded modules is:

  • modinfo

  • lsmod

138) Which are the 3 main types of devices connected to your system?

  • Network devices

  • Block devices

  • Character devices

  • Transfer devices

139) Devices are easily registered using only their names. True or False?

  • True

  • False

140) udev makes sure the system recognizes any new devices which are plugged in, and also when devices are removed. True or False?

  • True

  • False

141) Which command should you use to disable vboxdrv?

  • sudo disable vboxdrv

  • sudo systemctl disable vboxdrv

  • systemctl disable vboxdrv

142) Which statements are true?

  • It is impossible to unload a kernel module being used by another module

  • It is impossible to unload a kernel module being used by an application.

  • It is possible to unload a kernel module being used by an application if you use the -f option to either rmmod or modprobe -r

  • It is possible to unload a kernel module being used by another module if you use the -f option to either rmmod or modprobe -r

143) The lsmod utility shows for each loaded module (select all correct answers):

  • Which user loaded the module

  • What other modules are using it

  • When the module was loaded

  • Its size in bytes

  • How many processes depend on it

144) Udev (select all correct answers):

  • Stands for User Device

  • Is designed to control which users can use a particular device

  • Stands for Deviant User

  • Loads and unloads device drivers and other kernel modules as needed

  • Is responsible for populating the /dev directory once the system is up and running.

145) Which command will ensure the httpd service (Apache) starts at system boot?

  • sudo systemctl start httpd.service

  • sudo systemctl status httpd.service

  • sudo systemctl enable httpd.service

  • sudo systemctl init httpd.service

146) How could you ensure the httpd service (Apache) is restarted if it is already running, say to absorb a revised configuration file (select all correct answers)?

  • sudo killall httpd && sudo startall httpd

  • sudo systemctl restart httpd

  • sudo systemctl stop httpd && sudo systemctl start httpd

  • sudo restart httpd

147) What are some installation methods you can use for Linux? Select all that apply.

  • Install Linux directly on your machine from the network, CD, DVD, USB, etc

  • Use live media (CD, DVD, USB stick, etc)

  • Network-based installation

148) You cannot test what a distribution looks like using live media. You must always have Linux installed on your hardware. True or False?

  • True

  • False

149) Most Linux distributions have only one graphical interface. True or False?

  • True

  • False

150) On SUSE systems, YAST is your basic interface for all system administration. True or False?

  • True

  • False

151) What type of command is rpm?

  • Low-level command

  • High-level command

152) Which command lists the files in the package named "foobar"?

  • dpkg --list foobar

  • dpkg --listfiles foobar

  • dpkg --showfiles foobar

153) Linux distributions do not include graphical interfaces for package management. True or False?

  • True

  • False

154) What does EPEL stand for?

  • Expanded Packages for Enterprise Linux

  • Extended Packages for Enterprise Linux

  • Extra Packages for Extended Linux

  • Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux

155) Depending on Linux distribution, which commands can install the libaio package and any packages it needs to function that are not already installed (Select all answers that apply)?

  • sudo dpkg -i libaio

  • sudo zypper install libaio

  • sudo dnf install libaio

  • sudo apt-get install libaio

  • sudo yum install libaio

  • sudo rpm -Uvh libaio

156) Which command(s) can upgrade an entire system (Select all answers that apply)?

  • sudo yum update

  • zypper update

  • sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

  • dnf update

  • sudo apt-get update

157) System logging files are kept under:

  • /proc/log

  • /tmp/log

  • /var/log

  • /etc/log

158) Where would the user named student usually find their personal files?

  • /home/student

  • /usr/local/student

  • /student

  • /var/student

159) The logrotate program:

  • Erases all logging files on the system

  • Provides a a game where lumberjacks have to roll logs into the river

  • Cyclically rotates and optionally compresses log files to save space

  • Rotates the text in logfiles so they are hard to read

160) The first non-root user ID when the system is installed will be:

  • 0

  • 1000

  • 1001

  • 500

161) When creating a new account with useradd, all distributions will create a home directory by default. True or False?

  • True

  • False

162) Basic information about the characteristics of a user's account can be found in:

  • /etc/users

  • /var/users/params

  • /etc/passwd

  • /etc/permissions

163) Adding a new user to a group is done with:

  • usermod

  • chgroup

  • groupmod

  • groupadd

164) Which provides stronger security and auditing for system activity:

  • su

  • sudo

165) Differences between su and su - include (Select all answers that apply):

  • su starts a new login shell, while su - just continues the current shell but gives it super privileges

  • su preserves more information, such as current directory, path and environment variables

  • su - preserves more information, such as current directory, path and environment variables

  • su - starts a new login shell, while su just continues the current shell, but gives it super privileges

166) Which is the proper way to use sudo with echo?

  • sudo -c bash "echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches"

  • sudo bash -c "echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches"

  • sudo echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches

  • sudo echo 3 | cat - > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches

167) Which command will list all files under the current directory with a .cfg extension, and then delete them?

  • find . -name "*.cfg" -exec rm {} ';'

  • find -name "*.cfg" . -exec rm {} ';'

  • find . -exec rm {} ';' -name "*.cfg"

  • find -exec rm {} ';' -name "*.cfg" .

168) Which command will list all files and directories on the system with cfg in their name?

  • find cfg

  • locate cfg -exec ls -l {} ';'

  • ls -l $(locate cfg)

  • locate

169) Which command will find all files and directories in the system whose name ends with cfg?

  • locate -r "^cfg"

  • locate -r "cfg$"

  • locate cfg$

  • locate cfg

170) Which commands can change all occurrences within a file of the string boris to natasha (Select all answers that apply)?

  • sed -e s:boris:natasha:g file

  • sed -e s\boris\natasha\g file

  • sed -e s/boris/natasha/g file

  • sed -e s/boris:natasha/g file

171) Which command will print out all lines beginning with "X" in all files in the current directory?

  • grep $X *

  • grep "^X" *

  • grep "X$" *

172) sed stands for stream editor. True or False?

  • True

  • False

173) To combine the files test1 and test2 into the file newtest, type:

  • test1 test2 > newtest

  • cat test1 test2 > newtest

  • test1 test2 > cat

  • cat test1 test2 < newtest

174) By default, man pages are sent through the more command. True or False?

  • True

  • False

175) awk was created at Microsoft in the 1970s. True or False?

  • True

  • False

176) Which of the following commands will create a new file test1 from the command prompt?

  • test1 > cat

  • cat > test1

  • cat >> test1

  • cat < test1

177) Which of the following file manipulation utilities removes duplicate lines from a text file and replaces them with single lines?

  • sort

  • paste

  • split

  • uniq

178) By default, split breaks up a file into:

  • 3 columns

  • 1000-line segments

  • 2 columns

  • 500-line segments

179) Which command is used to combine three files into a fourth file?

  • cat file1 > file2 > file3 | file4

  • cat file1 file2 file3 > file4

  • cp file1 file2 file3 > file4

  • cat file1 > file2 > file3 > file4

180) Which of the following commands can be used to view the last 15 lines of a file (Select all answers that apply)?

  • tail -15 some_file

  • tail=15 some_file

  • tail +15 some_file

  • tail -n15 some_file

181) Which of the following commands will replace all instances of the word "dog" with "pig" in the file named some_file and send the output to stdout (Select all answers that apply)?

  • sed -e s:dog:pig:g some_file

  • sed -e s/dog/pig/g some_file

  • cat some_file | sed -e s/dog/pig/g

  • sed -e s/dog/pig/ some_file

182) Which commands can be used to print the lines that contain the numbers 0–5 in a file (Select all answers that apply)?

  • grep [0-5] filename

  • grep {0-5} filename

  • grep [0,1,2,3,4,5] filename

  • grep [-e0 -e1 -e2 -e3 -e4 -e5] filename

183) Which command is used to extract columns from a file to work on them later?

  • cut

  • tee

  • tr

  • wc

184) Which of the following special environment variables is the command name?

  • $#

  • $1 $2, etc.

  • $0

  • $@

185) Functions must always be defined before they are used. True or False?

  • True

  • False

186) Which of the following commands are equivalent (Select all answers that apply)?

  • [[ -f file.c ]] && cat file.c

  • if [[ -f file.c ]] ; then cat file.c ; fi

  • if [ -f file.c ] ; then cat file.c ; fi

  • if test -f file.c ; then cat file.c ; fi

187) Which commands will list all files under the current directory ending in "

" (Select all answers that apply)? Note: Output lists may differ in format.

  • find . -name "*" -exec ls -l {} ';

  • ls -l $(find . -name "*")

  • find . -name "*" -ls

  • find . -name "*" | xargs ls -l

188) Functions (subprograms) are useful in bash scripts because (Select all answers that apply):

  • They make things easier to read and comprehend

  • They eliminate the need to retype the same set of commands more than once

  • It is better not to have to call another script to get things done

189) How would you get the value of a variable named VAR into a script?

  • ask VAR

  • accept VAR

  • input VAR

  • read VAR

190) Select the correct statement:

  • A bash function can be placed anywhere in a script, before or after it is used

  • A bash function must be placed before it is used in a script

191) The type of file is determined by examining its extension rather than content. True or False?

  • True

  • False

192) How many characters do you get at the beginning in the description of a file?

  • 3

  • 9

  • 10

  • 12

193) "666" permission means:

  • read-write permission for all users

  • write-execute permission for all users

  • read-execute permission for all users

  • read-write-execute permission for all users

194) Which statement is correct?

  • In Linux, file types are rarely determined by extension letters

  • In Linux, file types are never determined by extension letters

  • In Linux, file types are always determined by extension letters

195) If the first character in the long file listing is a "-", the listed object is a:

  • Symbolic (Soft) Link

  • Block Device Node

  • Unix Domain Socket

  • Directory

  • Normal File

  • Named Pipe (FIFO)

  • Character Device Node

196) If the first character in the long file listing is an "s", the listed object is a:

  • Block Device Node

  • Character Device Node

  • setuid file

  • Named Pipe (FIFO)

  • Unix Domain Socket

  • Symbolic (Soft) Link

197)Which of the following commands are equivalent (Select all answers that apply):

  • chown 664 file

  • chown donald.ducks file

  • chown donald file ; chgrp ducks file

  • chown donald:ducks file

198) Which command will give all users the right to look at a file, but give only the owner the right to change it or execute it:

  • chmod 644 some_file

  • chmod 764 some_file

  • chmod 744 some_file

  • chmod 467 some_file

199) Which of the following is true about journaling filesystems?

  • A transaction must be completed without error, otherwise the filesystem is changed

  • Operations are grouped into transactions

  • They recover quickly from system crashes and ungraceful shutdowns but become corrupted

200) Which of the following commands can be used to see what filesystems your system currently understands?

  • cat /proc/filesystems

  • cat /filesystems

  • /proc/filesystems

  • cat /sys/filesystems

201) Which of the following statements are true for Logical Volume Management (Select all answers that apply):

  • LVM makes it easy to change the size of the logical partitions and filesystems

  • There can be some changes in performance with LVM

  • LVM supports various graphical interfaces

  • Using LVM breaks up one virtual partition into multiple chunks

202) What command would create a new logical volume named mylv of size 256 GB in volume group VG ?

  • lvextend -L+16G /dev/VG/myv

  • lvcreate -L 256 mylv VG

  • lvcreate -L 256G -n mylv VG

203) Which of the following are journaling filesystems (Select all answers that apply):

  • ext4

  • squashfs

  • XFS

  • btrfs

  • vfat

  • VFS

204) For a filesystem to be mounted at boot:

  • It must be mentioned in the mounting scripts in /etc/init.d

  • It must be listed in /etc/fstab

  • It must be listed in /proc/filesystems

  • It must be listed in /etc/mounts

205) When mounting a filesystem, it may be specified by any of the following methods (Select all answers that apply):

  • Kernel configuration option

  • Label

  • UUID

  • Alias mentioned in .bashrc

  • Device node

206) LVM stands for:

  • Little Virtual Murders

  • Logical Volume Management

  • Large Volatile Memory

  • Last Memory Vanished

207) Loopback filesystems (Select all answers that apply):

  • Have slower performance than just having a native filesystem

  • Are never used in production systems

  • Can be useful for testing filesystem features

208) Which of the following statements are correct about gcc (Select all answers that apply):

  • It compiles programs written in a number of languages

  • Its name stands for GNU Compiler Collection

  • There are only some operating systems that offer versions of gcc.

209) gdb can properly debug multi-threaded programs. True or False?

  • True

  • False

210) GCC stands for:

  • Geneva Computation Corporation

  • Great Computer Compiler

  • GNU Compiler Collection

  • GNU Compiler for C

211) A good choice of compiler options for day-to-day use would be:

  • gcc -M -H -O3 -E program.c

  • gcc -O2 -Wall -pedantic program.c

  • gcc -Wall -I /tmp/include -L /tmp/lib program.c

  • gcc -O0 -Wall -ansi program.c

212) Why might you choose to link your program statically, rather than use a shared library version?

  • The static program will not use new versions of shared libraries as they become available, and thus may avoid breakage and bugs

  • The static program will load and execute more quickly

  • The static program need not have an open source license, while the shared library version cannot be closed source

  • The static program will use less memory

213) To find the shared libraries used by /usr/bin/cp you can do (Select all answers that apply):

  • ldd /usr/bin/cp

  • find -libso /usr/bin/cp

  • gcc -ldd /usr/bin/cp

  • ldd $(which cp)

214) Which statements are true (Select all answers that apply):

  • Use of shared libraries can cause bugs because the application may conflict with the new library version

  • Use of shared libraries enables applications to stay up to date with new library features without being recompiled

  • Use of shared libraries saves memory

  • Applications can load faster when using shared libraries

215) The concept of Write Once, Run Anywhere works better on the client side than on the server side. True or False?

  • True

  • False

216) Which of the following is true for Eclipse?

  • It has been used primarily for Java projects, but it also supports a number of other languages

  • It has been an open source project since 2010

  • Eclipse Public License is fully compatible with the GPL license

  • It can be traced back to 2001

217) Which of the following statements are true (Select all answers that apply)?

  • Porting Java programs to Linux requires specialized expert input

  • Java programs developed on other systems can be expected to run without modification on Linux

  • The biggest problem in porting Java code to Linux is often fear

  • There are a number of choices which can be used for the Java implementation on Linux machines, and one can switch between them

  • Java programs need to have some changes to the source before they can run reliably on Linux systems

218) Which utility can be used to select the default Java Implementation on a Linux system?

  • setpref

  • which

  • choose

  • alternatives

219) Which commands will show you information about which version of Java you are running (Select all answers that apply):

  • java -version

  • select --show java

  • version --full java

  • $ readlink -f $(which java)

220) Which of the following are Integrated Development Environments that can be used for Java on Linux (Select all answers that apply)?

  • Eclipse

  • emacs

  • DDD

  • gdb

  • NetBeans

221) If you are experienced in using Eclipse on another operating system, when moving to Linux:

  • The interface and functioning should be almost the same and have little or no learning curve required

  • You will have to start over, as the interface and functioning are rather different

222) Which of the following are packaging system benefits for developers (Select all answers that apply)?

  • Integrity of the installation can be verified in a uniform and rapid fashion

  • Repeatable builds

  • Generation of dependency data, such as what other packages are needed by a given package, and/or what other packages may need a given package

  • Simple installation and removal methods

223) You have to be a superuser to build a binary RPM package on CentOS and openSUSE. True or False?

  • True

  • False

224) Use of a package management system (Select all true statements):

  • Simplifies upgrade and update of individual software packages, as well as the system

  • Is rapidly going obsolete, as disk space becomes larger and cheaper

  • Makes removing software difficult

  • Makes updating slow, as one always has to recompile from source

225) Which of the following distributions use the RPM package management system (Select all answers that apply)?

  • Ubuntu

  • SUSE

  • Red Hat

  • Fedora

  • CentOS

  • Gentoo

  • Debian

226) Which of the following distributions use the APT (dpkg) package management system (Select all answers that apply)?

  • Debian

  • Ubuntu

  • Linux Mint

  • CentOS

  • Gentoo

  • Red Hat

  • SUSE

227) With RPM, all information to configure, compile and install is contained in:

  • The build file

  • The rpm manifest

  • The spec file

  • The yum file

228) Which of the following statements are true (Select all answers that apply)?

  • The source package contains one file in Debian-based systems

  • The source package contains one file in RPM-based systems

  • The source package contains multiple files in RPM-based systems

  • The source package contains multiple files in Debian-based systems

  1. What are the 3 major families of Linux distributions? Select all answers that apply.

  1. What are some of the most basic Linux components that are completely rooted in UNIX? Select all answers that apply.

  1. How was The Linux Foundation formed?

  1. Linux refers to both the kernel of the operating system and the operating system itself. True or False?

  1. In order to install and use Linux:

  1. Which of the following are members of the Debian distribution family (Select all answers that apply)?

  1. Which of the following are Enterprise Linux Distributions (Select all answers that apply)?

  1. Which of the following are important facilities Linux distributions provide?

  1. Select all true answers:

  1. What are the three basic layers on a Linux graphical interface? Select all answers that apply.

  1. What is the easiest way to install KDE on a CentOS 7 system?

  1. In the X Window System:

  1. Which of the following are layers of the graphical system interface?

  1. If you are running a GNOME desktop manager:

  1. Which of the following are Desktop Managers?

  1. What are ways you can launch a terminal window on a graphical desktop?

  1. What are some of the basic command line tools that can be found on Linux that can be used to get help?

  1. You can invoke the graphical help system directly from the command by doing:

  1. Which chapter in man contains information about standard user commands?

  1. Which commands get a list of all man pages named "file" (Select all answers that apply)?

  1. Select the true statements about getting documentation on echo (Select all answers that apply).

  2. Which of the following are command line help utilities?

  1. To get a short help message about a command such as ls, listing options and arguments, type

  1. What are some of the most common editors that can be found on any Linux distribution? Select all answers that apply.

  1. GNOME offers a graphical interface for the vi editor, called gvim, while KDE does not offer a graphical interface for the vi editor. True or False?

  1. What keys does emacs use for special commands? Select all answers that apply.

  1. Which of the following statements is true?

  1. Which of the following methods can be used to produce a file with 3 lines in it? Select all answers that apply.

  1. Which statement is true?

  1. Which pair of editors has partisan advocates who tend to wage war over which is better than the other?

  1. Which editor can always be found installed by default on virtually any Linux system?

  1. Porting scripts from csh variants is relatively easy and straightforward. True or False?

  1. Which of the following commands would add newbin, a directory in your home directory, to the PATH (Select all answers that apply)?

  1. To make an environment variable (VAR) effective for only one command (foobar), you should do:

  1. Which of the following expressions will give the correct mathematical result (7) for x = 10 (Select all answers that apply)?

  1. Which commands will get both the normal and error outputs of prog into afile?

  1. Which of the following commands has the correct syntax for specifying an alias?

  1. The Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS) has always been administered by The Linux Foundation. True or False?

  1. Ввод m позволит вам увидеть все возможные команды. Правда или ложь?

  1. For the most basic commonly used partitioning scheme, you would have:

  1. Which of the following pseudo-directories are empty when the system is not running (Select all answers that apply)?

  1. Which of the following statements describes the best practice?

  1. If file does not exist, which command will produce an error?

  1. Which command will list the partition information on the first hard disk and then exit?

  1. Which directory trees usually have frequently changing data, and would not be desirable on a partition that is more static? Select all answers that apply.

  1. How many versions does GRUB have?

  1. What runlevel is reserved for the system halt state?

  1. What is the proper order of system initialization stages on most x86-based systems?

  1. Which files need to be in the /boot directory for the system to boot up (select all that apply)?

  1. Using GRUB lets you (Select all correct answers):

  1. Select the order in which the following system initialization methods were introduced:

  1. Which runlevel is multiple user with no graphical desktop?

  1. You can use the sudo swapoff -a command to turn off all swap memory. True or False?

  1. Threads in a process do not share any information with each other. True or False?

  1. A rather complete picture of memory usage can be gotten by viewing the following pseudofile:

  1. Select all true statements:

  1. Which statement(s) are correct?

  1. The OOM Killer

  1. Which of the following are utilities used to work with swap space?

  1. It is not easy to turn off the new naming scheme and go back to using the old classic names. True or False?

  1. Which networking configuration interface is newer and has extended capabilities?

  1. Using Predictable Network Interface Device Names (PNIDN) has come into use because:

  1. Which command(s) will bring the network interface eth0 up and assign an address to it?

  1. You can see statistics for the eth0 interface by (select all answers that apply):

  1. What does MTU stand for?

  1. FileZilla is the dominant ftp server in use on Linux. True or False?

  1. ksysguard is another graphical monitoring tool, which has far more extensive capabilities than gnome-system-monitor. True or False?

  1. Which of the following utilities can be used to monitor I/O activity? (We encourage you to try all of them, as this is the best way to learn)

  1. Which of the following utilities can be used to monitor process and system load activity? (We encourage you to try all of them as this is the best way to learn)

  1. Your system seems memory-starved and is slowing down. Which utilities would give you information about your memory usage?

  1. Which statement is true?

  1. Which are high level graphical system monitoring tools?

  1. The command that gives you information about currently loaded modules is:

  1. Devices are easily registered using only their names. True or False?

  1. udev makes sure the system recognizes any new devices which are plugged in, and also when devices are removed. True or False?

  1. Which command should you use to disable vboxdrv?

  1. Which statements are true?]

  1. The lsmod utility shows for each loaded module (select all correct answers):

  1. Udev (select all correct answers):

  1. Which command will ensure the httpd service (Apache) starts at system boot?

  1. How could you ensure the httpd service (Apache) is restarted if it is already running, say to absorb a revised configuration file (select all correct answers)?

  1. Depending on Linux distribution, which commands can install the libaio package and any packages it needs to function that are not already installed (Select all answers that apply)?

  1. Which command(s) can upgrade an entire system (Select all answers that apply)?

  1. System logging files are kept under:

  1. Where would the user named student usually find their personal files?

  1. The logrotate program:

  1. The first non-root user ID when the system is installed will be:

  1. Basic information about the characteristics of a user's account can be found in:

  1. Adding a new user to a group is done with:

  1. Which provides stronger security and auditing for system activity:

  1. Differences between su and su - include (Select all answers that apply):

  1. Which is the proper way to use sudo with echo?

  1. Which command will list all files under the current directory with a .cfg extension, and then delete them?

  1. Which command will list all files and directories on the system with cfg in their name?

  2. Which command will find all files and directories in the system whose name ends with cfg?

  1. Which commands can change all occurrences within a file of the string boris to natasha (Select all answers that apply)?

  1. Which command will print out all lines beginning with "X" in all files in the current directory?

  1. Which command is used to combine three files into a fourth file?

  1. Which of the following commands can be used to view the last 15 lines of a file (Select all answers that apply)?

  1. Which of the following commands will replace all instances of the word "dog" with "pig" in the file named some_file and send the output to stdout (Select all answers that apply)?

  1. Which commands can be used to print the lines that contain the numbers 0–5 in a file (Select all answers that apply)?

  1. Which command is used to extract columns from a file to work on them later?

  1. Which of the following special environment variables is the command name?

  1. Functions must always be defined before they are used. True or False?

  1. Which of the following commands are equivalent (Select all answers that apply)?

  1. Which commands will list all files under the current directory ending in "" (Select all answers that apply)?

Note: Output lists may differ in format.

  1. Functions (subprograms) are useful in bash scripts because (Select all answers that apply):

  1. How would you get the value of a variable named VAR into a script?

  1. Select the correct statement:

  1. How many characters do you get at the beginning in the description of a file?

  1. "666" permission means:

  1. Which statement is correct?

  1. If the first character in the long file listing is a "-", the listed object is a:

  1. If the first character in the long file listing is an "s", the listed object is a:

  1. Which of the following commands are equivalent (Select all answers that apply):

  1. Which command will give all users the right to look at a file, but give only the owner the right to change it or execute it:

  1. Which of the following is true about journaling filesystems?

  1. Which of the following commands can be used to see what filesystems your system currently understands?

  1. Which of the following statements are true for Logical Volume Management (Select all answers that apply):

  1. What command would create a new logical volume named mylv of size 256 GB in volume group VG ?

  1. Which of the following are journaling filesystems (Select all answers that apply):

  1. For a filesystem to be mounted at boot:

  1. When mounting a filesystem, it may be specified by any of the following methods (Select all answers that apply):

  1. LVM stands for:

  1. Loopback filesystems (Select all answers that apply):

  1. Which of the following statements are correct about gcc (Select all answers that apply):

  2. GCC stands for:

  1. A good choice of compiler options for day-to-day use would be:

  2. Why might you choose to link your program statically, rather than use a shared library version?

  3. To find the shared libraries used by /usr/bin/cp you can do (Select all answers that apply):

  1. Which statements are true (Select all answers that apply):

  1. Which of the following is true for Eclipse?

  1. Which of the following statements are true (Select all answers that apply)?

  1. Which utility can be used to select the default Java Implementation on a Linux system?

  1. Which commands will show you information about which version of Java you are running (Select all answers that apply):

  1. Which of the following are Integrated Development Environments that can be used for Java on Linux (Select all answers that apply)?

  1. If you are experienced in using Eclipse on another operating system, when moving to Linux:

  1. Which of the following statements are true (Select all answers that apply)?

  1. Use of a package management system (Select all true statements):

  1. Which of the following distributions use the RPM package management system (Select all answers that apply)?

  1. Which of the following distributions use the APT (dpkg) package management system (Select all answers that apply)?

  1. With RPM, all information to configure, compile and install is contained in:

  1. Which of the following are some of the major milestones in the history of open source software?

  1. What are the three general governance models used in open source projects? Select all answers that apply.

  1. What are the main types of Open Source Software (OSS) licenses? Select all answers that apply

  2. Linux began:

  1. Which method best describes the way Android is developed?

  1. Which method best describes the way FreeBSD is developed?

  1. Which method best describes the way Linux kernel is developed?

  1. What are some of the advantages of open source software development? Select all answers that apply.

  1. From a business perspective, use of OSS (Select all answers that apply):

  1. OSS is (Select all answers that apply):

  1. For school systems at any level, use of OSS (Select all answers that apply):

  1. School systems can benefit from using OSS because (Select all answers that apply):

  1. Developers working in OSS will:

  1. The git version control system arose from needs of which project:

  1. Which of the following are OSS projects used to construct a graphical user interface (GUI)?

  1. Which of the following are projects emanating from the Free Software Foundation?

  1. Which of the following are widespread fully OSS Projects (Select all that apply):

  1. Which of the following document preparation systems are OSS projects (Select all that apply):

  1. When first getting involved in an OSS project, you should (Select all answers that apply):

  1. When working on an OSS project, the best strategy is to:

  1. When there is someone in the project community that gets abusive or just difficult to deal with, you should (Select all answers that apply):

  1. You have worked hard on implementing a new feature for an OSS project and submitted your work. A senior maintainer liked you ideas, but ignored your implementation and substituted their own new one to the same end. You should:

  1. On a project mailing list, someone inserts an irrelevant political, religious, or philosophical comment into an otherwise technical discussion and this is at least mildly offensive to you. A good and proper response could be (Select all that apply):

  1. Which of the following are some of the questions you have to consider when testing to ensure all pieces of a distributed development project work as expected? Select all answers that apply.

  1. Continuous Integration (Select all answers that apply):

  1. What is the correct order of the Continuous Integration process stages?

  1. Which statement is true?

  1. The Linux Kernel Continuous Integration Project was initiated by:

  1. There are many tooling suites used for Continuous Integration. The most widely used one is:

  1. What are some considerations that go into OSS license selection (Select all answers that apply)?

  1. Which of the following is a "copyleft" license?

  1. FUD stands for:

  1. Select the true statement:

  1. Select the true statement:

  1. The abbreviation BDFL stands for:

  1. The job of a mentor includes:

  1. If a project fails in the sense that it stops moving forward, it is likely because (Select all answers that may apply):

  1. Which statement is true?

  1. Most open source projects fail in the sense that they stagnate and fade away. Is this bad?

  1. Why is good leadership important for the success of an open source project? Select all answers that apply.

  1. The majority of OSS projects carry out their discussions in English. Therefore (Select all answers that apply):

  1. With respect to criticism, an OSS contributor and reviewer should (Select all answers that apply):

  1. Some one on an OSS mailing list introduces a political aside and perhaps a preference during a technical discussion. Appropriate responses include (Select all correct answers):

  1. You propose a new way of doing something, or adding a new feature. Another contributor points out this idea was reject previously. You should (Select all answers that apply):

  1. Select the correct statement. GitHub:

  1. Sites that offer services similar to GitHub include (select all that apply):

  1. When using a GitHub public repository:

  1. To use Git, you:

  1. To use GitHub and the other sites that provide repository hosting:


Вопрос 1

Revision control systems are Even for one developer it is useful to track changes, revert to earlier states, etc


Вопрос 2

Git was originally a creation of: Linus was the originator


Вопрос 3

Which statement is true? Conflicts still require humans to resolve


Вопрос 4

Which of the following commands will provide documentation on how to create a new branch with git (Select all answers that apply)?

git branch –help

git help branch

man git-branch

Вопрос 5

Which of the following are Revision Control Systems? Select all answers that apply.





Вопрос 1

Which statement is true? Virtually all Linux distributions have a new enough version of git in their normal binary packaging systems you can use for all day-to-day work. You only need the latest version if you are developing git itself

Вопрос 2

Which statement is true?

It is irrelevant how a repository is created or updated, you can use either a command line or graphical interface to git


Вопрос 3

What command you must issue to list all files in the repository?

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