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True or False?

  • True

  • False

Which of the following commands will display only lines that begin with test?

  • grep *test file.txt

  • grep &test file.txt

  • grep $test* file.txt

  • grep ^test file.txt

The if command looks for what exit code to consider a condition to be true?

  • 255

  • 0

  • 2

  • 1

  • 10

The number of users logged in is in a variable called USERS. How would you test to see if 5 users are logged in?

  • test $USERS –eq 5

  • test $USERS,5

  • test –f USERS=5

  • test $USERS = 5

  • test $USERS –a 5

Which of the following are valid partitioning types?

(choose two)

  • PC

  • MBR

  • GPT

  • BIOS

Which of the following commands will check hard disk GPT partitions?

(choose three)

  • sfdisk

  • sgdisk

  • gdisk

  • cgdisk

  • gfdisk

Which file contains the information passed to the kernel at boot time?

  • /proc/kernel

  • /proc/kopts

  • /proc/kargs

  • /proc/cmdline

To make changes permanent for kernel parameter files found under /proc/sys, the following file can have entries added to it:

  • /etc/sysinfo.conf

  • /etc/sysctl.conf

  • /etc/procctl.conf

  • /etc/procsys.conf

Which of the following commands will display the IP address on a Linux system?

  • ifconfig

  • route

  • ipconfig

  • dig

The RSA key fingerprint allows the dig command to connect to remote systems.

True or False?

  • True

  • False

When issuing the service network restart command, which of the following occurs?

  • …takes down all network interfaces, re-reads all related configuration files and then the networking for the system is restarted.

  • …the networking for the system is stopped and then started back up.

  • …brings up all network interfaces, re-reads all related configuration files and then the networking for the system is restarted.

Which of the following commands will display the groups that the user bob belongs to?

  • group bob

  • id bob

  • all bob

  • groups -a

A value of 0 in the “minimum” password aging field means the user cannot change their password.

True or False?

  • True

  • False

Sudo privileges allow users to execute commands as another user.

True or False?

  • True

  • False

The first line of this command displays how long the system has been running since being rebooted.

  • id

  • getent

  • who

  • w

  • su

Which option for the usermod command can be used to specify a user’s group ID (either primary or secondary)?

(choose two)

  • -g

  • -S

  • -s

  • -G

The groupmod command can be used to add users to a group.

True or False?

  • True

  • False

Which of the following files contains user IDs?

  • /etc/passwd

  • /etc/shadow

  • /etc/group

  • /etc/usr

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