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Unix is:. (choose two)

  • An operating system

  • A type of hardware

  • A trademark

  • A distribution of Linux

  • A text editor

Linux is written in:

  • C

  • .NET

  • C++

  • Java

  • Perl

Source code refers to:

  • The version of a program that the computer runs on the CPU

  • The license that dictates how you may use and share the software

  • The interface that software uses to talk to the kernel

  • A human readable version of computer software

What is the standard option to provide a command line program to view its documentation?

  • –info

  • –doc

  • –help

  • -h

The command man -k is the same as the command apropos.. True or False?

  • True

  • False

The whatis command is the same as man -w.

  • True

  • False

The directory where additional documentation for software packages most likely can be found is:

  • /var/lib/doc

  • /usr/software/doc

  • /usr/share/doc

  • /var/share/doc

Hidden files are files that begin with what character?

  • A plus (+)

  • A dash (-)

  • A period (.)

  • An asterisk (*)

What option for the ls command will display all files, including hidden files?

  • -w

  • -H

  • -L

  • -a

The top-level directory on a Linux system is represented as:

  • /

  • /root

  • /home

  • C:

Is the following path absolute or relative?. /etc/ppp

  • Relative

  • Absolute

Is the following path absolute or relative?. sysadmin/Documents

  • Relative

  • Absolute

Compression on a file works by:

  • Removing the high order bit from each byte

  • Consolidating multiple files into one

  • Removing redundant information

  • Storing most of the data on removable media and just leaving a pointer

  • Eliminating gaps within the file

In general, for which of the following would you want to use lossless compression?

  • An mp3 audio file

  • A movie

  • A log file

  • A JPEG image

  • An encrypted email

Lossy compression:. (choose three)

  • Is often used with documents

  • Decompresses to an identical version as the original

  • Sacrifices some quality

  • Usually results better compression than lossless

  • Is often used with images

You type gzip myfile.tar. What happens?. (choose two)

  • myfile.tar.gz holds a compressed version of myfile.tar

  • An error; you forgot to pass the name of the output file

  • An error; you forgot to specify the file with –f

  • myfile.tar is unarchived into the current directory

  • myfile.tar is removed

Error messages generated by commands are sent where by default?


  • Log files



A successful command will print output to STDOUT.. True or False?

  • True

  • False

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