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1.Question 1

Which networking configuration interface is newer and has extended capabilities?

2.Question 2

Using Predictable Network Interface Device Names (PNIDN) has come into use because:

  • Many computers are no longer in one location; for example, laptops are on the move, and available interfaces are subject to change

  • Hardware such as USB devices can be added and removed at runtime

  • On modern systems, the order in which network hardware is found is less predictable

3.Question 3

Which command(s) will bring the network interface eth0 up and assign an address to it?

  • sudo ip addr add dev eth0

  • sudo ifconfig eth0 up

4.Question 4

You can see statistics for the eth0 interface by (select all answers that apply):

  • looking at /sys/class/net/eth0/statistics

  • doing sudo ip -s link show eth0

  • doing sudo ifconfig eth0

5.Question 5

What does MTU stand for?

  • Maximum Transfer Unit (usually 1500 bytes by default) for Ethernet packets

Week 4

System Monitoring

1.Question 1

Which of the following utilities can be used to monitor I/O activity? (We encourage you to try all of them, as this is the best way to learn)

  • iotop

  • iostat

  • Vmstat

  • Sar

2.Question 2

Which of the following utilities can be used to monitor process and system load activity? (We encourage you to try all of them as this is the best way to learn)

  • top

  • ps

  • Uptime

3.Question 3

Your system seems memory-starved and is slowing down. Which utilities would give you information about your memory usage?



4.Question 4

Which statement is true?

  • It is easier to monitor system activity using command line tools, since they vary little from one Linux distribution to the next.

5.Question 5

Which are high level graphical system monitoring tools?

  • ksysguard

  • gnome-system-monitor

Kernel Modules and Device Management

1.Question 1

Which statements are true?

  • It is impossible to unload a kernel module being used by an application.

  • It is impossible to unload a kernel module being used by another module

2.Question 2

The lsmod utility shows for each loaded module (select all correct answers):

  • How many processes depend on it

  • Its size in bytes

  • What other modules are using it

3.Question 3

Udev (select all correct answers):

  • Loads and unloads device drivers and other kernel modules as needed

  • Stands for User Device

  • Is responsible for populating the /dev directory once the system is up and running.

4.Question 4

Which command will ensure the httpd service (Apache) starts at system boot?

sudo systemctl enable httpd.service

5.Question 5

How could you ensure the httpd service (Apache) is restarted if it is already running, say to absorb a revised configuration file (select all correct answers)?

  • sudo systemctl stop httpd && sudo systemctl start httpd

  • sudo systemctl restart httpd

Week 5

System Administration

1.Question 1

Depending on Linux distribution, which commands can install the libaio package and any packages it needs to function that are not already installed (Select all answers that apply)?

  • sudo zypper install libaio

  • sudo apt-get install libaio

  • sudo dnf install libaio

  • sudo yum install libaio

2.Question 2

Which command(s) can upgrade an entire system (Select all answers that apply)?

1 / 1 point

  • dnf update

  • zypper update

  • sudo yum update

  • sudo apt-get dist-upgrade

3.Question 3

System logging files are kept under:

  • /var/log

4.Question 4

Where would the user named student usually find their personal files?

  • /home/student

5.Question 5

The logrotate program:

  • Cyclically rotates and optionally compresses log files to save space

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