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Conclusion Exclamation is one of the main aspects of communication that able to regulate people's behavioral skills. She represents a complex system of communication strategies aimed at achieving harmonious, conflict-free and productive communication. These strategies and determine the choice of signs of verbal and non-verbal communication. Being a universal category, exclamation has its own national cultural specificity, which is manifested not only in features etiquette formulas and their use, but first of all in stock national specific strategies governing communicative the behavior of representatives of a particular linguistic culture, in their focus and frequency of use. In the presented work, some general and particular principles of the exclamation category. In this work, the following tasks were posed and solved: to define the concept of exclamation. to describe the main levels of exclamation. to characterize the basic communicative values of English culture. to describe in specific speech acts the means of expressing exclamation. In general, based on the studied examples of formulas and strategies expressions of exclamation taken from English and Russian-language websites, we can conclude that in different cultures exclamation is understood differently. Also ,the paper has separated exclamatives from other expressive / emotional utterances in general, and shown how exclamatives and other expressive / emotional utterances may be analyzed in terms of sentence types and speech acts types. Common in various terms exclamation point is that exclamation directly related to communication, and therefore directly to the language. Comparative analysis of exclamation expressions among representatives of different cultural (English and Russian) allows you to identify certain similarities and differences in their communicative behavior and the main rules of communicative interaction with a representative of a particular culture. The paper has separated exclamatives from other expressive/emotional utterances in general, and shown how exclamatives and other expressive/emotional utterances may be analyzed in terms of sentence types and speech acts types. The paper has adopted the idea suggested by Rosengren (1997) and Beijer (2003) that exclamatives indicate an extreme position on a semantic scale of some kind, and express deviations from norms. The paper has shown that what is called expressive/emotional utterances can be divided in categories. Neither do the emotive utterances propositionalize their emotive. This makes them similar to exclamatives, but they lack scalar features indicating extreme positions on various semantic scales. Emotives do not constitute a speech act of their own. They are assertions that lend some features from the expressives. Emotions are a special class of subjective psychological states, reflecting in the form of direct experiences, sensations, pleasant or unpleasant, the relationship between people and the world, the process and the results of its practical activities. The class of emotions includes moods, feelings, affects, passions, stresses. These are the so-called "pure" emotions. They are included in all mental processes and human condition. Any manifestations of his activity are accompanied by emotional experiences. In humans, the main function of emotions is that, thanks to emotions, we better understand each other, cannot use speech, judge each other's condition and better tune in to joint activities and communication. 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