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    Письменное задание № 2

    Максимальный балл 10.


    Количество баллов

    Безошибочное выполнение всех

    упражнений и оформление в соответствии с требованиями

    10 баллов

    Выполнение задания не в полном


    До 8 баллов

    Выполнение задания не в полном

    объеме и с наличием ошибок

    До 3 баллов

    Ex. 1



    Make up questions with “Howlong?”and “When?”using the Present Perfect, the Past Indefinite or the Present Perfect Continuous.

      1. The University of Law trains lawyers for the country.

      2. Common Law system applies the doctrine of precedent.

      3. Common Law is the basis of the procedure.

      4. I am investigating a computer theft.

      5. The barrister was arguing his client’s case before the court.

      6. Dr Smith has given lectures at the Law Department this month.

      7. He is busy that moment. He has been taking part in questioning since the early morning.

    How long has it been training lawyers for the country? When did he start training lawyers for the country?

    How long does it apply the doctrine of precedent? When did it begin to apply the doctrine of precedent?

    How long has the common law been the basis of the procedure? When did the law begin to form the basis of the procedure?

    How long have I been investigating a computer theft? When did I start investigating the theft?

    How long did the lawyer represent the case? When did he start presenting the case?

    How long did Dr. Smith lecture? When did he start lecturing?

    How long did he take part in the interrogation? When did he start taking part in the interrogation?

    Ex. 2

    Answer the questions using the time indication words suggested in brackets; change the tense forms accordingly:

    I haven’tspoken to him forages.
    Model: When didyou last speak to your advocate? (forages)

    1. When did he last investigate a murder? (foryears)

    2. When did the Bar last admit new members? (sinceJune)

    3. When did you last give evidence to the court? (for manyyears)

    4. When did Steve Williams last violate the Rules of Professional Conduct? (forages)

    1. When did this attorney last lose a case? (inalong while)

    2. When was this patrolman last on duty? (forthelastfewdays)

    3. When did you last deal with a common law action? (sincelastyear).

    1.He was investigating a murder 4 years ago

    2.The Board received members since June

    3.I have testified in court for many years

    4.He was breaking the rules for ages
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