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  • Дисциплина

  • The Sumerian Civilization

  • Ancient Mayan Civilization

  • The ancient civilization of the Incas

  • The ancient civilization of Mesopotamia

  • The ancient civilization of Babylon

  • Read the text and study the names of the ancient civilizations below

  • Thetimeline Match the ancient civilizations to the description of some of their achievements and inventions. Answer the questions after the text.

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    Дисциплина: Английский язык

    Практическое задание №4




    Задание. Прочитайте и ПИСЬМЕННО переведите текст на русский язык, выполните задания, размещенные до и после текста ПИСЬМЕННО.


    Warm up

    What does history study? Is it important for people to know their past? Why?

    History is a field of knowledge, as well as a humanitarian science that deals with the study of a person (his activities, state, worldview, social relations, organizations, and so on) in the past. The past is a part of history, without which there would be no present and no future. The historical events are the lessons that are taught not to commit the mistakes of the past. In history, there is not only the birth of the world, but also the tragic results of our predecessors. The past of our country and our people is an integral part of history. M. Y. Lomonosov believed that a nation that does not know its past has no future. Many Russian writers have discussed the importance of the past and its memory.

    What ancient civilizations do you know?

    Egyptian civilization, the Sumerian Civilization, the Babylonian civilization, Indian civilization Chinese civilization

    What have ancient civilizations added to our current knowledge, technology, and understanding of the world? How different were they from one another? What did they have in common?

    The Sumerian Civilization
    Many historians believe that the Sumerians were the first civilization on earth, which appeared in Mesopotamia more than 6 thousand years ago. Historians were able to determine the following facts:

    The Sumerians were the first civilization on earth to use the ternary system and know the Fibonacci numbers.
    In the legends of this people, the first descriptions concerning the structure and development of the Solar System are presented.
    The Sumerian manuscripts indicate that modern humans were created by genetic engineering methods about 3 thousand years ago.
    They had developed statehood, had a court and various government bodies that were chosen by people
    The Sumerians existed for 2 thousand years.
    Ancient Mayan Civilization
    One of the most mysterious peoples, which reminds of itself even in the modern world, what is the famous Mayan calendar that predicts the end of the world. The secret knowledge of ancient civilizations continues to be studied by scientists, and they managed to determine such facts:

    The Maya were engaged in the construction of stone cities and huge pyramids, which served as a tomb for the nobility. They grew pumpkins, cotton, various fruits, beans, and so on. This people was engaged in the extraction of salt.
    For this people, religion was very important, and the worship of the gods was a cult. The Maya sacrificed not only animals, but also people.
    Ancient civilizations had great knowledge in astronomy, for example, the Mayan calendars have survived to this day and their accuracy never ceases to amaze.
    The Maya mysteriously left the earth, and what exactly happened has not yet been established.
    The ancient civilization of the Incas
    The largest empire in terms of area and population, which was located on the territory of South America. Thanks to historians a lot of information about this people became known to the public:

    Scientists have not been able to find evidence that would tell about the appearance of the Incas, but they are considered descendants of the early Andean civilization.
    The secrets of ancient civilizations indicate that the empire had a clear administrative division and a well-established economy.
    It is reliably known that in those days there was no corruption, almost completely absent crimes related to murder and theft.
    Few ancient civilizations had mail, so the Incas had about 5-7 thousand postal stations.
    This people had their own measuring system, calendar, architecture, and musical culture. The Inca script is called the kipu nodular script.
    The Aztec civilization
    The most numerous Native American people living in Mexico are the Aztecs. The history of ancient civilizations is known for such facts:

    The Aztecs were fond of sports and creativity, for example, they are known for their sculptures and pottery.
    Of great importance to this people was the education that children received not only from their parents, but also in schools.
    Historians believe that this ancient civilization disappeared not because of numerous wars, but because of smallpox, which claimed the lives of more than 20 million people.
    It is worth noting the presence of an advanced system for recording and storing data: tax, historical, religious and other documentation.
    The men of this people were allowed polygamy, and poor families sold their children into slavery, and this was not considered unusual.
    The ancient civilization of Mesopotamia
    Since geographically Mesopotamia occupied a flat area between two rivers: the Euphrates and the Tigris, it was also called Mesopotamia. Some scholars believe that the first inhabitants of the southern territory were the Sumerians, but in fact, before that, the land was inhabited by other tribes.

    Artifacts of ancient civilizations indicate that there were several large settlements on the territory of Mesopotamia.
    The local population developed complex religious beliefs and made extensive use of magical rituals.
    At that time, Mesopotamia had all the signs of civilization, except for writing, but this changed after the territory was settled by the Sumerians.
    The ancient civilization of Babylon
    At that time, Babylon was the richest and most powerful city, which stood out with masterpieces of human ingenuity. Not all the secrets of ancient civilizations are unraveled, but scientists were able to learn a lot of interesting information:

    Trade was of great importance in Babylon, and the products created by this people were very popular. This city is considered a "trendsetter".
    If a doctor made an incorrect diagnosis, his hands were cut off, and prostitution was considered a prestigious profession.
    The most famous attraction of that time is the Gardens of Babylon.
    The technologies of ancient civilizations made it possible to build incredible buildings, which is only worth the legendary Tower of Babel, which was located in the center of the ancient city.


    Todefeat наносить поражение, разгромить

    a tomb могила, захоронение

    to conquer завоевывать

    an enemy враг tribute дань

    an abacus счеты

    cuneiform клинопись

    to ostracize травить, подвергатьостракизму

    pottery керамика

    Get some expressions:

    minted coins отчеканенныемонеты

    to make a contribution to smthвноситьвкладвочто-либо

    a grain mill мельница"

    the value of numbers значениечисел

    paved roads мощеныедороги

    to influence smth влиять на что-либо

    to have an influence on smth иметьвлияниеначто-либо

    Read the text and study the names of the ancient civilizations below:

    The study of history focuses on the interpretation of the written word and other cultural artifacts created by humans in the past. The invention of writing marks the division between “history” and “pre-history.” All ancient civilizations were located in the Mediterranean Basin or the Middle East and include Mesopotamia (Sumer, Babylonia, and Assyria), Egypt, the Hittite Empire, Persia, Lydia, Greece, and Rome.

    1. Sumer — the Sumerians

    2. Babylonia — the Babylonians

    3. Egypt — the Egyptians

    4. Persia — the Persians

    5. Greece — the Greeks

    6. Rome — the Romans

    7. Lydia — the Lydians

    8. Assyria — the Assyrians

    9. The Hittite Empire — the Hittites

    Изучение истории фокусируется на интерпретации письменного слова и других культурных артефактов, созданных людьми в прошлом. Изобретение письменности знаменует собой разделение между “историей” и “доисторией".” Все древние цивилизации располагались в Средиземноморском бассейне или на Ближнем Востоке и включали Месопотамию (Шумер, Вавилонию и Ассирию), Египет, Хеттскую империю, Персию, Лидию, Грецию и Рим.
    1. Шумер — Шумеры
    2. Вавилония — вавилоняне
    3. Египет — египтяне
    4. Персия — персы
    5. Греция — греки
    6. Рим — римляне
    7. Лидия — лидийцы
    8. Ассирия — Ассирийцы
    9. Хеттская империя — Хетты


     Match the ancient civilizations to the description of some of their achievements and inventions. Answer the questions after the text.

    a. The largest empire of the ancient world. Their army numbered over one million as they added foreign armies, usually of defeated enemies, to their own. They made paved roads with small stations so that people could travel in comfort and safety. They learned about minted coins from the Lydians and spread it throughout the eastern part of the ancient world. Because of the tribute system, the empire was extremely rich.(the Persians)

    b. This people developed complex mathematics, which included geometry and algebra. They developed a system of symbols representing the values of numbers (such as 100s, 10s, and 1s), knew the value of pi. Also, they invented the abacus, a primitive calculator. (the Greeks)

    c. The longest existing ancient civilization. Its life and culture centered on, depended on, and were shaped by the world’s longest river. The rulers used to build extremely big tombs to demonstrate their power on earth. They had knowledge of higher mathematics and skill in moving extremely heavy building materials. (the Egyptians)

    d. They developed writing which took the form of pictographs or hieroglyphs, with each symbol representing a word. Later it developed into cuneiform — symbols representing syllables of words. For over 3,000 years, various civilizations used this system of writing.(the Sumerians)

    e. They influenced modern Western culture more than any other ancient civilization. Philosophy, democracy, architecture, theatre, art (particularly sculpture), literature, and borrowed words are just a few contributions they made to Western culture.(the Greeks)

    f. The last major civilization before Europe and North Africa fell into the Dark Ages. They conquered many people and lived together with the conquered. They invented various kinds of devices to make grain mills more productive. The civilization introduced and spread the Latin language, provided a legal system that many modern Western governments still use. (the Romans)


                1. What is the present-day name of the country that used to be Persia?

    - Iran

                2. What event (s) was the city of Babylon sadly famous for?

    - Babylon, excavated by Coldewey, was the capital of an empire created almost exclusively by the will of one of its last kings, Nebuchadnezzar P. The period of the so-called New Babylonian kingdom lasted from 605 to 538 BC, and at the end of it Babylon turned from the center of the civilized world into a dying provincial city, with few inhabitants, dilapidated and forgotten.

                3. What were the names of the two women pharaohs who entered history?

    Cleopatra, Hatshepsut

                4. Which civilization gave the world the “Epic of Gilgamesh”? What does it tell about?

    "The Epic of Gilgamesh", or the poem "Of all who have seen" (Akkad. šanagbaimuru) is one of the oldest extant literary works and one of the first books. It is believed that these poetic legends were formed in the XVIII-XVII (18-17) centuries BC.

    The main characters of the poem were the demigod Gilgamesh ("Two-thirds he is a god, one-third he is a man")-a mighty warrior, the king of the city — state of Uruk, as well as Enkidu-a wild, steppe man who lived among animals, who was created from clay by the goddess Aruru. Before meeting with Enkidu, Gilgamesh was "violent", so the inhabitants of Uruk complained to the gods with a request to create a rival for him.

    "The Epic of Gilgamesh" is a hymn to friendship, which not only helps to cope with difficulties, defeat enemies, but also transforms and ennobles. The poem reflects the philosophy of ancient peoples, questions of ethics, life and death, the place of man in the world.

                5. Which people called foreigners the “barbaroi”, i.e. not speaking the tongue of the civilized world?

    The ancient Romans called barbarians all the peoples who lived outside the Empire, including the Germans and Slavs.

                6. What were the names of the two legendary founders of Rome?

    Romulus and Remus

                7. What are the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World?

    Pyramids of Giza Giza plateau, near the center of Cairo-the capital of Egypt. They were built in 2500-2600 BC and include three pyramids, including the Pyramid of Cheops.

    Hanging Gardens of Semiramis In the area of the ancient city of Babylon (today El Hill). Created by King Nebuchadnezzar II in the sixth century BC for his wife.

    The temple of Artemis in Ephesus, a Greek city of Ephesus. Today, Selcuk (Turkey). The temple, built in honor of the goddess Artemis-the patroness of childbearing.

    Erected in the VI century BC Statue of Zeus in Olympia, the Greek city of Olympia. It was erected in 432 BC. Made in the temple of Zeus of ivory and gold (about 200 kg), with a height of about 15 m.

    Mausoleum in Halicarnassus.The Greek city of Halicarnassus is the modern city of Bodrum (Turkey). It was built in honor of the ruler of Kyria – Mausolus in 351 BC by order of his wife Artemisia III.

    Colossus of Rhodes. The Greek city of Rhodes. The great statue of the sun god Helios, was erected in 283 BC. Its height was about 36 m.

    The lighthouse of Alexandria was located on the island of Pharos off the coast of Alexandria (today Egypt). Created in the middle of the third century BC. One of the tallest buildings of that time, about 140 m high.

                8. Who was Croesus? What does the expression “as rich as Croesus” mean?"

    About a person who has accumulated a lot of wealth, they say: "Rich as Croesus." Indeed, the king of Lydia — a slave trading state — Croesus owned fabulous treasures.

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