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Дом Работа (Зв). Поставьте глагол в правильную форму (Present Indefinite или Present Continuous)

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(Present Indefinite или Present Continuous).
1. Who are you waiting for? — A friend of mine. We are going to the cinema.

2. I still don’t understand the rule. — No wonder. You never listen to what I say. And you aren't listening now either.

3. What are you doing here? — Actually, I am waiting for the museum to open. — But why? Don’t you know that it is not work on Mondays?

4. The picture you are looking at belongs to the Tretyakov Gallery. We just exhibit it.

5. I can’t stand her! She constantly throws her things about the room. She never puts anything in its place.

6. Have you seen the notice? — Yes, but it’s too high for me to read. What is it say?

7. Has he agreed to your offer? — No, he has thoughtit over.

8. Why, Peter, you are smoking!!! —Don't you know that I smoke?

9. You are tasting the pizza over and over again. Is anything wrong? — Oh no, on the contrary, it tastes so delicious that I just can’t help it.

10. Where is Mr. Brown? — He ishavinglunch at the canteen as usual. He usually returns to his office at half past one.

11. I need your help immediately. There’s something wrong with my dog. He has a temperature and he is breathing hardly!

12. He is coming back from his business trip in a few days. Do you know it for sure? — Of course, I do. He always calls me every other day.

13. These shoes are too tight. — Then why are you putting them on again? — They are looking so wonderful and besides they are matching my dress.

14. You are reading in the dark again! — But I don’t believe it’s dark.

I see everything well enough.

15. Jack and Pam are having a long conversation. I wonder what they are talking about.
1. Что ты делаешь сегодня вечером? — Ничего особенного. А что? — Слушай, я иду на концерт, и у меня есть лишний билет. Хочешь пойти? — С удовольствием.

2. Вечно ты закрываешь окна! Как ты можешь работать в такой душной комнате? — Но мне холодно!

3. Что ты готовишь? Так вкусно пахнет! — Это секрет. Я пробую новый рецепт.

4. Как ты думаешь, что нужно этому человеку? — Не понимаю, он жестикулирует, но не произносит ни слова.

5. Зачем ты листаешь книгу? Ты что-то ищешь? — Я ее не листаю, а читаю. — Ты всегда читаешь так быстро?

6. Обычно я работаю в пятницу, но эта пятница — праздничный день, поэтому я гуляю в парке.

7. Ты весь мокрый! Дождь все еще идет? — Да, и становится все холоднее.

8. Завтра я встречаюсь с моим редактором. — Ты работаешь над новой книгой? — Да, и он хочет подписать со мной новый контракт.

9. Интересно, а в Бразилии когда-нибудь идет снег?

10. Обожаю эту песню! Но это какая-то новая версия. Кто это поет?

11. Теперь ты мне веришь? — Нет, мне все еще кажется, ты мне врешь.

12. Ты опять идешь в театр? — Что значит «опять»? Я действительно часто хожу в театр, но почему тебя это удивляет?

13. Почему ты так рано ужинаешь? Сейчас только 6 часов.


  1. What are you doing tonight? - Nothing special. Why? - Look, I’m going to a concert and I have an extra ticket. Do you want to go? - I'd love to.

  2. You always close the windows! How can you work in such a stuffy room? But I'm cold!

  3. What are you cooking? Smells delicious! - It's a secret. I'm trying a new recipe.

  4. What do you think this person needs? — I don't understand, he gestures, but he doesn't say a word.

  5. Why are you leafing through the book? Are you looking for something? — I'm not flipping through it, I'm reading it. —Do you always read so fast?"

  6. I usually work on Friday, but this Friday is a public holiday, so I walk in the park.

  7. You're all wet! Is it still raining? - Yes, and it's getting colder.

  8. I'm meeting with my editor tomorrow. — Are you working on a new book? - Yes, and he wants to sign a new contract with me.

  9. I wonder if it ever snows in Brazil?

  10. I love this song! But this is some kind of new version. Who's singing this?

  11. Do you believe me now? — No, I still think you're lying to me.

  12. Are you going to the theater again? — What do you mean, "again"? I do go to the theater a lot, but why does it surprise you?

  13. Why are you having dinner so early? It's only 6 o'clock.

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