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Практикум по английскому языку. Практикум Под редакцией И. Ю. Марковиной Москва "билингва" 2002 Марковина И. Ю., Громова Г. Е

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Упражнеие 22

А. Найдите причастие II (V3), выполняющее функцию определения, которое может стоять как до, так и после определяемого существительного.

Пример: Deoxyaenated blood, carried to the heart by the vena cava, flows into the right atrium.

Б . Переведите предложения, содержащие причастие II в функции определения, с учётом того, что при­частие II имеет пассивный оттенок.

Например: blood, carried ...

кровь, переносимая ...

  1. Materials needed by tissue cells pass out through the walls of the blood vessels
    and become dissolved in lymph.

  2. Substances not needed by the body generally are not reabsorbed but instead pass
    on through the renal tubules into the urine.

  3. The body replaces the withdrawn blood within a few weeks.

  4. Most malignant tumours found in bone have spread there from another organ.

  5. Much of the insulin now used is prepared by genetic engineering techniques
    from micro-organisms \

  6. The organs most intimately related to the substances carried by the blood are the
    kidneys, spleen and the liver.

  7. Symptoms produced by the decreased blood supply depend on the particular
    part of the body.

  8. In certain diseases associated with marked changes in the blood, such as
    leukaemia, the spleen becomes chronically enlarged.

  9. Many symptoms of allergy are apparently due to histamine released by damaged

  1. The liver is a large unpaired gland, situated in the upper part of the right-hand
    side of the abdominal cavity, separated from the thoracic contents by the diaphragm.

  2. In the adult, most of the skeleton is made up of bone tissue, composed of cells
    called osteocytes, embedded within a hard substance produced by the cells.

  3. Chambered hearts, as found in vertebrates, consist of a series of interconnected
    muscular compartments separated by valves.

  4. The amount of genetic information held within a set of human chromosomes is
    very large.

  5. The degree of relaxation produced varies with the kind of sedative, the dose, the
    means of administration, and the mental state of the patient.

Упражнение 23

А. Найдите в следующих дефинициях определение, выраженное причастным оборотом с причас­тием II.

Б. Перепишите дефиниции, заменив причастие II на эквивалентное ему придаточное определительное предложение со сказуемым в страдательном за­логе.

Пример: The brain is the cranial part of the central nervous system, situated inside the skull.

= which is situated inside the skull

В. Переведите предложения.

  1. The cerebrum is the largest part of the brain, formed of two sections, the cerebral

  2. Glaucoma is the condition of the eyes, caused by abnormally high pressure of
    fluid inside the eyeball.

  3. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas.

  4. Mucus is a slippery liquid secreted by mucous membranes inside the body.

  5. Teeth are a set of bones in the mouth used to chew food.

  6. Palate is the roof of the mouth, divided into the hard palate in front and the soft
    palate behind the back teeth.

  7. The digestive system is all the organs and glands involved in the digestion of
    food, from the mouth to the anus.

  8. The skull is the skeleton of the head, composed of many individual bones closely
    fitted together.

  9. The spleen is an organ concerned with the formation and destruction of red
    blood cells.

  1. Blood is the fluid pumped round the body in the circulatory system.

  2. Platelets are tiny particles formed in the bone marrow.

  3. The lymphatic system is a network of vessels found in all parts of the body except
    the central nervous system.
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