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  • Практикум по английскому языку. Практикум Под редакцией И. Ю. Марковиной Москва "билингва" 2002 Марковина И. Ю., Громова Г. Е

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    РАЗДЕЛ 3

    Согласование времён (Sequence of Tenses)

    Упражнение 12

    А. Пользуясь таблицей, определите время действия, описанного в придаточном предложении: "до", "одновременно" или "после" действия, описанного в главном предложении.


    They said that...

    главное предложение

    (сказуемое в Past Indefinite) (Они сказали, что ...)

    придаточное предложение (глагол-сказуемое выражает действие, соотнесённое с действием, выраженным глаголом -сказуемым главного предложения)

    they had worked in the laboratory the week before.

    they worked in the laboratory.

    they would work in the laboratory the next month.

    Past Perfect

    (had + V3) предшествующее действие:

    они работали в лаборатории на прошлой неделе.

    Past Indefinite

    (V2) одновременное действие:

    они работают в лаборатории.

    Future in the Past

    (would + V) будущее действие:

    они будут работать в лаборатории в следующем месяце.

    Б . Переведите предложения.

    1. Leonardo da Vinci [h:a'na:do de 'vintji:] (1452— 1519) suggested that blood left
      the heart by the arteries and returned by the veins.

    2. Erasistratus [.era'sistratas] (3rd century B.C.) taught that nerves were hollow and
      acted by transmitting vital spirit.

    3. Vesalius [vi'seili:as] (1514— 1564) found anatomy more or less where Galen ['geilsn]
      (A.D. 130-200) had left it. He told his students that they would learn anatomy
      only by doing their own dissections, not from books or lectures.

    4. Haller [Ъа:1э] (1708— 1777) proved that some nerve fibres carried impulses from
      the central nervous system which stimulated the muscles, while others carried
      sensory impulses to the brain.

    5. Jenner ['dзеner] (1749— 1823) took up a popular belief that people who had had
      cow-pox were safe from smallpox. He hoped that there would be no more smallpox
      all over the world.

    6. Schwann [jwa:n] (1810— 1882) made the important discovery that animals were
      composed of living cells. He showed that the fundamental unit was not the
      tissue, but the cells that composed it.


    1. Pasteur [pa:s'ta:] (1822—1895) proved that fermentation depended on living
      microbes. He showed that fermentation, putrefaction and infection were all due
      to contamination by microbes.

    2. Andral faendrel] calculated the proportions in which the major elements of blood
      existed in health and in illness, and described circumstances which changed the
      quantitative relationship of these elements to each other.


    для тренировочного и контрольного перевода

    (к разделу 3)

    1. In 1876 Ross (1857 — 1932) made up his mind that he would master his medical
      course and qualify for an interesting job in India. He learned that millions of
      India's people were dying from malaria. In 1897 Ross proved that malaria was
      transmitted by mosquito bites. He discovered that when a mosquito bit a person
      it did not only suck his blood, but also injected the fluid containing the malaria
      parasite. In later years Ross was known as "Malaria Ross", the man who showed
      how malaria was carried and how it could be prevented.

    2. Banting (1891 — 1941) began to think that possibly the Islets of Langerhans had in
      them something which was valuable to the human body. Doctors had long teen
      studying diabetes. They knew that the pancreas had some influence on the way
      which sugar was used in the human body. But none of them thought that the
      islets of Langerhans were the really important part of the pancreas. Banting went
      to the University of Toronto. Dr. Maclead told him about the work that had been
      done on this problem of pancreas and said that during the summer part of the
      laboratory would be unused and Banting would be allowed to have ten dogs for
      his work. He would also have a student to help him. In 1922 Banting and Best
      isolated insulin.

    РАЗДЕЛ 4 Модальные глаголы (Modal Verbs)

    Упражнееие 13

    А. Найдите ядро каждого предложения, где состав­ное сказуемое включает модальный глагол и ин­финитив в активной или пассивной форме без ча­стицы to.

    Б. Переведите предложения.

    1. Food must undergo certain changes before it can be of any service to the cell.

    2. The cell may be best pictured as a self-sufficient chemical factory.

    3. Spleen is soft and cannot be felt on abdominal examination when normal in size,
      consistency and position.

    4. Organ such as the heart must be transplanted as soon after death of donor as
      possible; skin, corneas, bone and some blood fractions, however, can be stored.

    5. People with back trouble should not lift heavy weights.

    6. The body could not cope with an excess of blood sugar.

    7. The eye muscles, or the nerves which supply them, may be affected by disorders
      which arise later in life.

    8. Any person who is taking corticosteroid drugs or who has previously had a
      severe reaction to the same vaccine should not be vaccinated.

    9. Healthy bones cannot be built without calcium salts, and the body cannot utilize
      these salts in the absence of vitamin D.

    1. Blood donors must meet certain requirements of age, health and weight.

    2. All physicians find that there can be no end to their education — they must keep
      up with new developments.

    3. The movement of food in the large intestine can be followed by giving a patient
      a meal of some opaque substance, such as barium sulphate and taking a series of
      X-ray photographs afterwards.

    13. What characteristics must good surgeon have? Surgeons need good eye-hand
    coordination, manual dexterity, and the physical stamina.

    1. A wide variety of other systems may be damaged by the rheumatoid process.

    2. Backache can result from bad posture, a soft bed or muscle strain, but it can also
      be caused by rheumatism, typhoid fever and osteoarthritis.

    3. The disinfectant must be diluted in four parts of water before it can be used on
      the skin.

    4. The ointment should only be used externally.

    5. Anaemia, from whatever cause, if of sufficient severity and duration may cause
      heart failure.


    Тексты для тренировочного перевода (к разделу 4)

    1. The bony structures must be regarded as active store-houses of mineral matter.
      When the need arises the body can draw upon bones for constituents like lime
      and phosphates. Under certain conditions the bones indeed may give up so much
      of their mineral matter that they become soft and can no longer function as an
      effective framework.

    2. Each organ system of the body may be attacked by a number of diseases. These
      diseases have certain things in common no matter which organ is affected. Other
      symptoms and signs may be particular to the individual organ. The central nervous
      system may be attacked by the same diseases as other organs. Because the nervous
      system controls the working of the body in so many ways, diseases may affect not
      only a part of the system but also another part of the body.

    3. By itself, a virus is a lifeless particle that cannot reproduce. But inside a living
      cell, a virus becomes an active organism that can multiply hundreds of times.
      Most viruses can be seen only with electron microscope. Virologists demonstrated
      in the early 1900's that viruses could cause cancer in animals.

    4. Pain in the abdomen may be caused by a variety of conditions. Within the abdomen
      there are vital organs of the body which can be the source of pain when something
      goes wrong. In addition, pain may be "referred" to the abdomen from organs
      elsewhere in the body, for example, pneumonia may sometimes cause abdominal
      pain, as may a heart attack. In fact, locating the cause of pain in the abdomen
      may be a difficult job for the physician.

    5. The muscular wall, or septum, which runs down the centre of the heart divides it
      into two sides: the right heart and the left heart. There is no connection between
      the two sides. Each side must perform different work. Thus, the heart may be
      called a dual pump. It must receive the venous blood and send it into the lungs
      for fresh oxygen. This is done by the right side of the heart. The left side must
      receive blood from the lungs and pump it out into the body.

    6. The patient who is taking nitroglycerin should keep the medication at hand at all
      times. It should be kept in a tightly closed, dark, glass container, free from heat
      and moisture. The drug is not addicting and there is no limit to the number that
      may be taken in a 24-hour period; however, no more than three tablets should be
      taken at 5 minute intervals during an attack. If no relief is obtained 15 minutes
      after the third tablet is taken, the physician should be notified immediately.

    Тексты для контрольного перевода (к разделу 4)

    1. Heart attack is diagnosed most readily by means of an electrocardiograph. This machine records patterns of electrical activity of the heart and can detect changes in activity that are associated specifically with heart attack.

    Once they have been hospitalized, heart-attack victims can be helped in a number of ways. For example, in some cases further damage to the heart can be prevented by dissolving the clot that caused the attack. Injections of substances, such as streptokinase or tissue plasminogen activator are used for this purpose. In many hospitals heart-attack victims are routinely admitted to specialized coronary care units. In these units the electrical rhythm of the heart is monitored continuously, and arrythmias (abnormal rhythms) can be treated promptly.

    If the heartbeat rate falls too low, a temporary pacemaker may help. The pacemaker is inserted into a vein and moved to the right ventricle, where its electrical impulses stimulate the heart to beat more quickly. Similarly, catheters for monitoring blood pressure may be inserted into a vein.

    2. Another method of artificial respiration which has now found favour is known as "mouth-to-mouth respiration". The principle on which this method is based is that expired air from the resuscitator's lungs is breathed into the patient's lungs. It is important that there should be an air-tight seal between the two mouths and that the patient's nostrils should be closed by the resuscitator's hand. The patient's head should be held back and care should be taken to ensure that the patient's tongue does not obstruct the air-way. The resuscitator must also guard against the use of excessive force because this might propel sea water or vomit back into the patient's lungs. He should bear in mind that although he himself will have to breathe more deeply than is his custom he must not overdo this. If he does he might easily faint himself.

    ЧАСТЬ 2 Неличные формы глагола (Non-Finite Forms of the Verb)


    Participle (причастие) неличная форма глагола, которая обладает как

    признаками глагола, так и свойствами прилага­тельного и наречия.

    Gerund (герундий) — неличная форма глагола, которая обладает как

    признаками глагола так и некоторыми признака­ми существительного.

    Infinitive (инфинитив) — неопределённая форма глагола, которая отвечает

    на вопросы "что делать?", "что сделать?".

    Обозначения: 0 — выполняет функцию 0 — входит в состав






    1. Participle I Active

    2. Participle I Passive

    3. Participle I Perfect Active

    4. Participle I Perfect Passive

    5. Participle II

    6. Gerund

    7. Infinitive

    РАЗДЕЛ 5 Причастие (The Participle)

    5.1 Причастие I в функции определения

    Упражнение 14

    А. Найдите причастие I (Ving), выполняющее функцию определения, которое может стоять как до, так и после определяемого существительного.

    П ример: Pulsating heart is a pump distributing to the brain and all other parts of the body important substances.

    Б . Переведите предложения с причастием I в функ­ции определения, которое в русском языке соот­ветствует причастию действительного залога.

    Например: pulsating heart - пульсирующее сердце

    1. The lining membrane of the lung secretes mucus.

    2. Aspirin can have an irritating effect on the lining of the stomach.

    3. The working muscle needs more oxygen and gives off more carbon dioxide than
      the resting muscle.

    4. The liver is the major detoxicating organ in the body.

    5. The fluid escaping from blood soon clots.

    6. Blood arriving in the lungs from the body has a high concentration of carbon
      dioxide in it.

    7. The white blood cells include a variety of cells differing in structure, shape and

    8. Sodium is a major factor determining blood volume and blood pressure.

    9. No evidence supporting this hypothesis has yet been described.

    1. Chyme entering the duodenum is acid in reaction because it has been mixed
      with the acid gastric juice.

    2. Certain diseases occuring in various tissues have been recognized as potentially
      dangerous because of the occasional development of cancer on this background.

    3. The processes taking place in the large intestine are due mostly to the millions of
      bacteria living there.

    4. Inflammation involving the mucosal and smooth muscle layers of the respiratory
      tract plays a major role in the development of acute asthmatic bronchospasm.

    5. In addition to the digestive glands existing in the walls of the canal there are two
      large glandular organs lying outside it and pouring their secretion into it by their
      ducts; these are the liver and the pancreas.

    6. As the smallest units retaining the fundamental properties of live, cells are the
      "atoms" of the living world.

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