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Практикум по английскому языку. Практикум Под редакцией И. Ю. Марковиной Москва "билингва" 2002 Марковина И. Ю., Громова Г. Е

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Упражнение 17

Переведите предложения, содержащие определение, вы­раженное пассивной формой причастия I (being + V3), которое всегда стоит после определяемого существи­тельного и соответствует в русском языке страдатель­ным причастиям.

Например: the acid, being secreted by the stomach, ... кислота, секретируемая желудком, ...

1. Bile is the substance being made in the liver. , 2. Mucus is a slippery liquid being secreted by mucous membranes inside the body.

  1. A typical joint is the juncture of two bones being held together by ligaments.

  2. Bone is a living, dynamic organ, being continuously remodelled in response to
    external mechanical and chemical influences.

  3. Diabetes mellitus is a disease which results from insufficient insulin being produced
    by the special cells in the pancreas.

  4. The work being done at present in the laboratory is aimed at solving such prob­
    lems as blood clotting and infection.

  5. Life extension experiments being performed on animals have shown promising

  6. Women being treated with this drug should avoid breastfeeding.

  7. Many people being treated for HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) infection
    undergo a redistribution of body fat which can cause abnormal levels of fat in the

  1. Two fundamental procedures being used to study the genetic basis of the disease
    are body mass index and genotypic linkages.

  2. The needles are inserted in the skin to varying depths according to the point of
    insertion and the condition being treated.

  3. The main vaccine being used to eradicate polio consists of a live, weaked form of
    the virus.

  4. In the US alone, some 14,000 people are infected and die each year from drug-
    resistant microbes being picked up in hospitals.

  5. A thorough knowledge of the apparatus being used for mechanical ventilation is
    vital to competent care of the patient.

  6. The amount of carbon dioxide constantly being taken from the atmosphere during
    daylight hours by all green plants is enormous.

  7. Arteries have strong, elastic walls because the blood being pumped from the
    heart is under pressure.


5.2 Причастие I в функции обстоятельства
Упражнение 18

А. Найдите причастие I (Ving) в функции обстоятель­ства, которое может стоять как до, так и после ядра предложения. Такое обстоятельство относится к глаголу-сказуемому и характеризует выраженное им действие.

Б. При переводе на русский язык причастие I в функ­ции обстоятельства может соответствовать:

  1. деепричастию несовершенного вида;

  2. существительному с предлогом;

  3. придаточному обстоятельственному предложе­

(В зависимости от вида обстоятельства придаточ­ное предложение может присоединяться сою­зами:

а) когда; в то время, когда - обстоятельство вре­

б) так как; поскольку - обстоятельство причины.)

Например: Passing through the lungs, the blood picks up oxygen.

  1. Проходя через легкие, ...

  2. При прохождении через лёгкие, ...

  3. Когда кровь проходит через лёгкие, ...

В. Переведите предложения.

  1. (While) passing through the pulmonary capillaries, blood absorbs the oxygen
    which entered the body during inhalation.

  2. When listening to the lungs, the physician places the stethoscope on many different
    areas of the front and back of the chest.

  3. When observing a patient, the rate and depth, and ease or difficulty of breathing
    are noted.

  4. Blood circulates through the blood vessels carrying oxygen and supplying nutrients
    to the organs and removing carbon dioxide and other waste products for excretion.

  5. The mucus that accumulates in the sinus causes pressure on the sinus walls,
    resulting in discomfort, fever, pain, and difficult breathing.

  1. Certain kinds of chemicals can affect the skin, causing some forms of dermatitis.

  1. A malfunctioning spleen may increase its phagocytic activity to an abnormal
    degree, resulting in premature destruction of blood cells.

  1. The platelets help the blood to clot, thereby preventing its loss in case of bleeding.

  2. Septic shock syndrome occurs when the body attacks its own tissues while trying
    to fight off a bacterial infection.

  1. When sweat from the sweat glands reaches the surface it evaporates, cooling the
    body and thus playing a major part in the maintenance of a temperature level
    inside the body.

  2. Entering the body through the intestinal tract, the typhoid bacillus starts multiplying
    in the blood stream, causing fever and diarrhea.

  3. Using very thin needles, massage, or mild electrical shocks at specific locations
    along a sick person's body, an acupuncturist tries to restore the body's balance.

  4. Beginning life as a single cell, the human organism undergoes an extraordinary
    complicated process of development.

  5. Being the only tissue that is in contact with all parts of the body, blood serves as
    a system through which food and oxygen are transported to the cells and waste
    products are removed.

Упражиение 19

A. Найдите перфектные формы причастия I в действи­
тельном или страдательном залоге (having + V3 /
having + been + V3), которые выполняют функцию
обстоятельства времени или причины и передают
значение предшествования или законченности дей­
ствия по отношению к действию, выраженному гла­

Б. Обстоятельство, выраженное перфектными форма­ми причастия I, передаётся на русский язык одним из следующих способов:

  1. деепричастием совершенного вида;

  2. существительным с предлогом;

3) придаточным обстоятельственным предложе­

Например: Having passed through all the body blood enters the right auricle.

  1. Пройдя через весь организм, ...

  2. После прохождения по всему организму ...

  3. После того, как кровь прошла по всему
    организму, она ...

B. Переведите предложения.

  1. Having invaded living cells viruses grow and multiply.

  2. Having started from the left auricle as pure arterial blood, it returns to the right
    auricle as impure venous blood.

  3. In the infant at birth the entire gastro-intestinal canal is sterile, but remains so for
    only a few hours, when a number of bacteria appear in faeces, probably having
    gained access to the intestines by way of the mouth.

  4. Certain people are by nature liable to depression, and, having recovered from
    one attack, they may have another later on.


  1. Having benefited from the medical and nutritional advances of the past ninety
    years, people are on the average living much longer than their ancestors.

  2. Having been arrested in the capillaries some tumour cells stimulate the produc­
    tion of fibrin.

  3. Having been formed, the bones continue to grow until the body has acquired its
    full structure.

  4. A hormone is a chemical messenger which, having been formed in one organ or
    gland, is carried in the blood to another organ or tissue, where it influences
    activity, growth and nutrition.

  5. Having determined the proper blood groups, the blood of the donor and the
    recipient are directly cross-matched, that is, the red cells of the donor are placed
    in contact with the serum of the recipient, and vice versa.
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