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  • английский. Правила устройства и безопасной эксплуатации стационарных компрессорных установок Аннотация

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    НазваниеПравила устройства и безопасной эксплуатации стационарных компрессорных установок Аннотация
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    Maintenance and repair of compressor plants, air pipelines and gas pipelines

    The manner in which the maintenance and repair of the equipment is organized and repaired, taking into account the specific conditions of operation, is determined by the design and operational documentation.

    3.2. It is not allowed to leave working compressors (except fully automated) without the supervision of persons admitted to their maintenance.

    3.3. The entrance to the compressor unit is not allowed to outsiders: an alarm is installed outside the front door to call the unit attendants, as well as warning signs and posters.

    3.4. It is not allowed to store flammable liquids in the room of the compressor machine room.

    3.5. Before starting each compressor, the driver is obliged to inspect the installation, make sure it is healthy, check the grease and cooling system and make a start in accordance with the instructions.

    Each shift should be controlled by the consumption of oil to lubricate the cylinder and compressor sledge. The consumption of oil on each lubricant point should not exceed the specified in the factory instruction.

    3.7. Compressor plants should record the consumption of lubricants on a daily basis.

    3.8. All safety valves of the industrial compressor unit, which are up to 12 kgs/cm2, should be inspected every day by forcing them to open under pressure. The testing of safety valves operating at pressures of more than 12 kgs/cm2 is set by technological regulations and operational documentation. Once closed, the valves should remain tight.

    3.9. In the absence of automatic purge manual purge of moisture-layering (intermediate and end) to produce twice a shift, if the factory instruction does not provide a shorter purge period; air collectors or gas collectors entering the compressor plant should be blown at least once a shift in the presence of a late refrigerator and moisture-in-house, and at least twice a shift in their absence.

    3.10. The compressor stops immediately in the following cases:

    (a) In cases specifically stipulated in the manufacturer's instructions;

    b) if the gauges at any stage of the compressor, as well as on the pumping line show pressure above the allowable;

    c) If the gauge of the motion mechanism lubricant system shows pressure below the allowable lower limit;

    d) When cooling water is suddenly stopped or cooling system malfunction;

    (d) If knocks, blows in the compressor or engine are heard, or faults are detected that may cause an accident;

    (e) If the compressed air temperature is above the limit set by the manufacturer's passport;

    (f) In case of fire;

    (c) If there is an odor of fire or smoke from a compressor or electric motor;

    and) with a noticeable increase in the vibration of the compressor, the electric motor of other nodes.

    3.11. After an emergency stop of the compressor, it can be launched with the permission of the person responsible for the safe operation of the compressor plant.

    3.12. During the compressor installation, you should monitor:

    (a) Pressure and temperature of compressed gas after each compression stage;

    b) the temperature of compressed gas after refrigerators;

    (c) Continuity of flow into compressors and cooling water refrigerators;

    d) The temperature of cooling water coming in and out of the cooling system at points;

    (d) The pressure and temperature of the oil in the lubricant system;

    (e) The current size of the stator, and in synchronized electric drive - the current of the rotor of the electric motor;

    (f) The correctness of the lubricant and the level of oil in them. Indications of the devices at intervals set by the instruction, but at least two hours, must be registered in the compressor log.

    The log should record the time of launch and stop of the compressor, the reason for the stop, the observed faults, periodic inspections of safety valves and gauges, the descent of condensate and oil from moisture dislodges, air collectors and other containers, as well as unscheduled cleaning of oil and air filters.

    The work log is regularly checked and signed daily by the person responsible for the safe operation of the compressor plant.

    Air filters should be checked within the time frame stipulated by the compressor manual.

    3.14 Regular outdoor inspection of compressor equipment, washing and cleaning of its exterior surfaces from dust and dirt should be carried out. Oil and water are not allowed to leak, especially oil entering the foundation. The causes of leaks should be quickly eliminated when they are detected.

    Cotton or flax material is used as washing materials.

    3.15 Repair and cleaning of pressurized equipment and pipelines is not permitted.

    3.16. Air viscine filters after 1000 hours of work, but at least once every two months, should be carefully cleaned of accumulated dust and after drying grease with viscous or other similar oils. The filter should be washed in diesel or in a weak solution of hot lye, followed by careful water rinse.

    Dry air filters should be cleaned according to the instructions of the manufacturer of the filter.

    3.17. The valve boxes of the air compressor are inspected for the absence of nagar at least after 1000 hours of operation. In the case of abundant carbonation, it is necessary to find out the cause and eliminate it, and all the valve boxes are thoroughly cleaned of the carbon monoxide.

    3.18. Cleaning of air collectors, moisture collectors, intermediate and end refrigerators and pumping air pipes of all stages from oil deposits should be done on instructions at least once for 5000 hours of compressor work in a way that does not cause corrosion of metal.

    It is recommended to clean the air pipelines and apparatus to produce a 3% solution of sulfanol. After cleaning, compressed air is peded for 30 minutes (at least).

    It is not allowed to use combustible and flammable liquids to clean air collectors, moisture and other equipment.

    3.19. In the internal inspection, cleaning or repair of moisture dislooms, air collectors or other devices, they should be disconnected from the corresponding network with shanks, completely released from the remaining gas or air there and blown clean air for 10 minutes (at least).

    All hatches of the device during the stay inside the working should be opened and the entire machine continuously ventilated.

    The worker for work inside the apparatus must be provided with a special clothing (jumpsuit) and protective glasses. Internal inspection, cleaning or repair of the device should be carried out by at least two employees, of which one must be outside and be sure to monitor the condition of the worker inside.

    Work inside the machine can only be carried out with the permission of the person responsible for safe operation, who must instruct those working in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory documents on industrial safety.

    3.20. The use of open fire in the compressor station is not allowed. The production of installation and repair work using open fire and electrical welding in the compressor station is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory documentation for these works.

    The results of the repairs should be reflected in the operating documentation for the compressor plant.

    Each compressor or group of homogeneous compressor units is equipped with the following technical documentation:

    (a) Passport (form) for a compressor installation;

    b) a scheme of pipelines (compressed air or gas, water, oil) indicating the locations of the valves, valves, moisture-layering, intermediate and end refrigerators, air collectors, control-measuring devices, as well as circuits of electric cables, automation, etc.; Schemes are hung out in a prominent place.

    (c) Instructions (guidance) on the safe maintenance of the compressor plant;

    d) The compressor log;

    (d) A log (form) of the repair of the compressor plant, which should also include the results of the inspection of welds;

    (e) Compressor oil certificates and laboratory results;

    Passports of all vessels working under pressure;

    Schedule of repairs of the compressor plant;

    and) a log of knowledge checks for service personnel.

    Constructive changes to compressors, gas pipelines, refrigerators and other equipment can be made once agreed with the manufacturer or specialized technical documentation organization.

    3.24. Materials resistant to moisture, oil and temperature at least 50 degrees Celsius above the gas temperature in the pipeline should be used as padding materials for piping compounds.

    3.25. In the device of external pumping air-zogazo-wires should exclude the possibility of their internal freezing.

    3.26. The possibility of free temperature expansion of the pipeline, preventing its deformation and dismamming of compounds, as well as the emergence of additional efforts on the equipment connected to it, should be envisaged.

    3.27. Insulation should be applied to pipelines laid near heat-emitting vehicles.

    Pipelines should be laid at least 0.5 metres away from electrical cables, electrical wires and other electrical equipment.

    3.29. Air pipelines and gas pipelines should be stacked with a slope of 0.005 towards linear water seper. The formation of stagnant zones and areas where condensation or oil can accumulate should be excluded.

    3.30. On some sections of pipelines where water and oil can be accumulated, linear water seplins with automatic or manual purges available for maintenance should be installed.

    All devices to remove oil and water accumulated in the air pipeline must be checked regularly by service personnel. If these devices are frozen, they are allowed to be heated with hot water, steam or hot air. The use of an open source of fire for this purpose is not allowed.

    3.31. The airs are not allowed to have deaf drains and muffled chokers that contribute to the accumulation and possible self-ignition of oil deposits.

    3.32. The fittings installed on the pipelines should be available for convenient and safe maintenance and repair.

    3.33. Devices and pipelines with surface temperatures above 45 degrees Celsius, located in the workplace and in the main passages, should have thermal insulation. The walls of the compressor cylinders cannot be insulated.

    3.34. Valves, valves, valves should be fully operational and ensure that air or gas access is quickly and reliably cut off.

    The armature should be numbered and applied clearly visible arrows indicating the direction of the flywheel rotation, as well as arrows denoting "open" and "closed."

    Technical examination and technical diagnosis of equipment should be carried out in accordance with regulatory documentation.

    3.36. The hydraulic pressure of the pipelines must be sustained for 5 minutes, after which the pressure is reduced to working. At working pressure, the pipeline is inspected and welds are inspected.

    The results of the test are considered satisfactory if during the test there was no drop in pressure on the gauge, and in welds, pipes, hulls, fittings, etc. there were no signs of rupture, leaks and fogging.

    Pipelines laid in impassable channels and pressures of more than 100 kgs/cm2 are tested in accordance with regulatory documentation requirements.

    At negative outdoor air temperatures, hydraulic tests are carried out on hot water with immediate drainage after testing.

    3.37. Records of pipeline cleanups, ongoing inspections and repairs, as well as the results of pneumatic and hydraulic pipeline testing are logged (form) of compressor repair accounting for acts (protocols).

    3.38. During the repair of the pipeline, the repaired part of the pipeline must be disconnected from the network on both sides and cleared of accumulated oil precipitation.

    After repair and cleaning, it is necessary to make sure that there are no foreign objects left in the pipeline.

    Почему я поступил в магистратуру?

    Я работаю на «Нижнекамскнефтехиме» в должности мастера по ремонту химического оборудования, но мое первое высшее образование - экономическое.. Сейчас же появилась прекрасная возможность получить профильное образование в магистратуре. Когда мои друзья сказали что собираются сдавать вступительные на магистратуру, я решил тоже поступить. Магистратура дает возможность получить образование по своей специальности за два года. Это очень небольшой срок для получения высшего образования. Будущих магистров обучают самые лучшие преподаватели университета. Так же есть возможность продолжить обучение или после окончания магистратуры заняться преподавательской деятельностью.

    Why did I get a master's degree?

    I work for Nizhnekamskneftehim as a master of chemical equipment repair, but my first higher education is economic. Now there is a great opportunity to get a specialized education in the master's degree. When my friends said that they were going to take the entrance to the master's degree, I decided to do the same. The master's degree gives an opportunity to get an education in his specialty for two years. This is a very short time for higher education. Future masters are taught by the best teachers of the university. It is also possible to continue training or after graduation to engage in teaching.
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