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  • What does history study Is it important for people to know their past Why Что изучает история Важно ли людям знать свое прошлое Почему

  • What ancient civilizations do you know Какие древние цивилизации вы знаете

  • 2. What event (s) was the city of Babylon sadly famous for

  • 6. What were the names of the two legendary founders of Rome Как звали двух легендарных основателей Рима

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    Выполнила: Макешина Мария Максимовна

    Преподаватель: Богачева Елена Олеговна

    Практическое задание к разделу № 2

    Дисциплина : Английский язык


    Warm up

    What does history study? Is it important for people to know their past? Why?

    Что изучает история? Важно ли людям знать свое прошлое? Почему?

    History is a science that explores the past, real facts and patterns of changing historical events, the evolution of society and the relations within it caused by human activity for many generations.

    It is important for people to remember the past, because memory makes it possible to avoid repeating mistakes: knowing what was done wrong, we will not duplicate it in the future. In addition, history suggests solutions to problems that were once relevant. This pattern of human development has been noticed by many authors.

    What ancient civilizations do you know? Какие древние цивилизации вы знаете?

    The most ancient civilizations of the world that we know about:

    Ancient Egypt

    Ancient China

    The Sumerians



    Norte Chico

    The Aegean civilization

    The Olmecs

    What have ancient civilizations added to our current knowledge, technology, and understanding of the world? How different were they from one another? What did they have in common? Что добавили древние цивилизации к нашим современным знаниям, технологиям и пониманию мира? Насколько они отличались друг от друга? Что у них общего?

    The first manifestations of civilization, according to research, appeared several millennia ago on the territory of Asia, Africa and Europe. Although the ancient civilizations of the earth were formed at different times, the processes of their formation and development have many common features. They became the basis for important discoveries that became a springboard for human progress and cultural development.


    todefeat наносить поражение, разгромить

    a tomb могила, захоронение

    to conquer завоевывать

    an enemy враг tribute дань

    an abacus счеты

    cuneiform клинопись

    to ostracize травить, подвергать остракизму

    pottery керамика

    Get some expressions:

    minted coins отчеканенные монеты

    to make a contribution to smth вносить вклад во что-либо

    a grain mill мельница"

    the value of numbers значение чисел

    paved roads мощеные дороги

    to influence smth влиять на что-либо

    to have an influence on smth иметь влияние на что-либо

    Read the text and study the names of the ancient civilizations below:

    The study of history focuses on the interpretation of the written word and other cultural artifacts created by humans in the past. The invention of writing marks the division between “history” and “pre-history.” All ancient civilizations were located in the Mediterranean Basin or the Middle East and include Mesopotamia (Sumer, Babylonia, and Assyria), Egypt, the Hittite Empire, Persia, Lydia, Greece, and Rome.

    1. Sumer — the Sumerians

    2. Babylonia — the Babylonians

    3. Egypt — the Egyptians

    4. Persia — the Persians

    5. Greece — the Greeks

    6. Rome — the Romans

    7. Lydia — the Lydians

    8. Assyria — the Assyrians

    9. The Hittite Empire — the Hittites

    The timeline

    Match the ancient civilizations to the description of some of their achievements and inventions. Answer the questions after the text.

    a. The largest empire of the ancient world. Their army numbered over one million as they added foreign armies, usually of defeated enemies, to their own. They made paved roads with small stations so that people could travel in comfort and safety. They learned about minted coins from the Lydians and spread it throughout the eastern part of the ancient world. Because of the tribute system, the empire was extremely rich.

    b. This people developed complex mathematics, which included geometry and algebra. They developed a system of symbols representing the values of numbers (such as 100s, 10s, and 1s), knew the value of pi. Also, they invented the abacus, a primitive calculator."

    c. The longest existing ancient civilization. Its life and culture centered on, depended on, and were shaped by the world’s longest river. The rulers used to build extremely big tombs to demonstrate their power on earth. They had knowledge of higher mathematics and skill in moving extremely heavy building materials."

    d. They developed writing which took the form of pictographs or hieroglyphs, with each symbol representing a word. Later it developed into cuneiform — symbols representing syllables of words. For over 3,000 years, various civilizations used this system of writing.

    e. They influenced modern Western culture more than any other ancient civilization. Philosophy, democracy, architecture, theatre, art (particularly sculpture), literature, and borrowed words are just a few contributions they made to Western culture.

    f. The last major civilization before Europe and North Africa fell into the Dark Ages. They conquered many people and lived together with the conquered. They invented various kinds of devices to make grain mills more productive. The civilization introduced and spread the Latin language, provided a legal system that many modern Western governments still use."

    Временная шкала

    Сопоставьте древние цивилизации с описанием некоторых их достижений и изобретений. Ответьте на вопросы после текста.

    а. Крупнейшая империя древнего мира. Их армия насчитывала более миллиона человек, поскольку они добавили к своей собственной иностранные армии, обычно из побежденных врагов. Они проложили асфальтированные дороги с небольшими станциями, чтобы люди могли путешествовать с комфортом и безопасностью. Они узнали о чеканке монет от лидийцев и распространили ее по всей восточной части древнего мира. Из-за системы дани империя была чрезвычайно богата.

    б. Этот народ разработал сложную математику, которая включала геометрию и алгебру. Они разработали систему символов, представляющих значения чисел (таких как 100, 10 и 1), знали значение числа пи. Кроме того, они изобрели счеты, примитивный калькулятор".

    c. Древнейшая древняя цивилизация. Его жизнь и культура были сосредоточены, зависели и формировались самой длинной рекой в мире. Правители обычно строили чрезвычайно большие гробницы, чтобы продемонстрировать свою власть на земле. Они обладали знаниями в области высшей математики и умением перемещать чрезвычайно тяжелые строительные материалы".

    г. Они разработали письменность, которая приняла форму пиктограмм или иероглифов, где каждый символ представлял слово. Позже он превратился в клинопись — символы, представляющие слоги слов. На протяжении более 3000 лет различные цивилизации использовали эту систему письма.

    е. Они повлияли на современную западную культуру больше, чем любая другая древняя цивилизация. Философия, демократия, архитектура, театр, искусство (особенно скульптура), литература и заимствованные слова - вот лишь некоторые из вкладов, которые они внесли в западную культуру.

    е. Последняя крупная цивилизация перед тем, как Европа и Северная Африка погрузились в Темные века. Они покорили множество народов и жили вместе с покоренными. Они изобрели различные виды устройств, чтобы сделать зерновые мельницы более производительными. Цивилизация ввела и распространила латинский язык, обеспечила правовую систему, которой до сих пор пользуются многие современные западные правительства".


    1. What is the present-day name of the country that used to be Persia? Каково современное название страны, которая раньше была Персией?


    2. What event (s) was the city of Babylon sadly famous for?

    3. What were the names of the two women pharaohs who entered history? Как звали двух женщин-фараонов, вошедших в историю?

    Cleopatra, Hatshepsut

    4. Which civilization gave the world the “Epic of Gilgamesh”? What does it tell about? Какая цивилизация дала миру “Эпос о Гильгамеше”? О чем это говорит?

    Akkadians not only copied Sumerian texts, but also created their own literature. Among her monuments is the Epic of Gilgamesh. The Akkadian civilization lasted until the VI century BC, when Mesopotamia was invaded by the Persians. The cuneiform Akkadian texts lasted a little longer than the Akkadian civilization — the last text in Akkadian was written somewhere around the turn of our era.

    5. Which people called foreigners the “barbaroi”, i.e. not speaking the tongue of the civilized world? Какие люди называли иностранцев “варварами”, то есть не говорящими на языке цивилизованного мира?

    All foreigners who did not know their language were called barbarians by the Greeks ("var-var" was originally something like the modern "blah-blah-blah"), that is, "muttering". The ancient Romans also adopted this name from the ancient Greeks. When the northern defensive rampart was built in the I century BC ("limes"), which became the frontier of the Roman Empire, all the peoples who lived outside it were called barbarians.

    6. What were the names of the two legendary founders of Rome? Как звали двух легендарных основателей Рима?

    Romulus and Remus are the legendary twin brothers, the founders of the city of Rome.

    7. What are the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World? Каковы Семь чудес Древнего мира?

    The list of 7 wonders of the ancient world includes: the Egyptian pyramid of Cheops in El Giza, the hanging gardens of Semiramis, the temple of Artemis in Ephesus, the statue of Zeus in Olympia, the Mausoleum in Halicarnassus, the Pharos Lighthouse, the Colossus of Rhodes.

    8. Who was Croesus? What does the expression “as rich as Croesus” mean?" Кем был Крез? Что означает выражение “богат, как Крез”?"

    Croesus is the last Lydian king. He had untold treasures. Subsequently, his army was defeated by the Persian king Cyrus, and Croesus himself was burned. The meaning of the phrase is that this is a very rich man.

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