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  • Прочитайте предложения. Если в предложении есть лексическая или грамматическая ошибка, укажите номер соответствующего пункта. Если


  • Read the text below and decide which word or word combination (A, B, C or D) fits best in the context. Climate change: what next

  • Из единого ассоциативного ряда уберите лишнее слово. В ответе напишите ЛИШНЕЕ СЛОВО

  • Из единого ассоциативного ряда уберите лишнее слово. В ответе напишите ЛИШНЕЕ СЛОВО .doubt – receipt – thumb – debt – lander

  • олимпиада. Прочитайте предложения. Если в предложении есть лексическая или грамматическая ошибка, укажите номер соответствующего пункта. Если

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    The teacher can ________all the mistakes in our translations.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. finding

    b. finds

    c. to find

    d. find
    Прочитайте предложения. Если в предложении есть лексическая или грамматическая ошибка, укажите номер соответствующего пункта. Еслиошибокнет, выбирайтецифру 0.

    1. Initially, each school had
    2. its own rules and while the pupils was still at school
    3. the fact that they played by these particular rules
    4. hardly mattered.
    5. however, they left for the universities

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. 0

    b. 1

    c. 2

    d. 3

    e. 4

    f. 5

    Прочитайте предложения. Если в предложении есть лексическая или грамматическая ошибка, укажите номер соответствующего пункта. Еслиошибокнет, выбирайтецифру 0.

    1. At first many people thought
    2. this was a joke, especially the British,
    3. who seemed to assume that tin-widespread understandment
    4. of their language meant
    5. a corresponding understanding of English customs

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. 0

    b. 1

    c. 2

    d. 3

    e. 4

    f. 5
    The city of Montreal _______70 square miles.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. be covering

    b. cover

    c. covering

    d. covers
    Yesterday the children _________a new film.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. is seeing

    b. seen

    c. see

    d. saw
    She _________her book soon.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. will write

    b. is writing

    c. shall write

    d. writes
    Прочитайте предложения. Если в предложении есть лексическая или грамматическая ошибка, укажите номер соответствующего пункта. Еслиошибокнет, выбирайтецифру 0.

    1. London, for example, had become
    2. the most big city of Europe
    3. by the mid 18th century, with a million inhabitants
    4. But one of this growth
    5. came from within the city itself.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. 0

    b. 1

    c. 2

    d. 3

    e. 4

    f. 5
    The Klondike Gold Rush

    A. On July 15, 1897, two ships returned from Yukon to Seattle, bringing Klondike prospectors along with more than a 1,000,000$ (which, accounting for the inflation, roughly equals 1,000,000,000$ in 2020) of worth in gold.

    B. Getting to Klondike was an adventure in itself. Richer people could sail all the way to their destination, albeit the ticket price has risen a hundredfold over the course of the 3-year long rush. Travelling by land implied carrying over a ton of supplies to last through the year, bringing pack animals, dogs, sleds and hiring various specialists that knew the land and would be able to care about animals.

    C. In 1898 first of the disillusioned (and often ruined) prospectors started to return home, and by 1899 the legend of fabulous Klondike died out as swiftly as it had begun mere three years before that.

    D. Locals, in turn, encouraged by stories about golden rivers and emboldened by the notion that native tribes saw no value in gold, went through extreme hardships to claim the best mining spots.

    E. The story has caught the attention of the press, and soon almost 100,000 explorers stampeded to Klondike, eager to repeat the successes of the first prospectors. Most of these people had no experience in mining whatsoever, and many of them were unemployed earlier.

    G. In late summer, 1896, a family of weary prospectors was traveling through the inhospitable lands of Yukon, Canada. The region was famous for its harsh climate, poor infrastructure and very little else. Few rapidly decaying towns dotted the landscape, their inhabitants making a living not from prospecting, but rather from trading skins and furs with indigenous tribes.

    I.The family has stopped to rest on a bank of a small creek, a tributary of Klondike River. As they were setting up a camp, they took a notice of a shiny rock glittering in the water. Exploring up and down the river revealed at least four large veins of gold, which George Carmack, the lead prospector, has claimed to himself and his family.

    J. Even if they didn’t want to go, they couldn’t just let the others have all the fame and riches. As the competition grew, the would-be-prospectors started to trade in claims instead of mining for actual gold. To accommodate a rush of explorers, Seattle was transformed into a major transport hub, which it still remains nowadays.

    K. Next morning he had registered his claims at the police station, and the news spread with locals like a wildfire. The first discovery soon led to another, even larger vein. As it was a dead of winter by then, it went largely unnoticed by authorities and mainland prospectors.

    L. Of 100,000 prospectors that answered the call of gold, only about 40,000 have actually reached Klondike, and only about 4000 of those became rich. By the time the vast majority of people had arrived into Dawson City, the last outpost of civilization near the mines, all of the major claims were mined out, and the remaining ones required some major investment to explore and gave a little guarantee of success.

    1. G. - In late summer…

    2. I. - The family has stopped

    3. K. - Next morning he had

    4. D. - Locals, in turn

    5. A. - On July,15

    6. E. - The story has caught

    7. J. - Even if they didn’t

    8. B. - Getting to Klondike

    9. L. - Of 100,000 prospectors

    10. C. - In 1898 first of

    I’m sorry. I’m late. ________I come in?

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. Be able

    b. Must

    c. May

    d. Shall
    Прочитайте предложения. Если в предложении есть лексическая или грамматическая ошибка, укажите номер соответствующего пункта. Еслиошибокнет, выбирайтецифру 0.

    1. There I metmy first two friends
    2. Sam and his partner Charlie, who
    3. had just returned from exploring the Himalayas
    4. then they told me all
    5. about their amazing adventure

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. 0

    b. 1

    c. 2

    d. 3

    e. 4

    f. 5
    they will ________ready to talk with you in a moment.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. are

    b. been

    c. be

    d. being


    Read the text below and decide which word or word combination (A, B, C or D) fits best in the context.

    Climate change: what next?

    A recent report by the Royal Society in the UK tells us that global warming is definitely happening and climate change will (1)… our future. The report warns that extreme weather (2)…, such as floods, storms, and heatwaves, will happen more often. And how might we prepare ourselves to face these extreme conditions?

    The simplest and cheapest way of preventing heatwaves, they say, is to protect (3)… green space. Other low-cost option is planting new trees. This could have an important effect in cities which will get bigger as the earth’s population grows. Air-conditioning may help us stay cool but it produces (4)… which will actually make our cities hotter.

    The authors also say generally higher temperatures might be a (5)… to economies and farming because temperatures could become too high for safe outdoor work. Some areas may experience many weeks when outdoor activity is limited because it will be simply too hot to go outside.

    Flooding will also increase. (6)… engineering solutions like sea walls offer the best protection from coastal flooding - but they are expensive, and when they fail, the results can be (7)….

    A recent report by the Royal Society in the UK tells us that global warming is definitely happening and climate change will (1)… our future. The report warns that extreme weather (2)…, such as floods, storms, and heatwaves, will happen more often. And how might we prepare ourselves to face these extreme conditions?
    Выберите один ответ:

    a. detect

    b. effect

    c. affect

    d. cause

    A recent report by the Royal Society in the UK tells us that global warming is definitely happening and climate change will (1)… our future. The report warns that extreme weather (2)…, such as floods, storms, and heatwaves, will happen more often. And how might we prepare ourselves to face these extreme conditions?

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. changes

    b. events

    c. conditions

    d. deteriorations

    The simplest and cheapest way of preventing heatwaves, they say, is to protect (3)… green space. Other low-cost option is planting new trees. This could have an important effect in cities which will get bigger as the earth’s population grows. Air-conditioning may help us stay cool but it produces (4)… which will actually make our cities hotter.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. existing

    b. exhisting

    c. assisting

    d. persisting

    The simplest and cheapest way of preventing heatwaves, they say, is to protect (3)… green space. Other low-cost option is planting new trees. This could have an important effect in cities which will get bigger as the earth’s population grows. Air-conditioning may help us stay cool but it produces (4)… which will actually make our cities hotter.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. carbon dioxide

    b. carbon footprint

    c. gases

    d. emissions
    Read the text below and decide which word or word combination (A, B, C or D) fits best in the context.

    Climate change: what next?

    A recent report by the Royal Society in the UK tells us that global warming is definitely happening and climate change will (1)… our future. The report warns that extreme weather (2)…, such as floods, storms, and heatwaves, will happen more often. And how might we prepare ourselves to face these extreme conditions?

    The simplest and cheapest way of preventing heatwaves, they say, is to protect (3)… green space. Other low-cost option is planting new trees. This could have an important effect in cities which will get bigger as the earth’s population grows. Air-conditioning may help us stay cool but it produces (4)… which will actually make our cities hotter.

    The authors also say generally higher temperatures might be a (5)… to economies and farming because temperatures could become too high for safe outdoor work. Some areas may experience many weeks when outdoor activity is limited because it will be simply too hot to go outside.

    Flooding will also increase. (6)… engineering solutions like sea walls offer the best protection from coastal flooding - but they are expensive, and when they fail, the results can be (7)….

    The ideal answer, the authors think, may be a (8)… of engineering solutions like walls and environmental solutions like protecting wet areas to allow the ground to (9)… water. The authors also say that governments and companies will need to be prepared financially and may need to spend more money on preventing dangers.

    They say: “We must (10)… and evaluate risks accurately. If we don’t, companies might not take them seriously and investments will be poorly informed.”

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. warning

    b. treat

    c. intimidation

    d. threat

    Flooding will also increase. (6)… engineering solutions like sea walls offer the best protection from coastal flooding - but they are expensive, and when they fail, the results can be (7)….
    Выберите один ответ:

    a. high-cost

    b. micro-scale

    c. large-scale

    d. large-volume

    Flooding will also increase. (6)… engineering solutions like sea walls offer the best protection from coastal flooding - but they are expensive, and when they fail, the results can be (7)….

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. disastrous

    b. pernicious

    c. stressful

    d. evil
    The ideal answer, the authors think, may be a (8)… of engineering solutions like walls and environmental solutions like protecting wet areas to allow the ground to (9)… water. The authors also say that governments and companies will need to be prepared financially and may need to spend more money on preventing dangers.

    They say: “We must (10)… and evaluate risks accurately. If we don’t, companies might not take them seriously and investments will be poorly informed.”

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. combination

    b. mixture

    c. galaxy

    d. succession

    The ideal answer, the authors think, may be a (8)… of engineering solutions like walls and environmental solutions like protecting wet areas to allow the ground to (9)… water. The authors also say that governments and companies will need to be prepared financially and may need to spend more money on preventing dangers.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. sponge

    b. assimilate

    c. melt

    d. absorb
    They say: “We must (10)… and evaluate risks accurately. If we don’t, companies might not take them seriously and investments will be poorly informed.”

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. access

    b. assess

    c. understand

    d. accept
    When _______you _______this book?

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. did…read

    b. does….read

    c. are… reading

    d. had…read
    Из единого ассоциативного ряда уберите лишнее слово. В ответе напишите ЛИШНЕЕ СЛОВО.

    criteria – geese – feet – datum– radios – mice – species
    The apples _________ on the table.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. be

    b. is

    c. are

    d. -
    He studied astronomy _________school.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. in

    b. at

    c. on

    d. into
    Из единого ассоциативного ряда уберите лишнее слово. В ответе напишите ЛИШНЕЕ СЛОВО.

    doubt – receipt – thumb – debt – lander – whistle – column
    There are ________books on the table.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. some

    b. any

    c. something

    d. anything

    Last year John and Jane _________a very high mountain.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. to climb

    b. climbed

    c. climbing

    d. climb

    The workers ________a house in a year.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. builds

    b. will build

    c. built

    d. build

    My sister needs________files.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. some

    b. any

    c. anything

    d. something

    _______you know where I can take a taxi?

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. Are

    b. Does

    c. Have

    d. Do

    Children have many ________nowadays.

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. gadget

    b. gadgets

    c. a gadget

    d. the gadget

    Прочитайте предложения. Если в предложении есть лексическая или грамматическая ошибка, укажите номер соответствующего пункта. Еслиошибокнет, выбирайтецифру 0.

    1. Rugby players feeled
    2. it was manly and courageous
    3. to tackle an opponent by kicking him on the leg
    4. the others did not, and voted against it.
    5. and the rugby men called them cowards

    Выберите один ответ:

    a. 0

    b. 1

    c. 2

    d. 3

    e. 4

    f. 5

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