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  • _______________ you envious of other people’s success

  • Have you __________________ seen something steal your heart away

  • How _________________ shopping on Internet affect the way e live

  • What would you do if you _________________ everything in your life

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    № 812.Английский язык в юриспруденции – 77 вопр.

          1. ___________ thing one can lose, is his reputation.

          2. _______________ many people don’t realize it, England introduced a system for funding university undergrads in 2006, that is among the most progressive in the world.

          3. _______________ you envious of other people’s success?

          4. ________________ enormously increasing population in London in the 16th century, acting companies began to settle down in one place and take up serious issues.

          5. ‘No change, no chance’, was the slogan _________________ by John Redwood when he stood against John Major for the Tory leadership in 1995.

          6. A British politician known chiefly for his leadership of the United Kingdom during World War II is _______________

          7. A person who owns a part of a company or corporation is called a ______________.

          8. A report says that migrants ________________ be coming to the UK to enjoy in the support of sophisticated welfare system as well as to earn ‘decent money’.

          9. A standardized requirement for an individual to properly perform a specific job is ________________

          10. A typical British professional writer earns ______________ than the national average wage.

          11. About 100 thousand people _________________ at the 2012 Olympic Games in London.

          12. All our ______________ receive four weeks paid holiday per year.

          13. An effective method of solving a problem using a finite sequence of instructions is called _________________

          14. Arthur Blessit, a traveling Christian preacher, _________________ the world for about 40 years, since Christmas Day 1969.

          15. Being a teacher is a noble and complicated job that demands a lot of inner and outer _______________ from a person.

          16. Clerk: «______________»Customer: «I’d like to book two roundtrip tickets to Boston».

          17. Eight out of ten young women in Britain worry that they will never find anyone to fall in love ________________.

          18. Everyone hopes to buy a house in _______________ area.

          19. Families are bricks that make up _________________ walls of society.

          20. Films for children that _______________ inspiring and adventurous seem to have lost their innocence.

          21. Gilles Vigneault’s words «my country isn’t a country, it’s winter» are about ____________

          22. Have you __________________ seen something steal your heart away?

          23. He has succeeded in ______________ a new job.

          24. He is known ____________ much attention to his words.

          25. Hollywood stars earn million of dollars which buy them the right not to need to impress ________________ at private.

          26. How _________________ shopping on Internet affect the way e live?

          27. Humanity’s history __________________ by constant movement, mass migration from continent to continent in search of a better way of life.

          28. I can’t find my umbrella, I think somebody ____________ it by mistake.

          29. I gave him the book ______________ he might study the subject at home.

          30. I liked _____________ essay you had brought the other day very much.

          31. If you increase your order we will be able to give you a 2% ______________.

          32. If you run _______________ two hares, you will catch neither.

          33. In _________________ hours of the soul people are all alone.

          34. In early January 2008, more than 6 000 journalists from around the world _________________ at Detroit Car Center for the annual Detroit Auto Show.

          35. In the words of the Beatles, money _______________ buy you love.

          36. It is suggested that the English feel ________________ national pride than the Welsh, Irish and Scottish.

          37. It’s a bad habit bothering people without _______________ reason.

          38. It’s said to discover that the true meaning of St George’s Day seems __________________ recently by so many people in Britain.

          39. J.K. Rowling is regarded as a thoroughly decent woman whose novels ________________ pleasure to millions of readers.

          40. James Watt’s work helped to _______________ the industrial revolution in Britain.

          41. John Lennon’s compositions _______________ by numerous musicians all over the world nowadays.

          42. Little children like books with large print. They _______________ read them more easily.

          43. Many parents complain of their children’s _________, but probably they were the same.

          44. More than 2000 years ago, Pythagoras discovered that musical intervals _________________ using simple ratios.

          45. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper and a friend of ___________ are coming to see us.

          46. Mr. Hill: «Good morning. I have an appointment with Mr. James.» Receptionist: «_____________________»

          47. My English is not very good, but it is enough to _____________.

          48. People _______________ never judge a book by its cover.

          49. People enjoy watching plants ________________ to the light of the rising sun.

          50. People who knew John Lennon is his late thirties said that underneath his hard outer shell, he _________________ very sweet, sensitive and tender.

          51. Receptionist: «_________________». – Guest: «I’d like a single room for one night».

          52. Some people consider it natural _________________ jealous of a person they love.

          53. Student: «Could you help me?» – Librarian: «__________________».

          54. Susan: «Hi, Mary! How is life?» – Mary: «_______________».

          55. Thanksgiving’s Day is celebrated in the USA in _________________

          56. The ______________ is on of the ways in which Oxford and Cambridge differ from all the other English universities.

          57. The feeling of delight you get when someone ________________ a great joke, is an expression of attitude.

          58. The good news _______________ that people nowadays are more aware of definite risks to their health.

          59. The mass of a body is defined as the _______________ of matter it contains.

          60. The Moon is ________________ extra-terrestrial body to have been visited by humans.

          61. The national holiday which takes place each year on the official birthday of Queen Elizabeth ll marked by a military parade and march-past is called______________

          62. The present British Royal Family surname is _______________.

          63. The rent is 50 dollars ____________ week.

          64. The right to _____________ has been described as a basic human right.

          65. The system by which a person found guilty of crime is not sent to prison, but is legally required to report regularly to an official for a fixed period of time is called __________

          66. There exist the people who ________________ predict all kinds of rebellions, wars, catastrophes and accident.

          67. This is ___________ coffee I’ve ever tasted.

          68. Try to do _______________ in your own way, to leave this world a better place than when you arrived.

          69. Two years ago Britains were assured that global warming _________________ them warmer, wetter winters but long, hot, dry summer.

          70. Wall Street, the symbol of the US financial power, is located in ________________

          71. We’ve got a meeting in 10 minutes. Do I have to ____________? – Yes, you do.

          72. What would you do if you _________________ everything in your life?

          73. Where is Jane? I’m tired ___________ waiting.

          74. Women being nicer than men _________________ give than receive.

          75. You ______________ do it today. You can do it tomorrow morning.

          76. You ________________ to look very far to see that natural tendency of life is to grow.

          77. Young people under 17 are tried in a special ______________.
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