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    № 810.Английский язык ч.4 – 30 вопр.

    1. ______ of you knows his address?

    2. _______ is that man?- Klimov Ivan Petrovich.

    3. _______ often meet here.

    4. ________ is that man? - He is a doctor.

    5. _________ always go abroad during their summer holidays.

    6. ___________ friend made some mistakes in his dictation.

    7. ___________ pupils are there in your class?

    8. A person who owns a part of a company or corporation is called a _______________

    9. All our _____________ receive four weeks paid holiday per year

    10. Clerk: “___________________” Customer: “ I’d like to book two roundtrip tickets to Boston.”

    11. Did __________ see this film yesterday?

    12. Don’t worry. We have ________ time before the train comes in.

    13. Give ________ the book, please.

    14. He is an old friend of ______ .

    15. He washed and dressed ________ .

    16. How ________ English words do you know?

    17. I can’t do it today. I have ____________ free time.

    18. I have lost _____ pen, may I take ______ ?

    19. If you ever have ______ problems, let me know.

    20. If you increase your order we will be able to give you a 2% ______________

    21. Is ________ absent today?

    22. James Watt’s work helped to _________ the industrial revolution in Britain.

    23. Many parents complain of their children’s _________, but probably they were the same.

    24. My elder brother looks like ______ mother .

    25. Our daughter is good _________________ foreign languages.

    26. She’ll go there with ______ husband and ______ daughter.

    27. The present British Royal Family surname is _________________ .

    28. The rent is 50 dollars _____________ week.

    29. These pencils are ______, take ______ if you want.

    30. Wall Street, the symbol of the US financial power, is located in ____________

    № 811.Английский язык в юриспруденции – 40 вопр.

    1. A barrister may … clients in the House of Lords.

    2. A barrister spends … either in a courtroom or preparing his arguments for the court

    3. A contract consists of various …, both expressed and implied.

    4. A contract may be defined as a legally binding …

    5. A human right is one to which people all over the world are …

    6. All solicitors are automatically officers …

    7. Another kind of punishment available in some countries is community …

    8. Banks and bank accounts are regulated by both state … … …

    9. Barristers specialize in arguing cases in front of a …

    10. Commission may issue an … order for merchandise. (

    11. Criminal and civil procedure are …

    12. For more serious crimes the usual punishment is …

    13. In case of a bilateral contract a promise by one party is exchanged for a … by the other.

    14. In English law the prosecution must … the guilt of a criminal.

    15. Interest payments on demand deposit accounts were generally …

    16. Judges are usually … from the most senior barristers.

    17. Local courts provide efficient legal …

    18. Local governments have a … … which considers local problems.

    19. Many barristers, especially junior barristers, spend much of their time on …

    20. Most countries make a rather clear distinction between … and criminal procedures.

    21. Most countries of the world have signed international … concerning the treatment of individuals.

    22. Most of the law in the world is made by … for their own people.

    23. Nearly all nations have … protecting intellectual property.

    24. Solicitors do much of the … for cases.

    25. Some types of intellectual property are automatically … by law.

    26. Sometimes some countries impose economic … against those countries where human rights are violated.

    27. The English legal system is … through a court structure.

    28. The executive branch of the government consists of the …, the Vice-President and the Cabinet.

    29. The higher courts and judges have more … than the lower ones.

    30. The legal profession in England is divided into two main groups, barristers and …

    31. The length of sentences varies from a few days to a …

    32. The operation of checking accounts is … by state law supplemented by some federal law.

    33. The protection is … as soon as the idea is created.

    34. The standards of proof are higher in a … action than in a civil one.

    35. The United Kingdom does not have a single …. System.

    36. The USA is a presidential ….

    37. There are different types of local governments: …, country, town and village.

    38. They are not paid directly …

    39. They have duties to the court which sometimes … the duties to their clients.

    40. Trade secret law protects confidential … used in business.
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