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Unit 8

torque (n)


a force that causes something to rotate

Such torques are transferred inwards towards the base of the robot resulting in increased joint torques.

Крутящий момент

right-hand rule

/raɪt-hænd ruːl/

the rule that states – to find the direction of the magnetic force on a positive moving charge, the thumb of the right hand point in the direction of v, the fingers in the direction of B, and the force (F) is directed perpendicular to the right hand palm

In mathematics and physics, the right-hand rule is a common mnemonic for understanding orientation of axes in threedimensional space.

Правило правой руки

center of gravity 

/ˈsɛntər ɒv ˈgrævɪti/

an imaginary point in a body of matter where, for convenience in certain calculations, the total weight of the body may be thought to be concentrated

In a uniform gravitational field the centre of gravity is identical to the centre of mass, a term preferred by physicists.

Центр масс

axis of symmetry 

/ˈæksɪs ɒv ˈsɪmɪtri/

a line through a shape so that each side is a mirror image

When the shape is folded in half along the axis of symmetry, then the two halves match up.

Ось симметрии

rigid (adj)


the quantity of the object in which deformation is zero or so small it can be neglected

The previously experienced rigid rotation through the large angle is replaced by the experience of a nonrigid rotation through a smaller angle.


angular acceleration

/ˈæŋgjʊlər əkˌsɛləˈreɪʃ(ə)n/

the time rate of change of angular velocity

Angular acceleration is measured in units of angle per unit time squared (which in SI units is radians per second squared), and is usually represented by the symbol alpha (α)

Угловое ускорение

angular momentum 

/ˈæŋgjʊlə məʊˈmɛntəm/

the quantity of rotation of a body, which is the product of its moment of inertia and its angular velocity

In physics, angular momentum (rarely, moment of momentum or rotational momentum) is the rotational equivalent of linear momentum.

Момент импульса






Unit 9

solid (n, c)


a state of matter characterized by particles arranged such that their shape and volume are relatively stable

Solids are divided into two main categories, crystalline solids and amorphous solids, based on how the particles are arranged.


liquid (n, c)


a substance that continually deforms (flows) under an applied shear stress, or external force

Thus, liquids in equilibrium in the magma chamber will react if simultaneously drawn up through the venting conduit.


gas (n, c)


a substance that has neither any shape nor any definite volume

Carbon monoxide is a colourless, odourless, poisonous gas.


plasma (n, u)

/ˈplæz.mə/ a

a state of matter in which an ionized gaseous substance becomes highly electrically conductive to the point that long-range electric and magnetic fields dominate the behaviour of the matter

Plasma temperature is commonly measured in kelvin or electronvolts and is, informally, a measure of the thermal kinetic energy per particle.


density (n, u)


he mass per unit volume of any object

In the spherical implosion case, the mode number increases and the lower areal density is observed. Plasma temperature is commonly measured in kelvin or electronvolts and is, informally, a measure of the thermal kinetic energy per particle.


pressure (n, u)


he amount of force applied at right angles to the surface of an object per unit area

Types of Pressures are Absolute, Atmospheric, Differential, and Gauge Pressure.


Archimedes’ principle

/ˌɑːkɪˈmiːdiːz ˈprɪnsəpl/

principle that states: An object immersed in a fluid experiences a buoyant force that is equal in magnitude to the force of gravity on the displaced fluid.

Archimedes' principle allows the buoyancy of any floating object partially or fully immersed in a fluid to be calculated.

Принцип Архимеда

surface tension

/ˈsɜːfɪs ˈtɛnʃən/

the tendency of liquid surfaces to shrink into the minimum surface area possible

In fact, other than mercury, water has the greatest surface tension of any liquid.

Поверхностное натяжение






Unit 10

heat (n, u)


a form of energy that can be transferred from one object to another or even created at the expense of the loss of other forms of energy

To review, temperature is a measure of the ability of a substance, or more generally of any physical system, to transfer heat energy to another physical system.


temperature  scale

/ˈtɛmprɪʧə skeɪl/

a methodology of calibrating the physical quantity temperature in metrology

Temperature scales measure temperature in relation to convenient and stable parameters, such as the freezing and boiling point of water.

Температурная шкала

mercury (n,  u)

/ ˈməːkjəri /

the chemical element of atomic number 80, a heavy silvery-white metal which is liquid at ordinary temperatures

The column of mercury in a thermometer or barometer, or its height as indicating atmospheric temperature or pressure.


thermometer (n, c)


an instrument for measuring and indicating temperature

Thermometers are also available with digital displays that facilitate easy reading of the temperature, beepers to signal when it is time to withdraw the thermometer, and flexible tubes to resist breakage.


thermal expansion

/ ˈθɜːməl ɪksˈpænʃən /

the general increase in the volume of a material as its temperature is increased

The coefficient of thermal expansion describes how the size of an object changes with a change in temperature.

Тепловое расширение

ideal gas

/ aɪˈdɪəl gæs /

a theoretical gas composed of many randomly moving point particles that are not subject to interparticle interactions.

If the pressure of an ideal gas is reduced in a throttling process the temperature of the gas does not change.

Идеальный газ

thermal equilibrium

/ˈθɜːməl ˌiːkwɪˈlɪbrɪəm/

the condition under which two substances in physical contact with each other exchange no heat energy.

Two substances in thermal equilibrium are said to be at the same temperature.

Тепловое равновесие






Unit 11

internal energy

/ɪnˈtɜːnl ˈɛnəʤi/

the energy associated with the random, disordered motion of molecules

Internal energy does not depend on the path used to go from initial state to final state.

Внутрення энергия

specific heat

/ spɪˈsɪfɪk hiːt/

the amount of heat required to cause a unit of mass to change its temperature by 1°C

Unlike the total heat capacity, the specific heat capacity is independent of mass or volume.

удельная теплоемкость

calorie (n, c)

/ ˈkæləri/

unit of heat and energy equal to the amount of energy requires to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1° Celsius

Calorie relates directly to the metric system, and therefore to the SI system.


latent heat

/ ˈleɪtənt hiːt/

the heat or energy that is absorbed or released during a phase change of a substance

In contrast to latent heat, sensible heat is energy transferred as heat, with a resultant temperature change in a body

скрытая теплота

phase change

/ feɪz ʧeɪnʤ/

a feature of a physical system that results in a discrete transition of that system to another state

Phase transitions commonly occur in nature and are used today in many technologies.

Фазовый переход

expose (v)


to remove what is covering something so that it can be seen

To expose one's head to the rain

Подвергать действию

greenhouse effect

/ˈgriːnhaʊs ɪˈfɛkt

the process by which radiation from a planet's atmosphere warms the planet's surface to a temperature above what it would be without this atmosphere

Strengthening of the greenhouse effect through human activities is known as the enhanced (or anthropogenic) greenhouse effect.

парниковый эффект
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