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Куклина,Киреева2007. Сборник строится из 16 разделов, в каждом из которых даны упражнения на отработку основных грамматических явлений, встречающихся в бытовой и деловой разговорной речи.

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НазваниеСборник строится из 16 разделов, в каждом из которых даны упражнения на отработку основных грамматических явлений, встречающихся в бытовой и деловой разговорной речи.
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Past continuous (progressive) tense

1. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения на русский язык:

1. It was raining the whole day yesterday.

2. We were sitting and talking in my study for a long time.

3. We were having dinner when my brother came.

4. Where were you going last night when I saw you?

5. Father was reading a newspaper while Ann was preparing her lessons.

6. It was snowing when you went out of the house.

7. We were working from 3 till 5 o’clock yesterday.

8. We were bathing in the river when the rain began.

9. It was warm and the sun was shining so brightly.

10. When I saw the children they were carrying the books from the library.

11. He was driving very fast when the accident happened.

12. I was moving very slowly because I didn’t want to make noise.

13. When the engineer came, they were installing a new apparatus in their laboratory.

14. While we were testing the device, he was writing down the results.

2. Скажите, чем занималась Анна в тот и ли иной промежуток времени.

Пример. At 9 o’clock she was having breakfast.

1. 8.45 – 9.15 had breakfast

2. 9.15 – 10.00 read the newspaper

3. 10.00 – 12.00 cleaned her flat

4. 12.45 – 1.30 had lunch

5. 2.30 – 3.30 washed some clothes

6. 4.00 – 6.00 watched television

3. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Past Continuous:

Alice opened the door and went in. The room was full of smoke. The Duchess (to sit) on a stool, she was (to hold) a baby; the cook (to stir) soup in a big pot. ‘There’s too much pepper in that soup!’ said Alice to herself. There was certainly much pepper in the air, so everybody (to sneeze). The baby (to sneeze) and (to cry) loudly. Only the cat who (to sit) near the fireplace (not to sneeze). It (to smile) very strangely, from ear to ear. Alice asked, in surprise, why their cat (to smile) like that, and the Duchess answered that it (to smile) so just because it was a Cheshire cat.


4. Переделайте предложения из прямой речи в косвенную, начиная их со слов:

A. “We didn’t know that…”

1. You are still waiting for us.

2. John is going away to Africa.

3. She is not feeling well.

4. They are building a new house.

5. His father is buying another car.

6. The children are already sleeping.

7. Somebody is listening to our talk.

8. He is thinking of marrying her.

9. The girls are doing their homework.

10. You are having a music class.

11. Peter is leaving tomorrow.

B. “We wondered …”

1. Is her father still teaching her English?

2. Why is the baby still sleeping?

3. Is it raining as hard as before?

4. What are they reading so seriously?

5. When is Mary coming back to Moscow?

6. Isn’t it beefsteak that Mother is cooking?

7. What are we waiting for?

8. Isn’t it getting rather hot outside?

9. Are those students still playing tennis?

10. How are her parents feeling these days?

11. Who is your brother playing chess with?

12. What is that man speaking about?

Прошедшее продолженное (длительное) и прошедшее неопределённое (простое) времена.

Past continuous (progressive) and past indefinite (simple) tenses

1. ПоставьтеглаголвскобкахвPast ContinuousилиPast Indefinite Tense:

  1. George (fall) off the ladder while he (paint) the ceiling.

  2. Last night I (read) in bed when suddenly I (hear) a scream.

  3. (You/watch) television when I phoned you?

  4. Ann (wait) for me when I (arrive).

  5. I (not/drive) very fast then the accident (happen).

  6. I (break) a plate last night. I (do) the washing-up when it (slip) out of my hand.

  7. Tom (take) a photograph of me while I (not/look).

  8. We (not/go) out because it (rain).

  9. What (you/do) at this time yesterday?

  10. I (see) Carol at the party. She (wear) a really beautiful dress.

2. ПоставьтеглаголвскобкахвPast ContinuousилиPast Indefinite Tense; перескажите:

A. One day, while Mowgli (to play) with the young wolves, Father Wolf (to come) and (to say) that it was time to go to the Wolves’ Council. When they (to get) there, Akela, the leader of the wolves, (to lie) on a big rock, and forty other wolves (to sit) around and (to look) at him. Akela (to see) Mowgli and (to cry), ‘Look! Look well, wolves!’ And all the wolves (to look) at Mowgli, who now (to stand) in the centre. The wolves (not to talk) while they (to watch) the man’s cub. Suddenly they (to hear) a roar – it was the voice of Shere Khan, the tiger, who (to say), ‘Give the man’s cub to me. He is mine’. Akela even (not to look) in that direction, he just (to repeat), ‘Look well, wolves!’ Most of the wolves (to listen) in silence, only one young wolf (to say) in a low voice, ‘What have the free people to do with a man’s cub?’ The tiger (to stand) behind the rock. While he (to watch) what (to happen) at the Council, he (to wait) for his chance.

(after Kipling)

B. An old ass was walking slowly along the road when he (to see) a dog, who (to lie) on the road and (to breathe) heavily. The ass (to stop) and (to ask) the dog why he (not to run), as dogs usually (to do). The dog (to answer) that he (to get) older and weaker, and his master (not to need) him any more. The dog (to ask) the ass where he (to go), and the ass (to say) he was going to the town of Bremen , where he (to want) to become a town musician. He (to add) the people of Bremen (to pay) good money for music, and (to invite) the dog to come with him. So they (to go) on together.

They (to walk) for some time, and then they (to meet) a cat, who (to sit) on the road and (to mew) very sadly. They (to ask) the cat what he (to do) there, and he 9to say) that he (not to know) what to do, because he (to get) older and older, and he (not to catch) mice as cats usually (to do). They (to go) off together for a long time, until they (to notice) a cock, who (to sit) on the fence and (to crow) very sadly. The cock (to say) he (to hide), because he (to know) that some guests (to come) soon to his master, and the master (to want) to cook the cock for dinner. So they (to go) together to the town of Bremen.

They (to continue) walking all day, and when night (to come), they still (to go) along the road in the darkness. Suddenly they (to see) a light in the distance, and (to go) in that direction. While they (to come) nearer and nearer, the light (to burn) brighter and brighter and (to get) bigger and bigger. At last they (to understand) that it was the light from the window of a small house. When they (to reach) the house, the dog (to jump) on the back of the ass, the cat (to climb) on the back of the dog, and the cock (to fly) up on the back of the cat. The cook (to look) into the window, and his friends (to ask) him what (to go) on in the room. He (to answer) that he (to see) a table with lots of food, and several robbers, who (to sit) at the table and (to enjoy) themselves. The musicians (to decide) to frighten the robbers, and they (to begin) singing together. The noise was terrible. The cock (to crow), the dog (to bark), the cat (to mew), and the ass (to bray) very loudly. The robbers (not to understand) what (to happen), and where the music (to come) from. In fear, they (to jump) up and (to run) out into the wood.

The robbers (to wait) for some time, but then (to decide) to return and see what (to go) on in their house. It was dark when they (to go) in. The cat (to sleep) near the fireplace, but his eyes were open and they (to shine) like two little coals. The robbers (to think) that some coals (to burn) in the fireplace, and they (to want) to make a fire from them. But as soon as they (to come) near, the cat (to jump) at them, and a terrible fight (to begin): the cat (to scratch) their faces, and the dog (to bite) their legs, and the ass (to kick) them with his legs. And the cock, who (to sit) on the window-sill, (to crow) loudly all the time. The robbers (to run) out as fast as they could, and (not to return) to the house any more.


4. Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения.

  1. Я занимался вчера целый день.

  2. Вчера целый день шёл снег.

  3. Она переводила статью в то время, когда мы смотрели телевизор.

  4. Я встретил его, когда он шел домой.

  5. Мы стояли на платформе, когда прибыл поезд.

  6. Сестра пришла, когда мы обедали.

  7. Когда я вошел, он что-то писал. Как только он увидел меня, он быстро спрятал листы в стол.

  8. Таяло, и дети не пошли на каток.

  9. Когда мы подошли к дому, уже темнело.

  10. Когда я вышел из дома, шел снег, но он скоро прекратился.

  11. Пока президент говорил, репортеры записывали каждое его слово.

  12. Пока мы шли из Института, мы обсуждали нашего нового преподавателя.

  13. Петя делал задание по геометрии, когда его карандаш вдруг сломался.

  14. Пока ребенок спал, она приготовила обед.

  15. Было тепло, солнце светило ярко, и мы решили пройтись пешком.

  16. Учитель объяснил новый материал, когда вдруг увидел, что один из его учеников спит.

  17. Он шел в кино, когда на улице что-то случилось.

  18. Когда я вошел в здание Института, я увидел её. Она стояла около расписания и переписывала его в свою тетрадь.

Настоящее, прошедшее и будущее неопределённые времена и настоящее и прошедшее продолженные (длительные) времена.

Present, past, future indefinite (simple) tenses and present, past continuous (progressive) tenses

1. Откройте скобки и поставьте глагол в форме (Present или Past) Indefinite или Continuous по смыслу.

1. What you (to do)? – I (translate) an article.

2. Where you (to get) this magazine? – A friend of mine (to give) it to me yesterday.

3. Last week I (to get) two letters from my brother.

4. Father (to come) at 5 o’clock last night.

5. I (to go) to the station at 5 o’clock yesterday.

6. When I (to translate) the article I (to use) a dictionary.

7. We (to try) to translate the article without a dictionary.

8. What you (to do) at 8 o’clock in the evening yesterday? I (to want) to come to see you.

9. It (to rain) from 2 till 4 o’clock yesterday.

10. It (to rain) still? I am afraid to be late.

11. They (to talk) while we (to work) in the workshop.

12. The meeting (to open) at 14.30.

13. We (to watch) TV when a friend of mine (to come).

14. The hall (to be) full of people when we (to come) in.

2. Откройтескобкиипоставьтеглаголывнужнойформе (Present, Past, Future Indefinite; Present, Past Continuous):

1. Look at these children: they (to skate) very well.

2. You (to skate) last Sunday? – Yes, we (to skate) the whole day last Sunday. We (to skate) again next Sunday.

3. My brother can skate very well. He (to skate) every Sunday.

4. What you (to do) now? – I (to wash) the dishes.

5. What you (to do) at 3 o’clock yesterday? – I (to have) dinner.

6. You (to have) dinner now?

7. Where your brother (to work)? – He (to work) at an Institute.

8. Your grandmother (to sleep) when you (to come) home yesterday?

9. What your brother (to do) tomorrow?

10. I (not to go) to the shop yesterday. I (to go) to the shop tomorrow.

11. Where Kate (to go) when you (to meet) her yesterday?

12. Every day the boss (to enter) the office at 9 o’clock.

13. Yesterday the boss (to enter) the office at half past nine.

14. When the secretary (to come) tomorrow?

15. At 6 o’clock yesterday we (to listen) to a very interesting lecture.

16. When I (to enter) the office, the secretary (to type) some letters.

17. My friend (to ring) me up at 8 o’clock yesterday.

14.2.3. Будущее продолженное (длительное) время.

Future continuous (progressive) tense

1. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык:

1. We shall be skiing in the forest the whole day tomorrow.

2. The children will be bathing in the river the whole day.

3. I shall be working at my report from 3 till 5 o’clock tomorrow.

4. We will be painting and drawing while you are watching TV.

5. This time next week I’ll be on holiday. I’ll probably be lying on a beautiful beach.

6. I’ll be going to the city centre later. Can I get you anything?

7. Will you be using your bicycle this evening? – No, you can take it.

8. Don’t come at 8. I’ll be watching the match on TV.

2. Скажите, что будет происходить в определённый период времени в будущем. Следуйте образцу:

Example: I’m going to watch television from 9 till 10 o’clock in the evening.

So at 9.30 I will be watching television.

1. Tomorrow afternoon I’m going to play tennis from 3 o’clock until 4.30.

So at 4 o’clock tomorrow I ….

2. Jim is going to study from 7 o’clock until 10 o’clock this evening.

So at 8.30 this evening he ….

3. We are going to clean the flat tomorrow. It will take from 9 until 11 o’clock.

So at 10 o’clock tomorrow morning ….

4. I am going to the sea-side next month.

So this time next month I … on a beach or … in the sea.

  1. It’s very often rainy in England in summer.

So when we reach England it very likely ….

3. Задайте вопросы, начинающиеся с Will you be –ing? Следуйте образцу:

Example: You want to borrow your friend’s bicycle this evening.

(you/use/your bicycle this evening?) Will you be using your bicycle this evening?

1. You want your friend to give Tom a message this afternoon.

(you/see/Tom this afternoon?) ….

2. You want to use your friend’s typewriter tomorrow evening.

(you/use/your typewriter tomorrow evening?) ….

3. Your friend is going shopping. You want him/her to buy some stamps for you at the post-office.

(you/pass/the post-office when you’re in town?) ….

4. Поставьте глаголы в Future Continuous Tense, где возможно:

1. He (to write) his article the whole day tomorrow.

2. It (to rain) when you go out of the house.

3. We (to discuss) the problem while you (to play) the piano.

4. I (to go) to Leningrad at this time tomorrow.

5. … you (to pass) the post-office when you are in town?

6. At 10 o’clock tomorrow morning I still (to clean) the flat.

7. I (not to sit) in my room the whole day.

5. Откройте скобки и поставьте глагол в нужном времени по смыслу (в Future Indefinite или Future Continuous):

1. I (to stay) with my family over the week-end.

2. Tomorrow we (to ski) in the forest the whole day.

3. What you (to do) tomorrow at 12 o’clock?

4. They will (to have) an English class from 10 till 11.30

5. There (to be) a lot of people in the dining-room during the dinner-break.

6. The children (to play) while I go shopping.

7. When you (to come) back? – I think, I (to be) back on Monday.

8. It (to take) you half an hour if you go there by metro.

9. The academic year (to be) over in a month.

10. She (to work) at her project from early morning till late at night tomorrow.

11. We (to wait) for you from 2 till 3 o’clock in the afternoon tomorrow. (to wait for - ждать)

6. Откройте скобки и поставьте глагол в нужном времени Continuous или Indefinite (где возможно, укажите несколько вариантов).

  1. They (to have) an English lesson from 5 to 6.30 tomorrow.

  2. Father (to come) home at 8 o’clock yesterday.

  3. She (to go) to the Institute every day.

  4. What … you (to do) now? – I (to speak) English.

  5. She always (to ask) many questions.

  6. When my friend (to come) to me, I (to prepare) supper.

  7. While she (to read) a book, her daughter (to do) homework yesterday.

  8. I (to control) device work the whole day.

  9. While you (to have) a rest, I (to work).

  10. The meeting (to open) at 12 o’clock today.

  11. Listen to him. He (to tell) an interesting story.

  12. I (to finish) my work yesterday.

  13. She (to go) home, when I (to meet) her.

7. Переведите, используя времена групп Indefinite и Continuous.

  1. Почему она плачет? – Она разбила свою любимую чашку.

  2. Когда я вошел, они о чем-то говорили.

  3. Пока вы будете болтать, я всё сделаю.

  4. Она положила на стол книгу, которую читала, и подошла к окну.

  5. Не приходите в 8, Том еще будет спать в это время.

  6. Все утро он думал о чем-то, а потом куда-то ушел.

  7. Что ты делал вчера вечером? Я звонил тебе с 7 до 8, но никто не подошел к телефону.

  8. Приходите завтра в 9. Все будут на работе, и в это время мы будем обсуждать вашу проблему.

  9. Я встретил её, когда шел домой. Мы остановились, чтобы поговорить.

  10. Мы пили чай и разговаривали, когда зазвонил телефон.

  11. «Кто говорит?» - спросил я.

  12. Я думал об этом все утро, но не смог найти ответа на этот вопрос.

  13. Когда я проходил мимо его комнаты, я слышал, как они о чем-то спорили и кричали друг на друга. Потом что-то разбилось, и стало тихо. Я вернулся и заглянул в комнату. Они ползали по полу и собирали кусочки разбитой вазы.

  14. Пока вы будете переводить этот текст на компьютере, а потом проверять его и исправлять ошибки, я переведу его сам.

  15. Ты будешь проходить мимо почты? Брось мое письмо в ящик, пожалуйста.

  16. Маленький Саша очень не любил, когда они с мамой встречали тетю Розу, потому что тогда мама и тетя Роза долго болтали, а Саша не знал, чем заняться.

  17. Он встал и вышел в коридор встречать свою маму, которая как раз открывала дверь.

  18. Вы думаете, вчера он был дома? – Я знаю только, что кто-то был дома, потому что я слышал, как этот человек принимал душ, а потом смотрел телевизор.

14.3. Совершенные времена.

Perfect tenses

14.3.1. Настоящее совершенное время.

Present perfect tense

1. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения:

  1. I have already done my work.

  2. We have already written our term papers.

  3. They have come back today.

  4. My father has just left for his native town.

  5. I have just got this letter.

  6. We have never been to England.

  7. I have not seen my friend since the holidays.

  8. I have not finished my work yet.

  9. We have never been to England.

  10. I have not watched TV since Sunday.

  11. My mother has not answered the letter yet.

  12. Are you hungry? – No, I am not. I have already had my dinner.

  13. We have not read any books by this writer in the original.

  14. I have been very busy lately.

  15. Sorry, I have forgotten to bring you the book.

  16. He has got a big family.

  17. I have got something interesting to tell you.

  18. I have got no news form him yet.

2. Измените по лицам глагол-сказуемое в следующих предложениях.

  1. I have been to Kiev this year.

  2. I have never read this book.

  3. I have not finished my drawing yet.

3. Поставьте на правильное место в предложении наречия и обстоятельства, заключенные в скобках.

  1. We have passed our examination (just).

  2. They have finished their research work (already).

  3. My sister has been a good pupil (always).

  4. She has been late for classes (never).

  5. We have not taken our exams (yet).

  6. I have met my sister (already).

  7. This student has worked hard (this term).

  8. He has told us about his scientific work (never).

  9. Have you passed any of the examinations in advance (lately)?

  10. Have you done your morning exercises (yet)?

  11. He has rung me up and invited me to the theater (just).

  12. The ballet Giselle has been a success with the audience (always).

4. Дополните следующие предложения.

  1. ... since I was a boy.

  2. ... since the first of September.

  3. ... since I entered the Institute.

  4. ... since he rang me up two days ago.

  5. ... since yesterday.

  6. ... since he graduated from the University.

  7. Since we came here ... .

5. Закончите предложение, используя глагол из списка.

(have/has+the past participle of the verb).

Break buy finish do go go lose paint read take

  1. Are they still having dinner? No, they have finished.

  2. I ... some new shoes. Do you want to see them?

  3. Is Tom here? No, he ... to work.

  4. ... you ... the shopping? No, I’m going to do it later.

  5. Where is your key? I don’t know. I ... it.

  6. Look! Somebody ... that window.

  7. Your house looks different. ... you ... it?

  8. I can’t find my umbrella. Somebody ... it.

  9. I’m looking for Sarah. Where ... she ...?

  10. Do you want the newspaper? No, thanks. I ... it.

6. Задайте вопросы по образцу, начиная их с Have you ever...?


1. (Paris?) Have you ever been to Paris

No, never.

2. (play / golf?) Have you played golf?

Yes, many times.

3. (Australia?) ....

No, never.

4. (lose / your passport?) ...

Yes, once.

5. (sleep / in a park?) ....

No, never.

6. (eat / Chinese food?) ....

Yes, a few times.

7. (New York?) ....

Yes, twice.

8. (win / a lot of money?) ....

No, never

9. (break / your leg?) ....

Yes, once

7. ГлядянаответыАннывпредыдущем упражнении, напишите предложения об Анне и о себе.

  1. Ann has never been to Paris (Ann) / I have been to Paris twice.(You)

  2. Ann has played golf many times (Ann) / ... (You)

  3. ... (Ann) / ... (You)

  4. ... (Ann) / ... (You)

  5. ... (Ann) / ... (You)

  6. ... (Ann) / ... (You)

  7. ... (Ann) / ... (You)

  8. ... (Ann) / ... (You)

  9. ... (Ann) / ... (You)

8. Мери 65 лет. У нее была интересная и насыщенная событиями жизнь. Напишите предложения о тех вещах, которые она сделала.

  1. (she / do /many different jobs) She has done many different jobs.

  2. (she/ travel / to many places) ... .

  3. (she / do / a lot of interesting things) ... .

  4. (she / write / ten books) ... .

  5. (she / meet / a lot of interesting people) ... .

  6. (she / be / married five times) ... .

9. Вставьте gone или been.

  1. He’s on holiday at the moment. He’s gone to Spain.

  2. Where’s Jill? She’s not here. I think she’s ... to the bank.

  3. Hello, Pat. Where have you ... ? I‘ve ... out.

  4. Have you ever ... to Mexico? No, never.

  5. My parents aren’t at home this evening. They’ve ... out.

  6. There’s a new restaurant in town. Have you ... to it?

  7. Paris is a wonderful city. I’ve ... there many times.

  8. Helen was here earlier but I think she’s ... now.

10. Закончите предложения.

  1. Jill is in London. She has been in London since Monday.

  2. I know George. I have known him for a long time.

  3. They are married. They ... married since 1983.

  4. Brian is ill. He ... ill for a week.

  5. We live in this house. We ... here for ten years.

  6. I know Tom very well. I ... him for a long time.

  7. We are waiting for you. We ... waiting since 8 o’clock.

  8. Alice works in a bank. She ... in a bank for five years.

  9. I’m learning English. I ... learning English for six months.

  10. She has a headache. She ... a headache since she got up.

11. Задайте вопросы, начинающиеся с How long ...?

  1. Jill is in London. How long has she been in London?

  2. I know George. How long have you known him?

  3. Mike and Judy are in Brazil. How long ...?

  4. Diana is learning Italian. How long ...?

  5. My brother lives in Germany. ... ?

  6. It is raining. ... ?

  7. Bill is a teacher. ... ?

  8. I know Margaret. ...?

  9. I have a motor-bike. ...?

  10. Linda and Frank are married.

  11. Alan works in London.

12. Ответьте на вопросы.

  1. Have you done your best to master English this term?

  2. Have you read any English books in the original yet?

  3. Have you ever been to Moscow?

  4. Have you attended all lectures and seminars this month?

  5. Have you passed any of the credit tests in advance yet?

  6. Have you been to the cinema lately?

  7. Have you had your dinner today?

  8. Have you got a big family?

  9. Have you got much work to do this year?

  10. Have you ever sung in the shower?

  11. Have you ever broken a window?

  12. Have you ever been sorry about anything?

13. Задайте вопросы по образцу.

(you ever / be / to Italy) Have you ever been to Italy?

  1. (you ever / be / to South America?)

  2. (you / read / any English books?)

  3. (you / live / in this town all your life?)

  4. (how many times / you / be / in love?)

  5. (what’s the most beautiful country your / ever / visit?)

  6. (you ever / speak / to a famous person?)

14. Задайтевопросыпообразцу.

(you hear from George recently?) Have you heard from George recently?

  1. (you / read / a newspaper recently?)

  2. (you / see / Tom in the past few days?)

  3. (you / play / tennis recently?)

  4. (you / eat / anything today?)

  5. (you / see / any good films recently?)

  6. (you / have / a holiday this year yet?)

15. Поставьте глагол в скобках в Present Perfect Tense; перескажите шутки:

A. A young man comes to a house whose owner does not wish to receive him. The servant opens the door and says, ‘I’m sorry, sir, but Master (to go) out’. “Well’, the man answers, ‘I’ll wait for him sitting by the fire’. ‘I’m afraid that’s impossible, sir’, the servant answers, ‘because the fire (to go) out too’.

B. ‘Look, Mummy’, a little boy cries out, ‘what a big lorry (to go) by! It’s as big as a house!’ ‘Oh, dear’, answers his mother, ‘I (to tell) you a million times that you mustn’t exaggerate so!’

C. Mark Twain was once sitting in the Opera House next to a young lady who talked to him all the time, so that he couldn’t hear the music. After the performance was over she invited him to the opera ‘Carmen’ on the following Friday. Mark Twain answered politely, ‘With pleasure, madam, I never (to hear) you in Carmen.’

D. Once, when the Wolf was eating, a small bone stuck in his throat. He ran to the Crane and asked him, ‘Please, help me. A bone (to get) in my throat. I will give you anything if you take this bone out’. The Crane put its head into the Wolf’s mouth and took the bone out. Then the Crane said, ‘Well, I (to do) what you (to ask) me to do. Will you now do what you (to promise) me?’ The Wolf roared with laughter and answered, ‘Be happy, silly animal, that I (not to eat) you. You (to put) your head in a wolf’s mouth, and you (to take) it out safely. I (to give) you life. What else do you want?’

16. Раскройтескобки, поставьтеглаголвPast Indefinite илиPresent Perfect.

  1. I (to be) never to this city.

  2. I (to be) in this city last year.

  3. You (to be) ever to England?

  4. You (to be) in England last year?

  5. We (to finish) already our design.

  6. I (to finish) my design last week.

  7. I (to see) the dean today.

  8. I (to see) the dean last night.

  9. When you (to finish) school?

  10. You (to read) this book?.

  11. When you (to read) this book?

  12. I (to see) just him, he must be somewhere here.

  13. We (to make) three reports this month.

  14. I (to make) the report a few days ago.

  15. He already (to graduate) from the Institute.

16. Исправьте ошибки, где это необходимо.

  1. Tom arrived last week.

  2. Have you seen Pam last week?

  3. I have finished my work.

  4. I have finished my work at 2 o’clock.

  5. When have you finished your work?

  6. George has left school three years ago.

  7. Where’s Ann? She’s gone to the cinema.

  8. Napoleon Bonaparte has died in 1821.

  9. Have you ever been to Britain?

  10. I haven’t seen you at the party on Saturday.

  11. The weather has been very bad last week.

17. Заполните пробелы глаголами в нужном времени: Present Perfect или Past Simple.

  1. My friend is a writer. She has written (write) many books.

  2. We didn’t have (not / have) a holiday last year.

  3. Did you see (you / see) Alan last week?

  4. I ... (play) tennis yesterday afternoon.

  5. What time ... (you /go) to bed last night?

  6. ... (you / ever / be) to the United States?

  7. My hair is clean. I ... (wash) it.

  8. I ... (wash) my hair before breakfast this morning.

  9. When I was a child, I ... (not / like) sport.

  10. Kathy loves travelling. She ... (visit) many countries.

  11. John works in a bookshop. He ... (work) there for three years.

  12. Last year we ... (go) to Finland for a holiday. We ... (stay) there for three weeks.

18. Переведите.

  1. Инженер только что ушел домой.

  2. Она дважды опоздала на этой неделе.

  3. Я не был в кино с сентября.

  4. Вы еще не видели этот новый фильм?

  5. Мне нравится эта песня, но я никогда не слышал её раньше.

  6. В последнее время я очень занят.

  7. Он работает в школе с тех пор, как окончил Университет.

  8. Вы уже видели этот фильм? – Да, я видел его в прошлый понедельник.

  9. Никто еще не пришел.

  10. Я не встречала его весны.

  11. Начинается дождь. Ты взяла зонтик?

  12. С тех пор, как мы приехали сюда, погода стоит ужасная.

  13. Когда ты видел ее в последний раз? – Я не видел ее с начала января. Говорят, она очень занята в последнее время.

  14. Почему ты еще не выпил лекарство?

14.3.2. Прошедшее совершенное время.

Past perfect tense

1. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык.

  1. The rain had begun before we arrived home.

  2. We saw the film after we had read the book.

  3. My brother went to Leningrad after he had passed his examinations.

  4. We had accepted their invitation before we learnt the news.

  5. We were sure that Ann had begun learning English.

  6. She had written the report by 6 o’clock.

  7. The meeting had been over by 7.30.

  8. He said that he had attended the meeting that day.

  9. I had booked the ticket before I got the letter.

  10. We knew that you had gone sightseeing.

  11. We thought that the city had made a great impression on you.

  12. He thanked me for what I had done for him.

  13. After I had heard the news, I hurried to see him.

  14. When we arrived, the meeting had already begun.

  15. He died after he had been ill for a long time.

  16. The secretary asked why we had come so early.

2. Закончите предложения, используя глаголы в скобках. Вы вернулись в родной город после нескольких лет отсутствия и обнаружили, что многое изменилось.

Example: Most of my friends were no longer there. They had left (leave).

  1. My best friend, Kevin, was no longer there. He ... (go) away.

  2. The local cinema was no longer open. It ... (close) down.

  3. Mr. Johnson was no longer alive. He ... (die).

  4. I didn’t recognize Mrs. Johnson. She ... (change) a lot.

  5. Bill no longer had his car. He ... (sell) it.

  6. Jane became a doctor. She ... (graduate from) the University.

  7. Mr. White was no longer thin. He ... (put on) weight.

3. Закончите предложения как указано в примере. Используйте глаголы в скобках.

Example: Mr. and Mrs. Davis were in an aeroplane. They were very nervous as the plane took off because they (fly) had never flown before.

  1. The woman was a complete stranger to me. (see) I ... before.

  2. Margaret was late for work. Her boss was very surprised. (be / late) She ... .

  3. Jane played tennis yesterday – at least she tried to play tennis. She wasn’t very good at it because she (play) ... .

  4. It was Keith’s first driving lesson. He was very nervous and didn’t know what to do. (drive) He ... .

  5. It was Jack’s first lecture. He was afraid of students and prepared for the lecture thoroughly because he (to deliver lectures) ... .

4. Составьте предложения, используя слова в скобках.

Example: I wasn’t hungry. (I / just / have / lunch) I had just had lunch.

  1. Tom wasn’t at home when I arrived. (he / just / go / out).

  2. We arrived at the cinema late. (the film / already / begin)

  3. They weren’t eating when I went to see them. (they / just / finish / their dinner)

  4. I invited Ann to dinner last night but she couldn’t come. (she / already /arrange / to do something else)

  5. I was very pleased to see Nora again after such a long time. (I / not / see / her for five years) ...

5. Преобразуйте два простых предложения в одно сложное, следуя образцу, используя союзы as, after и before.

Example: He thought the question over. Then he made a decision. – After he had thought the question over, he made a decision.

  1. I had a long talk with the man. Then I changed my opinion of him.

  2. He looked through all the documents. The he started writing his report.

  3. He did not go skating. He left his skates at home.

  4. He entered the Institute. He worked at the mill for some years.

  5. He graduated from the Institute. He began to work as an engineer at the same mill.

  6. Erik Gorin started to work as an assistant. Erik Gorin did all kinds of odd jobs.

  7. We got to the Institute. The lectures already began.

6. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Past Perfect Tense; перескажите шутки:

A. A young man who just (to return) from his travel in Africa was showing his girl-friend the skin of a lion that he (to kill), and she asked to tell her how he (to do) that. He said that he (to hear) a terrible roar one night, so he looked out of the window and saw a lion who (to come) close to his house. He quickly took a gun and shot the lion just in his pyjamas. The story impressed the girl greatly, only she couldn’t understand how the lion (to get) into the man’s pyjamas.

B. One day Isaak Newton asked a friend to lunch, but as he was very absent-minded, he soon forgot that his friend (to come), and continued working. The visitor understood what (to happen), and, just for a joke, he ate up all that the servant (to bring) for them two. When Newton at last appeared in the dining-room and saw the empty plates, he decided that he simply (to forget) that he already (to have) his lunch, and so he returned to his work.

7. Поставьте глаголы в нужное время. Past Perfect или Past Simple.

Examples: Was Tom there when you arrived? No, he had gone (go) home.

Was Tom there when you arrived? Yes, but he went (go) home soon afterwards.

  1. The house was very quiet when I got home. Everybody ... (go) to bed.

  2. I felt very tired when I got home, so I ... (go) straight to bed.

  3. Sorry I’m late. The car ... (break) down on my way here.

  4. There was a car by the side of the road. It ... (break) down and the driver was trying to repair it. So we ... (stop) to see if we could help.

  5. He regretted the mistake he (to make), but he (to refuse) to apologize.

  6. After the awful hardships that she (to know) nothing (to seem) difficult.

  7. The epidemic that (to last) for months ended abruptly.

  8. He (to be) deeply ashamed of what he (to do).

8. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык.

  1. Он сказал, что читал эту книгу много лет назад.

  2. Она сказала, что летом жила в деревне.

  3. Мой брат сказал, что он уже видел этот памятник.

  4. Он ушел до того, как мы получили телеграмму.

  5. Когда он понял свою ошибку? – Он понял ее только после того, как все начали смеяться.

  6. Когда мы добрались до автобусной остановки, автобус уже ушел.

  7. До того, как началась война, они жили в Ленинграде.

  8. К 2-м часам она уже приготовила обед.

  9. Дети вернулись из лесу до того, как начался дождь.

  10. Он очень жалел, что сказал ей об этом.

  11. Том сказал, что оставил книгу дома.

  12. Когда мы пришли, зал был уже полон.

  13. Они подошли к станции уже после того, как совсем стемнело.

  14. Он сказал, что уже сделал домашнюю работу.

14.3.3. Будущее совершенное время

Future perfect tense

1. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на выделенные курсивом временные формы:

  1. By this time tomorrow he will have completed his work.

  2. By the time he leaves this place, he’ll have spent all his money.

  3. I hope you won’t have forgotten all this by tomorrow.

  4. I’ll have finished writing my project long before you get back.

  5. The meeting will have finished by the time we get there.

  6. Some scientists warn that people will have exhausted world reserves of many deposits by the end of this century.

  7. They hope that by this time some other effective source of energy will have been discovered.

2. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы во Future Perfect Tense.

Example: Tom and Ann are going to the cinema. The film begins at 7.30 and it is already 7.20. And it will take them 20 minutes to get there.

When they get there, (the film / already / start) the film will have already started.

  1. Jim always goes to bed at 11 o’clock. Tom is going to visit him at 11.30 this evening. When Tom arrives, (Jim / go / to bed) ...

  2. Tom is on holiday. He has very little money and he is spending too much too quickly. Before the end of his holiday, (he / spend / all his money)

  3. Chuck came to Britain from the US nearly three years ago. Next Monday it will be exactly three years since he arrived. Next Monday (he / be / here / exactly three years)

3. Раскройтескобки, используяThe Simple Future TenseилиThe Future Perfect Tense:

  1. Next year these students (to have) their English classes twice a week.

  2. In a fortnight’s time we (to pass) the exam.

  3. Before the next term begins he (to return) from the scientific conference.

  4. By next Sunday you (to stay) with us for five weeks.

  5. In 2005 he (to complete) the course of education.

  6. They (to be married) for ten years next March.

  7. I hope I (to see) you again soon.

  8. I (to come and see) you when you arrive.

  9. By this time tomorrow I (to write) the fetter.

4. Закончите следующие предложения:

  1. By next year the writer ...

  2. I’ll surely have seen enough of them before they ...

  3. By the time we return, you ...

  4. By this time next month ...

  5. He’ll have stayed here ten days ...

5. Переведите.

  1. Я думаю, он напишет еще одну пьесу к концу месяца.

  2. Завтра к этому времени мы будем дома.

  3. Вы получите зачет к концу мая?

  4. Мы думаем, что к середине мая уже закончим свои курсовые работы (projects).

  5. К тому времени, когда ты придешь, я уже закончу печатать статью.

  6. В будущем году в это время они уже окончат университет.

  7. Надеюсь, что когда я вернусь, вы закончите свой спор.

14.4. Совершенные длительные времена
1   ...   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15

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