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  • 6. Прочитайте текст. Если в предложении

  • 7. Найдите лишнее слово в тех предложениях, которые неверны.

  • 2. Множественное число ( Plural ) 1. Прочитайте следующие слова, обращая внимание на окончание существительных.

  • 5. Используйте неисчисляемые существительные по смыслу.

  • 9. Поставьте существительные в скобках в нужное число.

  • 10. Некоторые предложения верны, некоторые – нет. Найдите ошибки и исправьте их.

  • 12. Переведите на английский язык следующие словосочетания.

  • 14. Прочитайте и переведите диалог. Составьте собственный диалог, используя поговорки или высказывания.

  • 15. Прочитайте и перескажите шутки, обращая внимание на существительные во множественном числе. Воспроизведите

  • Куклина,Киреева2007. Сборник строится из 16 разделов, в каждом из которых даны упражнения на отработку основных грамматических явлений, встречающихся в бытовой и деловой разговорной речи.

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    НазваниеСборник строится из 16 разделов, в каждом из которых даны упражнения на отработку основных грамматических явлений, встречающихся в бытовой и деловой разговорной речи.
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    Обзорные упражнения

    1. Используйте the, где необходимо.

    1) …. Europe is the second smallest continent in 2) …. world and is home to one seventh of 3) …. world’s population. 4) …. longest river there is 5) …. River Volga and 6) …. largest freshwater lake is 7) … Lake Lodoga, in 8) … north-western 9) …. Russia. 10) …. highest mountain peak is 11) …. Mount Elbrus in 12) … Caucasus Mountains. 13) …. Europe is bordered towards the north by 14) …. Arctic Ocean, the south by 15) …. Mediterranean Sea and 16) …. Black Sea, the west by 17) …. Atlantic Ocean and the east by 18) …. Asia. 19) …. Europeans are 20) ………. people who live in 21) … Europe. 22) …. association which has been formed to unite 23) …. countries of 24) … Europe is called 25) …. European Union.

    2. Употребитеa, anилиthe, гденеобходимо.

    A 1) … life is hard for 2) … elderly. Sometimes they need 3) … help to get about and do 4) … things that 5) … younger people take for granted.

    B We went to 1) … London by 2) … train. 3) … train was late, so 4) … we had to wait at 5) … station for 6) … hour. I bought 7) … magazine to read and we sat in 8) … waiting room.

    C I can’t remember 1) … name of 2) … hotel, but it was 3) … large building by 4) … sea. It had 5) … swimming pool and 6) … restaurant. 7) … staff were friendly and we had 8) … lovely holiday.

    D She went to 1) … doctor’s because she had 2) … pain in her stomach. She was given 3) .. tablet to take and 4) … next day 5) … pain had gone. She thinks 6) … modern medicine is wonderful now.

    E I live on 1) … top floor of 2) … new block of flats in 3) … city centre. There is 4) … lift to all floors and 5) … security guard at 6) … entrance. I have 7) … view of 8) … fields beyond 9) … city. In winter, though, 10) … flat is very cold.

    F It was 1) … sunny day, so 2) … children decided to go to 3) … beach. They packed 4) … bag full of 5) … food and drinks and they took 6) … ball to play with. At 7) … lunchtime, they had 8) … picnic and in 9) … evening, they arrived 10) … home, tired and happy.

    G Mary is at 1) … university, studying 2) … art. In 3) … morning, she goes to lectures and in 4) … afternoon, she spends 5) … hour or two painting or drawing. She painted 6) … picture of 7) … horse yesterday. She is going to give it to her friend as 8) … present. Mary hopes to be 9) … famous artist one day, so she practises all 10) … time, even on 11) … Saturdays and 12) … Sundays.

    3. Вставьтенужныйартикль, гденеобходимо.

    Yesterday was 1) … terrible day. I woke up 2) … hour later than usual, so I was late for 3) … work. 4) … manager was angry with me and said I was 5) … bad employee. On the way home that evening, I missed 6) … bus and had to take 7) … taxi. When I got home, I found 8) … invitation to 9) … party. I went to 10) … party, but it was 11) … disaster. I didn’t know any of 12) … people there and I felt bored. I went home again, but I had left 13) … keys to my house at 14) … party, so I had to climb in through 15) … open window. I went to 16) … bed in 17) … very bad mood.

    4. Используйте a, an, the, где нужно.

    A true story

    In 1) … 1969, in 2) … Portland, 3) … Oregon, 4) … man went to rob 5) … bank. He didn’t want 6) … people in 7) … bank to know what was happening, so he walked up to one of 8) … cashiers, wrote on 9) … piece of 10) … paper “This is 11) … robbery and I’ve got 12) … gun”, and showed 13) … paper to 14) … cashier. Then he wrote “Take all 15) … money out of your drawer and put it in 16) … paper bag”. 17) … cashier read 18) … message, wrote at 19) … bottom of 20) … paper “I haven’t got 21) … paper bag“ and gave 22) … paper bag to 23) … robber. 24) … robber ran out of 25) … bank.

    5. Выберитеправильныйвариант.

    1. Katie speaks Spanish / the Spanish fluently.

    2. All clothes / the clothes in that bag need to be washed.

    3. Life / The life will be very different in a hundred year’s time.

    4. Swimming/ The swimming is a good way to keep fit.

    5. Jane has gone to library / the library to do some work.

    6. He was only / the only person who remembered my birthday.

    7. Potatoes / The potatoes grow underground.

    8. I always have coffee with milk / the milk.

    9. Her children bought her those flowers / the flowers.

    10. I have been playing piano / the piano since I was eight years old.

    11. Our plane leaves from Gatwick airport / the Gatwickairport at six o’clock.

    12. Her husband is in hospital / the hospital, having an operation.

    6. Прочитайте текст. Если в предложении theупотреблен правильно, поставьте (√). Еслипредложениеневерно, поставьте (x).

    1. The last month was a very exciting month. … .

    2. My husband and I went to the Paris … .

    3. for our fifth anniversary. Hotel … .

    4. we stayed at was located on the south … .

    5. bank of Seine. We had a fantastic view … .

    6. of the city from our balcony. We visited … .

    7. the Notre Dame and took pictures … .

    9. some delicious the French cuisine and … .

    10. danced the night away at one of … .

    11. the France’s famous nightclubs. … .

    7. Найдите лишнее слово в тех предложениях, которые неверны.

    1. He is travelling to Manchester by the train.

    2. The company she works for sells computers.

    3. The Rome is the capital of Italy.

    4. It was such a nice weather that we went to the beach.

    5. The May is my favourite month.

    6. Sam and Pat played the chess for hours yesterday.

    7. I need an information about hotels in London.

    8. Life in big cities can be very difficult for the elderly.

    2. Множественное число


    1. Прочитайте следующие слова, обращая внимание на окончание существительных.

    [z] [s]

    a pen – pens a cat – cat

    a bed – beds a map – maps

    a bag – bags a pet – pets

    a day – days a lamp – lamps

    a table – tables a plate – plates

    [iz] [vz]

    a face – faces a knife – knives

    a fox – foxes a shelf – shelves

    a match – matches a wolf – wolves

    a watch – watches a wife – wives

    an address – addresses a life – lives

    2. Напишитевомножественномчисле.

    1. ball, room, word, song, arm, question;

    2. light, book, flat, student, minute, week;

    3. box, watch, brush, page, bus, house, case;

    4. knife, wife, life, leaf, roof, thief, scarf;

    5. family, factory, lady, baby, city;

    6. child, man, woman, foot, tooth, mouse;

    7. carpet, glass, photo, water, story, sister, exercise, shelf, piece, businessman, example, coat, foot, stepchild, duty, language, watch, address, person, holiday, sandwich, mouse, walk, question, housewife, policewoman, country, handkerchief

    3. Напишите слова в скобках во множественном числе.

    1. The wood cutters used their (axe) to chop down the tree.

    2. They need two more (chair) to sit on.

    3. Why have you bought only two (kilo) of (potato)?

    4. In the fall the (leaf) begin to change colour.

    5. All of the (bus) left at the same time.

    6. For Christmas my parents gave my sisters (dress) and my brother and me (watch).

    7. (Library) are always open on (Tuesday).

    8. In the street there are many (policeman).

    9. There are (plate), (fork) and (knife) on the table.

    10. We send our best (wish) and many (kiss) to everybody.

    4. Закончите предложения, используя данные слова. Запомнитеих.

    blue jeans, dark glasses, silk pyjamas, scissors, shorts, black trousers

    1. Every time I see her she’s wearing … .

    2. It’s hot today. I’m going to put on … .

    3. I can’t see very well with these … .

    4. These … don’t cut very well.

    5. You’d better put on your best … for the interview.

    6. She always sleeps in … .

    5. Используйте неисчисляемые существительные по смыслу.

    advice, baggage, furniture, information, news, spaghetti, travel, work

    1. Can you give me some … about the school?

    2. “Have you got much … ?” “No, just one small bag.”

    3. I live 51 kilometres from my work, so I spend a lot of money on … .

    4. I’ve stopped reading the papers. The … is always bad.

    5. This … isn’t very good. You cooked it for too long.

    6. All this … is from my mother’s house.

    7. I’ve got too much … and not enough free time.

    8. I don’t know what to do. Can you give me some … ?

    6. Поставьте следующие существительные во множественное число, где возможно.

    Toe, baby, hero, chief, Negro, belief, brush, foot, eye, ox, fox, German, woman, wolf, mouth, mouse, child, goose, deer, information, cheese, ship, sheep, phenomenon, datum, advice, hair, wife, hippo, tooth, tomato, work, knowledge, life, star, safe, money, water, radio, piano, meat, job, software, cliff, room-mate, fellow-worker, man-of-war, boy-messenger, passer-by, sister-in-law, tape-recorder, tea-pot, waitress, sportsman, thief, turkey, bench.

    7. Образуйте единственное число от следующих существительных.

    Children, women, lorries, bodies, men, brushes, knives, keys, ministries, flies, matches, universities, babies, watches, lives, ways, ladies, shelves, copies, libraries, wolves, tomatoes, potatoes, bushes, ties, teeth, geese, mice, stories, wives, feet.

    8. Измените число выделенного существительного, где возможно и выполните необходимые изменения.

    1. The boy drove many sheep in the direction of the village.

    2. During the festival I made friends with many foreign delegates. Among them were a Swiss, a Negro, a German, a Frenchman and others.

    3. I was presented with a dozen handkerchiefs.

    4. The boy must have two teeth pulled out.

    5. She gave a dog a fish.

    6. Her hair was soft and curly.

    9. Поставьте существительные в скобках в нужное число.

    1. The man took five (fish) out of the bag and gave each dog (fish).

    2. I wondered at the variety of (fish) in the aquarium.

    3. Our (family) are all good chess-players.

    4. Our (family) are next door neighbours.

    5. The (people) of all the five continents were presented at the festival.

    6. The Russian (people) are very hospitable.

    7. You must eat more (fruit).

    10. Некоторые предложения верны, некоторые – нет. Найдите ошибки и исправьте их.

    1. She’s a very nice person.

    2. I need a new jeans.

    3. I’ve got two brother and four sister.

    4. It’s a lovely park with a lot of beautiful tree.

    5. There are a lot of sheep in that field.

    6. Do you make many mistake when you speak English?

    7. She’s married and she has three childs.

    8. Most of my friend are students.

    9. He put on his pyjama and went to bed.

    10. We went fishing but we didn’t catch many fish.

    11. There were three persons in the car, two women and a man.

    12. I like your trouser. Where did you get it?

    13. The town centre is usually full of tourist.

    14. This scissor isn’t very sharp.

    11. Выберитеправильныйответ.

    1. How many people / peoples left early?

    2. The new / news I had from my cousin in Belgium was exciting.

    3. I bought two scarfs / scarves and three shirts / shirtes.

    4. He also likes watching deer / deers.

    5. What else do you need for the salad? – Well, I need three tomatos / tomatoes.

    6. Your hair / hairs needs cutting.

    7. I went to the zoo and saw two giraffes / giraves.

    8. I want to cut some paper. Where are the scissores / scissors?

    9. People who drive buses are buses drivers / bus drivers.

    10. My husband’s sisters are my sisters-in laws / sisters-in-law.

    12. Переведите на английский язык следующие словосочетания.

    Две полки, прекрасные фильмы, маленькие дети, стальные ножи, девять страниц, белые зубы, мужчины и женщины, семь человек, много людей, длинные волосы, семь дней, четыре гуся, новые города, зеленые парки, два жирафа, три бегемота, много рыбы, несколько языков, серые мыши, синие брюки, хорошие новости, полезные советы, острые ножницы, пять оленей, красные крыши, лисы и волки, прочные знания, чистые носовые платки.

    13. Прочитайте следующие поговорки и высказывания, обратите внимание на употребление существительных. Дайтерусскийэквивалент.

    1. Knowledge, too, is itself a power. (Francis Bacon)

    2. Science is organized knowledge. (Hebert Spencer)

    3. Money spent on the brain, is never spent in vain.

    4. No news is good news.

    5. So many countries, so many customs.

    6. Many men, many minds.

    7. Geese with geese, and women with women.

    8. A cat in gloves catches no mice.

    9. Men may meet but mountains never greet.

    10. Whatever advice you give, be short. (Horace)

    11. Life is not a bed of roses.

    14. Прочитайте и переведите диалог. Составьте собственный диалог, используя поговорки или высказывания.

    Boris: Mum, I don’t want to go to the university.

    Mother: Why?

    Boris: Because I don’t know anybody there.

    Mother: Men may meet but mountains never greet.

    Boris: It’s very difficult for me to get up early, to go to the university, to do my homework, to learn much.

    Mother: A cat in gloves catches no mice.

    Boris: But I don’t like these difficulties. It’s a pity that life is not a bed of roses.

    Mother: Of course, it won’t be easy for you to get on well with all group-mates, but where there’s a will, there’s a way.

    15. Прочитайте и перескажите шутки, обращая внимание на существительные во множественном числе. Воспроизведитедиалоги.

    “What is the plural of man, Tom?” asked the teacher.

    “Men.” answered Tom.

    “And the plural of child?”


    Teacher: What kind is “trousers”?

    Pupil: An uncommon noun because it is singular on the top and plural at the bottom.

    No Teeth

    Parents bought their son a bicycle and were watching proudly as he rode around and around the block. On his first round he shouted: “Look, Dad, no hands!”

    The second time around: “Look, Dad, no feet!”

    And the third time: “Look, Dad, no teeth!”

    The Way Out

    John Brown was never sure of his grammar. One day he remembered that the New Year was coming and he decided to give his wife a present of two geese. So he took a sheet of paper and began to write an order to a shopkeeper. And here the difficulty began: Mr. Brown could not recollect the plural of the noun goose. He knew very well the plural of foot is feet and the plural of tooth is teeth but he didn’t know the plural of goose. He only remembered from his school days that he had to be careful with the word goose. At first he wrote, “Please, send me two geeses.” Again the sentence did not sound right. He could not recollect the correct plural of the noun goose and he did not want to go and ask his wife. Suddenly he got a bright idea. He took a new sheet of paper and wrote, “Please, send me a goose.” And at the bottom of the sheet he added a postscript, “P.S. Send another one with it.”
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