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  • Verb “to be”

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  • Английский тест. Тест по английскому. Сборник тестов для контроля и самоконтроля знаний студентов по дисциплине английский язык

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    Бюджетное учреждение

    «Нижневартовский политехнический колледж»

    Кафедра «общественно-гуманитарных наук»






    Методическое пособие «Сборник тестов для контроля и самоконтроля знаний студентов» по дисциплине Иностранный язык для студентов и преподавателей. Нижневартовск: Бюджетное учреждение профессионального образования Ханты- Мансийского автономного округа-Югры «Нижневартовский политехнический колледж», 2014г. – с.45

    Составители: Аксенова А.А.

    Малыгина Г.Г.

    Молчанова И.Г.

    Фалькова М.Н.

    Рассмотрено на заседании кафедры общественно- гуманитарных и социально- экономических дисциплин. Протокол заседания №7 от 29.04.2014 г. Рекомендовано для студентов и преподавателей.


    The Article.…………...………………………………………5-12

    Verb “ to be” ………………………………………………………………….13

    Мany, much, (a) little, (a) few ………………………………..14

    Modal verbs…………………………………………………….17

    The Numerals ………………………………………………….19

    Personal pronouns……………………………………………..21

    The Plural nouns………………………………………………23

    The Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives………………..….24

    Present Simple……………………………………………....28

    Present Continuous…………………………………………...33



    Сборник тестовых заданий по дисциплине «Английский язык» является составной частью учебно-методического комплекса, разработанного в соответствии с учебной программой курса, который является частью основной профессиональной образовательной программы в соответствии с ФГОС СПО по профессиям : 190631.01 Автомеханик входящей в состав укрупненной группы 190000 Транспортные средства.; 230103.04 Наладчик аппаратного и программного обеспечения входящей в состав укрупненной группы 230000 Информатика и вычислительная техника; 260807.01 Повар, кондитер, входящей в состав укрупненной группы 260000 Технология продовольственных продуктов и потребительских товаров; 150709.02 3.; 140446.03 Электромонтер по ремонту и обслуживанию электрооборудования (по отраслям), входящей в состав укрупненной группы 140000 энергетика, энергетическое машиностроение и электротехника.

    Настоящий сборник содержит перечень тестовых заданий по основным разделам грамматики по дисциплине «Английский язык». Решение тестовых заданий на практических занятиях, а также в качестве самостоятельной работы студентов при изучении дисциплины «Английский язык» позволит оценить их знания, приобретенные в ходе теоретического освоения этой учебной дисциплины, а также при изучении обязательной и рекомендуемой литературы.

    Целью предлагаемых студентам тестовых заданий является определение степени и прочности усвоения знаний морфологии, синтаксиса, грамматики английского языка.

    Сборник адресован студентам 1-2 курсов дневной формы обучения по дисциплине «Английский язык». Тесты систематизированы по темам, которые входят в программу учебного курса. Ключи к тестам даны в конце сборника.

    Тестовые задания, содержащиеся в этих разделах, дифференцированы по уровням и позволяют студентам закрепить полученные знания, а также повысить уровень своей подготовки при сдаче зачетов и написании контрольных работ.

    Материалы сборника предназначены к использованию как на практических занятиях (в качестве раздаточного материала), так и для внеаудиторной работы студента. На практических занятиях в группе с помощью предлагаемых тестовых заданий преподаватель может проверить подготовку студентов и оценить уровень их знаний.

    The Article

    Уровень сложности- 1

    A the B a C an D -

    1. I`d like to have ….hamburger for ….breakfast

    2. Pushkin is … outstanding poet

    3. Can you play …piano?

    4. Will you ply ..chess with me?

    5. At … night I had … terrible headache after I had drunk … lot of coffee in …evening.

    6. There is… bend in the road.

    7. Thomas Banks is …last person I want to see.

    8. My favourite subject at school is …History.

    9. He knows …history of the French Revolution well.

    10. Tom`s going to take … his fishing – rod.

    11. Could you phone later, please? Jane`s having …shower.

    12. The rent is 50 dollars … week.

    13. We often go to … theatre and to … cinema.

    14. Yesterday Dad came home at 8 o`clock, we had …dinner and then watched Tv. We went to … bed at 11 p.m.

    15. What ..pity they haven`t come!

    16. I can`t find … letter which I receive this morning.

    17. - By … way, have you heard anything from Tim lately?

    • … last year he entered … Oxford University.

    1. … President is going to open … new hospital in … capital… next month.

    2. Are you going to … country on … Saturday?

    3. They usually go … shopping on Monday, but last Monday they didn`t do … shopping.

    4. Dad came to … school; to see my teacher yesterday.

    5. “Do this exercise at …school and that one at … home”. Said our teacher in … loud voice.

    6. – Could you tell me … time, please?

    • It`s … quarter past four.

    1. We are busy today, but we have …little time to spare tomorrow.

    2. The sweater was cheap. It cost only … few pounds.

    3. To tell … truth, I didn`t expect to see him.

    4. It`s … high time you stopped being so lazy.

    5. … earth goes round … sun.

    6. … life is hard in that climate.

    7. What … lovely song!

    8. It took me one and … half hours to get there.

    9. … half … dozen eggs, please.

    The Article

    Уровень сложности- 2

    Выберите правильный вариант.

    1. There is______sand in my shoes.

    a) — b) a c) the d) an

    2. The news was______very depressing.

    a) a b) the c) — d) an

    3.______man and______woman were sitting opposite me.

    a) a, the b)the, a с) а, а d) -, -

    4. Paris is______capital of France.

    a) the b)a c) an d) -

    5. Chinese eat______rice every day.

    a) the b) - с) а d) an

    6. There were______very few people in the shops today.

    a) an b) a c) — d) the

    7. What is______longest river in______world?

    a) a, a b) the, the c) the, a d) a, the

    8. Did you hear______noise just now?

    a) the b) - с) а d) an

    9. What did you have for______breakfast?

    a) - b) the с) а d) an

    10. Have you got these shoes in______size 43?

    a) the b) a c) an d) -

    11. Ken's brother is in______prison now for robbery.

    a) the b) - с) а d) an

    12. Bob is_______seaman. He spends most of his time at ______sea.

    a) a, — b) the, - c) an, the d) a, the

    13.______children team a lot from playing.

    a) the b) a c) - d) an

    14.______giraffe is______tallest of all animals.

    a) the, the b) a, a c) an, the d) -, -

    15. We had______very nice lunch.

    a) - b)a c) the d) an

    16. We visited _____ Canada and______United States.

    a) a, a b) -, - c) the, the d) -, the

    17. Jill has gone to______hospital to visit Jack.

    a) the b) a c) - d) an

    18. We took______ children to the Zoo.

    a) - b) a c) an d) the

    19. It can be dangerous to swim in_______sea.

    a) - b) the с) а d) an

    20. Have you ever been to______British Museum?

    a) a b) - c) the d) an

    3. Артикль

    Уровень сложности- 2

    Выберите правильный вариант.

    1. There was ______ crisis in ______ American agriculture in______1980s.

    a) the, -, the b) a, -, the c) a, the, the d) -, -, the

    2. According to______New York Times________third of ______nation's family farmers are in______debt.

    a) the, a, the, - b) -, the, -, - c) the, a, —, - d) the, a, the, the

    3.______1973 Arab oil embargo caused_______doubling of______oil prices and______inflation.

    a) the, the, -, - b) a, the, -, - c) the, a, -, - d) the, the, -, the

    4.______effects of air pollution on______environment have been observed for years.

    a) -, - b) the, - c) -, the d) the, the

    5. In______New York City area______East River is ______good example of______water pollution.

    a) —, the, a, — b) the, the, the, - c) the, the, a, — d) the, the, a, the

    6. Mrs. Brown,______young woman with______fall of ______dark hair is______teacher.

    a) the, a, —, a b) a, a, -, a c) a, a, the, a d) a, a,______the

    7. When______Europeans came,______Indians watched with______horror as______forests were cut down.

    a) -, -, -, the b) the, the, -, the c) the, the, the, the d) the, the, the, -

    8. People always have______hopes for______better life in ______future.

    a) -, a, the b)the,-,the c) the, the, the d)-, -,the

    9. Americans find it hard to accept_______idea of______ poor people who have no______hope and have to stay at ______bottom.

    a) a, —, a, the b) the, —, —, a c) an, —, —, the d) the, —, —, the

    10._______Northeast is_______historic heartland of ______U.S. and______centre of______industry.

    a) -, the, the, the, - b) the, a, the, the, - c) the, the, -, the, - d) the, the, the, the, -

    11.______Rockies is______great mass of______moun­tains running down______western side of the U. S

    a) -, the, —, the b) the, the, the, the c) the, the, —, the d) the, a, -, -

    12.______Salt Lake City was founded by______religious group known as______Mormons.

    a) -, a, the b) the, -, the c) -, a, -Ц d) -, the, -

    13. Now______Salt Lake City is one of______cleanest cities in______country.

    a) the, the, the b) -, the, the c) —, a, the d) -, the, a

    14. To_______Mexicans America is still_______land of ______promise.

    a) a, the, — b) -, the, - c) the, a, - d) the, the, -

    15.______United Nations claims that by______year 2010 ______ten largest cities on______earth will be on ______Pacific.

    a) —, the, the, —, the b) the, -, the, -, the c) the, the, the, —, the d) the, the, -, -, the

    16.______West Coast of the U. S. is proving already that ______ Pacific is______ocean of______future.

    a) the, the, the, the b) -, the, the, the c) the, the, an, the d) the, the, the, -

    17. In______big cities______number of people from ______Vietnam and______Philippines is growing.

    a) the, the, -, the b) -, a, -, the c) -, the, the, - d) -, the, -, the

    18. In California people arrive at______Crystal Cathedrat,______huge glass church.

    a) the, a b) —, a c)the, the d) a, the

    19.______advertisers understand______power of______ television.

    a)the,the, - b) -, the, - c) -, -, - d) -, a, -

    20.______last part was______piece of______film about Reagan's campaign for______presidency.

    a) —, the, —, the b) the, a, a,the c) the, the, the, a d)the,the/the, -

    21. Every house has______garage,______separate bed­room for each child in______family and______bath­rooms.

    a) the, a, the, - b) a, the, the, — c) a, a, the, - d) a, the, -, -

    22. For______Americans who own their own homes,______never-ending rise in______house prices is______good thing.

    a) the, a, -, a b) -,-,-, a c) the, -, the, a d ) the, the, -, a

    23.______Wall Street is______place where______sun never shines.

    a) the, a, the b) -, -, the c) -, a, - d) -, a, the

    24.______people who work in______Wall Street area are too busy to worry about______weather.

    a) —, the, the b) the, the, the c) the, —, the d) the, a, the

    25. In the U. S. there is still______aluminum,______cop­per, ______oilfields in______north.

    a) -, -, the, the b) the, the, the, the c) -, -, the, - d) -, -, -, the

    4. Артикль

    Уровень сложности- 1

    Выберите правильный вариант.

    1.______Land and_______climate affect______social and economic life,______population and______poli­tics.

    2) - ,- ,- , - , b) a, a, -, -, - c) - ,- , the,- , d) -, -, -, -, the

    2.______North is______cooler than______South.

    a) -,the, - b) the, the, the c)the, -, - d) the, -, the

    3.______southeast Britain has always been______most populated part of______island.

    a) the, the, a b) —, the, an c) —, the, the d) —, —, the

    4. Britain is______island and______Britain's history has been closely connected with______sea.

    a) an, —, — b) an, —, the c) the, —, the d) an, the, the

    5.______ earliest method of tool making spread from ______Africa to______European part.

    a) an, —, the b) the, the, the c) the, —, the d) the, -, -

    6. Some were ______ grammar schools independent of ______Church, while others were attached to______ cathedral.

    a) the, the, the b) -, the, the c) the, -, a d) -, the, a

    7.______Latin was important because it was______edu­cated language of______almost all Europe.

    a) -, the, - b)the,the, - c) -, an, - d) -, the, -

    8.______most English people could not speak______ Latin,______language of ______ Church and of______ education.

    a) -, -, the, the, - b) the, -, the, the, - c) -, -, a, -, the d) —, the, -, the, —

    9.______fourteenth century was disastrous for Britain as well as for______most of Europe because of______ef­fect of______wars.

    a) the, —, the, — b) the, the, the, - c) the, —, an, — d) the, -, the, the

    10. England had______burden of______fighting______ Scots.

    a) a, -, the b) the, -, the c) the, the, the d) the, -, -

    11. In______twelfth century,______practice of______ letting out farms had been______way of increasing ______landlord's profits.

    a) the,-,-, a, — b) the, the, the, a, — c) the, the,-, a, the d) —, the, -, a, the

    12.______most important of these changes was______re­placement of______wool by______finished cloth.

    a) the, the, —, the b) a, the, -, the c) the, a, —, — d) the, the, -, -

    13. By the end of______Middle Ages______serf from ______countryside could work in______town to be­come ______freeman in______town he lived.

    a) —, a, the, a, a, the b) the, the, the, a, a, the c) the, a, the, a, a, the d) the, a, a, a, a, the

    14.______poor wore______simple clothes of______ leather or______wool.

    a) the, -, -, - b) -, -, -, - c) the, the, -, - d) the, -, the, the

    15.______poor children started______work at______ age of six.

    a) the, —, the b) —, the, an c) —, —, the d) -, the, the

    16. In______return for money______House of Commons demanded______political power.

    a) the, the, - b)-,the,- c) —, the, the d)-,-,-

    17.______first signs of______trouble between______ Crown and______Parliament came in 1601.

    a) the, -, -, - b) -, -, the, the c) the, the, -, - d) the, -, -, the

    18. Parliament was supported by______Navy, by most of ______merchants and by______population of Lon­don.

    a) —, the, the b) the, -, the c) the, the, — d) the, the, the

    19. From 1649 to 1660 Britain was______republic, but ______republic was not______success.

    a) -, the, a b) the, the, a c) a, the, a d) a, a, the

    20.______English Parliament offered to remove______ trade limits, if______Scots agreed to______union with England.

    a) the, -, the, — b) -, -, the, - c) the, the, the, — d) the, -, -, -

    21.______political revolution during______Stuart age could not have happened if there had not been______ revolution in______thought.

    a) the, the, a, - b) -, the, a, - c) the, -, a, - d) the, the, the, -

    22. In 1666______Cambridge Professor of______Maths, Newton, began to study______gravity.

    a) -, -, - b) the, -, - c) the, -, the d) the, the, the

    23.______invention of______machinery created______ factories.

    a) -, -, - b) -, the - c) the, -, the d) the, -, -

    24. In France______misery of______poor led to______ revolution in 1789.

    a) -, the, - b) -, -, the c) the, the, - d) a, the, -

    25. Growing______animal food was______important new development.

    a) -, an b) -, the c)the, a d) the, the

    Verb “to be”

    Уровень сложности- 1

    1. Where … you from.

    2. How old … you? How old …your brother?

    3. What …. Your aunt`s name?

    4. I ….glad to see you. How …you?

    5. The dog … in the garden.

    6. Tom`s parents …travel agents.

    7. - … your father a carpenter? - No, he …

    8. John …(not) a student, he … a doctor.

    9. That book …(not) very interesting. Take this one.

    10. The best seats …10$

    11. Moscow …the capital of Russia.

    12. I … hot. Open the window, please.

    13. What … the weather like today?

    14. I …(not) interesting in football at all.

    15. … Tom and Bob good football players?

    16. … you hungry?

    17. The news …(not) very bad today.

    18. What … your parents` address?

    19. Your money …in your handbag.

    Местоимения much, many, (a) little, (a) few, a lot of

    Уровеньсложности- 1

    1. There are______biscuits left in the tin.

    a) a few b) much c) little d) a little

    2.______students know the answer to this question.

    a) a little b) much c) few d) little

    3. My days are so busy that I have______time for reading.

    a) few b) a few c) many d ) little

    4.______people give money to charity.

    a) a lot of b) many c) little d) much

    5. There is a tiny bit of butter. There is______butter.

    a) a little b) much c) few d) little

    6. He keeps trying although there is______chance of suc­cess.

    a) much b) few c) a few d) little

    7. There are many clocks in the office but______of them work properly.

    a) little b) few c) much d) a little

    8. She wasn't very hungry. She has just had______soup.

    a) few b) a few c) a little d) little

    9. There aren't______jobs for young people.

    a) much b) a few c) little d) many

    10. There aren't______lessons today.

    a) much b) many c) a lot d) few

    11. I couldn't obtain______information from an office manager.

    a) many b) much c) a lot of d) some

    12. When my parents moved into a new flat they had very ______furniture, just______chairs.

    a) a little, a few b) little, a few c) little, a little d) little, little

    13. There aren't______flats to rent in Moscow because there is______accommodation.

    a) much, little b) a lot of, few c) much, a few d) many, little

    14.1 haven't got______suitcases. I have got______lug­gage.

    a) many, a few b) many, few c) a lot of, little d) much, little

    15.1 had______time left, so I spent______minutes in a bookshop.

    a) a little, a few b) little, a few c) a few, a few d) many, much

    16. Very______research will be done in this field.

    a) many b) little c) few d) a little

    17. It's very quiet in my area. There is______traffic.

    a) little b) much c) a lot of d) few

    18. Usually men don't do______house work.

    a) a lot b) little c) a little d) much

    19. Now my father smokes______cigarettes than he used to.

    a) a few b) less c) fewer d) few

    20. There is too______violence on TV.

    a) many b) much c) a little d) few

    21. There are too______violent films on TV.

    a) many b) much c) little d) a little

    22. How______money is in your wallet? Oh, you've spent only______roubles, there are______left.

    a) many, a few, many b) much, a few, much c) much, a little, many d) much, a few, many

    23. I think there are______Russian soap operas on the tele­vision. There are______more Brazilian ones.

    a) little, many b) few, many c) few, much d) a little, many

    24.______paper is needed to publish______books.

    a) many, a few b) much, few c) much, a few d ) much, little

    25. There are______important papers on the desk.

    a) a little b) a lot c) a lot of d) much
      1   2   3   4

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