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  • Модальные глаголы (must, have to, mustn’t, needn’t)

  • Personal pronouns

  • Plural nouns

  • Degrees of comparisons

  • Степени сравнения прилагательных.

  • Настоящее неопределенное время

  • Английский тест. Тест по английскому. Сборник тестов для контроля и самоконтроля знаний студентов по дисциплине английский язык

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    Модальные глаголы (must, have to, mustn’t, needn’t)

    Уровеньсложности- 1

    1. Students ___ cheat in the test.

    A have to B mustn’t C must

    2 .You ___ wear a uniform to school.

    A needn’t B needn’t to C must to

    3 . You ___ wash your face every morning.

    A must B mustn’t C need

    4. I ___ go home now. My dog needs walking and feeding.

    A have B mustn’t C have to

    5. I ___ tell anyone what happened.

    A mustn’t to B have to C mustn’t

    6. You ___ worry about the children. They’ll be ok.

    A needn’t B have to C must to

    7 . You ___ always pay the bills on time.

    A must to B must C needn’t to

    8. I ___take part in this conference. It’s obligatory.

    A needn’t B mustn’t to C have to

    9 . You ___ burn fires in the forest.

    A have to B mustn’t C must

    10 . You ___ make your bed. I’ll do it for you.

    A needn’t B have to C needn’t to

    11. You ___ keep silence in the library.

    A needn’t B must C have

    12. My brother has fallen ill. I ___ take him to the hospital.

    A must to B needn’t C have to

    Модальные глаголы (must, have to, mustn’t, needn’t)

    Уровень сложности- 1

    1. You ___ tell lies. It’s not nice of you.

    A mustn’t to B mustn’t C have to

    2. You ___ wash the floors. I did yesterday.

    A needn’t B mustn’t to C needn’t to

    3. I ___ visit my sister tonight. I haven’t seen her for ages.

    A must to B must C have

    4 . You ___cross the road when the red light is on.

    A have to B must C mustn’t

    5. You ___ attend the lectures in order to pass the exams.

    A have to B needn’t to C have

    6 . We ___ respect our parents.

    A needn’t B must to C must

    7. You ___ stay in an expensive hotel. Book a cheaper one.

    A must B needn’t C needn’t to

    8. I ___ study well in order to get scholarship.

    A must B have C mustn’t

    9. I think you ___ to thank your dad for your birthday present.

    A have to B have C must

    10. You ___ book tickets in advance. You’ll buy them before the match.

    A must to B have C needn’t

    11 Passengers ___ take too much luggage with them on the plane.

    A must B must not C needn’t to

    12 Jack lives far from the office, so he ___ to take a bus every day to get there.

    A has B must C have


    Уровень сложности- 1

    1. How many books did you buy? – I bought _____ .

    1. fifteenth

    2. fifth

    3. five

    4. fiftieth

    1. Only _____ students were present at the lecture.

    1. sixth

    2. sixteen

    3. sixtieth

    4. sixteenth

    1. Show me _____ page, please.

    1. twoth

    2. the second

    3. two

    4. the twoth

    1. His second work is better than _____ .

    1. the first

    2. the one

    3. the oneth

    4. oneth

    1. Open chapter _____ please.

    1. fifth

    2. fifteenth

    3. fiftieth

    4. five

    1. December is _____ month of the year.

    1. twelve

    2. eleven

    3. the twelfth

    4. the eleventh

    1. 3,147

    1. three thousand one hundred and forty-seven

    2. third thousand one hundred and forty-seven

    3. three thousand a hundred and forty-seven

    4. three thousand one hundred and four-seven

    1. Read _____ paragraph at home.

    1. nine

    2. the ninth

    3. ninety

    4. the nine

    1. Four times four is _____ .

    1. sixty

    2. six

    3. sixteenth

    4. sixteen

    1. There are _____ pupils in our class.

    1. twentieth eight

    2. twenty eight

    3. twenty eighth

    4. twentieth eighth

    1. 13

    1. thirteen

    2. fourteen

    3. thirty

    1. 100

    1. a hundred

    2. one hundred

    3. оба варианта верные

    1. 2000

    1. two thousands

    2. two thousand

    3. two hundreds

    1. несколько тысяч

    1. several thousands

    2. several thousand

    3. оба варианта верные

    1. миллионы долларов

    1. millions of dollars

    2. million of dollars

    3. millions dollars

    1. свыше тысячи

    1. over 1000

    2. up 1000

    3. beyond 1000

    1. миллиард

    1. a billion

    2. a milliard

    3. оба варианта правильные

    Personal pronouns

    Уровень сложности- 1

    Выберите правильный вариант

    1. _____ am your new teacher.

      1. I

      2. He

      3. We

    2. That is Mr. Smith. Can you see _____ well?

      1. us

      2. him

      3. me

    3. My children are very nice guys. But sometimes _____ are so naughty.

      1. they

      2. you

      3. she

    4. My pupils are so noisy, that I have to keep an eye on _____ .

    1. your

    2. her

    3. them

    1. Do you like beer? – No, I hate _____ .

    1. them

    2. him

    3. it

    1. Our math teacher is very strict. We are afraid of _____ .

    1. she

    2. her

    3. it

    1. My father likes to go fishing. I often join _____ .

    1. he

    2. him

    3. it

    1. Martha and Jane are good friends. People like _____ .

    1. her

    2. she

    3. them

    1. This information is top secret. So, naturally, everybody is interested in _____ .

    1. him

    2. it

    3. he

    1. Our friends are taking a serious exam tomorrow. We wish _____ luck.

    1. us

    2. them

    3. him

    1. Why is this baby crying? Could you do something to calm _____ ?

    1. him

    2. her

    3. it

    1. You have bad teeth. You should clean _____ twice a day.

    1. it

    2. us

    3. them

    1. If the news is bad, I don’t want hear _____ right now.

    1. them

    2. it

    1. You may count on _____ any time.

    1. she

    2. we

    3. us

    1. Call on our office and _____ shall help you without any delay.

    1. we

    2. she

    3. us

    1. Jenny likes Ted, but don’t tell _____ .

    1. he

    2. him

    1. Give it to _____ , please.

    1. I

    2. we

    3. me

    1. Mary asked not to call _____ after 10 p.m., because the child is asleep.

    1. she

    2. her

    Plural nouns

    Plural forms. Which 12 words in the list below have mistakes (including spelling mistakes)?

























    Plural nouns

    Put the correct endings to plural forms.

    1. The wood cutters used their (axe) to chop down the trees.

    2. They need two more (chair) to sit on.

    3. Why have you bought only two (kilo) of (potato)?

    4. In the fall, the (leaf) begin to change colour.

    5. All of the (bus) left at the same time.

    6. The mayors of all neighbouring (city) are coming to greet guests.

    7. For Christmas my parents gave my sisters (dress) and my brother and me (watch).

    8. (Library) are always open on (Tuesday).

    9. The words (donkey) (monkey) and have the same ending.

    10. We send our (kiss) best to everybody (wish) and many.

    Plural nouns

    Which 10 words in the list below have mistakes (including spelling mistakes)?





















    Degrees of comparisons

    Уровеньсложности- 1

    Positive / Comparative / Superlative (1). Fill in the blanks with the correct form.

    1. The three musicians play on stage.

    A) a new B) a newer C) the newest

    2. She speaks in voice than the last time.

    A) a loud B) a louder C) the loudest

    3. They leave way they can.

    A) a quick B) a quicker C) the quickest

    4. A whale is than a dolphin.

    A) long B) longer C) the longest

    5. Is it to go there by car or by train?

    A) cheap B) cheaper C) the cheapest

    6. Do you know that the Dead Sea is sea.

    A) a salty B) a saltier C) a saltiest

    7. This is problem she has ever had.

    A) a great B) a greater C) the greatest

    8. My case isn't very . Yours is .

    A) heavy B) heavier C) the most heavy

    9. The weather was not very yesterday, but it's today.

    A) good B) better C) the best

    10. Of the two skirts, that one is the .

    A) smart B) smarter C) smartest

    11. These trousers are too small. I need size.

    A) a large B) a larger C) the largest

    12. I'm not so as a horse.

    A) strong B) stronger C) the strongest

    13. China has got population in the world.

    A) a large B) a larger C) the largest

    14. Of the three girls, this one is the .

    A) pretty B) prettier C) prettiest

    15. Which is: five, fifteen or fifty?

    A) little B) less C) the least

    Степени сравнения прилагательных.

    Уровень сложности- 1

    Positive / Comparative / Superlative (2). Fill in the blanks with the correct form.

    1. Susan is ……..person in the whole band.

    A) a wonderful B) a more wonderful C) the most wonderful

    2. He is also……….person than Paul.

    A) a polite B) a more polite C) the most polite

    3. She has ………job of all.

    A) a difficult B) a more difficult C) the most difficult

    4. I think dogs are ………than cats.

    A) intelligent B) more intelligent C) the most intelligent

    5. Don't talk about them. Let's talk about something………

    A) an interesting B) more interesting C) the most interesting

    6. Money is ………., but isn't thing in life.

    A) important B) more important C) the most important

    7. Which instrument makes ………music in the world?

    A) a beautiful B) more beautiful C) the most beautiful

    8. This room is not so ………as that one on the first floor.

    A) comfortable B) more comfortable C) the most comfortable

    9. Happiness is ………..than money.

    A) important B) more important C) the most important

    10. This coat is …………of all.

    A) an expensive B) a less expensive C) the least expensive

    11. That painting is ……….than the one in your living room.

    A) impressive B) less impressive C) the least impressive

    12. Betty is … than Jane, but Kate is … of all.

    A) a hard-working B) less hard-working

    C) the least hard-working

    Настоящее неопределенное время

    Уровень сложности-1

    Questions (1). Fill in the blanks.

    A) do B) does C) -

    1. … you like playing chess?

    2. … your mother like cooking?

    3. Where … she live?

    4. Where …your parents spend their vacation?

    5. What … your father do in his spare time?

    6. What… you think of me?

    7. When … you clean your teeth?

    8. When … your father go to work?

    9. Why… they learn poems by heart?

    10. Why… your sister go shopping on Saturdays?

    11. Who …you always walk your dog with?

    12. Who… his friend like to play chess with?

    13. Who … knows the way out?

    14. Who of you …speaks English fluently?

    15. What time …you get up?

    16. What time …your sister come back home?

    17. How often… you go swimming?

    18. How often… Dan come to the club?

    19. How much …your trousers cost?

    20. How much …your sweater cost?

    21. Whose parents …want to help us?

    22. Which of your sisters… lives in the country?

    23. Which letter … comes after "I"?

    Настоящее неопределенное время

    Уровень сложности-2

    Questions (2). Fill in the blanks.

    A) do B) does C) is D) are E) have F) has

    1. What subjects _ she good at?

    2. _ your brother got a camera?

    3. _ your mother like cooking?

    4. What floor _ your bedroom on?

    5. _ your parents in France now?

    6. Where _ the nearest book-store?

    7. _ your friend have any money?

    8. Where _ your uncle work?

    9. What sports _ they fond of?

    10. What bike _ you got?

    11. What _ the weather like today?

    12. What languages _ you speak?

    13. _ you like science fiction?

    14. What _ your favourite pop group?

    15. What bike _ she got?

    16. How many apples _ you got?

    17. What subject _ you like best?

    18. Where _ the capital of your country?

    19. _ you know what time it _ ?

    20. How far _ _ London from Liverpool?
    1   2   3   4

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